Antarctic Toothfish Adélie Penguin DISSOSTICHUS MAWSONI PYGOSCELIS ADELIAE DID YOU KNOW THAT ANTARCTIC TOOTHFISH... DID YOU KNOW THAT ADÉLIE PENGUINS... • Are the largest Antarctic fish. • Eat krill, small fish, and squid. Are named after Australian explorer • Return every year to where they hatched • to lay their eggs. Douglas Mawson. • Colonies can be home to as many as a card. trading each • Are eaten by seals and whales. million birds. separate to lines • Live in waters as deep as a mile • Build their nests out of pebbles on top dotted along Cut of rocky ground. CUT 4. and a half. FUN FACT FUN FACT • Their blood has • Though clumsy-looking special properties to on land, Adélie keep them from penguins are excellent tape. sided double or freezing in icy waters. swimmers. stick glue a with cards location of back the Adhere NSF.gov | USAP.gov NSF.gov | USAP.gov GLUE 3. FOLD FOLD 11-20 years 11-20 45 years 45 LIFE SPAN LIFE LIFE SPAN LIFE unknown LIFE SPAN LIFE two sided card. sided two 5-8 feet 5-8 LENGTH LENGTH 30 inches 30 LENGTH up to 10 inches 10 to up center line to create create to line center USAP.gov | NSF.gov WEIGHT 100 pounds 100 WEIGHT 11 pounds 11 WEIGHT up to 20 grams 20 to up Fold along the solid solid the along Fold Dissostichus Mawsoni Dissostichus Pygoscelis Adeliae Pygoscelis Pycnogonid CLASS CLASS CLASS FOLD 2. 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 polar gigantism. polar 0 1 waters. This is called called is This waters. ANTARCTIC TOOTHFISH ANTARCTIC ADÉLIE PENGUIN ADÉLIE GIANT SEA SPIDER SEA GIANT sea spiders in warmer warmer in spiders sea times larger than other other than larger times can grow many many grow can Spiders Giant Sea Sea Giant Antarctic single-sided. FUN FACT FUN and print all the pages pages the all print and Dads take care of eggs and young. and eggs of care take Dads • printer printer into paper Load on their legs. their on PRINT 1. Absorb oxygen through small holes in the shells shells the in holes small through oxygen Absorb • Live on the seafloor. the on Live • as jellies, worms, and sea anemones. sea and worms, jellies, as Eat by sucking juices from soft-bodied prey such such prey soft-bodied from juices sucking by Eat • Have stomachs that extend down each of their legs. their of each down extend that stomachs Have • Are only very distantly related to terrestrial spiders. terrestrial to related distantly very only Are • DID YOU KNOW THAT GIANT SEA SPIDERS... SEA GIANT THAT KNOW YOU DID TRADING CARDS TRADING ID N PYCNOGO Giant Sea Spider Sea Giant ANIMALS ANIMALS ANTARCTIC ANTARCTIC Antarctic Krill Emperor Penguin EUPHAUSIA SUPERBA APTENODYTES FORSTERI DID YOU KNOW THAT ANTARCTIC KRILL... DID YOU KNOW THAT EMPEROR PENGUINS... • Eat tiny plants floating in the water • Are the biggest of all penguins. called “phytoplankton.” • Huddle close together during the winter to stay warm. • Eat at the ocean surface at night then swim • Moms and Dads take turn keeping their down to the dark depths during the day. card. trading each chick warm while the other goes fishing. • Grow bigger than their warmer water relatives. • Have a special roll of belly fat to keep their separate to lines • Rely on ice cover for protection and to eggs and chicks warm. dotted along Cut find food. • Can hold their breath for up to 20 minutes CUT 4. and swim down to 1,800 feet. FUN FACT FUN FACT • Eaten by small fish, • Emperor Penguins are penguins, and even the only penguin gigantic whales. species that lay eggs tape. sided double or during the winter. stick glue a with cards location of back the Adhere location NSF.gov | USAP.gov NSF.gov | USAP.gov GLUE 3. FOLD FOLD 6 years 6 LIFE SPAN LIFE 20 years 20 30 years 30 LIFE SPAN LIFE LIFE SPAN LIFE two sided card. sided two LENGTH 2.5 inches 2.5 9-10 feet 9-10 LENGTH LENGTH 42 inches 42 center line to create create to line center USAP.gov | NSF.gov WEIGHT 2 grams 2 WEIGHT 85 pounds 85 900-1,200 pounds 900-1,200 WEIGHT Fold along the solid solid the along Fold Euphausia Superba Euphausia CLASS Aptenodytes Forsteri Aptenodytes Leptonychotes Weddellii Leptonychotes CLASS CLASS location FOLD 2. conditions on the planet. the on conditions ANTARCTIC KRILL ANTARCTIC EMPEROR PENGUIN EMPEROR WEDDELL SEAL WEDDELL in some of the coldest coldest the of some in most mammal thrives thrives mammal most • • The world’s southern southern world’s The single-sided. FUN FACT FUN and print all the pages pages the all print and printer printer into paper Load like the seals’ gentle nature. gentle seals’ the like • • Are studied by scientists in part because they they because part in scientists by studied Are PRINT 1. (up to 3 inches!) 3 to (up • • Have a thick layer of blubber to keep them warm warm them keep to blubber of layer thick a Have swim 2,000 feet below the ocean surface. ocean the below feet 2,000 swim • • Can hold their breath for nearly 90 minutes and and minutes 90 nearly for breath their hold Can to raise a new pup. new a raise to • • Moms will return to the same spot every spring spring every spot same the to return will Moms ... SEALS WEDDELL THAT KNOW YOU DID TRADING CARDS TRADING LEPTONYCHOTES WEDDELLII LEPTONYCHOTES Weddell Seal Weddell ANIMALS ANIMALS ANTARCTIC ANTARCTIC Leopard Seal HYDRURGA LEPTONYX Orca ORCINUS ORCA DID YOU KNOW THAT LEOPARD SEALS... • Are named because their spotted coat DID YOU KNOW THAT ORCAS... looks like a leopard. • Are the largest member of the dolphin family. • Their only predators are orca whales. • Are at the top of the marine food chain. • Can occasionally be found as far north • Have different dietary preferences: some eat fish card. trading each as Australia. separate to lines while other eat penguins, seals or whales. • Like to be alone and don’t gather together • Are called “killer” whales, but no orca has ever dotted along Cut in groups or colonies. killed a human. CUT 4. FUN FACT FUN FACT • Though they mostly • Both the largest eat penguins, fish and and smallest killer seals, they also use whale types are found in Antarctica. tape. sided double or their teeth to strain ocean water for krill. stick glue a with cards location of back the Adhere NSF.gov | USAP.gov NSF.gov | USAP.gov GLUE 3. FOLD FOLD 12-15 years 12-15 LIFE SPAN LIFE 60-100 years 60-100 LIFE SPAN LIFE 45-50 years 45-50 LIFE SPAN LIFE two sided card. sided two 11 feet 11 LENGTH 22-31 feet 22-31 LENGTH 7-8 feet 7-8 LENGTH center line to create create to line center USAP.gov | NSF.gov WEIGHT 700-800 pounds 700-800 3,000 – 12,000 pounds 12,000 – 3,000 WEIGHT WEIGHT 16 pounds 16 Fold along the solid solid the along Fold location Hydrurga Leptonyx Hydrurga Orcinus Orca Orcinus Diomedea Exulans Diomedea CLASS CLASS CLASS FOLD 2. luck for sailors. for luck LEOPARD SEAL LEOPARD ORCA WANDERING ALBATROSS WANDERING thought to be good good be to thought were once once were Albatross • • Wandering Wandering The single-sided. FUN FACT FUN and print all the pages pages the all print and raise a chick every two years. two every chick a raise printer printer into paper Load • • Keep the same partner for life and together together and life for partner same the Keep PRINT 1. • • Young are brown and turn white as they age. they as white turn and brown are Young • • Can fly 500 miles in a single day. single a in miles 500 fly Can • • Migrate more than 10,000 miles every year. every miles 10,000 than more Migrate flapping their wings. their flapping • • Can glide on the air for hours without without hours for air the on glide Can • • Have the largest wingspan of any bird. any of wingspan largest the Have ... ALBATROSS WANDERING THAT KNOW YOU DID TRADING CARDS TRADING DIOMEDEA EXULANS DIOMEDEA ANIMALS ANIMALS Wandering Albatross Wandering ANTARCTIC ANTARCTIC Humpback Whale MEGAPTERA NOVAEANGLIAE DID YOU KNOW THAT HUMPBACK WHALES... • Sing to each other over great distances. • Travel thousands of miles each year to spend summers feeding in cold polar waters and winters in warm tropical waters. • Newborns can be as big as 3,000 pounds and drink card. trading each 150 gallons of milk a day. separate to lines • Are no longer endangered. dotted along Cut • Can be distinguished from each other due to unique CUT 4. markings on their tails and bodies. FUN FACT • Humpback Whales can be as HUMPBACK WHALE big as a school bus GENTOO PENGUINtape. sided double or and eat tiny krill stick glue a with cards and shrimp. CLASS Megaptera Novaeangliae CLASS Pygoscelis Papua of back the Adhere WEIGHT 28-33 tons WEIGHT 12-13 pounds GLUE 3. NSF.gov | USAP.gov LENGTH 39-52 feet LENGTH 22-23 inches LIFE SPAN 60-100 years LIFE SPAN 15-20 years FOLD FOLD 10-20 years 10-20 LIFE SPAN LIFE two sided card. sided two 6-10 inches 6-10 LENGTH USAP.gov | NSF.gov center line to create create to line center USAP.gov | NSF.gov WEIGHT 7 ounces 7 Fold along the solid solid the along Fold Pleuragramma Antarctica Pleuragramma CLASS location FOLD 2. when they die. they when 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 only turn silver silver turn only ANTARCTIC SILVERFISH ANTARCTIC bird in the world! the in bird actually pink and and pink actually is the fastest swimming swimming fastest the is • • Silverfish are are Silverfish • Penguin Gentoo The FUN FACT FUN single-sided.
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