General Index Italic page numbers indicate that the topic appears in an illustration (along with characters for Chinese, japanese, and Korean authors and or in its caption on the cited page. Authors are listed in this index only works). Chinese, japanese, and Korean characters are provided in this when their ideas or works are discussed; full listings of authors' works index for terms, map titles, people, and works (except for those already as cited in this volume may be found in the Bibliographical Index given in the Bibliographical Index). Abe *$ clan, 581, 582-83, 598 from Ming, 166-67,552,553,554, Nihon henkai ryakuzu, 439 Abe Masamichi rm.r$lE~, 470-71 576,578 plans of Osaka, 418 Abe no Ariyo *1.gflt!t, 582 nautical charts, 53 reconstructed Yoru no tsuki no susumu Abe no Haruchika *$~*Jl, 598 Pei Xiu and, 112, 133 o tadasu no zu, 583 n.9 Abe no Yasutoshi 3($~*Jl, 582 provincial maps, 180 at Saga Prefectural Library, 399 Abe no Yasuyo *$~t!t, 582 reproductions of Ricci's maps, 177 Shinsei tenkyu seisha zu, 598 Abhidharmakosa (Vasubandu), 622, 623, scale on early maps, 54 shitaji chubun no zu, 363 715-16 star map on ceiling of Liao tomb, 549 Shohomaps, 382, 399,400,444 Abma1J4ala (Circle of Water), 716, 718 stone maps, 138 "Tenjiku zu," 376 Aborigines Su Song's star charts, 544-45 Tenmon keito, 590 japanese, 601-2 Suzhou planisphere, 546, 548 Tenmon seisho zu, 590 West Malaysian, 741 Tianjing huowen, 584 Tensho sasei no zu, 598 Accuracy. See also Reality; Representation Xingjing, 529 Takaida bungen ezu, 424 of British map of Burmese border region, Xinyi xiang fayao, 548 Tokaido michiyuki no zu, 423 753 Xu Guangqi's star charts, 569 from Tokugawa period, 453 of Buddhist charts, 777 Yu ji tu, 48 Tokugawa survey maps, 397 of Burmese maps Yixiang kaocheng, 574 of japanese surveying, 396 of area east of the Irrawaddy, 805 Zhongguo gudai ditu ji, 55 n.38 of Javanese nautical chart, 828 of border dispute between Burma and of eclipses recorded in Han shu, 525 of jesuit astronomy, 512 China, p1.40 of japanese celestial globe at Doshisha of jesuit maps, 185 collected by Francis Hamilton, 743 University, 591 of Korea, 303 by Ricci, 175, 176,405 of country north from Ava, 747, 749 of japanese maps of Tibet, 185 of kingdom of Ava, 745 Bankoku sakaizu, 407, 409 of jesuit quadrant, 181 of Meiktila, 792 Bankokusazu4yp~40~409,428 of Korean maps, 309 plan of king's apartments, 800 based on "Dutch learning," 443 by Chong Sanggi, 306, 310, 313 of Shan States in Scott Collection, 760 city plans, 421 Ch'onggudo, 321 conformal maps, 424, 426 of celestial phenomena in Koryo sa, 558 Honch'on chondo, 576 Dainihon enkai yochi zenzu, 453 of charts by Trengganu navigators, 832 increased concern for, 298 of Chinese grids, 125 diagrammatic maps, 426 Kangnido, 284 of Chinese maps, 56, 126 from Edo period, 346 by Kim Chongho, 320 atlas of Guangdong Province, 190 Genroku map of japan, 399 King T'aejo's planisphere and copies, Chang'an zhi, 105-6 Gyoki-type, 369 563,564,567,568 copies of Fanyang city plan, 147 jotoku-type, 387 Naikaku map, 282 in Da Ming yitong zhi, 58 Kaisei niju hasshuku zu, 597 p'alto ch'ongdo, 303 Fangyu shenglue, 177 Kasugamiya mandara, 366 Samguk sagi, 558 gazetteers, 92, 138 Keicho map, 397, 399 and security concerns, 297 Guangdongsheng quantu, 164 "Kita Ezochi [zu]," 450 Son'gi okhyong, 252 Guang yutu, 303 n.206 Kosei Dainihon enbizu, 413-14 star charts on silk screen, 567 Han maps, 110, 132-33 Kyoho map, 399 Taedong yojido, 324 Huainanzi, 527 Matsumae chizu, 447 Tongnae Pusan ko chido, 329 Huangdao nanpei liang zong xingtu, Nanban-style, 380 of Korea's northern frontier 573 nautical charts, 383, 384, 385 on Choson'guk p'alto t'onghapto, 292, Mawangdui maps, 54 n.36, 151 N ihon bunkei zu, 412 pl.18 893 894 General Index Accuracy, of Korea's northern frontier on Nepali map of Central Asia, 645 Alexander the Great, 639 (eont.) on route map of Irrawaddy River below Alexandria, 639 in Kangnido, 289-91 Pagan, 819 Almanacs (lishu), 215 on Naikaku map, 292-93 on Sin'an chido, 333 Alpoim, Pero de, 828 in Sungnam, 294-96 in Sungnam, 296 Altai Mountains, petroglyphs in, 6 of Lanna Thai pilgrimage map, 782-83 on Taedong yojido, 325, 324 Altamira cave paintings, 15 of lunar lodges in calendar treatise of in Thien-nam tu--ehi h;-do thu-, 490 Altars, 727, 630 Yuan shi, 551 on Tong'yo eh'ongdo, 306 Altitude of Malay chart of Malay Peninsula, 829, Administrative maps, 74, 75, 840, pl.39 and location of petroglyphs, 16 n.66 831 Adriatic Sea, 247 of sun, 181,713 of map of Timbanganten, 769 Adzes, 712 Amakusa Islands, 388 of Nepali map of Central Asia, 644, 646 Afghanistan, 647 Amarapura of Nepali map of Vale of Kathmandu, 650 Afghan War of 1839-43, 647 on Burmese map of country north from of Qian Luozhi's celestial globe, 531 Africa Ava, 748 of regional map in National Library of on Kangnido, 244, 248, 266 on Burmese map of kingdom of Ava, 747 Thailand, 766 Katsuragawa's map of, 436 on Burmese map of Shan territory, 805 of Siamese military map, 763, 765 on Korean terrestrial globe, 251 Burmese maps of, 796, 798, 799, 822-23 of Sino-Tibetan world map, 643 on Nanban-style world map, 462 on Burmese regional maps, 808-9 of So Hosu's and Kim Chongho's geodetic on Ricci's maps, 120 n.78 on Burmese route maps, 786, 816-17 coordinates, 312-13 on Son'gi okhyong, 252 on Burmese rural maps, 818-19 of Song determinations of equatorial on Yoji ehondo, 249 Ambon (Amboina) Island, 830 extensions of xiu, 548 on Zhang-zhung map, 639 America. See North America; South America of Southeast and East Asian maps, 846 Afterlife American Museum of Natural History, Hall of Southeast Asian astronomy, 738 Bornean Dayaks' conceptions of, 13 of Asian Peoples, 680-81 of Tang astronomy, 533, 538 Chinese conception of, 167 Amitabha, 627, 628, 629. See also Buddhas of Tang poetry, 106 and cosmological maps, 13 Ammarell, Gene, 713 of Tashilunpo monastery on Tibetan Han conception of, 80 n.59, 150 Amu Darya, 644, 646 triptych, 637 importance of maps in, 77-80 Amur, 299 of Tibetan maps Qin conception of, 80 n.59 An Ch'olson ~m-fffi, 345 compiled by two lamas, 614 Agricultural installations, 318, 321 An Chungt'ae ~m~, 252 n.51 maplike paintings, 634 Agriculture, 18-19, 96 Anandas, 696 n.25, 722 n.70 mural of Chang'an at Potala palace, A'i (passes), 484 Anan River. See Mae Nam Nan River ~,Queen, 670 Ai 37 Anastomosis, 749, 803 of Samye monastery, 667 Ainosho (Bag of rubbish) (Gyayo), 376 Anatomy, Tibetan diagrams of, 615 of Shigatse, 668 n.119 An-bang Province, 483 of Trai phum, 741 Ainus, 13, 601 Ancient Observatory, Beijing, 574, 575, 578 of Verbiest's star catalog, 574 Ajanta, 612 Andaman Islands, 641, 743, 796 n.115, 834 of Vietnamese maps Ajapala, 778 Andong upto ~*E5[IJ (Map of the district Dqi-Man quoe-do, 496 Ajina 5:2$~ (Asia), 431 n.309 seat of Andong), 330, 334 Dqi-Nam toan-do, 503 "Ajina Myaju bankoku sazu" 5:2*m~:tz!P1\1\1~ Angelis, Girolamo de, 444 n.353 Gia-dinh tinh, 500-501 f@*,~1iiI (Map of all the countries in Angkor Acutta, 781 Ajina Myaju [Asia]) (in Zatto Angkor Thorn, 695 Adams, George, 434 iehiran),431 Angkor Wat, 479, 695, 840 Adam's Peak, 736, 737, 784 n.90 Ak -ffi (marchmounts), 295 in Btnh-nam do, 493-94 Adarafijiya, 780 Akakuni (Red Country), 292. See also on Dqi-Man quoe-do, 496 Adeodato, 83-85 Cholla omitted from Dqi-Nam ban-do, 502-3 Administrative divisions. See also District Akani~tha (Not Youngest), 717, 718 maps Akan sanzai zue (Encyclopedia of the siting in, 739-40 on administrative map of Java, pl.39 insatiable spending of money) Anglo-Burmese Wars, 747, 753, 759, 785, on Andong upto, 334 (Akatsuki no Kanenari), 431 800,814,815 in Ch'onggudo, 317-18 Akiisa (empty space), 716, 717, 718 Anglo-Nepali War of 1814-16, 647 on Choson'guk p'alto t'onghapto, pl.18 Akashika Yoshisada $JmIX~, 468-69 Anhui Province, lacquer disk unearthed in, in Da Ming yitong zhi, 294 Akashi Planetarium, Akashi, 468-69 526-27 on Javanese map in Bibliotheque Akatsuki no Kanenari, 431 Animals Nationale, 773 Akioka Collection, National Museum of on Burmese maps on Kim Chongho's maps, 321 Japanese History, Sakura, 351, 394 of Ayutthaya, 797, 798 on Korean maps, 297 n.193 Cakkavala, 727 n.77 Korean maps of, 318-20 Akisato Rita f.x.m.~, 416,426 cosmography, 736 in Korean portion of Kangnido, 289 Akiyama Masashige f.xUJIEm, 401-2 on tuang-tuang, 796 on map of Cao-bang, 487-88 n.230 on Chinese maps on map of Seoul from Ch'onggudo, 316 Alaungpaya, King, 752, 754,805 painting of asterisms in tomb at Xi'an, in Ming gazetteers, 188 Albuquerque, Afonso de, 689, 690, 828 524 on Naikaku map, 291-92 Alchi monastery, Ladakh, 680-81 Qing chart showing placement of on Nansenbushu Dainihonkoku sh6to zu, Alcor, 540 objects for sacrifice, 82 368 n.94 Aleni, Giulio, 249 in Shanhai jing, 133 General Index 895 tu from regional and local gazetteers, Aoshima Shunzo W~f~. , 445 during Shang civilization, 204 153 Aoyama Sadao, 246, 291, 292 technologies of production, 137-38 Zhou bronzes, 130 Aparagodanlya (Aparagoyana) japanese cartography and, 346 on japanese maps in Burmese cosmography, 724, 725 prehistoric, cartography in, 1-4 engraving of Mount Sumeru from Todai on Burmese painting of Cakkavala, pl.35 and Southeast Asian cosmography, 696 Temple, 371 on Cakravala according to ,Trai phum, Aru, 834 on walls of Takamatsuzuka, 579 716 Arunachal Pradesh, India, Tibetan map of, on Nepali scroll map of Vale of on Meru mandala, 621 654-56 Kathmandu, 664 in "Rebirth," 628 Arupyadhatu (Ariipadhatu) (Realm of in rock art, 3, 4, 6 n.20, 18 on Tibetan temple banner, 623 Nonform), 619, 625, 694, 716, in Southeast
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