Public Document Pack Monitoring Officer Christopher Potter County Hall, Newport, Isle of Wight PO30 1UD Telephone (01983) 821000 Name of meeting POLICY AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE FOR NEIGHBOURHOODS AND REGENERATION Date THURSDAY 7 JANUARY 2021 Time 5.00 PM Venue VIRTUAL (MS TEAMS) Members of the Cllrs M Beston (Chairman), V Churchman, J Jones- committee Evans, J Medland, T Outlaw, C Quirk and S Smart Democratic Services Officer: Sarah MacDonald [email protected] 1. Minutes (Pages 5 - 10) To confirm as a true record the Minutes of the meeting held on 1 October 2020. 2. Declarations of Interest To invite Members to declare any interest they might have in the matters on the agenda. To observe the meeting as a member of the public/press please use the link provided. This link will be made available 24 hours prior to start of the meeting. Please ensure you access the meeting in good time. Guidance on how to access the public meeting can be found HERE. Committee members and pre-arranged attendees will be contacted by Democratic Services to supply the appropriate link to participate in the meeting. Details of this and other Council committee meetings can be viewed on the Isle of Wight Council’s Committee website. This information may be available in alternative formats on request. Page 1 3. Public Question Time - 15 Minutes Maximum Questions must be delivered in writing or by electronic mail to Democratic Services ([email protected]) no later than 5 pm on Tuesday, 5 January 2021. Each question must give the name and address of the questioner. Members of the public are invited to make representations to the Committee regarding its workplan, under this item. 4. Isle of Wight Covid-19 Recovery Plan - Medium Term Plan to March 2022 (Pages 11 - 20) To discuss the Council’s actions being taken in response to the Covid 19 pandemic for the service areas coming within the remit of this committee and in accordance with the recovery plan submitted to Cabinet on 10 September 2020. 5. Strategy for Reduction in the Council's Net Carbon Emissions (Pages 21 - 86) To consider the draft strategy and action plan. 6. 20mph Speed Limit Task and Finish Group (Pages 87 - 92) To consider the report of the Task and Finish Group. 7. Cycling and Walking Strategy To consider progress with the delivery of the Council’s cycling and walking strategy which was the subject of a delegated decision taken by the Cabinet Member for Transport and Infrastructure on 24 April 2020. 8. Parking (a) The Isle of Wight Council (Parking Places) Order 2020 The Cabinet, on 14 January 2021, will be considering a report on the outcome of the consultation undertaken by the Council in relation to the parking places order. There will be an opportunity for the Committee to make comments on this matter for submission to the Cabinet. (b) Local Parking Strategy and Delivery Plan To consider an update on progress with the local parking strategy and delivery plan which was due to be discussed by the Cabinet at its meeting on 14 January 2021 but has now been deferred to a later date. 9. Beach Management Strategy (Pages 93 - 140) To consider the proposals to be discussed by the Cabinet at its meeting on 14 January 2021. Page 2 10. Regeneration Strategy Update (Pages 141 - 142) To be advised of the current situation regarding the delivery of the strategy and the key projects within this together with progress on the Heritage High Streets project. 11. Workplan (Pages 143 - 144) To review the future workplan. 12. Members' Question Time A question must be submitted in writing or by electronic mail to Democratic Services no later than 5pm on Tuesday, 5 January 2021. CHRISTOPHER POTTER Monitoring Officer Tuesday, 29 December 2020 Page 3 Interests If there is a matter on this agenda which may relate to an interest you or your partner or spouse has or one you have disclosed in your register of interests, you must declare your interest before the matter is discussed or when your interest becomes apparent. If the matter relates to an interest in your register of pecuniary interests then you must take no part in its consideration and you must leave the room for that item. Should you wish to participate as a member of the public to express your views where public speaking is allowed under the Council’s normal procedures, then you will need to seek a dispensation to do so. Dispensations are considered by the Monitoring Officer following the submission of a written request. Dispensations may take up to 2 weeks to be granted. Members are reminded that it is a requirement of the Code of Conduct that they should also keep their written Register of Interests up to date. Any changes to the interests recorded on that form should be made as soon as reasonably practicable, and within 28 days of the change. A change would be necessary if, for example, your employment changes, you move house or acquire any new property or land. If you require more guidance on the Code of Conduct or are unsure whether you need to record an interest on the written register you should take advice from the Monitoring Officer – Christopher Potter on (01983) 821000, email [email protected], or Deputy Monitoring Officer - Justin Thorne on (01983) 821000, email [email protected]. Notice of recording Please note that all meetings that are open to the public and press may be filmed or recorded and/or commented on online by the council or any member of the public or press. However, this activity must not disrupt the meeting, and if it does you will be asked to stop and possibly to leave the meeting. This meeting may also be filmed for live and subsequent broadcast (except any part of the meeting from which the press and public are excluded). If you wish to record, film or photograph the council meeting or if you believe that being filmed or recorded would pose a risk to the safety of you or others then please speak with the democratic services officer prior to that start of the meeting. Their contact details are on the agenda papers. If the press and public are excluded for part of a meeting because confidential or exempt information is likely to be disclosed, there is no right to record that part of the meeting. All recording and filming equipment must be removed from the meeting room when the public and press are excluded. If you require further information please see the council guide to reporting on council meetings which can be found at http://www.iwight.com/documentlibrary/view/recording-of-proceedings-guidance-note All information that is recorded by the council is held in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. For further information please contact Democratic Services at [email protected] Page 4 Agenda Item 1 Name of meeting POLICY AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE FOR NEIGHBOURHOODS AND REGENERATION Date and Time THURSDAY 1 OCTOBER 2020 COMMENCING AT 5 PM Venue VIRTUAL (MS TEAMS) Present Cllrs M Beston (Chairman), V Churchman, J Jones-Evans, J Medland, T Outlaw, C Quirk and S Smart Also Present Cllrs S Hastings, G Peace, I Ward (Non voting) Officers Present S MacDonald, C Ashman, J Brenchley, A Minns, P Thistlewood 1. Minutes RESOLVED: THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 2 July 2020 be confirmed. 2. Declarations of Interest The Chairman declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 4A as his wife was a Director of Visit Isle of Wight. 3. Public Question Time - 15 Minutes Maximum There were no public questions received. 4. COVID19 Response and Recovery 4.1 Visit Isle of Wight Will Myles from Visit Isle of Wight gave the Committee an overview of how the COVID pandemic had affected tourism and visitors to the island this year. Businesses had just opened after the winter period and then had to close for the lockdown. A marketing campaign which had been ready to start in March 2020 had to be withdrawn but would now be released later in the year. Some of the team had been furloughed and left only four staff to run Visit IW. All promotional messages had been withdrawn except ‘the Island is Waiting’ on social media. Some video presentations promoting the island were shown under the banner ’We’re Good to 1 Page 5 Go’, including one showing businesses being COVID safe. The slogan had been adopted nationally. There was also to be a TV advertisement on Sky in relation to visiting the Isle of Wight. £79,000 Cabinet Office funding had been obtained. The Isle of Wight had been awarded ‘Best Holiday Destination and Best UK Beach Destination’ by BBC Countryfile magazine. In response to questions from members, Mr Myles explained that it was expected that seaside and coastal businesses over the next 6 months would reduce by 25 – 30%. National research indicated that some businesses may not survive the winter. Income was expected to be down by 35% compared with previous years. Visit England had produced a ‘sentiment trracker’ showing that most people believed the worst was still to come, and there was a decrease in the number who though the country would be back to normal by the end of the year. The document would be circulated to the Committee following the meeting. The COVID restrictions were expected to affect half term visitors, particularly self- catering properties which would not be able to have groups of more than 6 people, although ferry bookings were looking busier in September and October than the same period in 2019.
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