I NTERNATIONAL J OURNAL OF H IGH -E NERGY P HYSICS CERNCOURIER WELCOME V OLUME 5 5 N UMBER 3 A P R I L 2 0 1 5 CERN Courier – digital edition Welcome to the digital edition of the April 2015 issue of CERN Courier. Celebration of the International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies (IYL 2015) continues in this issue with a look at the challenges in building a new light source in South East Asia, while Viewpoint asks whether the skills developed for high-energy physics could be used to make the dark side of the universe visible. These skills are already being directed at a large-scale project to investigate further what are arguably the most invisible of the elementary particles – the neutrinos. Celebrations also extend to wishing a happy 90th birthday to CERN Courier’s first editor, Roger Anthoine. To sign up to the new issue alert, please visit: http://cerncourier.com/cws/sign-up. To subscribe to the magazine, the e-mail new-issue alert, please visit: http://cerncourier.com/cws/how-to-subscribe. First light for the TPS CERN BIRTHDAY THE HEPTECH Making a splash Pioneering editor as the LHC gets achieves his NETWORK EDITOR: CHRISTINE SUTTON, CERN ready to restart 90th deadline Where academia meets DIGITAL EDITION CREATED BY JESSE KARJALAINEN/IOP PUBLISHING, UK p5 p41 industry p17 CERNCOURIER www. V OLUME 5 5 N UMBER 3 A PRIL 2 0 1 5 CERN Courier April 2015 Contents 4 COMPLETE SOLUTIONS Covering current developments in high-energy Which do you want to engage? physics and related fi elds worldwide CERN Courier is distributed to member-state governments, institutes and laboratories affi liated with CERN, and to their personnel. It is published monthly, except for CERNCOURIER January and August. The views expressed are not necessarily those of the CERN management. Editor Christine Sutton V OLUME 5 5 N UMBER 3 A PRIL 2 0 1 5 News editor Kate Kahle CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland Beamline Electronic Precision Current E-mail [email protected] Fax +41 (0) 22 785 0247 5 N EWS Instrumentation Transducers Web cerncourier.com • The LHC: a machine in training • NUCLEON takes its place in Advisory board Luis Álvarez-Gaumé, James Gillies, Horst Wenninger space • LHCb gets a precise handle on sin 2β • ATLAS sets limits Laboratory correspondents: on anomalous quartic-gauge couplings CMS prepares to search Argonne National Laboratory (US) Tom LeCompte • Brookhaven National Laboratory (US) P Yamin for heavy top-quark partners in Run 2 Proto-collaboration Cornell University (US) D G Cassel • DESY Laboratory (Germany) Till Mundzeck formed to promote Hyper-Kamiokande EMFCSC (Italy) Anna Cavallini Enrico Fermi Centre (Italy) Guido Piragino Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (US) Katie Yurkewicz 11 S CIENCEWATCH • TURN-KEY Solution for Photon Beam • Precision current measuring Forschungszentrum Jülich (Germany) Markus Buescher GSI Darmstadt (Germany) I Peter Position Monitors and for Power transducers with closed-loop current IHEP, Beijing (China) Tongzhou Xu 13 A STROWATCH IHEP, Serpukhov (Russia) Yu Ryabov Supply System for Optics transformer technology (Zero Flux INFN (Italy) Romeo Bassoli Jefferson Laboratory (US) Steven Corneliussen 15 A RCHIVE technology) JINR Dubna (Russia) B Starchenko • Low Noise and High Resolution KEK National Laboratory (Japan) Saeko Okada Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (US) Spencer Klein F EATURES • Ethernet Connectivity • Galvanic isolation between primary Los Alamos National Laboratory (US) Rajan Gupta NCSL (US) Ken Kingery 17 HEPTech: where academia meets industry and secondary conductor Nikhef (Netherlands) Robert Fleischer • Firmware Remote Update Novosibirsk Institute (Russia) S Eidelman Innovative approaches for technology transfer in Europe. • Current-Output and Voltage-Output Orsay Laboratory (France) Anne-Marie Lutz PSI Laboratory (Switzerland) P-R Kettle versions available Saclay Laboratory (France) Elisabeth Locci 20 Long-distance neutrinos Science and Technology Facilities Council (UK) Julia Maddock SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US) Farnaz Khadem An international approach for a new 1000 km experiment. TRIUMF Laboratory (Canada) Marcello Pavan Produced for CERN by IOP Publishing Ltd 22 The TPS begins to shine IOP Publishing Ltd, Temple Circus, Temple Way, Bristol BS1 6HG, UK The challenges in building a new light source. Tel +44 (0)117 929 7481 Publisher Susan Curtis 27 Working with quarkonium Magnet Power MTCA.4 Production editor Lisa Gibson Technical illustrator Alison Tovey The 10th meeting of the Quarkonium Supply Systems MicroTCA for Physics Group advertising manager Chris Thomas Working Group provides a good time Advertisement production Katie Graham Marketing & Circulation Angela Gage to take stock. Head of B2B & Marketing Jo Allen Art director Andrew Giaquinto Advertising 31 F ACES &P LACES Tel +44 (0)117 930 1026 (for UK/Europe display advertising) or +44 (0)117 930 1164 (for recruitment advertising); E-mail: [email protected]; fax +44 (0)117 930 1178 36 R ECRUITMENT • Digital Current Regulation Loop: • New standard for industry and science General distribution Courrier Adressage, CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland E-mail: [email protected] 39 B OOKSHELF easiness to adapt to any load condition In certain countries, to request copies or to make address changes, contact: • Infrastructure for management of China Jiang Ya'ou, Library, Institute of High Energy Physics, PO Box 918, Beijing 100049, People’s Republic of China 41 I NSIDE S TORY • High Modularity and Extreme Rear Transition Module (RTM) boards E-mail: [email protected] Germany Antje Brandes, DESY, Notkestr. 85, 22607 Hamburg, Germany Configurability E-mail: [email protected] 42 V IEWPOINT • Custom design solutions Italy Loredana Rum or Anna Pennacchietti, INFN, Casella Postale 56, 00044 Frascati, Rome, Italy • Ethernet Connectivity E-mail: [email protected] UK Mark Wells, Science and Technology Facilities Council, Polaris House, North Star • Firmware Remote Update Avenue, Swindon, Wiltshire SN2 1SZ E-mail: [email protected] US/Canada Published by Cern Courier, 6N246 Willow Drive, St Charles, IL 60175, US. Periodical postage paid in St Charles, IL, US Fax 630 377 1569. E-mail: [email protected] POSTMASTER: send address changes to: Creative Mailing Services, PO Box 1147, St Charles, IL 60174, US I NTERNATIONAL J OURNAL OF H IGH -E NERGY P HYSICS CERNCOURIER Published by European Organization for Nuclear Research, CERN, V OLUME 5 5 N UMBER 3 A P R I L 2 0 1 5 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland Tel +41 (0) 22 767 61 11. Telefax +41 (0) 22 767 65 55 Printed by Warners (Midlands) plc, Bourne, Lincolnshire, UK © 2015 CERN ISSN 0304-288X • Beamline Electronic Instrumentation First light for the TPS • Precision Current Transducers CERN BIRTHDAY THE HEPTECH Making a splash Pioneering editor On the cover: The two light sources at the NSRRC, with the TLS (small) and the as the LHC gets achieves his NETWORK ready to restart 90th deadline Where academia meets • Magnet Power Supply Systems p5 p41 industry p17 TPS (big), which has just achieved its fi rst light (p22). (Image credit: NSRRC.) • MTCA.4 - MicroTCA for Physics www.caenels.com 3 CC_CAENels_September2014_bcINSIDE.indd 1 28/07/14 16:37 CERNCOURIER www. V OLUME 5 5 N UMBER 3 A PRIL 2 0 1 5 CERN Courier April 2015 cividec News Instrumentation CIVIDEC Instrumentation is an R&D company born of cutting-edge technologies from CERN. We specialize in turn-key solutions for beam diagnostics based on CVD diamond technology. CERN Diamond-XBPM The LHC: a machine in training Successful injector tests sent protons through part of the LHC ring in March, creating “splash” events in the LHCb (left) and ALICE experiments. (Image credits: LHCb, left, and ALICE collaborations.) NEW: Diamond XBPM – our novel X-Ray Beam Position Monitor is made of single crystal CVD diamond for precision beam position measurements. After the long maintenance and electromechanical stresses and a local prepared their experiments to receive pulses consolidation campaign carried out during increase in temperature that triggers a of particles and recorded “splash” events as Excellent X-ray transparency. the fi rst long shutdown, LS1, the early part change from the superconductive to the the particles travelled through their detectors. • • Position resolution 0.1% of the beam size. of 2015 has been dominated by tests and resistive state. The entire coil is then warmed LHCb used the tests to commission the • Suitable for photon energies above 5 keV. • Position resolution of 10 nm for 10 µm beams. magnet training to prepare the LHC for up and cooled down again – for the LHC detector and the data-acquisition system, • For X-ray beams in the micron range. • Fast response, wide dynamic range. a collision energy of 13 TeV. With all of dipoles, this might take several hours. The as well as to perform detector studies and the hardware and software systems to be magnet protection system is crucial for alignments of the different sub-detectors. checked, a total of more than 10,000 test detecting a quench and safely extracting the The ALICE collaboration meanwhile 10% 1.00 steps needed to be performed and analysed energy stored in the circuits – about 1 GJ used muons originating from the Super CERN 0.75 on the LHC’s magnet circuits. per dipole circuit at nominal current ( Proton Synchrotron beam dump for timing The LHC’s backbone consists of Courier September 2013 p33). studies of the trigger and to align the muon 0.50 1232 superconducting dipole magnets The typical time needed to commission spectrometer. 1% 0.25 with a fi eld of up to 8.33 T operating in a dipole circuit fully is in the order of three If commissioning remains on schedule, 0 superfl uid helium at 1.9 K, together with to fi ve weeks, and all of the interlock and the LHC should restart towards the end of more than 500 superconducting quadrupole protection systems have to be tested, both March, with fi rst collisions at 13 TeV in late -0.25 0.1% magnets operating at 4.2 K or 1.9 K.
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