CAIRNS, AUSTRALIA July 15 – 20, 2012 33rd Conference of the International Society for Animal Genetics July 15–20, 2012, Cairns, Australia Programme and Abstract Book b ISAG 2012 1 Table of Contents ISAG Conference Program . 2 Plenary Sessions . 3 Workshop Sessions . 5 Author Index . 9 Invited Speakers S0100–S0125 . 21 Posters 1000–1041 Bioinformatics, statistical genetics, and genomic technologies . 30 Posters 2000–2066 Functional genomics . .45 Posters 3000–3076 Genetic diversity and polymorphisms . 68 Posters 4000–4069 Genetic markers and selection . 94 Posters 5000–5069 Genetics and disease . 118 Posters 6000–6015 Structural and comparative genomics . .143 ISAG 2012 2 ISAG 2012 ISAG 2012 Conference Program Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Time July 15 July 16 July 17 July 18 July 19 July 20 8:30 – 9:00 am Opening ceremony 9:00 – 10:30 am Plenary Session 1 Plenary Session 3 Workshop Session 3 Plenary Session 5 10:30 – 11:00 am Morning tea Morning tea Morning tea Morning tea 11:00 – 12:30 pm Plenary Session 2 Plenary Session 4 Workshop Session 3 Plenary Session 6 (continued) ISAG 2012CONFERENCEPROGRAM 12:30 – 2:00 pm Lunch + poster Lunch + poster Lunch + poster Lunch session session session (all) (12:30 – 1:30 pm) (even numbers) (odd numbers) 2:00 – 3:30 pm Workshop Session 1 Workshop Session 2 Workshop Session 4 Alan Wilton Memorial Tours Plenary Session (1:30 – 2:15 pm); 3:30 – 4:00 pm Afternoon tea Afternoon tea Afternoon tea Registration Award Ceremony (2:15 – 2:30 pm); Business Mtg + Closing (2:30 – 4:00 pm) 4:00 – 5:30 pm Workshop Session 1 Workshop Session 2 Workshop Session 4 Afternoon tea (continued) (continued) (continued) 5:30 – 7:30 pm Welcome reception 7:00 – 11:00 pm Conference dinner PLENARY SESSIONS 3 Plenary Sessions Monday, July 16 Session 1 (9:00 – 10:30 am): Quantitative Genetics Meets Molecular Genetics I Prof. Mike Goddard, Professorial Fellow in Animal Genetics at the University of Melbourne and the Victorian Department of Primary Industries: Genetic architecture of complex traits and prediction of genetic value Prof. John Gibson, Director of the Centre for Genetic Analysis and Applications at the University of New England: How genomic technologies can bring benefits to livestock farmers of the developing world Session 2 (11:00 am – 12:30 pm): DNA Analysis Prof. Alan Cooper, Australian Research Council Future Fellow and Director of the Australian Centre for Ancient DNA at the University of Adelaide: Using ancient DNA to identify genetic diversity lost during the domestication process, past hybridization events, and cryptic species: From bovids to chickens Assoc. Prof. Kathy Belov, Australian Research Council Future Fellow and Associate Professor in Animal Genetics at the University of Sydney: Can genomics save the Tasmanian devil from extinction? Tuesday, July 17 Session 3 (9:00 – 10:30 am): Quantitative Genetics Meets Molecular Genetics II Prof. Morris Soller, Professor Emeritus at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem: Sixty generations of broiler breeding: Secondary effects and the SIGV model for continued response to selection Prof. Takashi Gojobori, Vice-Director of the National Institute of Genetics and Professor at the Center for Information Biology and DNA Data Bank of Japan: Evolutionary origin and genetic differentiation of Japanese domesticated chickens Session 4 (11:00 am – 12:30 pm): Quantitative Genetics Meets Molecular Genetics III Mr. John McEwan, Senior Scientist at AgResearch in New Zealand: Sheep genomics in New Zealand: Research progress and industry applications Prof. John Quackenbush, Professor of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics at Harvard University and Director of the Center for Cancer Computational Biology at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute: Moving beyond the mean: The role of variation in determining phenotype ISAG 2012 4 PLENARY SESSIONS Friday, July 20 Session 5 (9:00 – 10:30 am): Epigenetics Prof. Anne Ferguson-Smith, Professor of Developmental Genetics at Cambridge University: Intergenerational epigenetic consequences of environmental compromise in a mouse model of under-nutrition Prof. Emma Whitelaw, Senior Scientist and Department Coordinator of Cell & Molecular Biology at Queensland Institute of Medical Research: Epigenetics in development Session 6 (11:00 am – 12:30 pm): New Technologies Prof. Ning Li, Professor of Animal Molecular Genetics at the China Agricultural University and Director of the State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology: Genomic editing of large farm animals comes of age Prof. Claire Wade, Chair of Computational Biology and Animal Genetics at the University of Sydney: Efficiency of light Illumina HiSeq 2000 whole-genome sequence for mutation detection Alan Wilton Memorial Plenary Session (1:30 – 2:30 pm) Dr. Barbara Zangerl, Research Assistant Professor of Medical Genetics at the University of Pennsylvania and Australian School for Advanced Medicine at Macquarie University. When genetics goes to the dogs ISAG 2012 WORKSHOP SESSIONS 5 Workshop Sessions Monday, July 16 Session 1 (2:00 – 5:30 pm) Horse Genetics and Genomics (Chair: Bianca Haase) Domestic Animal Sequencing (Chairs: James Reecy, Dave Burt) Animal Forensics Genetics (Chair: Sree Kanthaswamy) Llama and Alpaca Working Group (Chairs: Cecilia Penedo, Eberhard Manz) Genetics of Immune Response (Chairs: Claire Rogel-Gaillard, Sue Lamont) Tuesday, July 17 Session 2 (2:00 – 5:30 pm) ISAG-FAO Genetic Diversity (Chair: Hans Lenstra) Avian Genetics and Genomics (Chair: Richard Crooijmans) Ruminant Genetics and Genomics (Chair: Fiona Buchanan) Equine Genetics and Thoroughbred Parentage Testing (Chair: Ann Trezise) Comparative MHC Workshop/Genetics of Immune Response (Chairs: Keith Ballingall, Mike Stear) Thursday, July 19 Session 3 (9:00 am – 12:30 pm) Pig Genetics and Genomics (Chair: Barbara Harlizius) Cattle Molecular Markers and Parentage Testing (Chairs: Romy Morrin-O’Donnell, Marie- Yvonne Boscher) Dog and Cat Genetics and Genomics (Chairs: Kathryn Graves, Leslie Lyons) Publishing in Animal Genetics (Chair: Chris Moran) Domestic Animal Epigenetics (Chair: Ross Tellam) Session 4 (2:00 – 5:30 pm) Comparative and Functional Genomics (Chair: Klaus Wimmers) Genetics and Genomics of Aquaculture Species Livestock Genomics for Developing Countries (Chair: Wayne Pitchford) Applied Genetics of Companion Animals (Chairs: Leslie Lyons, Cindy Harper) Applied Sheep and Goat Genetics (Chairs: Gesine Luehken, Stephen White) ISAG 2012 6 NOTES NOTES ISAG 2012 NOTES 7 NOTES ISAG 2012 8 NOTES NOTES ISAG 2012 AUTHOR INDEX 9 Author Index Numbers following names refer to abstract numbers; an S prior to the number indicates an invited speaker presentation, and a P prior to the number indicates a poster presentation. The author index is created directly and automatically from the submitted abstracts. If an author’s name is typed differently on multiple abstracts, the entries in this index will reflect those discrepancies. Efforts have been made to make this index consistent; however, error from author entry contributes to inaccuracies. A Appleton, B., P5029 Bedada, Zewdu Edea, P3002 Abbas, K., P3031 Appleton, B. R., P4001 Bed’hom, B., P3057 Abe, T., P4053 Arainga, Mariluz, P5002 Beitz, D., P2050 Abernathy, J., P5000 Arakawa, Aisaku, P4000 Bekaert, M., P6002 Abrams, S. M., P5042 Arana, A., P2002, P2053 Bell, A., P4026 Acloque, H., P5054 Araujo, K. P. C., P5042 Bellaccomo, B., P4017 Acosta, A. C., P3062 Arceo, M., P5042 Bellone, Rebecca, P3003 Adams, H. A., S0118 Archibald, A. L., P2003, P2023 Belov, K., S0100, P5048 Aguilar, I., P4009 Archibald, Alan, P1019 Beltran, N. A. R., P3049 Ahlgren, K. M., P5060 Arieff, Z., P5011 Benavides, M. V., P5005 Ahmed Jaayid, Talib, P3076 Armstrong, W. K., P4066 Bencina, Dusan, P3020 Ahn, S., P6006 Arnould, C., P3057 Beraldi, D., P2023 Aida, Yoko, P5002, P5003, P5061 Arthur, Paul, P2010 Bergström, T. F., P5006 Aigner, Bernhard, P1018, P1027, Ashwell, C., P2037, P2046, P2066 Bernal, E., P3052 P2060 Ashwell, C. M., P5034 Berry, D. P., P4002 Ajmone Marsan, P., P3047, P3051 Ashwell, Chris M., P5001 Bertin, A., P3057 Ajmone-Marsan, P., P3005 Austin, J., P5048 Bertschinger, H. U, P4045 Akiba, Masato, P3066 Auvray, B., S0109, S0112, P4012, Bessho, T., P4053 Akiyama, K., P4054 P4041, P4059 Bester-van der Merwe, A., P3063 Akiyama, T., P3036 Bevilacqua, C., P2006 Al Abri, M., P3031 B Bhat, Abdul R., P4003, P4029 Albrecht, E., P2062 Babar, M. E., P3031 Bi, Mingjun, P2004 Aldai, N., P2028 Bacciu, N., P3051 Bidanel, J. P., P5019 Alexander, B., P4017 Bagnato, A., P1031, P1032, P4060 Bidwell, C. A., P2057 Alfonso, L., P2053 Bai, Linjing, P5063 Bigi, Mila, P6001 Al-Husseini, Wijdan, P2010 Bailey, E., P3025, P5004 Bihoreau, M.-T., P1014 Ali, A., P3031 Bain, W., S0109 Billington, K., P5021 Al-Jaru, A. I., P5033 Balasuriya, U. B. R., P5004 Billon, Y., P2031 Al-kalaldeh, M., P1000 Balcells, Ingrid, P2058 Birney, E., P2003 Almeida, C., P5057 Baldo, A., P4015 Bittante, G., P4034 Amer, P. R., P1004 Balliau, T., P5018 Bixley, M., S0109 An, H. S., P6006 Ballingall, K., P3001 Bixley, M. J., P1003 Anderson, Gail, P1038 Bancina, Mateja, P3020 Bizhannia, Alireza, P4056 Anderson, R., S0109, P1016 Barbotte, Laetitia, P4014 Blaauw, S., P3063 Andersson, G., P5006, P5060 Barboza, Julia, P1021 Blahova, Barbora, P3015, P4052 Andersson, L., P5006 Barendse, W., P1001, P3027, P4013 Blair, H. T., P4041 Ando, Asako, P3000, P3041, P3042, Barkema, H. E., P2048 Blyth, A., P4066 P3044 Barnard, R., P2011, P2012 Boddicker, N. J., P5042 Andreassen, R., P2001 Baskerville, B., P3039 Bodin, L., P3004 Andronicos,
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