United Nations S/PV.7361 Security Council Provisional asdf Seventieth year 7361st meeting Monday, 19 January 2015, 9.30 a.m. New York President: Ms. Bachelet Jeria/Mr. Barros Melet/Mr. Olguín Cigarroa . .. (Chile) Members: Angola .. Mr. Augusto Chad .......................................... Mr. Cherif China . ......................................... Mr. Liu Jieyi France ......................................... Mr. Lamek Jordan ......................................... Mr. Hmoud Lithuania . ...................................... Ms. Murmokaitė Malaysia ....................................... Mr. Haniff New Zealand .................................... Mr. McLay Nigeria . ........................................ Mr. Laro Russian Federation ............................... Mr. Churkin Spain .......................................... Mr. Ybañez United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ... Sir Mark Lyall Grant United States of America . .......................... Ms. Power Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) ................... Mr. Ramírez Carreño Agenda Maintenance of international peace and security Inclusive development for the maintenance of international peace and security Letter dated 6 January 2015 from the Permanent Representative of Chile to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General (S/2015/6) This record contains the text of speeches delivered in English and of the translation of speeches delivered in other languages. The final text will be printed in the Official Records of the Security Council. Corrections should be submitted to the original languages only. They should be incorporated in a copy of the record and sent under the signature of a member of the delegation concerned to the Chief of the Verbatim Reporting Service, room U-0506 ([email protected]). Corrected records will be reissued electronically on the Official Document System of the United Nations (http://documents.un.org). 15-01584 (E) *1501584* S/PV.7361 Maintenance of international peace and security 19/01/2015 The meeting was called to order at 9.35 a.m. The Security Council will now begin its consideration of the item on its agenda. Adoption of the agenda I wish to draw the attention of Council members The agenda was adopted. to document S/2015/6, which contains the text of a letter dated 6 January 2015 from the Permanent Maintenance of international peace and security Representative of Chile to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General, transmitting a concept note Inclusive development for the maintenance of on the item under consideration. international peace and security I now give the floor to His Excellency Secretary- Letter dated 6 January 2015 from the General Ban Ki-moon. Permanent Representative of Chile to the United Nations addressed to the The Secretary-General: I thank Chile and you, Secretary-General (S/2015/6) Madam President, for organizing today’s debate on a subject that is central to the mission of the United The President (spoke in Spanish): I would like Nations, namely, how inclusive development can to warmly welcome the Secretary-General and the promote peace and security. ministers and other representatives who are present in the Chamber. Their participation in this debate Since this is my first time participating in the reaffirms the importance of the topic we are dealing Security Council this year, I would like to wish all with today. Council members and others participating today a happy new year. In accordance with rule 37 of the Council’s provisional rules of procedure, I invite the I also take this opportunity to welcome the new representatives of Argentina, Armenia, Austria, members: Angola, Malaysia, New Zealand, Spain and Azerbaijan, Benin, Botswana, Brazil, Cambodia, Venezuela. I count on their leadership and commitment Canada, Colombia, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Ecuador, in addressing world peace and security. I would also Egypt, El Salvador, Estonia, Ethiopia, Georgia, like to thank the outgoing members — Argentina, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Hungary, India, Australia, Luxembourg, the Republic of Korea and Indonesia, Iraq, Ireland, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Rwanda — for their contributions. Israel, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Luxembourg, I thank President Bachelet Jeria again for leading Mexico, Montenegro, Morocco, the Netherlands, the Council in this debate, and for her commitment Nicaragua, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, and drive as the first head of UN-Women, where she the Republic of Korea, Rwanda, Slovakia, Slovenia, successfully raised the profile of women’s rights around Somalia, South Africa, Sweden, Thailand, Timor-Leste, the world. And I thank Nobel Peace Laureate Leymah Turkey, Uruguay, Viet Nam and Yemen to participate in Gbowee for her contribution to today’s debate. this meeting. Our Organization is built around three pillars: peace In accordance with rule 39 of the Council’s and security, development and human rights. In dealing provisional rules of procedure, I invite His Excellency with the enormous and complex challenges of each, we Mr. Antonio de Aguiar Patriota, Permanent sometimes pay little attention to their interdependence. Representative of Brazil and Chair of the Peacebuilding But the founders of the United Nations well understood Commission, and Ms. Leymah Gbowee, President of that, if we ignored one pillar, we imperilled the other the Gbowee Peace Foundation Africa, to participate in two. We must break out of our silos and work together this meeting. on all three areas simultaneously. That is why I very In accordance with rule 39 of the Council’s much welcome the Security Council’s focus today on provisional rules of procedure, I invite His Excellency inclusive development. Mr. Thomas Mayr-Harting, Head of the Delegation of The year 2015 is a year of action on sustainable the European Union to the United Nations, and His development. We are striving to complete the work of Excellency Mr. Téte António, Permanent Observer of the Millennium Development Goals, to launch a new the African Union to the United Nations, to participate post-2015 sustainable development agenda and to reach in this meeting. an agreement on climate change. 2/86 15-01584 19/01/2015 Maintenance of international peace and security S/PV.7361 I am encouraged to note that in their deliberations lack any social protection at all — no pensions, no so far Member States have paid considerable safety net in times of illness or unemployment. attention to peace and security and to human rights. Post-conflict societies in particular must prioritize In the General Assembly’s Open Working Group on social, economic and political inclusion if they are to Sustainable Development Goals, Member States have have any hope of rebuilding trust between communities. stressed the importance of inclusive growth and decent Gender equality and women’s empowerment are a key work in building a better future. They have called for condition if women are to contribute to reconciliation reducing inequality and ensuring universal access to and reconstruction. basic services, including health care and education. Significantly, they have explicitly linked peace with Even in countries at peace, inclusive development social inclusion and access to justice for all, and called will not happen by accident. Governments, the for inclusive, representative decision-making. private sector and civil society. must demonstrate their commitment to education, health, job creation My own contribution to this debate underscores and other key steps. The institutions of governance the importance of justice to build peaceful and and political representation are some of the most inclusive societies by promoting strong and responsive crucial determinants of inclusive development. People institutions, as reflected in the synthesis report need effective, responsive channels for voicing their (A/69/700) that I presented to the General Assembly views and addressing their grievances and concerns. last month. With the full membership of the United The United Nations system stands ready to increase Nations beginning its negotiations later this morning, its support for countries in promoting inclusive we now have an important opportunity to broaden the development. The Peacebuilding Commission provides development agenda and highlight the fundamental coordinated international support targeted at countries importance of inclusive societies in building a more emerging from conflict. The current review of the peaceful world. United Nations peacebuilding architecture should help to make that support more robust and flexible. All countries and all societies can benefit from sustainable and inclusive development, whether they The post-2015 sustainable development agenda is an are rich or poor, developed or developing, in conflict important opportunity to reinforce the interdependence or at peace. There is a growing consensus that the high of development, peace and security, and human rights. levels of inequality we have seen in recent decades are I urge all members of the Security Council to play their socially, politically and environmentally damaging. part in making sure that this message is heard in the Development that excludes part of the population can be continuing negotiations and in the final agreement. socially corrosive. It can contribute to crime and create The President (spoke in Spanish): I thank the a sense of hopelessness and alienation — conditions Secretary-General for his statement. that can breed extremism.
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