KMA-OO5 PrrzoSvsrems, lttc. 65 Tower Office Park Woburn. MA 01801 Tef(781) 933-4850 . Fax(781) 933-4743 www.piezo.com. email:sales @ piezo.com PIEZOELECTRICMOTOR / ACTUATORKIT MANUAL INTRODUCTIONTO PIEZOELECTRICITY Motor/ActuatorKit Purposeof Kit Contentsof Kit PiezoelectricPhenomenon Piezoelectricand MaterialProperties of Piezoceramic Terminologyand Relationships Piezoceramic& MaterialProperties of PSI-5A-S4-ENHPiezoceramic DESIGNINGPIEZOELECTRIC ACTUATORS The Spectrumof PiezoelectricMotor Transducers BasicEngineering Considerations PerformanceConsiderations Deflectionand Force ResponseTime Stability Hysteresis Creep MechanicalConsiderations Mounting Resonance OperatingFrequency Band StrengthLimitations DriveCircuit Considerations Quasi-StaticOperation NearResonance Operation Charge/DischargeProtection OutputStage Protection Electricallsolation Electricalbreakdown ElectricalLosses ThermalConsiderations CurieTemperature Propertiesas a Functionof Temperature PyroelectricEffects ThermalExpansion CryogenicOperation VacuumConsiderations ElectricField Considerations StressConsiderations Aging PIEZOELECTRICBENDING MOTORS Principlesof Operation StandardPolarization Configurations SeriesOperation ParallelOperation SinglePlate Operation StandardMounts For Bending Motors PrezoSYsreus, lwc. 65 Tower Office Park Woburn, MA O1BO1 BendingMotor Equations BendingMotors Mounted as Cantilevers Freedeflection Blockedforce ResonantfrequencV MaximumSurface Stress Electricalcapacitance BendingMotors Mounted as SimpleBeams Freedeflection Blockedforce Resonantfrequency MaximumSurface Stress Electricalcapacitance MeasuredPerformance of KitStock 2-Layer Bending Motors BUILDINGPIEZOELECTRIC ACTUATORS WorkingWith Piezoceramic SingleSheet Piezoceramic Stock 2-LayerMotor Stock Durability Cuttingand Shaping Accessingthe Center Shim Bondingand Attaching to Piezoceramic Soldering& AttachingLeads to the Electrodesand Center Shim PerformanceTesting PiezoSystem's Professional Engineering Services CustomDesign & DevelopmentEngineering ConsultingServices TABLES Table-1.Piezoelectric and Material Properties of pS|-SA-S4-ENH Table-2.The Spectrum of PiezoelectricMotor Transducers 2 PrezoSvsrenns, lNc. 65 Tower Office Park Woburn, MA 01 801 INTRODUCTIONTO PIEZOELECTRICITY MOTOR/ACTUATORKIT PURPOSEOF THE KIT The Motor/ ActuatorKit is a developmenttool for those who wish to rapidlyprove the feasibility of a piezoelectricapproach to a specializedapplication. This self contained package makes it possibleto establishand verify the performancespecifications ( i.e. total motion, force, response time, etc. ) necessary for a successfulactuator. Once performance is defined,the numberof materialand construction options availablefor productionare considerable. However, the advantages of theseoptions lie primari! in costat thispoint. PiezoSystems recognizes that prototyping material and practicaltechnical information pertaining to piezoceramicmotor applications are difficult to obtain.The piezoelectrictransducers provided in thiskit representthe basicbuilding blocks employed in manypiezoelectric systems. The stock supplied is easyto cutto size,center access, and voltage, temperature, and stress limitations are minimal. Theliterature will informthe user of basicprinciples, terminology, actuator design and fabrication techniques,and point out certain practical limitations . CONTENTSOF THE KIT PiezoceramicSingle Sheets; PSI-5A-S4-ENH Poledthrough the thickness; (Red stripe-on one side only) 2.5"x 1.25"x .0075"(63 mm x 31.8mm x 0,19mm); 2 pieces 2-LayerPiezoelectric Motor Elements; PSI-5A-S4-ENH Poledfor SeriesOperation (Redstripe-both sides) 2.50"x 1.250"x .020"(63 mm x 31.B mm x 0.51mm) 1 piece 1.25"x 0.500'x .020"(31.8 mm x 12.7mm x 0.51mm) 1 piece 1.25"x 0.250"x .020"(31.8 mm x 6.35mm x 0.51mm) 1 piece 1.25"x0.125" x .020"(31.8 mm x 3.18mm x 0.51mm) 1 piece Poledfor Parallel Operation (Redstripe-on one side only) 2.50"x 1.250"x .020"(63 mm x 31.8mm x 0.51mm) 1 piece; 1.25"x 0.500'x .020"(31.8 mm x 12.7mm x 0.51mm) 1 piece 1.25"x 0.250'x .020"(31.8 mm x 6.35mm x 0.51mm) 1 piece 1.25"x0.125" x .020"(31.8 mm x 3.18mm x 0.51mm) 1 piece PiezoelectricMotor/Actuator Kit Manual Solder& Flux Wires(5 Red & 5 Black:30 gauge) PIEZOELECTRICPHENOMENON Piezoelectricityis a propertyof certainmaterials to physicallydeform in the presenceof an electric field, or conversely,to producean electricalcharge when mechanically deformed. There are a widevariety of materialswhich exhibit this phenomena to somedegree, including natural quartz crystals, semi-crystalline polyvinylidenepolymer, polycrystalline piezoceramic, and even human bone. Piezoelectricityis due to the spontaneousseparation of chargewithin certain crystal structures under the rightconditions. This phenomenon, referred to as spontaneouspolarization, is causedby a displacement of the electronclouds relative to theirindividual atomic centers, i.e. a displacementof the positiveions relative to the negativeions within their crystal cells. Sucha situationproduces an electricdipole. Polycrystallineceramic, one of the mostactive piezoelectric materials known, is composedof randomlyoriented minute crystallites. Each crystallite is furtherdivided into tiny "domains", or regionshaving similardipole arrangements. The overall effect of randomlyoriented polar domains is an initiallack of piezoelectricbehavior. However, the materialmay be inducedto exhibitmacroscopic polarization in any PrezoSvsreus, lruc. 65 Tower Office Park Woburn, MA 01BO'l givendirection by subjectingit to a strongelectric field, as shownin Figure-'1.Such induced materials are termedferroelectric. Polarization is accomplishedby applyinga fieldof -2350 volts/mm(60 V/mil) across electrodesdeposited on outersurfaces. BEFOREPOLARIZATION AFTERPOLARIZATION Figure-1.Inducing macroscopic polarization in a polycrystallinepiezoceramic by applyinga strongelectric fieldacross randomly oriented microscopic polar domains. Duringelectrical polarization the materialbecomes permanently elongated in the directionof the polingfield ( polaraxis ) andreduced in thetransverse direction. When voltage is subsequentlyapplied in the samedirection as the polingvoltage, the pieceexperiences further elongation along the polaraxis and transversecontraction as stipulatedby Poisson'sratio. Whenthe voltage is removed,the piecereverts to itsoriginal poled dimensions. When voltage is appliedopposite to thepoled direction (depoling direction), the piececontracts along the polaraxis and expands in thetransverse direction. Again, it revertsto its original poleddimensions after removing the voltage.These distortions are illustratedin Figure-2for a rectangularly shapedpiece. lf toolarge a voltageis appliedin thedepoling direction, the original polarization will be degraded(partially or fullydepolarized). Or, the electric dipoles may be partiallyor completelyflipped around 180', causingthe piece to be repoledin theopposite direction. The maximum depoling field a piececan withstandwithout experiencing depolarization is its coercive field, Ec. + + + lP lP Y V VlP Figure-2. Physicaldeformation of a rectangularpiezoelectric body underthe influenceof an appliedelectric field. 4 PrezoSYsreus, lruc. 65 Tower Office Park Woburn. MA 01801 PIEZOELECTRICAND MATERIAL PROPERTIES OF PIEZOCERAMIC TERMINOLOGYAND RELATIONS Thissection describes the terminology commonly used in thediscussion of piezoceramics andnotes the fundamental relationships useful in motorapplications. lt also defines commonly used notationsand sign conventions. Relationshipsbetween applied electric fields and the resultant responses depend upon the piezoelectricproperties of the ceramic,the geometryof the piece,and the directionof electricalexcitation. The propertiesof piezoceramicvary as a functionof bothstrain and temperature. lt shouldbe recognized thatthe datacommonly presented represent values measured at verylow strain levels at -20" C. Directionsare identified using the three axes, labeled 1,2, and3, shownin Figure-3.The 3 "polar"or 3-axisis chosenparallel to the directionof polarization. Figure-3.Definition of axesfor a rectangularpiezoelectric body showing the polaror 3-axis,and the transverseor 1 and 2- axes. The polarizationvector, establishedduring manufacture by a high DC voltageapplied to the electrodes,is representedby an arrow pointingfrom the positiveto the negativepoling electrode. This informationis conveyedby a dot or stripeon the electrodesurface held at high voltageduring the poling process. Piezoelectriccoefficients, used to relateinput parametersto output parameters,use double subscripts.The piezeelectrle strain eeefficients, d;; , correlatethe strain producedby an appliedelectric fieldaccording to the relation: S=dE where d;; is expressedin meters/volt. The first subscriptgives the directionof the electricfield associated withthe appliedvoltage. The secondsubscript gives the directionof mechanicalstrain. d33 relatesthe ratio of the the strainalong the 3-axisto the electricfield appliedalong the 3-axis,assuming the piece is free to distortin any direction. d31 relatesthe strainalong the 1-axis( or 2-axis) to the excitationalong the 3-axis undersimilar conditions. PrezoSvsrenlls, lNc. 65 Tower Office Park Woburn. MA 01801 Thecoupling coefficient, k ( lowercase ), is an indicationof thematerials ability to convert electricalenergy to mechanicalenergy. Specifically, the squareof the couplingcoefficient equals the ratioof mechanicalenergy output to the electricalenergy input. lt is morerelevant to the maximumwork output of solidceramic devices
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