Welcome Working and living in the Bregenzerwald 1 Preface The business net- so we aim to lay the foundation for an at- work witus always mosphere of productivity and harmonious places emphasis integration. You will discover that we have on what we sha- many things in common, such as your in- re in common. For terest in finding fulfilling employment and the project “getting our interest in finding the right person with ahead”, our focus the necessary expertise and motivation is supporting new for each job. Our common interests have employees on their arrival in the Bregen- common interfaces where we will often zerwald and in their subsequent steps. To meet and be able to interact. help specialist workers get ahead while looking for new employment and a new These things bind us together – you as a place to live, we would like to be proactive new resident and us as companies, mu- in our support. nicipalities and engaged people in the Bregenzerwald. With this welcome brochure we aim to sup- port you with all the necessary information A warm welcome! you will need when taking your first steps on this journey. Much will be unexplored Magdalena Steurer, territory for you and we want to accom- Managing Director of witus pany you on this journey with openness, respect and a willingness to help. By doing 3 Welcome - Working and living in the Bregenzerwald 1 Welcome to witus 5 2 Welcome to the Bregenzerwald 13 3 Working and living in the Bregenzerwald 17 Working 18 Job search Formal recognition of qualifications from abroad Visa and residence permit Public authorities Social security Finances Training and education Living 26 Childcare in the region Schools in the region Sports and leisure time Associations and clubs Shopping Learning German Housing 32 Housing search Compulsory registration Transport 4 Useful links 34 4 1 Welcome to witus 5 Welcome to witus Entrepreneurs and businesses are insepa- contrast to some other valleys in the Alps, rably linked to a region, because without the Bregenzerwald is an attractive place to companies and entrepreneurial spirit a re- live and work even in the low season. gion would look bare. Many different insti- tutions and companies in the Bregenzer- The craft companies range from small fa- wald are strongly committed to retaining mily businesses to big enterprises which the unspoiled living environment and sha- operate internationally. Concerning hotel ping it in an attractive way for future gene- and restaurant businesses, all types are rations. Entrepreneurs can only survive in represented in the region from the traditio- a region if they have a sufficient number of nal restaurant to the 4-star-superior hotel. specialist workers and employees, for only The region is very proud of its agriculture in this way will they be able to cope with and its farmers’ products – the alpine dai- the challenges of the economy. ries and mountain huts, too, are always looking for employees. Trading compa- witus (Wirtschaft und Tourismus – eco- nies in the region raise awareness with the nomy and tourism) is a business network slogan „ich kauf im Wald“ (“I buy in the with about 150 members from the sec- Bregenzerwald”). Thanks to the favourable tors craft, agriculture, trade, services and commercial distribution structure “almost” tourism. The five municipalities Mellau, anything can be bought in the Bregenzer- Schnepfau, Bizau, Reuthe and Bezau wald. The services sector includes many support the network and collaborate occupations – from the hairdresser to the intensively. tax consultant, the massage therapist to the beautician: the entire range is covered In the five municipalities, there is a wide in the Bregenzerwald. range of occupations including electrici- ans, carpenters, accountants, plasterers, The witus network includes 18 craft com- cooks, waiters, nurses, salespeople and panies, 47 tourism businesses, 10 farmers roofers – a large number of existing job and alpine dairies and more than 60 tra- profiles are covered. de and services enterprises among its members. A particular quality of the companies in the Bregenzerwald is that often they are run as family businesses. As such, personal con- tact and trustworthiness matters. And in 6 7 8 witus Members Trade & Services Adeg Aktiv Markt Berlinger Gerücheküche (herbs) Raiffeisenbank (supermarket) Geschenk & Handwerk Bezau-Mellau-Bizau (bank) Adele Moden (fashion) (gifts and handycraft) rar.schönes (fashion) Alba‘s Magnetschmuck Getränkehandel Artur Egender Rosi´s Werkstättle (lace) (magnetic jewellery) (beverage shop) Schuh Fröwis (shoes) Ammann Irmtraud Kosmetik gschtrub grafikdesign (graphic SoxBox (socks) (cosmetics) design) Sparkasse Geschäftsstelle Bezau Ayurveda & Massage Beatrix Haarstudio Manuela (hair dresser) (bank) Gridling Hausarzt Dr. Fink Sport & Mode Natter Bäckerei Kleber (bakery) (general practitioner) (sports and fashion) belinda wohnen - blühen – Hawo (sanitary and heating) Sport Broger (sports) schenken (living, flowers, gifts) Heilmasseurin Heidi Meusburger Strubobuob - Gartenwerkstatt & Bergsport & Outdoor Leitner (massage) Tischkultur (mountain sports) Honda Meusburger (cars) (garden and tableware) Blumen-Fee (florist) Katharinen-Apotheke (pharmacy) Sutterlüty Ländlemarkt Coiffeur Lipburger (hairdresser) Kaufmann Mode (fashion) (supermarket) Deuring Jagd & Outdoor (hunting) Klunkar Fimo-Modeschmuck Tabak Trafik Haller (tobacconist) Dorfmetzge Strohmaier (butchery) (costume jewellery) UNIKUM Metallwerkstatt Druckhaus Gössler (printing shop) Konsum Bizau (supermarket) (metal workshop) ediths Konsum Mellau (supermarket) Übelher Steuerberatung (tax consultancy) Elektro Beer (electronics) Kulinarium Metzler Viten (gems, gem jewelry) Elektro Meusburger (electronics) (regional food and husky tours) Volksbank Mellau (bank) Erath & Partner Steuerberatung Moosbrugger Dirndlwerkstatt (tax consulting) (traditional dresses) Wolff Shop (underwear) evelyn SchönSein (beauty) Natter Wohnbau Wälderhaus Bezau (residential building) (construction market) Fischer Wolle (wool) Nigano IT Waelderspielzeug (toys) Friseur „Blütezeit“ (hair dresser) Padma Edelsteinschmuck & Mi- Wüstner Teppiche & Bettsysteme Friseur Kosmetik Patrizia Kleber neralien (gem jewelry & minerals) (carpets and bed systems) (hair dresser / cosmetic) Panto Outdoor (outdoor fashion) Agriculture Alpe Wildmoos (alpine dairy) Sennerei Oberdorf (alpine dairy) Schafmilchbetrieb Gmeiner Christahof (chicken and cattle) Bergbauernhof Fegg (sheep‘s milk products) Sennerei Kriechere (alpine dairy) (mountain farm) Alpenkäse Bregenzerwald Rainer Bergbauer Sennerei (alpine dairy) (mountain farm) Hubert Kaufmann Bergsennerei Schnepfau (mountain farm) (alpine dairy) 9 witus Members Tourism Aktivhotel Kanisfluh Apartment Gridling Edeltraud Ski- und Snowboardschule Mellau Cafe-Restaurant Katrina Flugschule Bregenzerwald (ski and snowboard school) Hotel Kreuz (flight school) Apartment Sutterlüty Gertrud Aktiv-Zentrum Bregenzerwald Rössle appartements Gästehaus Graf (guesthouse) (outdoor activities) Apartments Irma Sonne Lifestyle Resort (hotel) Campingplatz Bezau (campsite) Gasthof Taube Bergbahnen Mellau Hotel Post (restaurant/guesthouse) (mountain railways) Alphof Rossstelle Seilbahn Bezau Gästehaus Meusburger (restaurant/guesthouse) (mountain railways) (guesthouse) Die Sonnigen (hotel/apartments) Apartments Isabella Wälderbähnle Bregenzerwald (touristic train) Hütte Fegg (mountain hut) Genießer- und Kuschelhotel Gams (hotel) Berghaus Kanisfluh Apartments Christine (mountain hotel) Erlebnisgästehaus Kanisfluh Seminar- und Gästehaus „Im (guesthouse) Kloster Bezau“ (seminar and Gästehaus Puchmayr Manuela guesthouse) (guesthouse) Kurt´s Dorfzügle (touristic train) Apartment Natter Petra Wanderführer Pius Feuerstein Apartment Greber Gesundhotel Bad Reuthe (hiking guide) Ferienhaus Sonnalp (wellness hotel) Biohotel Schwanen (holiday home) s‘Bärle (après-ski pub) Hotel Bären & Café Deli Panoramahütten Sonderdach (mountain huts) Apartment Monika Cafe Konditorei Natter Gästehaus Egender (guesthouse) (café and pastry shop) Hotel Engel Craft casimo Holzhandwerk ewollution Filzgestaltung The synergy of working (woodworking) (felt products) Kunstschmiede Figer (metalwork) Meusburger Fliesen (tiles) together benefits the regi- Tischlerei Wolfgang Meusburger Zimmerei Oliver Beer (carpenter) (carpenter) on’s further development, Fink Martin Wasser-Wärme-Solar Dachdecker Robert Lang (roofer) (water, heating, solar) the maintaining of values Manser Verputz (plasterwork) Morscher Bau- & Projektmanage- Traumtischler Leo Metzler ment (construction and project and a constructive exch- (carpenter) management) ange between members; d´juppo & emlmachare (tailor Kaufmann Zimmerei und shop for traditional dresses) Tischlerei (carpentry) it is a form of giving and Mayr-Melnhof Holz Norbert Lukasik (carpenter) (wood industry) taking. Troy Raumausstattung (interior design) 10 11 2 Welcome to the Bregenzerwald 13 It is said of the people in the Bregenzerwald that they like doing things correctly and rigorously. At the end of the day, it should last for a long time. The distinctive character of the people reflects the landscape in which they live and work. Gentle hills contrast with rugged peaks in the high mountains, while picturesque villages combine traditional and at the same time innovative timber construction. They are thus witnesses to the past, to contemporary culture and to the future. Space has been made here for cultures in their diversity. 14 Welcome to the Bregenzerwald Local people from the Bregenzerwald address foreigners
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