Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51435-4 - Histories of City and State in the Persian Gulf: Manama since 1800 Nelida Fuccaro Index More information Index of persons, tribes and families ‘Abd al-‘Aziz ibn ‘Abd al-Rahman Al ‘Ali ibn Khalifah Al Khalifah 96, 105 Sa‘ud see Ibn Sa‘ud Arab Shi‘is see Baharna ‘Abd al-‘Aziz ibn Muhammad Al Sa‘ud 49 Ashraf family 132, 201 ‘Abd al-Latif, Mustafa 103, 132, 205, 206 al-Bahrani, Ahmad ibn Ibrahim 20 ‘Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan 22–3 al-Bahrani, ‘Ali ibn Hasan ‘Abdallah ibn Ahmad Al Khalifah 25 Anwar al-Badrayn 21 ‘Abdallah ibn ‘Isa Al Khalifah 25, 126 al-Bahrani, Maytham ibn ‘Ali 17 Africans al-Bahrani, Yusuf ibn Ahmad 19–21 manumitted slaves in Manama 93 al-Bakir, ‘Abd al-Rahman 172–3, 174, 179, and tribes 26 181, 184, 185, 188 Ahl al-Bayt 23, 107, 108, 165 and Arab nationalism 186, 187 Ahmad al-Fatih (Ahmad ibn Muhammad Al Khalifah) 22, 24 Baharna 68, 69–70, 86, 87, 99, 123, Ahmad ibn ‘Ali Al Khalifah 77 124, 146 Ahmad ibn ‘Ali al-Nasir 109 as ‘patriots’ and national activists 159, Al Bin ‘Ali 26, 27 175–6 Al Bu Falasah 45, 52, 54 peasants 16, 29 Al Fadhil 26 strikes and protests 145–6, 148, 156 Al Jalahimah 26–7 tax-farmers 88–9 Al Khalifah 3, 5, 9, 11, 17, 27, 49, 85, 87, bakers 145 114–15, 139, 140, 147, 218, see also Baluchis 93, 105 al-‘Utub and tribes 26 control of Manama markets 87–5, 89–90, Banu Jarwan 17 142–3, 146, 168 Banu Khalid 26, 48 as merchant seafarers 46 Banu Yas 45, 52 occupation of Bahrain 24–5 Banyan see Indians palaces of (al-qusur) 36, 38, 96 Bashmi family 128 and real estate 199, 202, 204, 211, 214–15 al-Bassam family 100 Al Maktum 5 Bayly, Christopher 47 Al Musallam 26 Belgrave, Charles 64, 87, 107, 115–16, Jabir ibn 160 119, 142, 160, 162, 163, 211, 213, 215, Al Sabah 4, 5, 53, 55, see also al-‘Utub 218, 226 as merchant seafarers 46 ‘civilising mission’ 120–1, 219 Al Sa‘ud family 26 and the municipality 126, 128, 130, 131, al-‘Alawayt, ‘Abd ‘Ali 175–6, 181, 184, 188 136, 141, 144, 147 al-‘Alawi family 28, 108 and the nationalist movement 172, 175, Ahmad ibn Sa‘id 97 184, 186 ‘Ali ibn Abu Talib 23 and urban development 192, 193, 197 ‘Ali ibn Ahmad Al Khalifah 78, 88 Bent, Theodore 22, 104 exile of 111, 156 Blane, David 27 disturbances involving Persians 153–4, 155 boat captains see nakhudas 248 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51435-4 - Histories of City and State in the Persian Gulf: Manama since 1800 Nelida Fuccaro Index More information Index of persons, tribes and families 249 Bray, Norman N. E. Ibn Khaldun 41 portrayal of Bahrain and leadership Ibn Rajab family 28, 85, 97, 99, 100, 104, 117–18 108, 109, 136, 184 Briscoe, H. V. 55 ‘Abd al-‘Ali 97, 98, 160 brokers see al-dallalun ‘Abdallah ibn Rajab 100 butchers see al-qassabun Ibrahim 100 Bruce, William 113 Muhammad Hasan al-Maqabi 97 Brucks, Captain 82 Ibn Sallum family 92, 100 Bushehri family 92, 97, 99, 101, 108, 136 Ahmad ibn Sallum 88–9, 100, 143 ‘Abd al-Nabi 88, 102, 133, 137, 143 Ibn Sa‘ud (‘Abd al-‘Aziz ibn ‘Abd al-Rahman Ahmad 102 Al Sa‘ud) 8, 50, 94, 99, 124, 155 ‘Ali Kazim 102 Ibn Zabar family 108 Mahmud 133 Imam Husayn 164, 165, 167, 172, 181, 231 Indians 69, 86, 95, 187–8 Certeau, Michel de 12 and British Indian nationality 80–1 Chaudhuri, Kirti 8, 42 merchants 78, 79–80, 86, 140, 141–2 Clerics see mujtahids and ‘ulama’ ‘Isa ibn ‘Ali Al Khalifah 25, 80, 82, 88, 92, Cole, Juan 16 94, 96, 98, 99, 103, 105, 113, 143, 199 Crystal, Jill 6, 72 and customs reform 79–80 Cursetjee, Manockjee 36–7, 67 deposition of 157, 158 Curzon, George 68, 76 land donations 89 revenue and taxation 27, 77–9, 83, 143 Da’ij ibn Hamad Al Khalifah 142, Isma‘il, Mirza Muhammad 106, 169 170, 171 Daly, Major 65, 118, 212 Ja‘far Agha, Sayyid 166 al-dallalun (brokers) 142–3, 144–5 Jashmal family 132 al-Dawasir 26, 27, 93, 224 Jews 69, 94, 187 al-Dawawdah 94 al-Jishi family 28 al-Dhakir, Muqbil 93, 95, 97, 138 Hasan Jawwad 178 Dickinson, Major 98–9, 118 Durand, Captain 29 Kanu family 63, 90, 132, 204, 206 Khalil ibn Ibrahim 139 Fattah, Hala 45, 57 Yusuf ibn Ahmad 63, 64, 93, 97–9, 118, Foucault, Michel 12 128, 132, 138, 140 Kazeruni family 97, 101, 108 Gelvin, James 5 ‘Abd al-Nabi 79, 89, 101–2, 105, Grenier, Claude de 114, 119 153, 155 Gungaram ibn Tika 79 Kazeruni, Muhammad Ibrahim 82, 86 description of Manama 61 al-Habishi family 92 Kemball, A. B. 51, 52 al-Haddad, Qasim 227 al-Kashshafah (Boy Scouts) 182 Hamad ibn ‘Isa Al Khalifah 25, 33, 78, 88, al-Khadim family 100 103, 118, 163, 215 Muhammad Latif 36 control of markets 142 Muhammad Sa‘id 36 as head of the municipality 125–6 Khalaf, Ahmad Salman 95 palace in Manama see Qasr Shaykh Hamad Khalid ibn ‘Ali Al Khalifah 25 palace in al-Sakhir 38 Khalifah ibn Salman Al Khalifah 25, 30, 77 Hanssen, Jens 5 al-Khatti, Salih Jum‘a 108 al-Haram 20 al-Khayri, ‘Abd al-Rahman ibn ‘Abdallah 158 Harrison, Paul 58 Khoshabi family 132 Hawala 30, 31, 33, 55, 69, 89–90, 95, 124, Khoury, Philip 5 168 Khunji family 97, 100 as merchant seafarers 46, 51 ‘Abd al-‘Aziz Lutf ‘Ali 90, 105, 132 as national activists 174–5 Muhammad Tayyib 137 tribes 47 Yusuf Lutf ‘Ali 103 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51435-4 - Histories of City and State in the Persian Gulf: Manama since 1800 Nelida Fuccaro Index More information 250 Index of persons, tribes and families Khuri, Fuad 6, 9, 169, 189, 224, 225 O’Connor, Richard 71 King, Anthony 7, 8, 11 Öljaytü, Muhammad 17 Lahmada 94 Palgrave, W. G. 69 Lapidus, Ira 8 description of Manama 62–3, 90 Lienhardt, Peter 59, 71 Parsons, Anthony 227 Lloyd, Selwyn 184 pearl divers 160–1 Lorimer, John George 30, 81, 82, protests 160, 162 90–1, 92 peasants see Baharna and agriculture Persians 66–7, 68, 86, 99, 100, 140, Mahbub ibn Mubarak 130 155–6 Mahmid family 90 disturbances 153–4, 155 al-Mahuzi, Sulayman ibn ‘Abdallah 20 and al-Ha’yah 187 al-Mahzah family 105 immigrants 93, 101, 102, 105 Ahmad 27, 105 immigration and nationality in the oil era Qasim 40, 90, 105, 140 208–10 al-Maqabi, Muhammad ibn Sulayman 19 al-Marhum family 92 Qannati, Ja‘far Muhammad 101, Meade, M. J. 79 102, 104 merchants 55–7 al-qassabun (butchers) 108, 143–4, 146 merchants in Manama al-Qawasim 45 capital 140 as merchant seafarers 46 impact of oil 132–3 of Sharjah 49 as municipal councillors 133–4, 135–9, tribes 47 143–4 and Wahhabism 48 notables (a‘yan) 95–7, 99–100, 103–4 al-Qusaybi family 85, 97 Mubarak al-Sabah 70, 72, 76 ‘Abd al-‘Aziz, 93, 99, 118, 124, 133, 155 al-Mudayfa‘ family 85, 97, 108, 136 ‘Abd al-Rahman 133 Muhammad ibn ‘Isa Al Khalifah 24, ‘Abdallah 157 25, 215 Qutb al-Din ibn Jalal 144–5 Muhammad ibn Khalifah Al Khalifah 80, 113 al-Rihani, Amin 158, 159 Muhammad Rahim see al-Safar family mujtahids 19, 23, 168 al-Sabt family 39 mukhtars 137 Sadah Anandas 113 muwatinun 4 al-Safar family 63, 94, 99 Munif, ‘Abd al-Rahman 3 ‘Abd al-Nabi 64 Mudun al-Milah (Cities of Salt) 3–4 Muhammad Rahim 64, 81 Muqrin 61 al-Sahhaf, Ahmad ibn ‘Abd al-Rahman 90 Murphey, Rhoades 50 Salman ibn Ahmad Al Khalifah 25 Mustafa Pasha 60 Salman ibn Hamad Al Khalifah 88, 142, Mutawwa‘ family 90 144, 148 al-Mutayri, Hilal 140 Sayf family 92 ‘Abdallah 39–40 al-Nabhani, Muhammad 40 Sayyed Ahmad Khan 64 and Bayt Shaykh ‘Isa 33 Schumacher, Ilse 225 and establishment of Muharraq 26–7 Serjeant, R. B. 2 and al-qasbat 29–30, 36 Set Hamidas Diwan 124 Nadir Shah Afshar 17, 47 al-Shabibi family 92 Najdis 68, 100, 156 al-Shakhuri, Husayn Muhammad al-‘Asfur 23 disturbances 154, 155, 157–8 Shambeh 60 nakhudas (boat captains) 161, 162 Shamlan, ‘Abd al-‘Aziz 179, 184, 188 al-Naqeeb, Khaldun 4 Sharif family 63, 94 Nasser, Jamal ‘Abdal 169, 182, 227 Sharif, Muhammad 157–8, 159, 160 Niebuhr, Carsten 21, 27, 61 shaykh al-islam see shaykh al-ra’is © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51435-4 - Histories of City and State in the Persian Gulf: Manama since 1800 Nelida Fuccaro Index More information Index of persons, tribes and families 251 shaykh al-ra’is 18–19, 20, 97, 168 al-‘Urayyad family 85, 97, 99, 108, 136, 206 Shirazi, Abu Qasim 88, 89 Ibrahim ibn ‘Ali 106 slaves see Africans al-‘Utub 17, 20, 24, 26, 47, 55, 93, see also Al Singerman, Diane 12 Khalifah and Al Sabah Sulayman ibn Salih 20 and Wahhabism 48 al-Tamimi family 100 wazirs 215 al-Tawawish 33, 84–5 al-Wazzan family 85 Teixeira, Pedro 18 Whish, Lieutenant 22 Tilly, Charles 154 Trevor, A.
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