“Certainly there is no We gladly send bund­ paper better ' able -".to les of samples for free ' serve , thb-K Church than d i s t r i b u t i p n to our The Witness. I wish you friends who wish to pro­ -success.”—A Prominent mote Th.e W itness. Laybian. “FOR CHRIST AND HISthtess CHURCH’ YOL IV. No. 24. CHICAGO, AUGUST 14, 1920 $1.00 A YEAR THREE CHURCH ASSEMBLIES Conferences in England Reveal the Strength of Church London, July 13, 1920.—Three ed for every complete 100,000 of national and inter-ràcial relations in great assemblies now or recently in the population in each diocese, and East and West, industrial perplexi­ session in London—the National As­ one for an incomplete 100,000. The ties, psychical experiences and devel­ STATEMENT OF sembly, the Lambeth Conference, and National Assembly can, initiate and opments, and marital and moral prob­ TEMPERANCE the Anglo-Catholic Congress—reveal propose reforms affecting' the Church lems, domestic and civic,' have been the strength, the wide reach, and the of England, and when Parliamentary or will be discussed; but as the pro-; THE SERVICE potentialities of the Established sanction is needed it will be sought ceedings are private we have at pres­ CONGRESS TO Church of England. That church is through a new Parliamentary Eccle­ ent no authoritative information as to closely interwoven with the national siastical Committee,; consisting of fif­ proposals or' decisions. MEET LEAGUE life,, individual and collective. If teen members of the House of Lords contains the vast majority of Eng­ and fifteen members of the Houée of Anglo-Catholic Congress. - A statement has been.; sent clut by lish citizens,: including many Noncom- Commons, which will submit the ¡Na­ Sectional and exclusive, the first At the 14th International Congress the National j Committee of the formists, at one or all of the three tional Assembly’s measure to Parlia­ Anglo-Catholic Congress, held in Lon­ Against Alcoholism held in Milan, Church Service League explanatory crises of life-r-birth, marriage, death. ment. Thus the Imperial Legislature don on the eve of thé Lambeth Con­ Italy, September, 1,913, it wasj decid­ of the steps already taken in the All serious-minded people, whatever retains the power of veto while be­ ference, revealed the strength, and ed 'to accept the" invitation of thè organization of rthat League. It will their religious beliefs or ecclesiasti­ ing relieved of the discussion of de­ the determination of the American delegation to meet jn the be remembered that at their triennial cal affiliations, regard it with more tails and purely domestic matters. extreme high Church movement. United States in 1915. TPhe United meeting nn Detroit ; the > Woman’s or less reverence, whilst multitudes The Archbishop of Canterbury in With a membership of 12,000, the States Congress,; at Its next session, Auxiliary invited the other national cherish for it infinite tenderness and opening the proceedings remarked Congress held high mass in several authorized the official invitation to Church organizations, of women to. sacrificial devotion. A generation pr that it was a great hour in, the' his­ London churehes, notably St. Albans, the Governments' of the World and ooroperate with them m forming a two ago dissenters came nearer dises­ tory of the church, and in closing' where 1,200 clergymen were present, made provisions for holding the Con­ federation to be known as v the tablishing the Church of England the first group of sessions said the and meetings in the Albert Hall, the gress in the Ü S. A. The Depart­ Church Servicev League, in which than they'have ever since or are like­ gathering had been full of hope and largest auditorium. The services ment of State, appointed an Ametficán •each of these organizations should be ly to be again. Few representative offered a good omen for its future were preceded by a street procession Executive Committee On Arrange­ represented. The plan has been Free Churchmen would take part in a work. One of the questions discussed of clergy? in cassocks, surplices, and ments' which organized and met with carried into effect, and representa­ disestablishment crusade today—un­ was the finances of the Church. Lord birettas, and bishops in copes and mi­ Dr. A. Hercod of Lausanne, Switzer­ tives of the Woman’s Auxiliary, the- less it were part of a movement to­ Selborne declared . th a t, the present tres, accompanied by silver crucifix, wards general reunion. When the land/ the Official representative of the Girls’ Friendly Society, the Daugh­ state of almsgiving for tbe clergy was priest-thurifers swinging cencers and European members of the Permanent ters I of. the King, the Church Church is disestablished p it Will be a scandal and a disgrace. If every priest-acolytes bearing candles. One from the inside, rather than as the International Committee, in July, Periodical Club, the Church Mission communicant put aside a/penny a day protest took the form of a telegram 1914. The tifixe and place Of ineeting of Help, the Guild .of St.. Barnabas , result pf external assault... Hence the the income of the Central Fund would from Mr. Kensit to the Congress: ; for Nurses, and the Church Women’s Church of England in many respects were 'fixed("the Congress’ program be over $25,000,000. A layman stat­ “Will you explain how you can recon­ agreed upon and arrangements per­ League for Patriotic | Service, to­ has today, as indeed it has always ed that it^he church | was the largest cile it with your conscience to take gether with a fiumber from the had, greater opportunities and possi­ fected for the holding of the Con­ landowner in the country, and ad­ part in high mass whilst Article 31, gress in the summer of 1915. While Church at large, have' created tìbie bility than any of the Free Churches, declaring fixasses to be blasphemous National Çofftmittee of the; Church and many . fine spirits within its fold vised the Ecclesiastical« Commission­ Dr. Hercod was in' mid-Atlantic, re­ ers to sell out, because as landlords fables and dangerous deceits, remains, turning to- Euròpe, the World War j : Service; League.-^vEach society has are eager to spize the.pne.and realize., part; of your ' contract, with the na> eh^ueinbèrs-■ of the committee and they were “ too good,” the incomes f Diácussing' “ the presént ■ morl^^ahttwo there are nine at large/ - One dele­ outlook, fhei^Church.Easily Newspa­ of the poor clergy suffering in con­ wrecked, postponements became nec­ gate from each provincial (organiza­ séquence. or three English bishops took part in essary, but with actual hostilities hav­ per*’ believes “wérMVe entered upon the proceedings. A remarkable scene tion of the Church Service League is a period which may well proye to be ing ceased between the States bellig­ hereafter to bè added to the Nation­ The Lambeth Conference. was witnessed in the Albert Hall erent; in the war, the Fifteenth Con­ che ifiost glorious and the most fruit­ when the Bishop of Zanzibar pleaded al Committee. : ' / ful in the long history of the Church The largest gathering of bishops gress is now to meet September 21- The League has taken steps to se­ Sf England.; Parties and sections that has ever met on English soil is for 50,000 pounds sterling for foreign 27, 1920, at Washington, D. C., U. S. cure a similar organization in each within the church are slowly but sure- now in session at Lambeth Palace, the missions. Men gave their gold watches A., in the beautiful buildipg of thè diocese and asks also that parochial iy losing their power and influence. Conference having grown from 76 and chains, women handed in their Pan-Américan Union. , jewelry (bracelets, rings, brooches, : units be similarly organized. In the Thinking men and women are real­ members in 1868 to 276 in 1920. A program of unusual excellence parish there would be a parish izing as never before that they are These decennial gatherings are not necklaces, etc.), and cheques were written on the spot! Protestants nat­ has been prepared by the European council, of which the rector would members of the great catholic church summoned for the purpose of giving Committee under Dr. Hercod’s leader­ act as president, and which should of Christ. Churchmen and church- authoritative directions to members urally look askance at the Anglo- include in its membership thè parish Catholic movertxent. “But,” remarks ship, covering European speakers and women today are facing the crucial of the Anglican Church, but rather subjects, and by the American Com­ visitor or deaconess, one or more facts and problems of the. Christian for special conference and mutual the “British Weekly, “every evidence representatives from each woman’s of faith and devotion is a matter for mittee covering the remainder of the Church, not as Evangelicals-or Cath­ counsel, on the personal invitation program. The day sessions of the organization in the parish, ohe or olics, but as living members of the joy to all Christians.” . more from the parish at large, of of the Archbishop of Canterbury. Congress will be held in .the Pan- body of Christ. '. Common- “We are gathered from the whole American Building, one of the most which latter it is desirable that one sense men and women are tired of should be an active worker in 1 the round world at an hour which must beautiful in Washington, where am­ the unprofitable and numbing war­ forever stand by itself in human THE BROTHERHOOD ple facilities will be afforded for the civic affairs of the town or district.
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