THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY Entered as Second Clusa Matter Published YEAR—No. 6 Post Office, Wostneld. N. J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1963 Every Thunulny 38 Pages—5 Cent* Campaign Funds Uock Dance for Sprague Urges Citizens To county Wide Civil Defense tand At 89% Of Goal een-agers After Know Air Raid Instructions Hallowe'en Parade Norman T. Sprague, director of Civil Defense for Westfield, GOP Candidate requests that everyone, CD personnel and citizen alike, read and Operation Set For Sunday jrts Made at cooperate fully With the following instructions for the county test New Hints Given scheduled for Sunday: To Identity of "Read your official air raid instruction card and follow its CD Director eting Last Night instructions implicitly. On the red alert (fluctuating notes of Community Drive Mock A-Bonibing Mystery Major, Minor siren for three minutes) go at once to your, basement after turning out all open flames or fires. This is a must for if you (any Teams Over don't do this during a test, it can mean your life during a real n Boro Opens Attack Planned The Hi-Y Club, in cooperation emergency. signed Quotas ith the Y's Men's Club, will spon- >r a block dance for Westfield "On the white or all clear (three steady one minutes blasts of Total Fund Goal 21 Municipalities to A $88,802 reported last igh School students immediately siren) do not use your automobile. On the all clear, CD personnel ,t the third report meeting: )llowing the Hallowe'en parade must have completo freedom of the roads to report to their sta- Set at $5,418. Rehearse Together .United Campaign for West- 'riday evening, Oct. 30. Entries tions from which they will be moved by car to a devastated area >9ocial Agencies, 89 per cent re still being accepted in the Mys- to give mutual aid. MOUNTAINSIDE— The drive Westfleld residents will be or- ,, year's goalhas been at- ry Major and Mystery Minor "There will be a 30-second blast of the siren to dismiss all r funds for 1954 has just been dered to take shelter Sunday when i Many of the 70 t<?ams of ontests (see page 27 for compe- CD personnel not otherwise occupied. aened by the Mountainside Corn- sirens sound the initial warning in itiers turned in caBh and ition details). "The CD wardens are again being requested to turn out on unity Association with $5418.33 a county - wide air raid alert. (is in excess of their team The dance, a new feature of the the red alert to stop traffic, instruct citizens who are disobeying t as its goal this year. Twenty-one Union County munici- larade this year, is being held to the above instructions and to report violations. The wardens arc In publicizing its drive, the Com- palities will take part in the mock Hsibn reports were made as crease the appeal of the goblin requested to remain on duty on the street or at their post until lunity Association has forwarded air raid, it has been announced by n> Advance gifts division, ight festivities to older children the 30-aeconcl dismissal. ttcrs to each borough resident Addison C. Ely of Westfleld, coun- L.' Emery, chairman, $29,- if the town. The Elm street end "All CD Units will act in accordance with standard instruc- iving the breakdown of distribu- ty CD director. The defense test tions issued for previous tests." will be conducted "on a scale that if JO per cent of quota; busi- if Orchard street, will be roped on of funds collected and a short Omer E. Miller, chairman, •ft* and illuminated for the occa- Mr. Sprague added: cscription of the activities of each might bo anticipated" if an "A" 180 or 92 per cent! residential, on. A five piece orchestra will "This is a large undertaking for the county as a whole and if the six recipients. bomb actually fell in this area, Mr. the complete cooperation of everyone ia most important. The Ely stated. w R. Wilcox, »47,607 or 93 rovide the music according to an From the total fund drive, if i,nt; GarWood residential, L. JAMES P. MITCHELL innouncement by Marvin Dcnnine, danger of surprise attack is always with us. Many, many lives he goal is met, the Mountainside In announcing the test, Mr. Ely us Daub, f80 or 9 per cent ihairman of the Hi-Y block danco can be saved by acting as instructed and obeying instructions of lescue Squad will receive $1200; directed the CD executives to im- Jirwood industrial, Charles G ;om;r<ittee. Civil Defense personnel. Many lives enn be saved by the quick, he Mountainside Public Library press the need for complete coop- „. |1,335 or 60 per cent. Fi- efficient action of our trained CD Units. Only the dead will help ssocintion, $700; Boy Scouts eration in their communities. Ho Mitchell Backed The dance will follow the judg- our enemy. We need everyone alive." action, district «nd team ng and awarding of prizes to the 1403; Girl Scouts $1250; Moun- described the drill as a "full-Kale linp will be given in the ostumed marchers at the parade ainsido Civic Council (recreation rehearsal" and requested all citi- te" next wetk. For Town Council irounds, the old Washington Defense Groups to roup) $300; and District Nura- zens of each community to regard tat A. Hally, general chair- School campus. Mr. Denning esti- Children to Gather ng, $200. Expenses and provi- it as an actual emergency. He sug- it the drive, expressed to the mated that the dance will be able Participate in Drill ions for uncollected pledges in ADDISON C. ELY gested that local and county resi- it«ers the thanks of the of- :o start at about 8:30 p.m., and he amount of $275 bring tho total dents should study CD instruction! , of the campaign and the Would Fill Seat ivill last until midnight. unds for UNICEF o $5418.83. to learn what to do when the sirens MOUNTAINSIDE — The Bor- The figure set aside for the Res- blow. btr agencies for the "fine job For Fourth Ward Four members of the Y's Men's ough Civil Defense Council will UN Flag Raising h»s been done". He stated 'lub, parade sponsors, and their ;ue Squad, Library and District According to the director, par- participate in Sunday's county- Nursing Association aro the same ticipating units will be tied up for "(here remain some prospects •ives will act as chaperones for wide drill called by County Direc- Film on Work of inous parts of town who have The fourth ward's Republican »s last year. There is an increase about three hours, but the civil 1 he evening: John Weaver, Roy tor Addison Ely. Nelson Frey, Group to Be Shown At Plaza Saturday nihad a chance to make their irganization is boosting the can- Carrigan, John Rowland and Her- n the Boy Scout donation from population can resume normal Idacy of James P. Mitchell for newly appointed local director of 1015 last year to $1403 this year; Sunday pursuits after the "all [(buttons." He urged all vol- ert Frost. Mr. Frost is chairman Civilian Defense, held a meeting ts to complete all calls in he Town Council seat now held "The Children," a documentary ind in the Girl Scouts from $1031- Local Boy and Girl ' clear" sounds, provided they don't if the Y's Men's committee coor- of chairmen of the various local film showing tho world-wide work usignmont over this coming iy Councilman Harold W. Frevert inating organization of the affair. 00 last year to $1250.83. Expla- get in the way of the CD workers. t was' announced today. Couri- defense groups Friday night in the if the United Nations Interna- ation is given here as to the in- Scouts to Take Part The test will involve an imag« lend and turn in to their cap- "Marvin Denning, and his com Borough Hall to determine just by Monday night their final ilman Prevcrt is retiring from ional Children's Emergency Fund Tcuao in scouting being duo to Inary demolition of some section he local governing body, having mittce have done a very cxcellcn what each division could plan to vill bo presented tomorrow to th ncrcaso in population. The fund In a traditional ceremony, Unit- of Union County of a size approx- tt and the cards of any pros- ob of arranging the dance with send to the "disaster area". whom they have been unaBle erved since 1951, when he was students at both the Junior High or tho Civic Council was reduced ed Nations Day will bo observed imately equal to that which might ppointed to fill an unexpired term nly guidance from us," Mr. Froat The alarm will be handled lo- School and the Elm Street School rom $500 to $300 as the request Saturday in Wcstlleld by having be the subject of an atom bomb nd subaequently gaining election itated. cally in the same manner as usual, Mrs. Elburt E. Gates, chairman o: if that organization who had a the flags of the United States of attack. The Area Control Head- stated that these cards will a full two-year term expiring The cost of lighting the street with various personnel being sum- the local UNICEF committee hai light surplus from last year's America raised by Weatfleld Boy quarters will be in operation for _ ted to a small organ!• d providing the orchestra is be moned to respond to the affected announced.
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