Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19346-7 - Episcopal Power and Ecclesiastical Reform in the German Empire: Tithes, Lordship, and Community, 950–1150 John Eldevik Index More information INDEX Adalbero II of Eppenstein, duke of Carinthia, Aquileia, patriarchate, 209 199, 210 Arbeo, bishop of Freising, 91, 120 Adalbero, bishop of Bamberg, 121, 210 Arduin of Ivrea, king of Italy, 28, 145 Adalbero, bishop of Würzburg, 206, 219 Arezzo, 18, 136, 146 Adalbert I, archbishop of Mainz, 259 cathedral of S. Donato, 18, 152 Adalbert of Ballenstedt, Saxon count, 241 Aribert, archbishop of Milan, 141 opposition to Henry IV, 241 Aribo I, count palatine in the east, 124, 191 Adalbert, bishop of Passau, 192 Aribo II, count palatine in Bavaria, 209, 210 Adalbert, margrave of Tuscany, 100, 135 Aribo III, Styrian noble, 204, 208, 213 Adalongus, bishop of Lucca, 159 tithe agreement with Gebhard I, 202 Adalpaldo, Lucchese priest, 164 Aribo, archbishop of Mainz, 112, 209 Adela, wife of Aribo I, 124 Aribo, margrave in the east, ancestor of the Adelheid, wife of Otto I, 135, 145 Aribonids, 122 Admonitio Generalis, 76, 78 Aribonids, comital dynasty, 124, 126, 189, 191, Admont, monastery in Styria, 179, 180, 185, 206, 208, 213 207, 208, 211, 212, 214, 261, 262, 266 aristocracy, 258 Agnes, German empress, 206, 207, 217, 222 in Italy, 146 Albertoni, Giuseppe, historian, 6 in the Middle Rhine, 235 Alcuin of York, Anglo-Saxon scholar in Saxony and Thuringia, 232, 233, 234, 266 views on tithes, 51–3 Arn, archbishop of Salzburg, 52, 88, 92, 94, Alexander II, pope, 137, 168, 174, 244 186 Althoff, Gerd, historian, 81, 144 Arnold von Selenhofen, archbishop of Altmann, bishop of Passau, 206 Mainz, 114 Altötting, monastery, 192 Arnulf of Carinthia, East Frankish king, 98, 121, Ambrose, saint 122, 203 on tithing, 43 Arnulf of Milan, chronicler, 142 amicitia, 80, 81, 188, 189, 262 Arnulf the Bad, duke of Bavaria, 122, 188–9, Anderson, Benedict, historian, 230 191, 213 Angenendt, Arnold, historian, 104 secularizations under, 125, 188 Annales S. Petri Antiqui, 260 Aschaffenburg, 109 Anno II, archbishop of Cologne, 224, 240 Auderam, Lucchese archdeacon, 161, 165 Ansegis, abbot of St. Wandrille, 68, 69, 87, 100 Augustine, saint Anselm I, bishop of Lucca, 137, 167, 168. sermons attributed to, 46 See also Alexander II, pope on tithing, 43 Anselm II, bishop of Lucca, 137, 167, 168, 169, Austria 170, 171, 172, 173 historiography, 20 canon law collection of, 265 vita of, 173, 174 Baldwin, archbishop of Salzburg, 127, 183, 206 Appadurai, Arjun, sociologist, 14, 154 Bamberg, 99, 104, 121, 210 305 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19346-7 - Episcopal Power and Ecclesiastical Reform in the German Empire: Tithes, Lordship, and Community, 950–1150 John Eldevik Index More information Index baptismal churches, 23, 68–71, 92 Bourdieu, Pierre, sociologist. See capital, in the Bavarian marches, 116, 193 symbolic in Carolingian period, 23 Bowlus, Charles, historian, 122 and episcopal itineraries, 69 Boyd, Catherine, historian, 72, 140 as established in Carolingian law, 68 Bresslau, Harry, historian, 204 lay possession of, 149 Breves Notitiae, 119, 186 monastic possession of, 229 Brown, Peter, historian, 55 as recipients of tithes, 74 Brown, Warren, historian, 23, 91 tithe boundaries, 72–3, 75, 235 Brunhofer, Ursula, historian, 28, 147 baptismal churches, in Lucca. See pievi Bruno, archbishop of Cologne Bardo, archbishop of Mainz, 108, 110, 112, 113, vita of, 96 216, 217, 218, 240, 242 Buc, Philippe, historian, 13 Barthélemy, Dominique, historian, 3 Bührer-Thierry, Geneviève, historian, 191 Barton, Richard, historian, 4 Büraburg, early episcopal, 109 Baugulf, abbot of Fulda, 85 Burchard I, bishop of Halberstadt, 206 Bavaria, 21, 23, 24, 44, 50, 53, 72, 74, 88, 94, 95, and tithe dispute with Hersfeld, 247 103, 113, 115, 116, 118, 122, 126, 130, 186, Burchard II, bishop of Halberstadt, 241 187, 188, 190, 193, 196, 209, 238, 266 opposition to Henry IV, 241 under the Liutpoldinger, 122 Burchard of Worms, bishop and canon law Beatrice of Canossa, mother of Mathilda, 169 compiler, 9, 100 Bedos-Rezak, Brigitte, historian, 205 Decretum, 57 Belisarius, Lucchese priest, 149 Burchard of Würzburg, bishop, 47 Benedict I, bishop of Lucca, 170 Burchard, bishop of Worms Benedictus Levita, capitulary editor, 69, 77, 86, Decretum, 101 87, 100 Burchard, Thuringian count, 237 Benno II, bishop of Osnabrück, 88, 241 tithe dispute with Corvey and Herford, 221 Cadolingi, comital family, 156 vita of, 56 Caesarius of Arles, bishop, 45, 61 Berengar I, king of Italy, 145, 147 sermons on tithing, 45–6, 47, 77 Berengar, bishop of Passau, 193 Calixtus II, pope, 170, 175 Bergkirchen, baptismal church near Freising, 70 canon law, 9, 15, 60, 264. See also Benedictus Berkhofer, Robert, historian, 4 Levita; Burchard of Worms; Gratian; Bernhardt, John W., historian, 229 Pseudo-Isidorian decretals; Regino of Berno, bishop of Mâcon, 82 Prüm; individual councils and synods Bernwulf, bishop of Würzburg, 85 applied in tithe disputes, 90, 94 Berschin, Walter, philologist, 57, 58 and Carolingian reform, 72 Bertha, wife of margrave Adalbert, 135 and church property, 38 Berthold, count and advocate of and episcopal visitations, 57 Ravengiersburg, 227, 228 Irish, 48 Berthold, duke of Carinthia, 127 and proprietary churches, 124 Bigott, Boris, historian, 8 in twelfth century, 264 Bilstein, counts of. See Rugger Canossa, fortress, 136, 167 Bingen, town on the Rhine, 105, 109, 111, 235 Capannoli, corte in the Val d’Era, 130, 158, 161, 171 Bisson, Thomas N., historian, 4, 259 capital, symbolic, 15, 155 Bleidenstadt, monastery, 108 capitanei, 143, 155, 167, 177, 262 Bohemia, 245 and ecclesiastical benefices, 147 Boniface I, Frankish count in Tuscany, 133 capitularies Boniface of Canossa, margrave of Tuscany, ad Salz (803/04), 69, 78 136, 169 Capitulatio de partibus Saxoniae, 51 Boniface, Anglo-Saxon missionary and de Villis, 77 reformer, 44, 106, 108, 229, 248 Ecclesiastica (810/813?), 69, 87 reorganization of Bavarian church, 117 for the Missi, 83 on tithing, 63 Heristal (779), 65–7, 72, 87 vita of, 56, 248–9 last of, 146 Bonizio, Milanese knight, father of archbishop Mantuanum Secundum (813), 71 Landulf, 141 Olonna (825), 71 306 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19346-7 - Episcopal Power and Ecclesiastical Reform in the German Empire: Tithes, Lordship, and Community, 950–1150 John Eldevik Index More information Index capitularies, episcopal, 76, 77, 78, 79 Conrad II, German emperor, 53, 112, 141, 167, Carinthia, duchy, 123, 126, 127, 210, 212, 261 210, 216 dukes of, 123 grants of tithes, 38 Carinthia, march of (to 976), 122 and the valvassores of Milan, 141 Carolingians, 60, 94, 103, 118, 128, 232, 256 Conrad the Younger, duke of Carinthia, 210 effectiveness at governing, 23 Conrad, bishop of Lucca, 150 empire as a state, 10, 21–2 Conradiner, Franconian dynasty, 237 legacy in Italy, 148 Constable, Giles,historian, 83 and tithe legislation, 64 Conversio Bagoariorum et Carantanorum, 88, casa massarica, 161 121, 124 castellans. See knights Corvaia, village near Versilia (Viareggio), 166 castles, 137, 154, 155, 165, 168, 171, 172, 177, 259, Corvaresi, prominent family in Marlia, 166 260, 263, 266 Corvey, monastery, 221 Cerbaie, area SE of Lucca, 152 Costambeys, Marios, historian, 4 Chadaloh, count in the Chiemgau, 191 Coterozzo, fortress near Vaccoli, 166 chancery councils episcopal, 221 Châlons-sur-Saône (813), 48 royal, 127, 146, 196 Council of Aachen (816), 63 Charlemagne, Frankish emperor, 38, 52, 65, 66, Council of Châlons (813), 69 89, 91, 118, 249 Council of Châlons i(813), 81 creation of new bishoprics, 104 Council of Duisberg (929), 98 grants of tithes, 38 Council of Hohenaltheim (916), 98 Chiemgau, district in Bavaria, 119, 191, 195, Council of Mâcon (585), 45, 48, 62 196 Council of Mainz (813), 87 Chiemsee, monastery, 89 Council of Mainz (847), 74 conflict with Freising, 90 Council of Pavia (845–50), 74 chorbishops, 109, 118, 120, 124 Council of Toledo (Third), 87 Chrodegang, bishop of Metz, 82 Council of Tours (567), 45 Chunerad, brother of Sisemund of Council of Tribur (1036), 53 Montemagno, 161 Council of Verneuil (755), 84 Chunimund, father of Rodiland, Lucchese Council of Worms (829), 80, 87 aristocrat, 157 in Reisbach, Freising and Salzburg (800), 89 Cipolla, Carlo M., historian, 183 Synod of Ascheim (756), 62, 89 Cluny, monastery, 82, 225 Synod of Augsburg (952), 99 Codex Eberhardi, Fulda cartulary, 75 Synod of Erfurt (1073). See Erfurt, Synod of Coffridus, judge in Lucca, 165 Synod of Hohenaltheim (916), 188 Colle Mancoli, property in Valdottavo, 164 Synod of Ingelheim (948), 98 Collectio Dionysio-Hadriana, 76 Synod of Lorch, 192 Colliclo, area near Pescia(?), 165 Synod of Mistelbach, 193 coloni (dependent peasants) Synod of Tribur (895), 98 and tithes, 36, 37, 38, 46, 61, 238, 240 Synod of Trosly (909), 74 colonization, 121 Cozroh, canon of Freising, 89, 90, 91 Columbanus, Irish missionary, 83, 84 Crespina, village, 159 complacitationes, 189, 198, 203 Cunigunda, countess in the Hunsrück, 235 confirmation, episcopal Cunimundinghi, Lucchese family, 164 for lay donations, 218, 226 Cuniperga, wife of deacon Gherard, 163 confirmation, royal Cushing, Kathleen, historian, 257 for Fulda, 85 for Hersfeld, 249 De Institutione Laicali. See Jonas of Orléans, for Mantua, 100 bishop for Salzburg, 88, 207 de Jong, Mayake, historian, 8 Conrad (Chunerad), bishop of Lucca, Decretum of Gratian.
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