
April 1, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H1885 Rush Smith (TX) Tierney LAYING ON THE TABLE HOUSE In fact, that is the way it was, until Ryun Smith, Adam Torres Sabo Smith, Linda Towns RESOLUTION 309 AND HOUSE in the mid-1960's President Johnson got Salmon Snowbarger Traficant RESOLUTION 403 the idea that by not spending the Sanchez Snyder Turner Mr. SOLOMON. Mr. Speaker, I ask money, he could help fund the Vietnam Sanders Solomon Upton War. Sandlin Souder Velazquez unanimous consent that House Resolu- Sanford Spence Vento tion 309, dealing with the rule on fast Indeed, it was Eisenhower and the Sawyer Spratt Visclosky track, and House Resolution 403, deal- Congress which made a Contract with Saxton Stabenow Walsh America, and that contract was you Scarborough Stark Wamp ing with the rule on the bank reform Schaffer, Bob Stearns Watt (NC) bill, be laid on the table. pay your gas tax, and that money is Schumer Stenholm Watts (OK) The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. spent to improve highways. Unfortu- Scott Stokes Waxman HEFLEY). Is there objection to the re- nately, in the past several years, we Sensenbrenner Strickland Weldon (FL) have had a fraud perpetrated on the Serrano Stump Weldon (PA) quest of the gentleman from New Sessions Stupak Weller York? American people. It has not happened. Shadegg Sununu Wexler There was no objection. We have had abate and switch. You pay Shaw Talent Weygand your gas tax, but the money in the Shays Tanner White f Sherman Tauscher Whitfield trust fund does not get spent. To the Shimkus Tauzin Wicker BUILDING EFFICIENT SURFACE tune, there is $23 billion in that High- Shuster Taylor (MS) Wise TRANSPORTATION AND EQUITY way Trust Fund today. Sisisky Taylor (NC) Wolf ACT OF 1998 Let me share with Members some- Skaggs Thomas Woolsey Skeen Thompson Wynn The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- thing that a very well-known American Skelton Thornberry Yates ant to House Resolution 405 and rule said when he was Governor of a State Slaughter Thune Young (AK) XXIII, the Chair declares the House in just a few years ago. He said this on Smith (MI) Thurman Young (FL) television: ``The Congress took that Smith (NJ) Tiahrt the Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union for the consider- money from us under a solemn con- NAYSÐ8 ation of the bill, H.R. 2400. tract to turn right around and give it Bachus Hostettler Schaefer, Dan back to the States to be spent on roads b 1340 Barton Paul Watkins and highways. Instead, they are hoard- Gillmor Paxon IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE ing that money up there, and the only NOT VOTINGÐ11 Accordingly, the House resolved reason is to make the Federal deficit Cannon Kennedy (MA) Royce itself into the Committee of the Whole look smaller than it is. It is just Condit Klug Smith (OR) House on the State of the Union for the wrong. It is wrong as it can be, and we Gonzalez Payne Waters Jefferson Rangel consideration of the bill (H.R. 2400) to ought to stop it. It is in violation of authorize funds for Federal-aid high- the solemn contract the national gov- b 1336 ways, highway safety programs, and ernment has to the people who pay the Mr. PAXON and Mr. BARTON of transit programs, and for other pur- tax.'' Governor Bill Clinton. Texas changed their vote from ``yea'' poses, with Mr. HASTINGS of Washing- So I say now to the Clinton Adminis- to ``nay.'' ton in the chair. tration, join us. Keep your word. Help Messrs. DOYLE, HEFNER, The Clerk read the title of the bill. us unlock the trust fund so that money The CHAIRMAN. Pursuant to the CHRISTENSEN and MEEHAN changed can go where it is supposed to go, to rule, the bill is considered as having their vote from ``nay'' to ``yea.'' improve America's transportation in- been read the first time. So (two-thirds having voted in favor frastructure. Under the rule, the gentleman from thereof) the rules were suspended and We swallowed hard in the committee Pennsylvania (Mr. SHUSTER) and the the bill, as amended, was passed. to get where we are today on a couple gentleman from Minnesota (Mr. OBER- The title of the bill was amended so of very, very important compromises. STAR) each will control one hour, and as to read: ``A bill to amend the Fed- We agreed that from this point for- the gentleman from Texas (Mr. AR- eral Credit Union Act to clarify exist- ward, we would not count the interest CHER) and the gentleman from New ing law with regard to the field of in the trust fund. York (Mr. RANGEL) will each control 15 membership of Federal credit unions, Over the life of this bill, that means minutes. to preserve the integrity and purpose $15 billion in debt reduction for our The Chair recognizes the gentleman of federal credit unions, to enhance su- country. And we swallowed hard and from Pennsylvania (Mr. SHUSTER). said that approximately $10 billion of pervisory oversight of insured credit Mr. SHUSTER. Mr. Chairman, I yield unions, and for other purposes.'' the $23 billion in the balance will be re- myself such time as I may consume. turned. A motion to reconsider was laid on (Mr. SHUSTER asked and was given b the table. permission to revise and extend his re- 1345 f marks.) Put those two figures together and Mr. SHUSTER. Mr. Chairman, today you get about $25 billion in reduced PERSONAL EXPLANATION we bring to the floor of the House his- debt for the Federal Government, an Mr. CONDIT. Mr. Speaker, I was unavoid- toric legislation, legislation to rebuild amount which approximates the in- able detained for roll call vote 92, The Credit America so that we have a 21st Century crease in spending that this bill pro- Union Membership Access Act. Had I been transportation system. In the 21st Cen- poses. We only spend the revenue com- present, I would have voted aye. I would ask tury, from Seattle to Miami, from New ing into this Trust Fund from this that this be reflected in the RECORD in the ap- York to California, America is growing point forward. We only spend the propriate section. and prospering, but our infrastructure money paid for by the American people is crumbling. in the gas tax and the related transpor- f There are two fundamental principles tation taxes. Indeed, the projection is in the bill we bring to the floor today. we come in over the 6-year period GENERAL LEAVE The first is to put the trust back in the about $3 billion under the revenue com- Mr. BEREUTER. Mr. Speaker, I ask Transportation Trust Funds. It is to re- ing in. unanimous consent that all Members store honesty in budgeting. I would be quick to say, if there is no may have 5 legislative days within Every time an American drives up to need to spend this money, we certainly which to revise and extend their re- the gas pump and pays his or her 18.4- should not spend it, nor should we let marks and include extraneous material cent gas tax for every gallon of tax, it accumulate. We should reduce the on H.R. 1151, as amended. that money goes into the Highway taxes. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Trust Fund and Americans have the So that brings me to, really, the sec- the request of the gentleman from Ne- right to believe that the money in the ond fundamental principle: That is, braska? trust fund is going to be spent to im- what are the needs for investment in There was no objection. prove transportation. infrastructure for America? I suggest H1886 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE April 1, 1998 that the needs are very clear; indeed, naysayers, we would have thought we to other categories, should the States they are overwhelming. Twenty-seven would have squeaked through, at best. and the localities so choose. percent of the highways in America are Instead, when the vote came, it was six Beyond that, we recognize the na- in poor condition. The average Amer- to one overwhelmingly in support of tional interest. Those who talk about ican is stuck 26 hours out of every year the rule for this bill. just give it all back to the States I in traffic. That does not really tell the Who are the supporters of this bill? It think must be living in 1920 instead of whole story. The average American liv- is not just us. All 50 governors have en- 1998. Interestingly, there is a greater ing in one of our big cities is stuck in dorsed this bill. The League of Cities, Federal interest today to tie our coun- traffic, bumper-to-bumper traffic, over the mayors have endorsed this bill. The try together than there has ever been. 50 hours in a year, more than a work- counties have endorsed this bill. The Why? Because we have more interstate week in a year. State legislatures have endorsed this travel than we have ever had. Indeed, on our highways, 42,000 Amer- bill. Environmentalists have endorsed I love to refer to Oklahoma City as icans are killed every year. Of that this bill. Safety groups have endorsed an example. Out there, you have two 42,000, 9,000 are kids killed on our high- this bill. Labor, the AFL-CIO and the interstates that cross, 35 and 40. They ways. The experts tell us that 30 per- Chamber of Commerce, what a pair, were built to carry 60,000 vehicles a cent of highway fatalities are caused have both endorsed this legislation.
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