FSD3062 Finnish Attitudes to Immigration: Suomen Kuvalehti Survey 2015 Codebook FINNISH SOCIAL SCIENCE DATA ARCHIVE The bibliographic citation for this codebook: Finnish Attitudes to Immigration: Suomen Kuvalehti Survey 2015 [codebook]. Finnish Social Science Data Archive [producer and distributor], 2020. This codebook has been generated from the version 2.0 (17.7.2018) of the data. Finnish Social Science Data Archive FIN-33014 University of Tampere FSD User Services: asiakaspalvelu.fsd@uta.fi +358 40 190 1442 Aila Data Service Portal: https://services.fsd.uta.fi/ Finnish Social Science Data Archive http://www.fsd.uta.fi/en/ $ Koodikirjoitin.py v37 @ 2020-12-09 13:32:49.601000 $ To the reader This codebook is part of the data FSD3062 archived at the FSD (Finnish Social Science Data Archive).The dataset has been described in as much detail as possible in Finnish and English. Variable frequencies, variable and value labels, and missing values have been checked. If neces- sary, the data have been anonymised. The data and its creators shall be cited in all publications and presentations for which the data have been used. The bibliographic citation may be in the form suggested by the archive or in the form required by the publication. The bibliographic citation suggested by the archive: Taloustutkimus: Finnish Attitudes to Immigration: Suomen Kuvalehti Survey 2015 [dataset]. Version 2.0 (2018-07-17). Finnish Social Science Data Archive [distrib- utor]. http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD3062 The user shall notify the archive of all publications where she or he has used the data. The original data creators and the archive bear no responsibility for any results or interpretations arising from the reuse of the data. The codebook contains information on data content, structure and data collection, and includes a list of publications wholly or in part based on the data, according to publication informa- tion received by the FSD. The second part of the codebook contains information on variables: question texts, response options, and frequencies. The third part contains indexes. Variable distributions presented in this codebook have been generated from the SPSS files. Dis- tribution tables present variable values, frequencies (n), frequency percentages (%), and valid percentages (v. %) which take into account missing data. All distributions are unweighted. If the data contain weight variables, these will be found at the end of the variables list. In some cases frequency distributions have been substituted by descriptive statistics. Categorised responses to open-ended questions are not always included in the codebook. Distributions may contain missing data. The note "System missing (SYSMIS)" refers to missing observations (e.g. a re- spondent has not answered all questions) whereas "Missing (User missing)" refers to data the user has defined as missing. For example, the user may decide to code answer alternatives ’don’t want to say’ or ’can’t say’ as missing data. The codebook may contain attached files, the most common one being the questionnaire. Contents 1 Study description 1 1.1 Titles . .1 1.2 Subject description . .1 1.3 Structure and collection of the data . .3 1.4 Use of data . .3 2 Variables 5 3 Indexes 25 3.1 Variables in the order of occurrence . 25 3.2 Variables in alphabetical order . 28 i Chapter 1 Study description 1.1 Titles Titles and data version: Finnish Attitudes to Immigration: Suomen Kuvalehti Survey 2015 Titles and data version in Finnish: Suomalaisten maahanmuuttoasenteet: Suomen Kuvale- hden kysely 2015 This codebook has been generated from the version 2.0 (17.7.2018) of the data. 1.2 Subject description Authoring entity Taloustutkimus Rahkonen, Juho (Taloustutkimus) Copyright statement for the data In accordance with the agreement between FSD and the depositor. Depositor Pernaa, Ville (Suomen Kuvalehti) Date of deposit 23.9.2015 1 1. Study description Keywords ethnic groups; immigrants; immigration; international migration; mass media; political parties; racial prejudice Topic Classification Fields of Science Classification: Social sciences CESSDA Classification: Social behaviour and attitudes; Social welfare policy Series description The data belong to the series: Individual datasets Individual datasets that do not belong to any series. Abstract The survey, commissioned by the newsmagazine Suomen Kuvalehti, charted attitudes in Finland towards immigrants from different countries as well as beliefs about race. First, the respondents were asked to state their position on a scale from 0 to 10, where 10 in- dicated they hoped that Finland would be populated as much as possible by people of Finnish origin sharing the national values, and 0 that they hoped Finland would be populated as much as possible by people from a diversity of countries and ethnic backgrounds. Next, opinions were studied regarding how desirable or undesirable the respondents thought it was that immigrants of certain nationalities would come to Finland. The nationalities mentioned were Swedes, Ger- mans, Russians, Estonians, US Americans, Somalis, Kosovars, Iraqis, Afghans, Syrians, Chi- nese, Thai and Ukrainians. The respondents were also asked to what extent they agreed with the following four statements: ’The mental abilities of black Africans are lower than those of white people living in Western countries’, ’ All people have equal value regardless of the colour of their skin or ethnic background’, ’The white European race should be prevented from being mixed with darker races because otherwise the original population of Europe will become ex- tinct before long ’, and ’There is no such thing as ’race’ since all human beings are genetically very much alike’. One question studied whether the respondents thought the Finnish media reported more nega- tively or positively on the Perussuomalaiset party (the Finns Party) than on the other political parties. Background variables included the respondent’s gender, age, region of residence (NUTS3), major region of residence (NUTS2), city or type of municipality, education, occupational status and economic activity, household composition, number and ages of children living at home, total gross annual income of the household, and type of housing. 2 1.3. Structure and collection of the data 1.3 Structure and collection of the data Country: Finland Geographic coverage: Finland Analysis or observation unit type: Individual Universe: People aged 15-79 living in Finland Collection date: 12.8.2015 – 13.8.2015 Data collector(s): Taloustutkimus Data producer(s): Suomen Kuvalehti Mode of data collection: Self-administered questionnaire: Web-based (CAWI) Type of research instrument: Structured questionnaire Time period covered: 2015 Time method of the data collection: Cross-section Number of variables and cases: The data contain 44 variables and 1000 cases. Sampling procedure: Probability: Stratified The sample of 1,000 persons was drawn from among the Taloustutkimus Internet panel mem- bers to be representative of the 15-79-year-old Finnish population in terms of age, gender, and place of residence. The Taloustutkimus Internet panel currently holds over 50,000 members. They have been re- cruited in connection with nationally representative surveys conducted by Taloustutkimus or through random sampling from Finland’s population register. 1.4 Use of data Related publications Elsing, Alexandra (2017) The Effect of Trauma and Discrimination on the Psychological Well- Being Among Asylum-Seekers in Finland. Pro gradu, Åbo Akademi. Saarnio, Tomi (2016). Taudinaiheuttajille koetun haavoittuvuuden vaikutus suomalaisten maa- hanmuuttoasenteisiin. Helsinki: Helsingin yliopisto. Maantieteen pro gradu -tutkielma. https://helda.helsinki.fi/handle/10138/162051 Updated list of publications in the study description at https://services.fsd.uta.fi/catalogue/FSD3062?lang=en&study_language=en Related studies FSD3063 Finnish Attitudes to Immigration: Iltalehti Survey 2015 3 1. Study description Related material Tutkimuksen toteutus [verkkodokumentti]. Helsinki: Taloustutkimus. Saatavissa: http://suomenkuvalehti.fi/wp- content/uploads/2015/09/Internet_paneeli_tutkimuksen-toteutustapa.pdf [viitattu 02.11.2015]. Location of the data collection Finnish Social Science Data Archive Weighting There are no weight variables in the data. Restrictions The dataset is (A) openly available for all users without registration (CC BY 4.0). 4 Chapter 2 Variables [FSD_NO] FSD study number Question FSD study number Descriptive statistics statistic value number of valid cases 1000 minimum 3062.00 maximum 3062.00 mean 3062.00 standard deviation 0.00 [FSD_VR] FSD edition number Question FSD edition number Descriptive statistics statistic value number of valid cases 1000 minimum 2.00 maximum 2.00 mean 2.00 standard deviation 0.00 5 2. Variables [FSD_ID] FSD case id Question FSD case id Descriptive statistics statistic value number of valid cases 1000 minimum 1.00 maximum 1000.00 mean 500.50 standard deviation 288.82 [FSD_LI] FSD license CC BY 4.0 Question FSD license CC BY 4.0 [Q1] How do you feel about immigration policy? Question How do you feel about immigration policy? Frequencies label value n % v. % I hope there would be as many people as possible 1 73 7.3 7.3 from different countries with diverse appearances in Finland 2 75 7.5 7.5 3 139 13.9 13.9 4 105 10.5 10.5 5 185 18.5 18.5 6 94 9.4 9.4 7 107 10.7 10.7 8 102 10.2 10.2 9 40 4.0 4.0 (continued on next page) 6 Q2_2 (cont. from previous page) label value n % v. % I hope there would be as many native Finns as
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