Master Builder By Henrik Ibsen Translated by David Edgar Directed by Andrei Belgrader Featuring John Turturro Study Guide written by Nicole Kempskie BAM PETER JAY SHARP BUILDING 30 LAFAYETTE AVE. BROOKLYN, NY 11217 WELCOME to the Student Guide for What is BAM? How does The Master Builder relate to The Master Builder, one of Norwegian my life? What are some of the themes in BAM is the largest and oldest performing playwright Henrik Ibsen’s most sig- The Master Builder? arts facility in Brooklyn, NY. Since its nificant plays. This production stars first performance in 1861, the Brooklyn At its core, The Master Builder exam- celebrated stage, film, and television Academy of Music (BAM) has grown into ines what happens when ambition goes actor John Tuturro, known for his break- a thriving urban arts center for global, unchecked—something we see on a daily out performance in Spike Lee’s Do the national, and New York-based perform- basis when we turn on the television. Right Thing. What follows in this guide ing arts and film. The facilities at BAM Whether it’s aspiring ladies trying to are answers to some of the questions include the Howard Gilman Opera House, win the heart of one bachelor, cutthroat you may have about your upcoming trip the BAM Harvey Theater, BAM Fisher, contestants vying for a chance to work to BAM, some historical background on and the BAM Rose Cinemas, a four- for Donald Trump, or athletes losing their the playwright, some ideas to think about screen movie theatre. titles over steroid use, the drive to “win” when you see the production, and some and be the best is an ongoing theme fun and creative exercises that will help What is The Master Builder about? in contemporary society. The beauty of you appreciate the work you are going Written in 1892, The Master Builder live theater is that it provides us with to see even more. tells the story of Halvard Solness, a an opportunity to examine important middle-aged architect who has risen themes like this in the company of oth- Let’s start with the questions you may to the top of his field, but is overcome ers. Chances are if you are a human have… with guilt and doubt over the way he’s being living in the 21st century, you’ve achieved his success. When a mysteri- dealt with many of the issues the play ous young woman appears at the Solness addresses. house and reignites his passion, drive, and vitality, Halvard Solness’s egoism What should I expect from the perfor- leads him to risk everything in pursuit mance? of his dreams. With its blend of realist and expressionist elements, psychologi- You will see…. cally complex characters, and resonant A performance by an award-win- themes, The Master Builder provides a ning stage, film, and television actor. compelling entry point into the work of a playwright considered by many to be the A production of a celebrated play father of modern drama. that is gripping, moving, and haunt- ing. A play that weaves elements of realist and expressionist drama. You will experience…. A play that asks us to examine our society’s addiction to success. A play that forces us to look at what happens when ambition goes unchecked. A play by one of the finest dra- matic writers in history. What’s inside this study guide? Turn the page and you’ll see! Introduction2 Introduction3 THE PLAY CHARACTERS Knut Brovik A former architect who now works as an assistant to Solness; his health is failing, and it deteriorates rapidly throughout the course of the play. Ragnar Brovik The son of Knut who works as a draftsman to Solness; he has talent as an architect, but is afraid to stand up to Solness. Kaja Fosli Ragnar’s fiancé and Solness’s bookkeeper; she has fallen deeply in love with Solness. Dr. Herdal The family doctor and advisor. Aline Solness Solness’s wife; she is mentally and emo- tionally distraught over the death of her two sons and the fire that destroyed her parents’ home. Halvard Solness The master builder; a top architect who is driven, ambitious, and used to controlling those around him. Hilde Wangel A mysterious young woman who comes to stay with Solness and his wife; she is vibrant and passionate and reignites Sol- ness’s drive for success and pleasure. Background4 SYNOPSIS ACT 1 ACT 2 The play begins in the workroom of Later that day, Aline and Solness discuss master builder Halvard Solness, where Aline’s pervasive depression. He assures his assistant, Knut Brovik, Knut’s son her that she will be happier when they Ragnar, and Ragnar’s fiancé Kaja are move into the new house that he has busy at work. It appears that Knut is very built to replace her parents’ home, which ill and most likely doesn’t have much has been lost in a fire. Aline refuses to longer to live. Knowing this, Knut asks believe that she will ever recover from the Solness to recognize his son’s abilities fire. When he is alone with Hilde, Solness and let him head a new project that he confides in her and explains that after the has been designing drafts for. Solness fire, Aline was so despondent that she refuses and is angered because Ragnar was unable to nurse their twin sons, and has secretly been drafting blueprints and they died as a result. He also admits that the prospective client finds them new and he knew there was a crack in the chim- modern. He confronts Kaja about this, ney and did nothing about it. While the accusing her of scheming along with Knut fire started in another part of the house, and Ragnar, and she denies any involve- he believes that he willed the fire, know- ment. Instead, she admits to Solness ing that he would have the opportunity to that she has fallen deeply in love with show his skills as an architect when re- him. Dr. Herdel, the family doctor, visits building the house. He blames himself for and informs Solness that Aline, Solness’s their son’s deaths and Aline’s condition. wife, suspects that Solness and Kaja are Hilde convinces Solness to climb to the having an affair. Solness denies it, admit- high tower of their new house and place ting only that Kaja has fallen in love with the celebratory wreath on top, despite his him. While the doctor and Solness are fear of heights. Aline hears of this and is speaking, Hilde, a vibrant young woman terrified for his safety. appears at the door. She explains that Aline invited her to visit after the two met ACT 3 vacationing the previous summer. The That evening, Aline shares her painful doctor excuses himself and Hilde reminds story with Hilde and expresses that she Solness that they met ten years before would like to be friends with her. Hilde when he built a church in her town. She feels immensely guilty and tells Solness describes an interaction they had at a cel- that she should leave, but as they con- ebratory dinner in which Solness kissed tinue to talk, her desire to have a king- her, called her his princess, and prom- dom and castle with a high tower gets the ised he would come back for her in ten better of her. Solness promises her that years and build her a kingdom. Solness he will give her just that, and that they is intrigued and invigorated by Hilde’s will be together forever, and he heads up presence. the scaffolding with the wreath. As Aline, Ragnar, Dr. Herdel, and a crowd of others watch a man rise above them with the wreath, they realize with terror that it is Solness. Hilde is ecstatic, and she waves Aline’s white shawl in the air with glee. Above them, Solness begins to waver on the scaffolding. He loses his footing and plummets to his death. Background5 HENRIK IBSEN He who wishes to understand me, Entry into the Theater A Shift in Style must know Norway. The magnificent, but severe, natural environment sur- In 1849, Ibsen wrote his first play, Cata- In the late 1870s and early 1880s, Ibsen rounding people up there in the north, line, in verse, which would not be pro- started to shift the way he wrote. He the lonely, secluded life—the farms are duced until years later. The following year, began to integrate elements from the realist miles apart—forces them to be uncon- he moved to Christiania (now Oslo) to at- movement that was occurring in literature cerned with others, to keep to their own. tend the university, but failed his entrance and art. His new approach to writing and That is why they become introspective exams. Nevertheless, he continued to write subject matter was centered around the and serious, they brood and doubt—and and completed his second play, The War- relevant social problems of the day, and he they often lose faith. At home every other rior’s Bow. began artfully crafting nuanced characters person is a philosopher! There, the long, with complex psychological profiles that dark, winters come with their thick fogs In 1851, he moved to Bergen to join the extended beyond the stage. This was a enveloping the houses—oh, how they newly formed National Theatre. As part significant departure from the “well-made” long for the sun!” of the company he was required to write melodramas that filled the stages up to this —Henrik Ibsen and stage a play each year and assist in a point.
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