id7717921 pdfMachine by Broadgun Software - a great PDF writer! - a great PDF creator! - http://www.pdfmachine.com http://www.broadgun.com ISSN : 0974 - 7508 Volume 10 Issue 7 NNaattuurraall PPrrAoon dIdnduuian ccJotutrnssal Full Paper NPAIJ, 10(7), 2014 [215-218] Seasonal dynamics of alkaloids of Genista tinctoria L. growing at the Southern Ural Region Inna P.Tsypysheva1*, Polina R.Petrova2, Irina P.Baykova1, Eugeniy G.Galkin1, Nikolay I.Fedorov3, Fanur Z.Galin1,2, Marat S.Yunusov1 1Institute of Organic Chemistry, Ufa Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ufa, prosp. Oktyabrya, 71, (RUSSIAN FEDERATION) 2Bashkir State University, Ufa, (RUSSIAN FEDERATION) 3Institute of Biology, Ufa Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ufa, (RUSSIAN FEDERATION) E-mail : [email protected] ABSTRACT KEYWORDS The seasonal dynamics of alkaloids of the aerial part of Genista tinctoria L. Genista tinctoria; growing in the forest-steppe zone of the Bashkortostan Republic (South- Quinolizidine alkaloids; ern Ural region) was investigated by GC/MS. It was shown, that the con- Seasonal dynamics; tent of quinolizidine alkaloids is maximal in the branches of the flowering GC/MS. period. Two alkaloids - baptifoline and ( )-cytisine are the major compo- nents of the total alkaloids of this plant. 2014 Trade Science Inc. - INDIA INTRODUCTION dynamics of alkaloids of Genista tinctoria L. The plants of genera Fabaceae are one of the most Plants of genus Genista (Fabaceae) are used by popular producers of quinolizidine alkaloids which are traditional medicine owing to their known biological known for their high biological activities[13-16]. And the activity - anti-inflammatory, ulceroprotective, hypogly- data about alkaloids of G. tinctoria growing in the East- cemic, antioxidant, phytoestrogenic and antitumor ac- ern Europe, Turkey, and Central Asia is presented in tivity[1-6]. Partially these properties are caused by pres- literature[17-19]. However, the total content and the com- ence of quinolizidine alkaloids (QA) in the plants, and it position of the alkaloids of G. tinctoria growing in the is necessary to mention that some of them, first of all (- Southern Ural have not yet been studied. )-cytisine, is the precursor for a new drugs for treat- Genista tinctoria L. (Fabaceae) (a shrub, 50-150 ment of neurodegenerative diseases[7], including our own cm in height with narrow leaves and yellow papiliona- researches[8-10]. ceous flowers) is wild throughout the steppe and for- It is known, that existence of accessible plant est-steppe zones of Western Siberia, and the Ural re- source of starting natural compounds is necessary for gion[20], it is found mainly in the dry forests and their the achievement of such purpose. Therefore, in the fringes, pine forests, among other shrubs, and on hill course of our search for accessible sources of QA among slopes primarily inhabiting limestone or sandy soils[21]. plants of genera Fabaceae growing at the territory of In order to identify the accessible plant sources of our region[11, 12] in this work we describe the seasonal quinolizidine alkaloids in the territory of the 216 Seasonal dynamics of alkaloids. of Genista tinctoria L. growing NPAIJ, 10(7) 2014 Full Paper Bashkortostan Republic (Southern Ural) and the opti- the alkaloid mixtures were identified from full mass mal period for collection of raw plant materials, we car- spectra: the probability of similarity (Q) between the ried out the study of seasonal dynamics of alkaloids of recorded spectra and the spectra found in the database the aerial parts of G. tinctoria collected at different (by library search[22]) is provided in TABLE 1. phenological phases - budding, flowering, and fruiting. Commercial available alkaloids ( )-cytisine (CAS 458-35-8), N-methylcytisine (CAS 486-86-2), d- EXPERIMENTAL lupanine (CAS 550-90-3), and also anagyrin and N- formylcytisine isolated from Thermopsis lanceolata ssp. Plant material sibirica previously[11] were used as reference sub- The plant samples of G. tinctoria (the voucher stances. Relative retention index (RRT) of ( )-cytisine specimen of G. tinctoria was deposited at the Her- was 1.00. Quantitative analysis was performed using barium of the Institute of Biology of the Ufa Scientific internal normalization method with respect to chromato- Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IB USC graphic peak areas without the use of correction fac- RAS), No. 345-2012) were collected under typical tors. The alkaloid content is provided in % of the weight weather conditions in 2012 in the forest-steppe zone of of the air-dry raw materials (ADRM). The sum of ar- the Bashkortostan Republic near the Bikchagul village eas of peaks of the components was regarded as 100%. of the Alsheevsky District. Identification of species was RESULTS AND DISCUSSION carried out by Professor N. I. Fedorov (IB USC RAS), Ufa. The samples have been collected at three phases: A comparative analysis of the content and compo- budding - buds and leaves (sample I) and branches sition of the alkaloids of the aerial parts of Genista (sample II), flowering - flowers and leaves (sample III) ‘unripe tinctoria L. at the budding, flowering, and fruiting phe- and branches (sample IV), fruiting - leaves and ’ (sample V) and branches (samples VI). The plant nological phases was carried out by GS/MS method, pods that is the common, most convenient and fast for the material was dried and powdered to obtain particles 1 analysis of extracts of quinolizidine alkaloids[23-25]. The mm in diameter. buds and leaves (sample I), flowers and leaves (sample ‘unripe pods’ (sample V), and branches Extraction and isolation of total alkaloids III), leaves and An air-dried and powdered sample I (100 g) was (samples II, IV, VI) of G. tinctoria were investigated × 3 extracted with water-acetone (1:9) mixture (10 d separately. Results of the GC/MS investigation are pre- times). After concentration under vacuum, the residue sented in TABLE 1. was acidified to pH 3 by 10% H SO and extracted The total alkaloid content is minimal during the bud- × 100 ml). The aqueo2us fr4action was cau- – sample I, 0.17% – sample II) with Et O (3 ding period (0.05% 2 and it increases markedly by the time the flowering tiously adjusted to pH 10 by Na2CO3 and then ex- – sample III, 0.85% – sample IV) and the fruiting × 100 ml). The (0.60% haustively extracted with CHCl3 (5 – sample V, 0.60% – sample VI) are periods (0.59% CHCl3 fraction was dried by anhydrous Na2SO4 and concentrated under vacuum to yield 50 mg of total al- reached. A higher content of alkaloids was identified in the branches of the plant (the total alkaloid content was kaloids of sample I. Extraction of total alkaloids from – sample II, 0.85% – sample IV, – VI was carried out by analogy. as follows: 0.17% samples II – sample VI, respectively) during all pheno- and 0.6% GC/MS investigations and data analysis logical phases. Chromato-mass spectrograms were recorded on The analysis of composition of the total alkaloids – a Thermo Finnigan MAT 95 XP, electron impact ion- (samples I-VI) shown that the quinolizidine alkaloids – 250°C, ization method (70 eV), injector temperature ( )-cytisine, N-formylcytisine, anagyrin, baptifolin, d- – 30 m HP-5MS column, phase thickness 0.25 mm lupanin, N-methylcytisine are the major components. It µm, initial temperature – 120 °C for 3 minutes, 0.25 is necessary to mention, that samples I-VI differed sig- °C isotherm for 10 minutes. The components of 250 nificantly with respect to composition and content of NaturaAln PInrdioand Jouurcnatl s NPAIJ, 10(7) 2014 Inna P.Tsypysheva et al. 217 Full Paper TABLE 1 : Seasonal dynamics of alkaloids of Genista tinctoria L. Phenological phase Budding Flowering Fruiting leaves and buds and flowers “ branches branches unripe branches leaves and leaves ” Sample pods I II III IV V VI Total alkaloids, %1 0.05 0.17 0.60 0.85 0.59 0.60 Components RRT2 M+ Q3 Content of components, %1 Ammodendrine 0.78 208 90 - - +4 - - - N-methylcytisine 0.94 204 97 0.02 0.07 0.02 0.02 + 0.01 (-)-Cytisine 1.00 190 98 0.04 0.08 0.02 0.01 0.01 d-Lupanine 1.22 248 96 - + 0.03 - - - N- formylcytisine 1.51 218 94 + - 0.05 0.16 0.06 0.10 Anagyrine 1.54 244 98 + 0.04 0.09 0.05 0.01 0.04 Baptifoline 1.91 260 89 - - 0.10 0.22 0.05 0.22 – 250°C, HP-5MS column, phase thickness – 30 m 1% of the weight of the air-dry raw material; 2Injector temperature 0.25 mm µm, initial temperature – 120°C for 3 minutes, 250°C isotherm for 10 minutes; 0.25 3Probability of similarity between the recorded spectra and the spectra found in the database; 4Traces the individual components. CONCLUSIONS Thus, ( )-cytisine was identified in all samples but its maximal content was recorded at the flowering phase, Thus, it was shown, that the content of quinolizidine in sample IV (0.2%). Also, the aerial part of Genista alkaloids in the aerial parts of Genista tinctoria grow- tinctoria contains N-methylcytisine and anagyrin dur- ing in the forest-steppe zone of the Bashkortostan Re- public (Southern Ural) is maximal in the branches of the ing all phenological phases. Their relevant contents reach flowering period; the baptifoline and (-)-cytisine are the maximal values in the branches during the flowering major components of the total alkaloids of this plant. period (0.07% in sample IV), and in the leaves and Resulting data confirms that G. tinctoria can be used flowers during the flowering period (0.09% in sample as an accessible source of the two mentioned above III), respectively. quinolizidine alkaloids. N-Formylcytisine presents in all samples except sample II.
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