
Ohio 1094 On 19 August 1863 the Adjutant General ordered that: Volunteer regiments, battalions and Squadrons will inscribe on their colors their proper numerical designation and the arm of the service to which they belong, with the letters O.V.M. They may also wear upon their colors the name of their city or county, or both. This order probably relates to inscriptions on national colors. 43uSA a+I ORDER oF BAH,E: VOLUNTEER MILITIA (Redesignated NATIONAL GUARD in 1864; new commands established as INDEPENDENT MILITIA in 1870) (Cineinrali elements) Rover Guards or Rcgt 1852-1860 DO'0 Fw// dress.. scarlet tail coat and pants. trimmed with buff; scarlet dress cap trimmed with brass and initials "C.R.G."; red andwhiteplurne;silverstaronbrassbreastplate;"C.R.G."onbrasswalstbel(pta(e.fa/..gqc..darkb]uejacke(and forage cap, thmmed with red; black pants. /8j8.. F«// dress.. "scarlet. blue, and buff, and bear-skin ha(s," all ranks with gorgets. • Cincinnati Independent lst Regt ?-1 860 20 Comps distinctively dressed, • Washington Bn ?-1860 30 Comps dis(inctively dressed. • lst Cincinnati Bn (organ to condin ac(ive elements of the three commands above) I 860_ 1863 4o loth Regt, OVM 1863-1864 loth Regt. ONG 1864_1870 165th Vol Imf Regt Fed serv: loo days, 1864 /860.. state reg uniforfn adopted. /86j.. US reg inf clothing. • Independent Gu(hrie Grays (comp] I 854-1859 fo Guthrie Grays Bn (reorgan) 1859< . I 865 also 6th Vol lnf Regt (lst Foot Vols) Fed serv: 1861-1864 also Cincimati Rifles (Neff.s) Fed serv: 15 days, 1862 Dress Unf/arm.. gray tail coat, pants and dress cap, with black trim. A$ 6wh Vo/ /rfJicg/.. May /86/ .. issued gray uniform "of distinctive pattern" bought by private subscription; 4 comps wore full unifom, others had gray "overshin"; gray forage cap. Converted muskets. J«nc /86/.. blue state clothing. Flank comps issued Enficld rifle. A«g. /86/ "Greenwood" US M 1842 rifled musket issued 8 center comps. /862-/86j.. Enfie]d rifle with some Sa]ton and Plussian rifled muskets in 1862. • Cincinmti Home Guard Bn (Jones. Indeped€nt Bn: Ralhoad Guard) 6c> Fed serv: (?) • Cineirmti lndepedent Arty (Paulsen's Btry) 7o Fed serv: (?) 1863 • Cincirmati Reserve Militia (2nd Regt, OVM) Fed serv: I mo, 1862 6'0 Gray jacket, pants, shir( and forage cap dinmed with black. • tst Bn (Zbunves) 1868-1872 90 Blue zouave-jacket thr*.gNxctso g G:::FT±±i#mrmm.]BLlrmrfuenp utedibe gaiters. • 2nd_Bn (Colored)roe 1870 on • 3rd Bn (Gcman)/ic> 187l on (Ctevetwrd elenerus) • Cleveland Grays (Fed scrv in lst vol Imf Rcgt) entire period / ao Drou «nJJor7n.. gray tail coat, pants and dress cap. Distinctive button with "CG" inside wreath of leaves and seed pods. Fa/I.gIIe..grayjacket,pantsandcapthmmedwithblack.Grayknapsackwith"C"over"GRAYS"whiteonrea[../866..blue frcek coat. sky blue pants, gray cap. _++ 1095 ORDER OF BATTLE /conll.need/ • Cleveland Light Arty to 1859 ;3o lsl Rcgt Light Arty (Bamctt's) 1859-1861 Fed scfv: 3 mos. 1861 lst Rcgt vol Light Arty Fed scrv: i86i-1865 Cleveland Light Arty (reorgan) 1872 on Double-breaseedbluetailcoatwithbuttousimpairs,skybluepants,hoththmmedwithfed;lcathcrhelnets,brassdin.nd horsehair plume. In 1859 amed with 6-pdr bronze g`ms. Light arty saber. /66/.. US f€g light arty clothing. •rfuvb-I-In-i `k:~ri- Fed scr`r: i86i-i864 \f_V~c>~_ (Included Clcve]_andmavc Light Oqud§ (wore zouavc jacket with buttons dowrn both sides, haided kapi], Sprgue 1`_----_ Zounve Cadets. National Guards, ctc.) Compe not ulformed or distinctively dessed at rust: issued conversions. /mc J86/.. state clothing. /862-/863.. Springfield rifled muskets. • 29th Rcgt. OVM (rcl&tiouship with other Cleveland commands not ccftain) .SC> 1863-1864 • 29th Regt. ONG J.a 1864-.1869 (Dayton etcrnenls) • lst Regt Light lnf (King's; redesig) 1857-1859 J fo 2nd Imf Regt (rcorgan) 1859-1861 5th Vol Imf Rcgt Fed scrv: 1861-1865 (reorgan as indcpcndcnt camps) 1870 on Comps distinctively dressed. Adopted state clothing c. 1860. ASjwhVo//qfJicgl:/86/.."onJyunifomwasflannclshirts,sofnered,someblue,somearmgc,buteachcompanywasthc sane."InitiallyissuedAusthan,PnissianandSa]tonrifledmuskets;retainedthfough1862./86j-/864..Springfieldrifled muskets. (CoLwhus eLenrerus) • Columbus Bn (Mills') 1859-1861? ' tr° Comps distinctively dressed. M1842 musket with M184l rifle for I rifle comp. I q°(Independent camps located in cities of Mari€tta. Toledo, and Sandusky, various to`ms and counde§.) (M iscelheous elerner"s ) (The two regts below were formed in April 1861 almost entirely from OVM comps gathcfcd from the state at large.) • lst vol hi Regr Fed serv: 186l-1864 2oc, (Lmcaster Guards, Lofayctte Guards (Dayton], Dayton Light Gurus. Montgomery G`iards. Cleveland Greys, Hibemian Guards (Cleveland], Portsmouth Guards, Zanesville Guards. Mansfi¢ld Guards, and Jackson Guards (Hamilton]) Comps distinctively clothed at first, chiefly in state leg unifoms. Apr../ /66/.. issued blue fndgue blouse, gmy pants. fed flannel shirt, black felt hat, black pile( cloth overeo&t. Amed with conversions. /.4nc /86/.. US rcg imf clothing; muskets of "approved pattern." IVov /86/.. GTecnwood conversions. /862-/863.. Enficld rifle. • 2nd vol Imf Regt Fed serv: 186l-1864 ;1 I o (Rover Guards. Columbus Videttes, Columbus Fcneibles, Zouavc Guards (Cincinrmti) , Lalayette Guards (Cincirmati), Springfield Zouavcs. Pichaway Comp.. Steubcnvillc Camp., Covington Blues [Miami Co.I, and 8aldwin Rifles (Ufoana)) Same clothing and ams as lst Imf Regt, /862-/86J.. Enfield rifle. (In addition to the commands listed above, a tctal of 99 imf leg(s and bns, 2 cav bus, 15 btrys of light arty. and sevonl independent comps were raised as Ohio Vol Miliha throughout the state in 1863. These commands varied widely in strength. In 1864 elements were dra`rm from them to fom, provisionally. 42 imf regts, I cav bD, and 2 btrys of light arty. Thcsc provisional organs are mentioned next; whcrc knoun, their parent comirmds arc listed.) The relationships. if any, betwccn these new OVM commands and the oldcT pro-war unifined fnilitia corps have not been -rmined in most casc§.) 1096 ORDER OF BATTLE /continued/ ;J O PROVISIONAL NATIONAL GUARD (loo DAYS) (These regts wore US Teg clothing provided by the state, with dress and fatigue uniforms often mixed. Small arms and accoutements were of a wide variety and usually poor quality. Colors caiTied were probably those of parent ONG commands.) • 2ndBn,Cav 60 days, 1864 ® 2ndBtry 60 days, 1864 ® 8thBtry 60 days, 1864; 4 mos, 1864-1865 • 130th Rest (lst Regt, 13th a[id 75th Bus) leo days,1864 • 13lst Rest (elements of lst and 12th Bns) loo days, 1864 • 132nd Regl (elements of ]sl. 12lh. 28th, 38th and 42nd Bns) loo days, 1864 • 133rd Regt (3rd Regt, 58th and 76th Bns) loo days, 1864 • 134th Regt (4th Rest and 94th Bn) loo days. 1864 • 135th Rest (5th Regt and 32nd Bn) loo days, 1864 • 136th Regt (6th, 57th. 62nd and 89th Bns) loo days, .1864 • 137th Regt (7th Regt and 98th Bn) loo days, 1864 • 138th Regt (8th Regt, 5th, 32nd, 37th and 98th Bns) loo days, 1864 • 139th Regt (9th Regt) loo days, 1864 ® 140thRe8' loo days. i864 • 14lst Regt (16th, 20th, 36th and 84th Bus) loo days. 1864 • 142ndRegt loo days, 1864 • 143rd Rcgt (18th and 69th Bns) loo days, 1864 • 144th Rest (19th and 64th Bns) loo days, i86 • 145th Regl (13th Bn, 22nd Regt) loo days, 186` • 146thRegt loo days, 1864 • 147th Rest (25th Regl, 87th Bn) lco days, 1864 • 148th Reg( (46th Regt, 26th aLnd 96th Bus) loo days, 1864 • 149th Regt (27th Rest, 55th Bn) loo days, 1864 ® 150thReg' leo days, i864 • 15lst Regt (33rd Regt, 57th Bn) loo days. 1864 • 152nd Regt (28th and 35th Regts) loo days, 1864 • 153rdRegt loo days, i864 • 154th Regt (23rd Bn, 60th Regt) loo days, i864 • 155th Regi (44th Bn. 92nd Regt) loo days,1864 • 156th Regt (34(h Regt, goth and 8lst Bns) loo days. 1864 • 157th Regt (39th Rest, 88th Bn) loo chys, 1864 • 158th Res(: did not organ • 159th Regt (llth and 73rd Bns) loo days, 1864 ® 160thReg, loo days. i864 • 16lst Regt (43rd, 58th. 70th and 93rd Bns) loo days, i864 • 162ndRegt loo days, 1864 • 163rd Res( (48th Regt, 72nd, 96th and 99th Bns) loo days, 1864 • 164th Regt (49th Regt, 54th Bn) loo days, 1864 • 165th Res( (loth Res(): see Cincinnati elements, VOLUNTEER mlTIA • 166th Regt (59th, 63rd, 79th and 83rd Bns) loo days, 1864 • 167th Regt (6lst Regt, 65th Bn) loo days. 1864 • 168th Rest (66th and 67th Bns) loo days, 1864 • 169th Rest (50th and 52nd Regts, 82nd and 95th Bus) loo days, i864 • 170th Regt (74th and 78th Bns) loo days, 1864 • 17lst Regt (5lst Rest,14th, 85th and 86th Bns) loo days, 1864 • 172nd Regt (47th Regt) loo days, I I-` 1097 ORDER oF BATTLE /cO#finwed/ 93 a VOLUNTEER CAVALRY (Cav commands wore variations of US reg cav clothing.) • lst Regt 1861-1865 Blue uniform jacket, bralded around chest with yellow, sky blue pants, forage cap or black derby-type slouch hat. /862..Sharpscarbine,ColtnavyTevolver,M1840saber.186j..ColtamyandnavyandRemingtonnavyrevolvers./864.. Sharps carbine, Colt navy revolver, M1840 and M1860 sabers. • lst Independent Bn (redesig llth cav Regt, a.v.) 1861-1863 /862.. Enfield rifle, Colt any revolver, M1840 and M1860 sabers. • 2nd Regt (lst Regt, Wade and Hutchins' Cav Brig) 1861-1865 /862..Col(amyandStarrevolvers,M1840saber./86j..Coltrevolvingrifle,Bum§idecarbine,Gallaghercarbine,Colt any and Remington Navy revolvers. /864.' Spencer and Buruside carbines. • 2nd Independent Bn (Buck's) 60 days,1864 • 3rd Regt 1861-1865 /862: Sharps carbine, Remington navy revolver. M 1840 saber. /86j: Bumside, Sharps, Gallagher and Joslyn carbines, Colt army and Remington navy revolvers, /864: Burnside and Spencer cart)ines. • 4th Regt 1861-1865 /862.. Bumside and Sharps carbines, Col( and S(alT army revolvers, M 1840 saber.
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