HISTORY OF SENNACHERIB PDF, EPUB, EBOOK George Smith | 198 pages | 08 Nov 2018 | Franklin Classics Trade Press | 9780344884306 | English | none History of Sennacherib PDF Book How could they hope to escape? The cold, clear waters of the spring were funneled into a pool, which in turn was guarded by two or three towers. People are shown being flayed alive, while others are having their tongues sliced off. The time was ripe to attack Egypt, which was suffering under the rule of the Ethiopians and was by no means a united country. In 2 Kings we read that Sennacherib demanded three hundred talents of silver and 30 talents of gold. Military Heritage Subscribe There are moments in military history that forever alter the flow of human events. Sennacherib figures prominently in the Old Testament. Two teams of diggers were employed, each starting on opposite ends of the proposed excavation. When combined, these slabs comprise a single work measuring 8 feet tall by 80 feet long and would have wrapped around the throne room. In spite of political strife and occasional religious controversy, the 8th century bc was a period of general prosperity for both Israel and Judah. The 10 northern tribes formed the kingdom of Israel, with its capital eventually at Samaria. The Judaean or Judahite defenders were not idle, and as the Assyrians approached, the air was filled with missiles of every description. On the whole, the Assyrians were not completely successful: though Que remained in their possession, they lost their grip on the more northerly regions of Tabal, Hilakku, and Meliddu. At the beginning of his reign the Aramaean tribes were still allied with Elam against him, but Urtaku of Elam — signed a peace treaty and freed him for campaigning elsewhere. Times when the very landscape appears to shift. In the midst of that battle he forsook his camp, and made his escape alone; so he saved his life. Sennacherib wrote of these and other technological accomplishments in minute detail, with illustrations. Access to the city was via a low saddle of land that sloped up near its southwestern corner, but near the top any would-be intruder would encounter a massive fortified gate system. He bragged that he had made Hezekiah a prisoner, "like a bird in a cage. His father, interestingly enough, is not mentioned in any of his many inscriptions. He was also credited with building a temple at Athens. Thus runs a Bible passage that laconically records the end of the campaign. It is interesting to note that some of the reliefs discovered in the palace at Nineveh depict its construction. History at your fingertips. Archaeologists discovered this magnificent palace in the late nineteenth century. In January , while at prayer, Sennacherib was murdered by his own sons. The fleet sailed downstream and was quite successful in the lagoons of the Persian Gulf and along the southern coastline of Elam. Padi, their king, I brought out of Jerusalem, set him on the royal throne over them and imposed upon him my kingly tribute. Elamite interference in Babylonia probably dictated a campaign in against the petty kingdoms of the Zagros Mountains , vassals of Elam, to forestall a possible Elamite thrust by that route toward eastern Assyria. Tirhakah, a general who gained the Egyptian throne in bc, was apparently very lavish in his promises of aid. As Psalm —12 reminds us, no one can hide from the Lord. External Websites. At that time, Assyria did not continue south to Judah because it was considered a loyal subject of the Assyrian king a vassal state. Did the gods of the nations that were destroyed by my predecessors deliver them—the gods of Gozan, Harran, Rezeph and the people of Eden who were in Tel Assar? Senior, Solomon. Thus I extended my land. The main city wall dated to bc, and in spite of repairs over the centuries it was in a delapidated condition. The Assyrians generally kept local native rulers in place, demanding only obedience and a steady flow of tribute from their conquered vassals. Satisfied, Sennacherib agreed to withdraw—but made sure the peace would be a harsh one. Senior, Nassau. Archers shot a steady stream of arrows, and slingers launched a deadly barrage of stones. The new puppet king of Babylonia was Bel-ibni — , who had been raised in Assyria. The Pyramids of Ancient Egypt. In my fourth campaign Assur, my lord, gave me courage, and I mustered my numerous armies and gave the command to proceed against Bit-Yakin. History of Sennacherib Writer The fleet sailed downstream and was quite successful in the lagoons of the Persian Gulf and along the southern coastline of Elam. Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, Encyclopedia. He was helpless and bereft of allies, who had been conquered or had submitted under threat of annihilation. This arrangement caused much dissension, and some farsighted civil servants warned of disastrous effects. On his return to Assyria, Sennacherib found a plank which was part of Noah's ark and made it an object of worship. Sermon Discussion - Facebook Live on January The overlap between biblical and extra-biblical accounts of this period deepen our understanding of this moment and strengthen our confidence in the historical accuracy of the biblical text. See also T. Alternative Titles: Sin-ahhe-eriba, Sin-akhkheeriba. The Assyrian king dealt with Merdach-baladan first, launching a devastating campaign that routed the Babylonian leader and sent him scurrying back into exile. WWII Quarterly, the hardcover journal of the Second World War that is not available in bookstores or on newsstands, and can only be obtained and collected through a personal subscription through the mail. It appears the width of the bottom of the ramp would have been m fanning down to a width of 25 m at the top. I opened his treasure-house:-gold, silver, vessels of gold and silver, precious stones of every kind name goods and property without limit number , heavy tribute, his harem, his courtiers and officials, singers, male and female, all of his artisans, as many as there were, the servants of his palace, I brought out, I counted as spoil. Terror became a weapon of Assyrian policy. The difference in the amount of silver paid may be attributed to a different method of measuring, Assyrian exaggeration or scribal error. What lessons does He have for us? Apply Discount. Tirhakah, a general who gained the Egyptian throne in bc, was apparently very lavish in his promises of aid. Recently uncovered evidence points to a second Assyrian siege, this one taking place perhaps ca. Women carried sacks over their shoulders, all they could collect on such short notice, and as they trudged barefoot through the dust crying children clung to their tunics in bewilderment. No one knows what Sennacherib had in mind for Hezekiah, but it was probably torture, then execution by impaling or flaying alive. In my third campaign I went against the Hittite-land. Sennacherib, like most ancient kings, boasted of his greatness. Religious scruples aside, Hezekiah must have realized a return to Yahweh unified the nation in the face of coming trials. The cities Marubishti and Akkuddu, his royal residence-cities, together with 34 small cities of their environs, I besieged, I captured, I destroyed, I devastated, I burned with fire. January 13, Water is crucial to human life, and an absolute necessity to a city resisting a long siege. Sennett, Frank Ronald, Jr. History of Sennacherib Reviews Babylon was conquered and completely destroyed, the temples plundered and leveled. The main city wall dated to bc, and in spite of repairs over the centuries it was in a delapidated condition. While there might have been an element of sadism involved, Assyrians largely used slaughter, torture, and mutilation as instruments of policy. There were other forms of psychological warfare as well, and the Assyrian commanders were about to try some of these techniques on the people of Jerusalem. Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. Print print Print. The works that remain are not on the level of those of either his predecessors or of Ashurbanipal. Normally, this would have been an opportunity for the victorious Assyrian troops to go after an even bigger prize, but a badly timed plague had just wiped out , of his troops. Archers shot a steady stream of arrows, and slingers launched a deadly barrage of stones. Sennacherib is mentioned by name 16 times in Scripture, more than any other Assyrian ruler. Photo: Todd Bolen, Bibleplaces. King Hezekiah rebelled against Assyrian control 2 Kings , which led Sennacherib to invade Judah in order to restore his hold on the territory to the west. Although he besieged Jerusalem, he was unable to take the city, for "that night the angel of the Lord went forth, and slew , in the camp of the Assyrians" II Kings Hezekiah declined, but sent out three representatives instead: Eliakim, the head of the royal household; Shebnah, the palace secretary or scribe; and Joah, the herald. But he also wants us to realize that our survival is in his hands. Clearly, God's people faced great suffering because of their sins. After nine months he was forced to withdraw when Sennacherib defeated a coalition army consisting of Babylonians, Aramaeans, and Elamites. The Assyrians wanted to deal with Hezekiah himself, and demanded the royal presence. The fact that tribute was paid is also affirmed, with the amount of gold being the same in both the Assyrian and Judahite sources.
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