UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository) «A sanguine bunch». Regional identification in Habsburg Bukovina, 1774-1919 van Drunen, H.F. Publication date 2013 Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): van Drunen, H. F. (2013). «A sanguine bunch». Regional identification in Habsburg Bukovina, 1774-1919. General rights It is not permitted to download or to forward/distribute the text or part of it without the consent of the author(s) and/or copyright holder(s), other than for strictly personal, individual use, unless the work is under an open content license (like Creative Commons). Disclaimer/Complaints regulations If you believe that digital publication of certain material infringes any of your rights or (privacy) interests, please let the Library know, stating your reasons. In case of a legitimate complaint, the Library will make the material inaccessible and/or remove it from the website. Please Ask the Library: https://uba.uva.nl/en/contact, or a letter to: Library of the University of Amsterdam, Secretariat, Singel 425, 1012 WP Amsterdam, The Netherlands. You will be contacted as soon as possible. UvA-DARE is a service provided by the library of the University of Amsterdam (https://dare.uva.nl) Download date:27 Sep 2021 Appendix III: Sources Archive material Vienna, Austria Archiv des österreichischen Parlaments Stenographische Protokolle über die Sitzungen des Hauses der Abgeordneten des Reichsrathes, 1898-1899/ 15th Session, 1899-1900/ 16th Session, 1909-1911/ 20th Session, 1911-1914/ 21st Session. Kriegsarchiv/Armeeoberkommando/Gemeinsames Zentralnachweisbüro (AOK/GZNB) Zensurstelle „D“ 1915-1918, Kartons 3726, 3727, 3728, 3729, 3731, 3733, 3738, 3741, 3742, 3745, 3746, 3747, 3751, 3752, 3753, 3754, 3755, 3757, 3759, 3760, 3761, 3765, 3766, 3767, 3772, 3773, 3774, 3777, 3781, 3783. Bucharest, Romania Arhivele Naţionale ale României (ANR) Fond ‘Guvernământul Bucovinei’: MCȊ, pachete I/7, I/10, IV/5, LXXXV/1, LXXXV/1, LXXXVII/7, LXXXVII/12, LXXXVIII, XCII/22, XCIII/5, XCIII/8, XCIII/9, XCIII/22, CVI/3, CXV/7, CXXI/3, CXXIII/10, CXXIII/11, CXXIV/13, CXXVI, 1, CXXXI/4, CXXXIII/1, CXXXIII/8. MI, mape 67/3, 68/9, 69/9, 69/10, 71/1, 75/1, 75/2, 78/4, 79/1, 79/2, 84/1, 84/3, 85/3/1, 85/4, 86/1, 86/3, 86/4-vol. I, 86/6, 86/14, 106/3, 106/5-vol. I, 84/2. Fond ‘Teodor Bălan’: n. ord. 2124, dos. 48 (Bălan, Teodor, Fănucă - Roman din viaţa bucovineană – manuscript). Fond Ministerul Lucrărilor Publice şi Comunicaţiilor, Direcţia de Arhitectură şi Urbanism: dosar 702. Suceava, Romania Direcţia Judeţeană Suceava a Arhivelor Naţionale (DJAN Suceava) Colecţia de documente: pachet XII, dosar 48, 51; Pachet XXV, dosar 70. Fond Comunitatea armenească Suceava: 1870, dosar 8; 1898, dosar 3. Fond “Mitropolia Bucovinei”, secţia ‘Diverse’: dosare 1006, 1119, 1340, 1359, 1477, 1582, 2112, 2133, 2296; secţia 13/4, dosar 27; secţia 14/1: dosar 56. Fond Personal N. Grămadă, dosar B1. Fond Prefectura judeţului Rădăuţi: 1918, dosar 1; 1919, dosar 5; 1920, dosar 7. Fond Prefectura judeţului Siret, 1919, dosar 8 (acordarea indigenatului, renunţarea la cetăţenia română). Irimescu, G.: Prefaţa la inventarul fondului ‘Administraţia Fondului Bisericesc ort.rom. din Bucovina’; Irimescu, Sevastiţa: Prefaţa la inventarul fondului ‘Mitropolia Bucovinei’. Chernivtsi, Ukraine Derzhavnyi arkhiv Chernivets’koï oblasty/ Державний архів Чернівецької області (DAChO) Viddil 1, Fond 2, Opis 1, spr. 572, 1032. Viddil 1, Fond 3, Opis 1, spr. 2764, 2771, 2824, 2881, 2982, 3023, 3051, 3431, 3645, 3961, 3966, 4010, 4070, 4512, 4531, 4533, 4618, 4626, 4684, 4711, 4724, 4745, 4792, 4916, 5059, 5152, 5154, 5155, 5158, 5159, 5311, 5391, 5427, 5428, 5486, 5652, 5659, 5787, 5793, 5817, 5958, 5986, 5992, 6055, 6191, 6288, 6695, 6779, 6880, 7225, 7286, 7287, 7288, 7291, 7664, 7676, 7677. Viddil 1, Fond 3, Opis 2, spr. 18637, 18639, 18793. Viddil 1, Fond 3, Opis 6, spr. 119, 189. Viddil 1, Fond 3, Opis 8, spr. 130. Newspapers (Habsburg Bukovina) Bukowiner Nachrichten (1900-1910) Bukowiner Volks-Zeitung (1907-1912) Bukowinaer Gebirgs-Journal (1908-1914) Bukowinaer Journal (1901-1902) Bukowinaer Post (1893-1914) Bukowinaer Rundschau (1884-1906) Czernowitzer Allgemeine Zeitung (1905-1914) Czernowitzer Presse (1887-1901) Czernowitzer Allgemeine Zeitung/Czernowitzer Tagblatt/ joint wartime edition (1917-1919) Czernowitzer Tagblatt (1888-1914) Sonntagsblatt der Bukowina (1862) Agricultoriul (1904-1906) Apărarea Naţională (1906-1908) Deşteptarea (1893-1902) Păstorul (1919) Patria (1897-1899) Viaţa Nouă (1912-1913) Viitoriul (1905-1913) Voinţa Poporului (1903-1908) Bukovyna/ Буковина (1886- 1900, 1907-1915) Narodna Rada/ Народна Рада (1904-1907) Narodniy Holos/ Народный голос (1911-1915) Nova Bukovyna/ Нова Буковина (1912) Hromadyanin/ Громадянин (1909-1910) Priyatel‘/ Приятель (1903) Ruska rada/ Руска Рада (1898-1908) Russkaya Pravda/ Русская правда (1911-1912) Selyanin/ Селянинъ (1896-1902) Newspapers (Habsburg Vienna) Neue Freie Presse (1875-1914) Das Vaterland (1875) Reichspost (1902-1907) Newspaper articles (various) NRC de Week (1 September 2008: De Bruin, Ellen, Geen Turk, geen Duitser (interview with Joep Leerssen, 12-13) New York Times (22 February 1914: Hungarian Treason Trial - Dramatic Appearance of Count Bobrinsky at Marmaros Sziget) Lyon Républicain (28 June 1917: L'avenir de la Roumanie – Manifestation imposante à Jassy) Curierul de Iaşi (Vol. 109, 1876: Eminescu, Mihai, Grigore Ghica Voevod) Timpul (Bucharest, 11 November 1877, Eminescu, Mihai, Arboroasa -‘în 'Neue Freie Presse' ne-a intâmpinat...’) Pester Lloyd (Vol. 93, 1883: Marcziányi, Georg von, Wie die Csángó nach der Bukowina kamen/ Vol 246, 1917: Herczeg, Géza, Feuilleton - Oberst Tisza - an der russischen Front in der Bukowina, Ende September) Wiener Zeitung (30 January 2004: Bentz, Oliver, Franzos, Emil: Chronist einer verlorenen Welt) Secondary Sources NN, A Messianic Family, in: The Free Church of Scotland Monthly Record, 51. 01.10.1866, pp. 12-13. 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