Through the Centuries Through Isaiah Wiley Blackwell Bible Commentaries Series Editors: John Sawyer, Christopher Rowland, Judith Kovacs, David M. Gunn John Through the Centuries 1 & 2 Thessalonians Through Mark Edwards the Centuries Revelation Through the Centuries Anthony C. Thiselton Judith Kovacs and Christopher Six Minor Prophets Through Rowland the Centuries Judges Through the Centuries By Richard Coggins and Jin H. Han David M. Gunn Lamentations Through the Centuries Exodus Through the Centuries Paul M. Joyce and Diana Lipton Scott M. Langston James Through the Centuries Ecclesiastes Through the Centuries David Gowler Eric S. Christianson The Acts of the Apostles Through the Esther Through the Centuries Centuries Jo Carruthers Heidi J. Hornik and Mikeal C. Parsons Psalms Through the Centuries: Chronicles Through the Centuries Volume I Blaire French Susan Gillingham Isaiah Through the Centuries Galatians Through the Centuries John F. A. Sawyer John Riches 1 & 2 Samuel Through the Centuries Pastoral Epistles Through David M. Gunn the Centuries 1 & 2 Kings Through the Centuries Jay Twomey Martin O’Kane Through the Centuries Through Isaiah John F. A. Sawyer This edition first published 2018 © 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, except as permitted by law. Advice on how to obtain permission to reuse material from this title is available at http://www.wiley.com/go/permissions. The right of John F. A. Sawyer to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with law. 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Library of Congress Cataloging‐in‐Publication data applied for Hardback: 9780631219637 Cover Image: P.128-1950.p5 Satan going forth from the presence of the Lord, and Job’s charity from the ‘Book of Job’, 1825 (engraving), Blake, William (1757–1827) / Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge, UK / Bridgeman Images Cover Design: Wiley Set in 10/12.5pt Minion by SPi Global, Pondicherry, India 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 For Jean Contents Series Editors’ Preface xv Acknowledgements xvii List of Illustrations xix Introduction 1 The Reception of Isaiah 2 Reception Exegesis 5 Isaiah 1 9 The Title (Isa 1:1) 9 The Ox and the Ass Have More Sense (Isa 1:2–9) 10 Blood on Your Hands (Isa 1:10–20) 14 The Faithful City (Isa 1:21–31) 16 viii Contents Isaiah 2 19 A Second Title (Isa 2:1) 19 Swords into Ploughshares (Isa 2:2–5) 20 Haughtiness Shall Be Humbled (Isa 2:6–22) 24 Isaiah 3 27 Anarchy in Jerusalem (Isa 3:1–15) 28 The Daughters of Zion are Haughty (Isa 3:16–26; 4:1) 29 Isaiah 4 31 The Pride and Glory of the Survivors (Isa 4:2–6) 32 Isaiah 5 35 The Fate of God’s Vineyard (Isa 5:1–7) 35 Woe to Those Who Are Wise in Their Own Eyes! (Isa 5:8–30) 38 Isaiah 6 41 Holy, Holy, Holy (Isa 6:1–3) 42 Here Am I: Send Me! (Isa 6:4–8) 48 Go and Say to this People, ‘Hear, But Do Not Understand’ (Isa 6:9–13) 50 Isaiah 7 52 Faith and Reason (Isa 7:1–9) 53 The Immanuel Prophecy (Isa 7:10–17) 54 The King of Assyria (Isa 7:18–25) 58 Isaiah 8 59 The Waters of Shiloah (Isa 8:1–10) 60 The Strong Hand of the Lord (Isa 8:11–22) 61 Isaiah 9 65 Galilee of the Nations (Isa 9:1) 65 For Unto Us a Child Is Born (Isa 9:2–7) 66 Wickedness Burns Like a Fire (Isa 9:8–21) 71 Isaiah 10 73 Woe to Those in Power! (Isa 10:1–4) 74 Woe to Assyria! (Isa 10:5–19) 74 Be Not Afraid of Assyria, My People (Isa 10:20–34) 75 Contents ix Isaiah 11 78 The Noble Stem of Jesse (Isa 11:1–5) 79 The Peaceable Kingdom (Isa 11:6–9) 84 The Messianic Age (Isa 11:10–16) 87 Isaiah 12 91 With Joy Shall You Draw Water from the Wells of Salvation (Isa 12:1–6) 91 Isaiah 13 94 Howl, For the Day of the Lord Is at Hand! (Isa 13:1–22) 95 Isaiah 14 99 The Lord Will Again Choose Israel (Isa 14:1–3) 99 How Art Thou Fallen from Heaven, O Lucifer! (Isa 14:4–23) 100 Prophecies against the Assyrians and the Philistines (Isa 14:24–32) 103 Isaiah 15 105 My Heart Cries Out for Moab (Isa 15:1–14) 105 Isaiah 16 107 Hide the Fugitives, Do Not Betray the Refugees (Isa 16:1–14) 107 Isaiah 17 110 An Oracle Concerning Syria and Ephraim (Isa 17:1–3) 110 The Glory of Jacob Will Be Brought Low (Isa 17:4–14) 111 Isaiah 18 113 A Prophecy Concerning Ethiopia (Isa 18:1–7) 113 Isaiah 19 117 An Oracle Concerning Egypt (Isa 19:1–15) 117 Blessed Be Egypt, My People! (Isa 19:16–25) 119 Isaiah 20 123 Put Not Your Trust in Egypt and Ethiopia (Isa 20:1–6) 123 x Contents Isaiah 21 126 Babylon is Fallen! (Isa 21:1–10) 126 Watchman, What of the Night? (Isa 21:11–17) 129 Isaiah 22 133 Let Me Weep Bitter Tears (Isa 22:1–14) 133 The Key of David (Isa 22:15–25) 137 Isaiah 23 139 Howl Ye Ships of Tarshish! (Isa 23:1–18) 139 Isaiah 24 143 The End of the World (Isa 24:1–13) 144 The Last Judgement (Isa 24:14–23) 145 Isaiah 25 149 The Eschatological Banquet 149 Isaiah 26 153 The Resurrection of the Dead (Isa 26:1–21) 153 Isaiah 27 159 Leviathan (Isa 27:1) 160 The Lord’s Vineyard (Isa 27:2–11) 160 The Sound of the Shofar (Isa 27:12–13) 162 Isaiah 28 164 Woe to the Drunken Priests and Prophets! (Isa 28:1–13) 165 A Covenant with Death (Isa 28:14–29) 167 Isaiah 29 171 Ariel, the City of David (Isa 29:1–8) 171 Having Eyes They See Not (Isa 29:9–16) 173 Jacob Shall No More Be Ashamed (Isa 29:17–24) 175 Isaiah 30 177 Woe to the Rebellious Children! (Isa 30:1–17) 177 Blessed Are All Those Who Wait for Him (Isa 30:18–26) 180 The Burning Anger of the Lord (Isa 30:27–33) 182 Contents xi Isaiah 31 185 Woe to Those Who Rely on Horses and Chariots! (Isa 31:1–9) 185 Isaiah 32 188 A Kingdom of Righteousness and Peace (Isa 32:1–20) 188 Isaiah 33 193 The Destroyer (Isa 33:1–12) 194 A Place of Broad Waters and Streams (Isa 33:13–24) 195 Isaiah 34 199 The Day of Vengeance (Isa 34:1–17) 199 Isaiah 35 205 The Day of Redemption (Isa 35:1–10) 205 Isaiah 36 209 The Assyrian Invasion of Judah (Isa 36:1–22) 209 Isaiah 37 213 The Salvation of Jerusalem (Isa 37:1–38) 213 Isaiah 38 218 The Recovery of King Hezekiah from Illness (Isa 38:1–22) 218 Isaiah 39 223 Envoys from Babylon (Isa 39:1–8) 223 Isaiah 40 226 ‘Comfort My People,’ Says Your God (Isa 40:1–11) 227 Creator of Heaven and Earth (Isa 40:12–31) 232 Isaiah 41 237 The Lord of History (Isa 41:1–7) 237 Fear Not, Israel, My Servant (Isa 41:8–20) 239 The Impotence of False Gods (Isa 41:21–29) 241 xii Contents Isaiah 42 243 Behold My Servant (Isa 42:1–13) 243 God as Mother (Isa 42:14–25) 247 Isaiah 43 251 I Am Your Saviour (Isa 43:1–13) 251 A New Exodus (Isa 43:14–28) 254 Isaiah 44 257 I Am Alpha and Omega: Besides Me There Is No God (Isa 44:1–8) 257 The Folly of Idol Worship (Isa 44:9–20) 259 Jerusalem Shall Be Rebuilt (Isa 44:21–28) 260 Isaiah 45 262 Cyrus the Lord’s Anointed (Isa 45:1–8) 262 Will You Criticize the Creator? (Isa 45:9–13) 266 God Is With You Only and There Is No Other (Isa 45:14–25) 267 Isaiah 46 271 The False Gods of Babylon (Isa 46:1–13) 271 Isaiah 47 274 The Fall of Babylon (Isa 47:1–15) 274 Isaiah 48 277 A Rebel from Birth (Isa 48:1–11) 277 Go Forth from Babylon (Isa 48:12–22) 279 Isaiah 49 283 A Light to the Nations (Isa 49:1–6) 284 A Day of Salvation (Isa 49:7–13) 286 Doubting Zion (Isa 49:14–26) 289 Isaiah 50 293 I Hid Not My Face from Shame and Spitting (Isa 50:1–11) 293 Contents xiii Isaiah 51 297 Look to the Rock from Which You Were Hewn (Isa 51:1–9) 297 Arm of the Lord, Awake (Isa 51:10–23) 299 Isaiah 52 303 The Lord Has Comforted His People (Isa 52:1–12) 303 The Suffering Servant (Isa 52:13–53:12) 308 Isaiah 53 312 The Suffering Servant (cont’d)
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