DOCUMENT RESUME ED 072 795 LI 004 148 AUTHOR Salzer, Elizabeth M., Comp.; Applebaum, Hannah B., Comp. TITLE A Selected Bibliography of Books on Women in the Libraries of the State University of New York at Albany. INSTITUTION State Univ. of New York, Albany. Univ. Libraries. PUB DATE Jul 72 NOTE 226p.; (1855 References) AVAILABLE FROM Bibliographical Services Section, Reference Dept., Univ. Library, State Univ. of N. Y. at Albany, 1400 Washington, Ave., Albany, N. Y. 12222 ($1.00 Cks to SUNYA Library, FSA Acct. 230-4Z) EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$9.87 DESCRIPTORS Bibliographies; Books; *Females; Feminism; Government Publications; *Library Collections; *Library Materials; Periodicals; *University Libraries; Working Women IDENTIFIERS *State University of New York ABSTRACT This bibliography is limited to Looks, cataloged government documents, and whole or special issues of periodicalson women in the University Libraries of the State University of New York at Albany. The selection of items for inclusion in the bibliography has been as broad as possible except in theareas specified below. Books in the area of women's sports have been excludedexcept for those dealing with the formal physical education ofwomen. These have been included in the education section. Technical booksin the fields of obstetrics and gynecology have generally been excluded.Books on marriage and the family have been highly selected to includeonly those whose focal point is the relationship ofwomen to marriage and the family. In general, biographies of individualwomen have been omitted. Only biographies of individual women importantto women's movements or individual biographies giving insight intowomen in a particular condition or profession have been included.Literary works by women have been included only when they givea unique literary depiction of a particular type of woman. (Author) FILMED FROM BEST AVAILABLE COPY U $ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. I. DU CATION Er WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS 00CUMENT 'HAS BEEN REPRO - LCl EXACTLY aS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR 'JRGANIZATION ORIG- CT` INATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPIN- IONS STATED 30 NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT FICIAL OFFICE OF EOU CATION POSI',ON OR POLICY C) A SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOOKS ON WOMEN LLJ IN THE LIBRARIES OF THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AT ALBANY COMPILED BY ELIZABETH M. SALZER WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF HANNAH B. APPLEBAU1 STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AT ALBANY UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES BIBLIOGRAPHY DIVISION JULY 1972 Tt4 C C TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION PAGE SECTION I-COLLECTIVE BIOGRAPHIES OF WOMEN 1 General 1 Asia 3 Europe 3 Latin America 6 United States and Canada SECTION II-HISTORY AND CONDITION OF WOMEN (INCLUDING SUFFRAGE, RIGHTS, AND WOMEN'S '11 LIBERATION MOVEMENTS) General 11 Africa 22 Asia (Including Turkey) 24 Australasia 29 Europe (Including U.S.S.R.) 29 Latin America 37 Polynesia 39 United States and Canada 39 Suffrage, Legal Rights, and Women's Liberation Movements 48 SECTION III-RELATIONSHIP OF THE SEXES (INCLUDING PROSTITUTION, MARRIAGE, MOTHERHOOD, AND SINGLE WOMEN) 61 Relationship of the Sexes reneral3 61 Relationship of the SexesSpecial 69 Prostitution TO Marriage, Motherhood, and Family Life 77 Single Women 90 SECTION IV -WOMEN AND EDUCATION (INCLUDING THE EDUCATION OF WOMEN, WOMEN EDUCATORS, AND THE EFFECT OF EDUCATION ON WOMEN) 93 SECTION V-EMPLOYMENT AND CAREER OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN (INCLUDING PROFESSIONS NOT COVERED ELSEWHERE) 112 SECTION VI -WOMEN AND THE SCIENTIFIC AND MEDICAL PROFESSIONS 130 Scientific Professions 130 Medical Professions 130 SECTION VII-WOMEN AND LITERATURE, FOLKLORE, AND THE ARTS (INCLUDING WOMEN IN THE ARTS AND THE 134 DEPICTION OF WOMEN IN THE ARTS) SECTION VIII-WOMEN AND RELIGIONS (INCLUDING WOMEN RELIGIOUS) 152 General 152 Buddist 152 Christian 152 Hindu 155 Jewish 156 Moslem 157 SECTION IX -WOMEN AND POLITICAL AND SOCIAL MOVEMENTS 158 SECTION X-CRIMINAL AND DELINQUENT WOMEN AND WOKEN'S PRISONS 161 SECTION XI-PSYCHOLOGY OF WOMEN 166 SECTION XII-MENTAL AND PHYSICAL HEALTH OF WOMEN (INCLUDING BIRTH CONTROL AND ABORTION) 170 General 170 Pregnancy, Childbirth, Birth Control and Abortion 173 SECTION XIII-GIRLS (INCLUDING ONLY MATERIAL NOT COVERED ELSEWHERE) 179 SECTION XIV-BIBLIOGRAPHIES ON WOMEN 181 PERSONAL AUTHOR AND EDITOR INDEX 183 CORPORATE AUTHOR AND TITLE MAIN ENTRY INDC 223 ii INTRODUCTION This bibliograrhy has been limited to books, catalogedgovernmeit documents, and whole or special issues of periodicalson women in the University Libraries of the State University of New York atAlbany. The selectim of items for inclusion in thebibliography has been as broad as possible except in the areas specified belom. Books in the area of women's sports have been excluded except forthose dealing with the formal physical education cf women. These have been included in the education section. Technical books in the fields of obstetrics and gynecology have generally been excluded. Books on marriage and the family have been highly selected to include only those whose focal pointis the relationship of women to marriage and the family. In general, biographies of individualwomen have been omitted. Only biographies of individualwomen important to women's movements or individual biographies giving insight into women ina particular condition or profession have been included. Literary works by women have been included only when theygive a unique literary dipiction of a particular type ofwoman. The subject headings used in this bibliographyare molified Library of Congress subject headings. Many books have been included in more than one section of the bibliography, but books have been listed onlyonce mithim a section. In general, only the latest edition ofa book has been included in the bibliography. EXceptions have been made when the latest edition ofa book is an abridgment of an earlier editionor when different editions of a book have had variant titles. Personal and corporate author indexes have been includedto assist the user of the bibliography. SECTION-I COLLECTIVE BIOGRAPHIES OF WOMEN General (1) CT Arrieta, Rafael Alberto. ... Las Hermanas Tutelares. 3203 Buenos Aires, Ed. Babel, 1923. AT (2) CT Arroyo; Cesar Emilio. Siete Medallas. Quito, Ed. 3203 Casa de is CulturaEcuatoriana, 1962. A76 1962 (3) PQ Balbey d' Aurevilly, Jules Amedee. Les Bas - Bleus. 286 Genbve, Slatkine Reprints, 1968, c1878. (Les B3 Oeuvres et les Hommes, v.5) 1968 . v.5 (4) CT Blashfield, Evangeline Wilbour. Portraits and Back 3B6 203 grounds. New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 191f. (5) pa Boccaccio, Giovanni. Concerning_Famous Women. tr. 4274 by Guido A. Guarino. New Brunswick, N.J., D5 Rutgers Univ. Pr., 1963. E5 1963 (6) PR Boccaccio, Giovanni. Forty - Six Lives. tr. by 1119 Henry Parker, Lord Morley. ed. by Herbert G. A2 Wright. London, Pub. for the Early English Text no.214 Society by H. Milford, ONford Univ. Pr., 1943. (Early English Text Society. Original Series no. 214. 1943 (for 1940)). (7) HQ Bordeaux, Henry. Reines et Femmes. Cleopetre, 1123 Berenice, Christine de Suede, la Religieuse B67 Portugaise, Madame du Deffanc et Julie de Lespinasse, Rachel, Marie Bashkirtseff et Katherine Mansfield. Paris, 1d. de La Table ronde, 1947. Pagel (8) CT Bradford, Gamaliel. Daughters of Eve. Boston, New 3202 Home Library, 1930. B68 (9) CT Bradford, Gamaliel. Portraits of Women. Boston, 3230 Houghton Mifflin, 1916. B7 (10) DC Brant8Me, Pierre de Bourdeille, Seigneur de. ...Vies 112 des Dames Illustres Francoises et Etrangeres. All Nouv. ed. Paris, Garnier Freres, 18 - -. B49 (11) CT Brown, Ivor John Carnegie. Dark Ladies. London, 3203 Collins, 1957. BT4 1957 (12) D Dark, Sidney. Twelve More Ladies: Good, Badj and 109 Indifferent. Freeport, N.Y., Books for Libraries D3 Pr., 1969, c1932. 1969 (13) CT Francis, Claude. Femmes Celebres. Quebec, Les 3202 Presses Universitaires Laval, 1954. F84x (14) DC La Varende, Jean de. Les Belles Exclaves. Paris, 36.3 Flammarion, 1949. L33 (15) CT Lotz, Philip Henry, ed. ...Women Leaders. New York, 104 Association Pr., 1940. 163 v.2 (16) CT Middleton, Dorothy. Victorian Lady Travellers. 3203 London, Boutledge & Kegan Paul, 1965. M5 1965 (17) REF Sainz de Robles, Federico Carlos. Ensayo de un CT Diccionario de Mujeres Celebres. Madrid, 3202 Aguilar, 1959. 835x Page 2 (18) D Sergeant, Philip Welsingham. Dominant Women. 109 Freeport, N.Y., Books for Libraries Pr., S4 1969, c1929. 1969 (19) 615512- Stone, Elizabeth. Political Women. Port Washington, 615513 N.Y., Kennikat Pr., 1970, c1873. 2v. (20) CT Taves, Isabella. Successful Women and How They 3260 Attained Success.New York, E.P. Dutton and T3 Company, inc., 1943. (21) CT Thomas, Henry.Living Biographies of Famous %men. 3202 Garden City, N.Y., Garden City Publishing co., T53 1942. 1942 (22) BX Walsh, James Joseph. These Splendid Sisters. 4225 Freeport, N.Y.Books for Libraries Pr., 1970, W3 c1927. 1970 Asia (23) Bs Beard, Mary Ritter. The Force of Women in Japanese 834 History. Washington, Public Affairs Pr., 1953. B4 (24) DS Hibbert, Eloise Talcott. Embroidered Gauze; Portraits 734 of Famous Chinese Ladies.New York, E.P. Dutton H5 and co., Inc., 1941. 1941 Europe (25) DG Andrews, Marian. The Most Illustrious Ladies of the 533 Italian Renaissance. New York, C. Scribner's A5 Sons, 1904. (26) PC Bagley, Charles Rutherford.Famous Women of France. 2117 New York, Reynal & Hitchcock, 1941. B22 (27) BR Bainton, Roland Herbert.Women of the Reformation in 317 Germany and Italy.Minneapolis, Augsburg Pub. B3 House, 1971. 1971 Page 3 (28) DC Brooks, Geraldine. Dames and Daughters of the French 36.2 Court. Freeport, N.Y., Books for Libraries Pr., B7 IW: c1904. 1963 Women of To-Day. (29) CT Cole, Margaret Isabel Postgate. 3320 Freeport, N.Y., Books for Libraries Pr., 1968, C57 c1938. 1968 (30) CT Courtney, Janet Elizabeth Hogarth. The Adventurous 3320 Thirties; a Chapter in the Women's Movement. 06 Freeport, N.Y., Books for Libraries Pr., 1967, 1967 c1933. (31) DA Coxhead, Elizabeth. Daughters of Erin; Five Women of 965 the Irish Renascence.London, Seeker & Warburg, Al 1965. 065 New (32) DG Ferrero, Guglielmo.
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