Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church PARISH OFFICE HOURS BLESSED SACRAMENT EXPOSITION: Monday – Friday: 8:30am - 7:00pm 1st Friday of the month Saturday: 8:30am - 7:00pm 8:15am - 12 midnight Sunday: 8:30am - 7:00pm Monday - Friday Closed for lunch (Monday - Friday) 1:00pm - 2:00pm 6:00pm - 7:00pm SCHEDULE OF MASSES CONFESSIONS: WEEKEND 1st Friday of the month Saturday: English 5:00pm 7:30pm - 12 midnight Spanish 7:00pm Mondays and Fridays Sunday: English 6:30am, 8:00am 6:00pm - 7:00pm 9:30am, 11:30am, 5:00pm Saturday Spanish 1:30pm, 7:00pm 3:45pm - 4:45pm WEEKDAY Morning Prayer: 7:55am (Monday - Friday) SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: Morning Mass: Monday - Saturday: 8:15am Please call the parish office. Mass in Spanish: Monday - Friday 7:00pm 10727 So. Downey Ave., Downey, CA. 90241 ■ www.olphdowney.com ■ Phone: (562) 923-3246 ■ Fax: (562) 862-7020 ■ Email: [email protected] CLERGY Pastor: Monsignor Lorenzo Miranda Associate Pastor: Rev. Ambrose Udoji Permanent Deacons: Carlos Origel Victor Ceja STAFF Parish Business Manager: Betty Origel ext. 205 [email protected] Secretary: Patricia Inzunza ext. 201 [email protected] Bulletin Editor: Erika Sanchez ext. 221 [email protected] Liturgy Coordinator: Theresa Nicholas ext. 211 [email protected] Director of Music: Amy Brent - ext. 211 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (562) 862-7268 Monday - Thursday: 12:00pm - 8:30pm OLPH SCHOOL 10441 Downey Ave., Downey 562-869-9969 Monday - Thursday: 7:30am - 4:00pm Friday: 7:30am - 1:00pm The Lord is my light and my salvation. Psalm 27 El Señor es mi luz y mi salvación. Salmo 27 SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT MARCH 17, 2019 SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT PAGE 2 PASTOR’S COLUMN Dear Community of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, “A deep, terrifying darkness enveloped him …” Genesis Humanity is besieged by a terrible reality called sin. We are made beautifully, in the im- age of God, but our existence has been distorted by the mysterious reality of sin, of offen- sive selfishness. We see this in all the strife and suffering in the world. Death hangs over us constantly. The sacred time of Lent calls us to confront this reality personally and as a community. A deep relationship with God, with the Trinity, with our Lord Jesus Christ saves us, lifts us from the tragedy of sin. Only in God do we find salvation. As we encounter Him, He gives us His glory. The disciples in the Gospel, broken men, saw the glory of God. “While Jesus was praying … His face changed in appearance and His clothing became dazzling white … the disciples saw His glory …” Luke As we journey through life, on this earth, these spiritual moments fill us with Faith, Hope and Love. There is salvation! We are called to a full life as we move along towards Heaven. “Our citizenship is in Heaven …” Philippians Lord, be with us, teach us to pray! Monsignor Lorenzo MARCH 17, 2019 PAGE 3 Use creative problem solving to find new ways Lent is the Chrisan season of preparaon before to protect children Easter. The Lenten season is a me when many Chris- In the Protecng God’s Children program, adults ans observe a period of fasng, repentance, modera- learn how to idenfy potenal signs of abuse and how on, self-denial and spiritual discipline. The purpose is to to pick up on red flag behaviors that indicate a potenal set aside me for reflecon on Jesus Christ—his suffer- predator, even before abuse happens. Another tool in ing and his sacrifice, his life, death, burial, and resurrec- the arsenal of child protecon is creave problem solv- on. The significance of the 40-day period of Lent is ing, where adults learn to think outside the box when it based on two episodes of spiritual tesng in the Bible: comes to finding soluons for protecng children. One the 40 years of wilderness wanderings by the Israelites very effecve creave problem-solving tool is to refocus aer the exodus from Egypt (Numbers 33:38 and Deu- the group’s thinking, turning it away from the perceived teronomy 1:3) and the temptaon of Jesus aer he “problem” and producvely more toward a collabora- spent 40 days fasng in the wilderness (Mahew 4:1-11; ve soluon. Consider the challenge of how to deal with Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:1-13). registered sex offenders whose children aend the Ash Wednesday marks the first day, or the start of the school or parcipate in religious educaon at the parish. season of Lent, which begins 40 days prior to Easter Rather than discuss the topic, the leader might ask par- (Technically 46, as Sundays are not included in the cipants to finish the following sentences, “Wouldn’t it count). Officially named "Day of Ashes," the exact date be awful if…” and “Wouldn’t it be wonderful if…” Once changes each year because Easter and its surrounding everyone has provided responses, the group can look holidays are movable feasts. These 40 days should be a through the answers to find connecng themes that me of conversion for each of us. Let us all use this me may provide a previously untried soluon. as a means for growth and change in our lives and make this Easter a true resurrecon experience in our own personal life. OPPORTUNITIES FOR HOLINESS It often seems that everyday life can’t allow for a deep connection with God. When we are at work, or play, or at rest, we can do all things in a holy way. Each hour brings its chances for patience, kind- For those suffering illness, ness, unselfishness, and other virtues. and those in need of our For those who have gone before us “Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne prayers Sr. Nieves Garcia Jose Segura of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace Jose Mazon Lidia Segura to help in time of need” Pat Wilson Frances Jordan Hebrews 4:16 Rosita Mayorga Robert Mescavage © Copyright 2019 Success Publishing & Media. LLC Norma Apostol Jesus Manuel Bojórquez Loya L. Tanguay Victor Joaquin Jr. Vivian Osterhout Madalyn Poer STEWARDSHIP Carloa Hardy Ethel Pohlen We would like to thank all of our parishioners, ministries and visitors Ed Camp Jeff Gehl for being generous with your weekly donations. Elaine Kresan May God bless you for your continued support. Karla Garcia Collection for Weekend of March 10, 2019 Kerri Grothe Balayan Sunday Collection $16,445 Cindy Vracin Electronic Collection $3,174 Liz Mallinedo Lord, Hear our prayers. Ash Wednesday $373 Carole Kelly School Support $156 Tere de Pinto Capital Improvements $3,000 SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT PAGE 4 MILITARY PRAYER LIST Please pray for our men and women serving our country. To include a family member’s name please email [email protected]. Please include Office (562) 862-7268 family member name and where they are stationed. Monday - Thursday 12:00pm - 8:30pm YEAR 2 FIRST COMMUNION Kevin Amador Jesus Aven Nieves Robert C. Cadena MARCH EVENT USS Carney DDG64, Spain US Navy, North Carolina US Navy, San Diego, CA Jesse Chavez Frederick McDonald LCPL Alfonso C. Rodriguez Camp Pendleton, Oceanside US Navy, Coronado USMC Camp Pendelton, Oceanside, CA EUCHARIST PARENT EXPERIENCE Jorge Paz Jake Spieckerman CPL Joey Starr USMC Camp Pendelton, Oceanside, C Naval base, San Diego US Marine, San Diego, CA Michael Alexander Vega Joseph Scott LCPL Isaiah San Nicholas Tuesday, March 26 choose 1 US Army, Germany US Marine, Camp Pendleton USMC Camp Pendelton, Oceanside, CA Daniel Villanueva Lisa Scott LCPL Gilbert Sosa Tuesday, April 2 to attend USMC Camp Pendelton, Oceanside, CA US Army, Ft Drum, New York US Army National Guard, Los Alamitos Javier Garcia PFC Josh Sanchez Brett Baldwin USMC Camp Pendelton, Oceanside, CA 7:45 pm ‐ 9:00 pm Air Force, Colorado US Marines, San Diego, Ca CPL Logan Sutte Shane Hale Brian Eric Brooks USMC Camp Pendelton, Oceanside, CA Church US Navy, Norfolk, Virginia US Army, Santa Monica, CA LCPL Jose Rodriguez Andrew Goodman Adrian Ariesteo Sandoval USMC Camp Pendelton, Oceanside, CA US Marines, Okinawa, Japan US Air Force, Mississippi CPL Trevor Thiel There is nothing more fulfilling than experiencing Jadin Sanchez Joseph Perez USMC Camp Pendelton, Oceanside, CA Lackland Air Force, Texas US Marines, San Diego LCPL Jacob McCarty and understanding how the Eucharist es into our Kadin Sanchez Jason Martin USMC Camp Pendelton, Oceanside, CA everyday lives. No children please. This is mandato- Lackland Air Force, Texas US Army, N. Carolina (Syria) Andrew Moreno Col. Tomas Dorame Heydt Quinn US Army, Fort Jackson, SC ry event for all PARENTS of year 2 students. US Army, Washington D.C. US Army, Oahu Hawaii Joseph Curbelo Mikel Sambrano US Army National Guard, Ft. Gordon, GA Jorge Luiz Olmos US Army, North Carolina US Navy, Coronado Island Rick Moody ■■■■■■■■■■■■ Timothy Arthur Untalan Justin Aragon US Marine, Quantico, VA US Army, JBLM Tacoma, WA Peter Rodan US Marine, Twenty-Nine Palms Jennaline Reyer Jasper Aragon Air Force, Shepherd TX Sunday, March 31 is Rosary Sunday US Army, Irwin Base, Ca US Army, Fort Bliss, El Paso PFC Jonathan Frank Medrano Javier Ovando Allen Florence USMC Camp Le Jeune, NC 11:15am – 12:00 noon US Marine Corp, Japan US Navy Reserve, Coronado Isle Camille Islas OLPH School Auditorium Jose Alfredo Jimenez James Granger US Navy, Japan US Army, Oklahoma US Army, Mare Island, San Diego Hector Escobar Fernando Jantes Eulalio Unzueta US Army, Ft. Hood, Texas Theme: Healing and Protecng Vicms of Abuse US Marine Corp, San Diego US Army, Camp Zama, Japan Pvt. Kristopher Montes C.J. Herrera Javier Angulo US Army, Ft Leonard Wood, MO US Army, N.
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