SATURDAY, JULY 18, 101-1. THE IRISH VOLUNTEER sell of very great importance. Newry is STRATEGIC itself a- town of considerable size and im­ portance, and has good harbour accommo da.km for small vessels. The railway Daniel McDevitt, POINTS from Dublin to Belfast does not actually pass through Newry (which is served by TAILO R, OF a short branch), but slightly to the Went of it. The line, however, passes through 5 Rosemary Street, BELFAST. several defiles necr there. The main road IRISH COUNTIES. does pass through the town, and there is no other road of any consequence for many miles to the westward. On its other A large Selection of Patterns from the DERRY—DERRY. flank Newry is completely secured by leading Irish Manufacturers of TW EED S Carling ford Lougb. Besides the Belfast The si rategic importance of Derry City road by Banbridge, there is also good and SERGES always in Stock . -arises rather from the importance of the road direct to Portadown and lesser roads town itself than from its situation, placed -pray out io several directions into Ar­ as it is io a distant angle of the county. IRISH COSTUMES and VOLUNTEER UNIFORMS. magh and Down, Lastly, Newry is con­ Derry is one of the largest cit es m Ite- nected with Portadown by canal. iattd, and is an important seaport. It has two miles of quayage, and even at low »»»»*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•»♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦ water is accessible for all but the largest DUBLIN—LUCAN. 1782, 1914, vessels. And being an important harbourTn^^T^^^uilding yard, and The main significance of Lucan is as ♦ ♦ THE VOLUNTEER BOOTS a fair-si zed graving dock, and is, more­ ont point in a district the occupation of ♦ 13/6 to measure. Specially designed for marching, and manufactured in my own factory by Irish Trade Union Labour. Tost orders promptly attended to. over, connected by railway with .numerous which would cut all the communications ♦ ♦ towns and villages on the shore of l.Ongh from Dublin to the West and South of ♦ JOHN MALONE, North King St.f DUBLIN. fiwilly, an inlet affording splendid anchor­ Ireland. Lucan would mark the eastern ages. Another railway line runs East, end of this tract, and Leixlip the western along the coast to Coleraine, and is par The inter evening country is very thickly worse than in most parts of Ireland. alleled by a line tourist road; while on wooded and broken, and capable of being Clearly, for collecting troops from the dif­ ; George Potter & Co \ each bank of the River Foyle a road t nd stubbornly defended. It is traversed by ferent districts in suck circumstances, the a railway run to Lifford and Strabane, re­ the T.iffey, which winds considerably. Th railways are of greet importance, because i iJEM sSS, A LDERSHO T spectively, A good road also runs south­ Midland Railway skirts this area on the the distances and nature cf the roads and east, across the Sperrih and Carotogher North together with the canal running the long distances prevent concentration mountains, to the country near Lough parallel to it. The Great Southern Rail by marching. As a matter of fact, the Neagh, and on the Donegal side of the way on The South is well within striking only important road through Athenry is Foyle flumerous roads tap the different distance, and the roads to Mull ngar and that from Galway to Balliaasloe to Ath- districts fairly completely. Edenderry branch out from Lucan. There lone. One line of railway follows this are very good comntunications with the Lite, and another crosses it at right angles «SSW2S« City of Dublin by both banks of the Liffey from Sligo and Clare.ncrris to Ennis and DONEGAL—LIFFORD. and there are also many considerable ex­ Limerick. 5 BUGLES—Army • Model, Bb 179 panses of ground suitable for an exercise In the last sketch mention was made 3 Y ib .; Second-hand gionnd. of the road and railway lines from Derry 7b. Gd. <S3-£2* Soiled, s$ New, 12s. 6d. City to Lifford and Strabane—the two towns at opposite ends of the bridge over FERMANAGH—ENNISKILLEN. Ballfnalee. tFLU TES—Army Model Bb 4 keys, the Foyle, just below its formation by Enniskiltep is the western key of Ulster equal to new, 4s. Od. the junction of the Mourne and Finn. —as Newry is the eastern. It is situated [DRUMS—(Deep) Guards pattern. The following is a type of " Come-all- Second hand, 27s. &d. Now, Lifford is, in a miliary point of at the bon*hem end of the main route to ye,” that did good work in many move­ view, the most important point in County Derry City by Omagh and S'.rabane. Th s Soiled, nearly New, ments in the past. Rather cut of da.e Donegal; and the reason is this: The is the railway route, which passes south 37s. Gd. now, they still spur patriotism in remote surface of County Donegal consists of a and east through Clones, There is also (DRUM HEADS— Fitted and returned placest number of mountain ranges, all running the railway through the Clogher Valley, within three hours. Ifiin. in the same direction, from south-west to from Maguire’s Bridge towards Armagh. You men of Co, Longford, I hope you'll 2s.Gd„ Lffin, 3s. Gd., 20in. join with me north-east—with valleys in 'between. It 4s. Gd.: lapping, 9d. Also, tlie only railway line from Connacht And give three cheers for the Volunteers follows that all routes joining Donegal into Ulster passes through Enniskillen. that marched to Ballinalec; (REPAIRS—To any maker’s Instru­ with the centre 6f Ireland must go out of Five thousand strong" they marched along Alt these rail routes are paralleled by ments. this mountain region by some pass or on the 3th day of July, good roads, Ijecuusk all he through valleys And to look-at their appearance I’m sure other; and, r.s a matter of fact, there arc between ranges of mountains. There are they'd fight or die. only tw-o sucli rentes of any importance, also good roads on each side of both at Baliyshannon and Lifford. Rut Bally- The reason that they marched that day (S a j> a t Upper and Lower Lough Erne, and a rord ’twas tlia they're trivtienen.Irishmen, I —- — — — ----------- ---- -T-f . sbnntton is of much less importance than "SSttSSt «S3-85* «S^SS> strikes one south by Siren In bar and Mo­ And thousands strong; they inarched along the other, because far less central. Lifford, o'er valley bill and glen; bil! to Longford. In situation Enniskillen With forty bands and banners, ’uvas a on the other hand, is the centre of railway is centrally placed in the County Fer­ splendid sight to see, lines to Glenties and Donegal, and of managh. But the actual position of En­ And a terror to our foenien that day in Bandoliers roads to the same places, and also to Ballinalee. niskillen is also extraordinarily strong, Letterkenny end Enniskillen, and there are lying, as it does, on the River Erne, be­ And now to name the battalions—1 mean We are now in position to supply numerous branch roads in all directions. tween two lakes, the smallest of which is to let you know — Solid Leather Bandoliers with five But the occupation of Lifford alone would There was Edge worths! own and BMJina- ten miles long, and which are only five mnek. there was Granard and Kiiloe I’ouches bs merely a defensive measure; a force miles apart, And on to this narrow neck There was Longford town oi high renown, APPROVED PATTERN. from ail parts of Donegal could be con­ and they marching left and right all the roads and railway lines converge. These Bandoliers are manufactured in centrated there, and an advance into the "With the three battalions from ClonguLh, It affords, then, a position that cannot be it was a spleodid sight. country could be resisted by breaking the Ireland from a superior quality of Irish turned; and at the same time one that Tunned Leather.. bridge to Strabane. But to advance out There was Clough and Ballymahoit and (torn its importance must be forced if it of the country it would be necessary to the men of UolUmcille, is desired to pass into Ulster by the Dmmlish and Abbevfara and all could 719 E A C H master both ends of the bridge,—in other western line. show their skill; Special Quotations for ■words—to oi\rupy Strab2ine as well as *S& £2* The men of Tarmon -rul CTondra and back Quantities. Post orders receive per- to Kilashee Lifford. This would give entry into the EO&al attention. GALWAY—AT HENRY. Mith Clonbroney and Muliinalagbla thty Mourne valley, and so by the railway line marched through Br.llinalee. ' up to Omagh. Athenry is important in g military sense So now I'm going to end my songj Fit « S 3 ^ 2 * for very different reasons than Enniskillen. T.J. v aghan just say one word more, Co./Limited It is the bnly important railway junction Let every maq to Ireland be sure end DOWN—NEWBY. XIUTASV SADDLERS AND ARMY’ in Galway, and is, moreover, fairly cen­ join a corps t Let you all be in time and fall in.line and ■ S t jtMTRACTORS, Newry is one of the niost important trally situated in the county. Now, Gal­ before the coming year I 13, 14, 13, 1C, DAME STREET, points on the eastern route from the South way is a very large county—the second in There won’t be 0 man in' Ireland but w ill! of Ireland into Ulster, and this route, be a Volunteer.
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