CHANGES IN LAND USE AND CROP PATTERNS IN GANGA-YAMUNA DOAB SINCE 1911 TO 1961 THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE OF JBoctor of ^I)ilO!5opI)p IN GEOGRAPHY By Kr. Shafaat All Khan DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY ALIQARH 1980 ijui \m /^oo^ u*^ T2161 ^KECKED imjn \i^.:JiWA>.A...^ A.y.^c"' '/ nmwAGB vlileh Man depends for fnad fibres «nd mv materinlB. Pre Mure of popniation on and over Inereaslne demand for f and and ot2ier prodtaeto are preoalni; the uae of land to ita aaxiaum Hal to* India la a ootmtry idiero It OQena that a satiuratlon point t haa been reaehed aO far aa eultlTated land Is eonoemed* She onXjr.nltoffuitiTet at the nomentt therefore lo to glTe streaa^on.ja aultahle oropi^lngy and to adopt a etaltable eropplng pattern in the cotmtxgr* GaneooTaanma doah oovering an area of about 98400 Kn^ In Ottos' Pradesh is nearly 932 Km. In length and extenda In iddth to about 104 In* In the Upper doab* The ease study of this area glTea a good Inalgfat Into the existing pattern and trenda in the agriculture idilOh vlll ^ a iHm way in agrloultural •MA land use planning* 0ns of the nain things that deserre attention la the genoml laad nss patten* 9poB this depends the snount' of ImU that vlU be sTallable for agrloultttre and upon thia iefM^di the asslagleal veil being of a people* I have atailad tha ilPMMiaa of land use Tortioalli awr fiftj yaar paflad wd horicmitally over the area from f—ma» af •iaalilBi to ^la aeaflueaaa of Haaga-Ttfraaa* (11) ikaotli*r laportant thing for th« uad«r«t«iilag of •^xiottlturftl Mtao In tlio eou&tsgr la Urn oropplBg pattoxn* X hmr; thoroforo* InvoatlgatoA tho ooapoUtlv* rolatlonrtilp of orope> lAdlTldual M voU aa erop oombiaatloaa on tha basia of araa oocaplad by thaa, ^a oropplng pattazna Jia tba ragloa* for largar parta of tha early parlod wte baaad Xargaly on tradlUonal ayatem* That la to say tiHat tha faxmar oultlvatad arary thlaga aeeordlBg to hla noad. Xn tha poat Indapaadenea p«rlod> tha iQtroduotioa of high ylaldlng Tarlaty of aaoda, the daveloiHaoiita of fartlUaar ladustry, tha davelopaeat of traaaportatlon faelUtlaa, and tiio markotlng aystoa haira oroatad a oonoapt of producing oropa for isarlcat rathor than for hoaa eonaunptloa only. A. 0l0alf leant thing aboat tha agrlcttltara of northam plalaa of India la that oropa grow in eartaln eonbinatloaa* X hata atadiad ^aaa aoablaatleaa and tha ohaagea that hava 9tm§ ahaat la tha** Crapa arranga and raarraaga la aartala craapa glTlac tha agrlaaltara Ita paoallar laaal tlacat aad glflBc tha agricultara on a broaAar aoa^ Ita fittaral aiuivaatar. 9adaiataadlBc af all HMM aapaeta la Tary aaaaaaaiy for tha laad aaa «id aciiaoltttral planning of tha aawitor m a Mfiwal ar aatlMMa baaaa* Q«a af tha aads tMmm iJNat thia atady la that It haa iaraatlca^ad aiii ad^pwiai a vaat aaawt af data <U1) uhleh h«A b««ii XjiMg totturl«d in %h« offlo« alalrahs of gOTomami d«part»«ntc« Xbo vork is aadnljr basod o& UBpttbUchod roeorASt ooNMinilac agfloulturftl statiirkiiis «ad OB pubXithtd booka, wrtielo«> vtport* ote* Th« roports and unimblishod agxioaltanuL records iroro availablo at the board of Bavenoey Uttar Pradaah* luoknoir* Xn tha ooaplation of tha preaant vork I ova a einoara and datp gratltuda to vy Bttparriaor» Frofaaaor Hohasnad i^liaflt Haad of tha Dap«rt»aat of Gaograpliy* AUgazli Koalim UnivaraltiPf Aligazti hao mlimyB baaa grodloixB anoogli to glva ma valoabXa augcaetiona and gttidanea at avaiy etaga» and halpad na In mora than ona wi^* I am siflo grataful to Hf Llbrariana of dlffaraUt Xibrarlea in IJalMt Kaulaaa Aaad Library f and tha Saminar library of tha Oaograpiiy I)apartaaBt»AXigarh Mualis Univaraity* Aligarh* X am aqually gratafal to tha Sirootar Oamaral of obaarratoriaat Indian Hataorologiaal Sapartaa»%» Nav SallU.» who vaa kind anoiai^ to prorida all tha aaadfUl aUmatia raaorda and data to ma. thamka ara alao dua to tha Saarctaiy aubordinata ataff i» tha Board of 9&rmm§ Uttar Pradaah, Luaknaw* (!•) Hy thanka also dua to Br.Iifearai Haaaa for haXpiag ma on Tarleua Aoeasloii iiv eoimaetioa vitii ety rataartth work* i^ thaske ara daa to Kr»MajBia liuda Farooqi lAio halpad aa in grtpAiAn^ maps and diagran0» «id Kr.ii.iLsad Xarlqt Hotfalnl for ^plag the t&asi\ui«Klpt affloltat3or* (Kr.iSbafaftt iOi Khan) 0(»flBf8 »•«• »wttm% • •• i Cwiktmxfm • •• • Mat «f llj^artt • •• •1 iAB% of f «^i«« • •• •lii Zll%9(Mtt<lrt^0Si • •• Ix WiM «. X OiaFttm t 3tSQfitar« a&A l»ll«f ••• 1 2X OliBate • •* 36 XXX SoiXs •• • ^ JPABf •IX Xf ObaBgts ia ^« Zi«ii4 9«« «»• 97 •f 8«l9«%«i Oral* ••• 126 •I CfcfMlgf < Vwt%«lM •€ Of 9 •• • 155 fAltt*XXX nx ••« MO ••• 2t2 s«iM«M a&UUiiAiiMr ••• 22# *•• 241 XX8t Of IKIQIIS fiCOM lO. 1* a. OtBtwtw • • 5 5. finding* • • 8 AvfMWftt HffiatlOjr SaiafftXl • • 40 •• 41 Avtmg* Hilngftll s«i*tlMI«3P •• 46 7# Av«mii» fiaiafftlX 4hBi««O0teb«9r • • So 0* AT«mkg« ABanftl B«lAfaaj. •• 57 !!••» AUUMI3. TttfiAblUtjT .. 59 10t« 39* AwmamX MiMtmlX vt UmXmtH 9i «• in «• T0»71 4mM t« 0«««k«v (t910»fi99) it. .. 79 • •100 (IfII •• ffll) a* • •101 < ff4l •• fH?) • •108 (t91f««f991) •• 109 (ffil «• 19il) it. W^lm^ imm (19«1 i* 1991) • •114 ii. fiOUv X^iit (t94f 9« 19it) • •115 i9. ••% ••«• Ai«ft ititt i« 1991) • • 119 7i* !•« iMM AMtt (ttil «• f9il) ••110 71. Ua^tOMg eww {%9U) •• 127 72* BMkittcOrofS (1921) •• 129 79. BMMBC Omw €1951) •• 13f 74. BMUtiac Crops (t94l) •• 193 79* B«ilci]NE6v«9* (1991) •• 194 76. IMoldag Cfoiw (19€l) •• 196 77* fotftl ToloaMi of Choago (1911 to 1921) •• 148 78« foto3. ToltUM of (ai«B«o (1921 to 1991) •• 190 79* total folaao of Caittogo (1991 to 1941) •• 19f 80* fotal To}»BO of Ghaasgo (1941 to 1991) •• |92 81 • fetal Voluao of Ghme» (1991 to 1961) •• 153 82» Cvo? eotfbi&atioa 80^090 (1911) •• i$9 89* Cf*09 Combisotiea a«eio»o (1921) •• |60 84* C109 COAHlnation Bosloao (1991) •• |61 89* evop Ooai^iBatiOA Boglowi (1941) •* 169 84* 81*09 Ooai^lftotioa aotioao (1991) •* |64 87* e*op OoateUatiMi aoflowi (1941) •• i69 LXif Of f ABL« I Mmm MmthXjft mam Moatiajr Masiawi nA •• 38 K««A NoKllUiir NiBlMHi ^mmpmtm^nrm of tM Si«3«9«t« StfttimMi (BoirMib«ir) U mm noKtiajrv mm iiottliajr iiaxi»ni m€ •• 44 t^« ^tliwt^ 'd%m%l4MM <49via.) XXS fvtal Jaiittal. Baiafftll ftt S«l«otoi • • 54 BtatiOBfl X? Emm moAmm a&d Itom Msiaai •• 54 of SoXoetoi S^tl«ui V ftOlAtilF* »Miai^ Of ioXottod •• 55 stotloiia ?X mm mmthly fmvUi^tUtw of •• 69 ioXOOtoA StfttlMIB AgrimOAwn in 3Mia <ifttc0 badtc to tli» tiaas of to b« tbe l0(i^ii^ oecsupatiaii asid intm aainstay of tlii fsoptaatlfle of ttm couiAfy# AtKHJt fl9iiy<»»llfl!3s of thB poptOjE^tion of tB@ mm^w 3i>^fi in ^illag«8 and <^3?rios ot2t agriciatiai^ ind @HJ4id @i€tiirlti«s* Tilt ispoxtaae® of ^xic^tttvt 2ms hmm tvsMmr imdeiSiii^ ^ tim l^ct tl^t tbe popiOaticm of the oountxy is inoroaadlng ^tb a irox7 fi^id mtot tamxl^m ^ gr^t presitirt cm %ma imd ad9«i»«34r affiKstli^ tbo imn-^l^^)! ratio* As a ]f«9iat of oultiwtiqn of laiKl o^r«]? em^vai-m and md ^ fOitilt of inovoasing ptmamm of popi^tation mx it| the chMaooe of ftdfiurMay afftetiag the ismd in paxticfuXar and eBviioranent in genexel aie ^v^eiar mieh theve* Thue there is e eitaation nheve the lead hes to be ueea ^th great eeve end thoiighti wnd lAiere agtieiaiiive has to he e?«(L*fedf taki^ infce m^BiMmom aaa the epfiiew—ilel end loeiQ- thooghl OHI aciifRatmea. piaelieea een seat the eituatieii* Thia ia naaethl e if the Mdaldaa eoniitlen end pTHtiti oae _ Mid the efeMHiee thet ane tidcing plaee ave attidiod in a eomidei'^iAo hieedlh end dipth haeoe thie etudy* in lhei||a» %m/k mm ti^^ wmam of tlMi* ^ OANGA-YAMUNA DOAO K « 10 40 M t t I u •tVOMCTRtS QIStT t*H*>»NPm) TtM»«. KAmAMA OHM AlluARM TCMSli 0MMAON tCHSH. SAHARANI>un 11 «•«•»« TfHSii KHAIR I R^a« « Al>»«r^Mli ] CHondaut I U»pa\ II «(•*•>)» tIMStl. KOIl ptStt fARBUWHAtAp 4 Kl»l TtHSn. KAIMOANJ TtMStL aAGHMT i Mart>«l I Si>amtakad WatI 1 Kame<l 2 Bwou* UHM. HATHRAS TlMVl PAHARA 1 Ko««na I Pa^ara 4 Mo#*a^^abaa ICHSU SAROHANA TCMSH. WIAS 5 VtamHtotf taal 5 Swdhaxfl • t*«9«( ( D«'euta lOCtxyai TCHSH CM«ilRAM«tl T Bo'nawa tfH&il. SIKAMRARAO T Taigram , ICHSa GHAZIAtAO tt Akb'otad I SaurikH MF • Ma*a»«tf t Sokalptfr to Sak<a«a I Ootna tCMSH ATRAUll tl Cl<>>*<a>nau II AUoull tCM&iS MAPtH) U Oonqiri TCHM KANMAUl llRannwi pl5tT MUZAFrAWWAGAB" •*»*'" CCS" f«*'HVBA l)Tif«a IIMSH. MAI pISTt tTAWAH "nCarhMuliMMM I Mat ItMSll. eiOHUNA UPuth TlM^il tAOABAO ICMSU MAWANA 1 SciMbod TIHSIl (lAWAH l&Hatihanaput B'VI *t'»^ ) t l«»a>> MMrthot ItHSIl tllMAOPUn TEHSII AURAIVA ICHSn. MtlROt I t<w>ailru< I Aura*Ta 17MMf<il TfMSil riROIACAO TtHSH. BHARTHAMA XLSIl-fiajMfiSHAMR IfKetalMt, f 4 B><*«t(Mtna ItHSIl SIKANORABAO QISTT t TAW pi^TT KAWtiR lOankaur TIMSII KASOANJ TlMSIl BltMAti^jR . I Bi4ha"<pv *t } Slkandraftatf . 4>acMan« ItmH MAMPUR TtHSIl KHUJA JFaiipu* ] Kanllut * •<'>"«I0 4 B4„m TCHSl OCRAPUR ) Da'spur • J*** ( Sidhpur* TCHS)l AKBARPUR ICHSU aULANOlHAHR f j«„n 4 AhM'pu' TIMSH ITAH f\HSIl t,MAIAM»»VJR tSoran • tiah 5 Ghatamput t Slvkarpuf TfttS4l BIWiNMMH t MaMatah W Siona I Bh«i/«pu' 10 Sonhor T(H6ll ANUPSMAHR pi;.!! f»ii>truR TtHSil ALIOANJ IT A^•r TlM-,11 MNlml It Alamnaff II AnuptlMlw I Tappoigt 17 ea>na t Kara 11 Paiiali 1 Bintlkl M NHl*t»uf 4 MuoaOma HAMIHM TCHSIl JAISAII Tlmtt lAUHfUM IS iaiiaaf t laiaKpur tf Dh.TI HAOlPUBt TtM'ill ViHtOUHASAO I AV^SIMH I Sh.wttakad I Hu<l««__r TtMSil MUSTAfASAO HH'^l «H(MA L \ fotiTW* or UNMAO I Muitatakad IOH<<<<«a > T^ •AMA-Wm TCHSH MAINPum II I iKlaia MRitr*iT»ti! r _i« IN INWA 1 Ma'>puri 17 MnOtgaon 4 Kixaaii no^al• % GKtfar TEHSa KARHAl ICMSa MANiHAMMA t Karhal t Al><atMn T Batoa^ai } Karari ICH«A tWATMU 1 Kata •At BABIlI TCHSH CHAIL 4 CMil 7 f ' 1^: IS HAMWPVlB .•^ ri.;*.;' • .Tl I rBATA»«A«N • AV ^•'CMTRCT •OUMOAMV Of \ MMAl ,•' llMtt.
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