3,098,822 United States Patent Office Patented July 23, 963 2 3,098,822 name of Emery 3286-S acid, was used in the Working LUBRICANTS PREPARED FROM ISO-OLEEC ACE 3 examples of the invention. This acid had the following Arnold J. Morway, Ciark, N.J., assignor to Esso Research characteristics: and Engineering Company, a corporationa of Delaware Titer,' C---------------------------------- 30 No Drawing. Fied July 1, 1960, Ser. No. 40,137 Iodine valve (Wijs)-------------------------- 94.0 6 Ciairs. (Ci. 252-39) Free fatty acids (percent as oleic)-------------- 91.6 This invention relates to lubricants. Particularly, the Acid value---------------------------------- 182.0 invention relates to lubricants having good extreme pres Saponification value ------------------------- 189 Sure properties and suitable for high temperature use con IO Color, Gardner------------------------------ 5 taining alkaline earth metal salt of C2 to CA fatty acid 1. The titer noted above is a false titer, since in derivatives, and alkaline earth metal soap of elaidic acid. the acid acts as a lower titered acid. Recently, a very low price fatty acid material compris techniques.a Contains an inter-ester easily broken by Saponification ing chiefly elaidic acid with minor amounts of oleic acid The alkaline earth metal component of the lubricant (9-octadeceneoic acid), and other isomers of oleic acid, 15 can be calcium, strontium, magnesium or barium. Cal e.g. 12-octadeceneoic acid and linoleic acid, etc. has be cium is preferred. come commercially available under the general name of The C2 to C4 fatty acid component can be acetic, pro iso-oleic acid. This acid primarily differs from pure oleic pionic or butyric acid. Acetic acid is preferred and can acid in that its chief component, i.e. elaidic acid, is in the be used in the form of its anhydride. cis or syn isomeric form, rather than in the more common 20 The thickeners of the invention are preferably pre trans or auto form of oleic acid. pared by co-neutralizing in lubricating oil, 5.0 to 100.0, Attempts to utilize elaidic acid or iso-oleic acid to preferably 5.0 to 20 mole equivalent proportion of C2 prepare simple soap greases result in compositions which to C fatty acid per mole equivalent proportion of iso are of no value because they are extremely hard and oleic acid, with alkaline earth metal base, followed by rubbery. If this grease is cut-back with additional oil, in 25 heating to temperatures of 250 to 550 F., preferably order to overcome its extreme cohesiveness and rubbery 300 to 400° F., and more preferably 320 to 350 F., characteristics, then fluid thixotropic products are formed in order to dehydrate the lubricant. Alternatively, no which have no grease structure. These diluted products external heating may be applied with the result that the are very unstable and separation of soap and oil occur in water of reaction is left in the lubricant. And in cases a relatively short time. If the iso-oleic acid is employed 30 where the lubricant is designed for low temperature use in combination with the usual grease-making acids or this is not objectionable. fats, even in small amounts, it still imparts undesirable The metal base may be an oxide, carbonate or hy cohesive and rubbery characteristics. droxide of the alkaline earth metal. Calcium hydroxide Although unsuccessful for soap greases per se, it has is preferred. been found that soaps of iso-oleic acid can be utilized in 35 If desired, preformed metal acetate and preformed combination with salt of C2 to CA fatty acids, particularly metal iso-oleate may be added to oil and heated together, acetic acid or acetic anhydride, to form highly useful preferably at temperatures of about 300 to 400 F., for lubricating greases. These new greases are superior to 0.5 to 20 hours in order to form the lubricant of the in corresponding soap-salt greases prepared with conven vention. Or preformed metal acetate can be added to the tional saturated fatty acids in regard to extreme pressure 40 oil, and the metal iso-oleate can be formed in situ by properties and lubrication life. Furthermore, soap-salt neutralizing the iso-oleic acid with metal base. compositions prepared with the iso-oleic acid do not form The soap-salt thickeners of the invention can also in hard crusts upon storage as occurs when using saturated clude alkaline earth metal salts and soaps of other acids. acids. Another advantage of the iso-oleic grease of the For example, salts of about 0.1 to 0.5 mole equivalent invention is its ability to harden under high rates of shear 45 proportions of a C6 to Cso fatty acid other than iso-oleic such as frequently occur in ball bearings. Thus, a grease acid, per mole equivalent of soap of iso-oleic acid, can of the invention made up to a Number 2 (National Lubri also be present in the finished lubricant. Minor amounts cating Grease Institute) consistency will shear harden of salts of inorganic acid such as phosphoric, nitric, hydro sufficiently to be pushed out of the ball path. By this chloric acid, etc. can also be formed during the co-neutral action a reservoir of lubricant remains for long periods 50 ization step noted above by neutralizing the acid with of excellent lubrication, but does not remain in the ball alkaline earth metal base. path where it would be churned, thereby causing excessive The finished lubricant will include greases, fluids and power loss and high temperature. Soap-salt greases pre semi-fluids comprising a major proportion of lubricating pared from iso-oleic acid are also superior to correspond oil and about 2 to 50 wt. percent, preferably 4 to 30 wt. ing soap-salt greases prepared from conventional oleic 55 percent of the thickener. To form greases, generally 10 acid (trans form) with regard to thickening power, and to 30 wit. percent will be soap-salt, while 2 to 10 wit. hardening under shear in ball bearings. percent can be used to form fluid and semi-fluid lubricants. The iso-oleic acid may be 100% oleic acid in the cis The lubricating oil may be either a mineral oil or a form, i.e. elaidic acid. However, commercial iso-oleic synthetic oil or a mixture thereof. Such synthetic oils acid generally constitutes mixtures of a major amount of 60 include diesters, complex esters, polysilicones, formals, elaidic acid with minor amounts of oleic acid (i.e.9-octa carbonates, etc. deceneoic acid) and other related acids such as 12-octa Various conventional additives may be added to the deceneoic, linoleic, linolic, stearic, palmitic, etc. compositions including oxidation inhibitors such as phenyl A commercial iso-oleic acid, available under the trade o-naphthylamine; rust preventives such as sodium nitrite; 3,098,822 3. 4 other thickeners such as polyethylene, polypropylene, Example II carbon black, metal soaps, etc. A grease composition was prepared in the same general GREASE A manner as that of Example I except that a slightly Smaller To demonstrate the inability of the iso-oleic acid by proportion of lubricating oil was used. itself to form a useable grease, a simple calcium Soap Example III grease was prepared using the iso-oleic acid as the sole thickening agent. This grease was prepared as follows, Another grease was prepared in the same general man wherein all parts are by weight: ner of Example I, but utilizing a molar ratio of acetic 15 parts of iso-oleic acid (Emery 3286-S acid) and anhydride to iso-oleic acid of 20:1. 2.2 parts of hydrated lime were added to 81.8 parts of a O mineral lubricating oil of 55 SUS viscosity at 210 F. GREASE B in a steam-jacketed kettle. The mixture was stirred while A comparison grease was prepared in the same general heating to a temperature of 300 F. until the grease was manner as the grease of Example III, except that a molar dehydrated. The grease was then allowed to cool to ratio of 2:1 was used in place of the 20:1 ratio of 210 F. where 1 part of water was added to form a grease Example III. structure. (NoTE-Addition of minor amounts of water GREASE C to a simple calcium soap grease is conventional and nec essary in order to form a greast structure.) The result A comparison grease was prepared in the general man ing grease was very cohesive and rubbery. On attempt 20 ner of Example I, but using oleic acid (i.e. the trans ing to use it for lubrication, it tended to ball up and pull form) in a molar ratio of acetic anhydride to oleic acid away from the moving parts. On further attempted of 9 to 1. lubrication use, it began to entrap air and finally became A ball bearing temperature rise test was carried out fluid with large oil separation. on several of the preceding grease compositions. This To illustrate the invention, the following examples were test consists of packing a 204 ball bearing with the test carried out, wherein all parts are by weight. grease and carrying out the AFBMA-NLGI spindle test for lubrication life operating at 10,000 rp.m. The tem Example I perature rise above ambient room temperature is re 67 parts of mineral lubricating oil and 10 parts of corded (no other heat is applied other than that generated hydrated lime were intimately mixed in a steam-jacketed in the operating bearing). The length of time that the kettle. Next, 11 parts of iso-oleic acid was added and 30 bearing remains at the elevated temperature is also re the mixture stirred for 10 minutes in order to insure com corded.
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