Inhalt 28 2007-Final.Doc

Inhalt 28 2007-Final.Doc

©Entomofauna Ansfelden/Austria; download unter Entomofauna ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR ENTOMOLOGIE Band 28, Heft 30: 405-452 ISSN 0250-4413 Ansfelden, 30. November 2007 A catalogue of the Ichneumonidae from Greece (Hymenoptera) Janko KOLAROV Abstract The work referes all hitherto known records of species of the family Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera) from Greece. The general distribution of each species is added. Zusammenfassung Der Katalog referiert die bisher bekannten Funde aller aus Griechenland bekannten Arten der Familie Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera). Die Gesamtverbereitung jeder Art ist angefügt. Introduction The Ichneumonidae fauna of Greece has not been an object of special and systematic investigations. In working out the present catalogue the whole available bibliography was surveyed including many monographic works of SCHMIEDEKNECHT (1902-1936), MEYER (1933-1936), TOWNES et al. (1965), AUBERT (1969, 1978), KASPARYAN (1973, 1981, 1990) and others. A part of the included species was examined and published by the author (KOLAROV 1986-2004). Up to now, 334 Ichneumonidae species and subspecies of 20 subfamilies are recorded from the fauna of Greece. In the present catalogue for each species there are given: The name valid at present, the name of the first description, the name under which the species was reported from Greece by an author, the place and time of catch, the host from which it was reared in Greece, and the altitude above sea level if known. At the end the general distribution is summarized according to the existing bibliographic data. 405 ©Entomofauna Ansfelden/Austria; download unter Acknowledgements I thank most warmly Dr. Rolf HINZ (Einbeck, ^), Prof. Dr. Klaus HORSTMANN (Würz- burg), and Mrs. Uta KÖNIG-KOSTADINOW (Herne I), all from Germany, for their assistance in providing me with some reprints by old authors which were inaccessible to me. Ichneumonidae Subfamily Acaenitinae Tribe Acaenitini Phaenolobus areolator (CONSTANTINEANU & CONSTANTINEANU, 1968) Moldacaenitus areolator CONSTANTINEANU & CONSTANTINEANU, 1968. Analele Stiin- tifice Univ. “Al. I. Cuza”, Iasi, 14: 339. Phaenolobus areolator: KOLAROV 1998: 68, Tymphristo, 2000 m, July. Distribution: Bulgaria, Romania, Caucasus and Turkey. Phaenolobus saltans (GRAVENHORST, 1829) Acaenites saltans GRAVENHORST, 1829. Ichn. eur. 3: 806. Phaenolobus saltans: AUBERT 1969b: 147; KOLAROV 1995b: 38. Distribution: Europe, Turkey, Syria and Kazakhstan. Tribe Coleocentrini Leptacoenites notabilis (DESVIGNES, 1856) Lampronota notabilis DESVIGNES, 1856. Catal. Brit. Ichn. Brit. Mus. London, p. 120; KOLAROV 1998: 68, Hellos hom. Grevknon smolikas, 2000-2300 m, July. Distribution: Middle and South Europe and south european part of the late USSR. Subfamily Alomyinae Alomya punctulata (SCHNELLENBERG, 1802) Sphex punctulata SCHNELLENBERG, 1802. Winterthur, p. 24. Allomya ripulator: KOLAROV 1998: 68, M.ti Laksos (Ioanina); TSANKOV & MIRCHEV 1999: 69. Distribution: Europe. Subfamily Anomaloninae Tribe Anomalonini Anomalon cruentatum (GEOFFROY, 1785) Ichneumon cruentatus GEOFFROY, 1785. Entomologia parisiensis …, p. 418. Nothotrachys foliator: FERRIERE 1929: 282, Rodi (=Rhodos); SCHMIEDEKNECHT 1934, 4: 10, Corfu, Athen. Anomalon foliator: KOLAROV 1989b: 132, Lakonia, Monemvasia; Stylis; Arkadia Pro- silion, May; Latakia, August; 1998: 68, Jeronnini (Ioanina), Juna; Pili, 250 m; Kalo- skopi, June; Pioria Ovi Rithini, 1000 m, June. Distribution: Palearctis, Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka. 406 ©Entomofauna Ansfelden/Austria; download unter Tribe Gravenhorstiini Agrypon flexorium (THUNBERG, 1824) Ichneumon flexorius THUNBERG, 1824. Mem. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Petersbourg 8: 276. Trichionotus flexorius: KOLAROV 1998: 68, Pastro Kabara, June. Distribution: Palearctis. Therion tarsatum (SHESTAKOV, 1923) Exochilum tarsatum SHESTAKOV, 1923. Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Sci. Russ. 24: 44. Therion tarsatum: KOLAROV 1989b: 133, Arkadia, Prosilion, May. Distribution: Greece, Kazakhstan and Middle Asia. Agrypon canaliculatum (RATZEBURG, 1844) Anomalon canaliculatum RATZEBURG, 1844. Ichn. Forstins. 1: 90. Blaptocampus nigricornis: WERNER 1928: 282, Skyros, May. Distribution: Palearctis. Gravenhorstia picta BOIE, 1836 Gravenhorstia picta BOIE, 1836. Arch. f. Naturgesch. 2: 42. Gravenhorstia picta: ATANASOV 1979: 38, Athen, March. Distribution: North Africa, Europe, Turkey, Cyprus, Syria, Israel, Azerbaydjan, Tadji- kistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. Erigorgus cerinops graecator (AUBERT, 1966) Gravenhorstia (= Paranomalon) cerinops graecator AUBERT, 1966. Bull. Soc. Ent. Mulh., Mai-Juin, p. 43, Delphes, April. Erigorgus cerinops graecator: YU & HORSTMANN 1997: 42. Distribution: North Africa, Europe, Kirgizia, Siberia and Mongolia. Erigorgus cubitator AUBERT, 1960 Erigorgus cubitator AUBERT, 1960. Bull. Ent. Soc. Mulhouse, Sept.-Oct., p. 63. Erigorgus cubitator: AUBERT 1963: 105; KASPARYAN 1981: 444. Distribution: North Africa, Italy, France and Greece. Erigorgus femorator AUBERT, 1960 Erigorgus ? melanops FOERST. femorator AUBERT, 1960. Bull. Ent. Soc. Mulhouse, Sept.-Oct., p. 63. Erigorgus femorator: AUBERT 1965: 105; ATANASOV 1976: 7; KASPARYAN 1981: 444. Distribution: North Africa, Italy, France, Greece, Bulgaria and Israel. Erigorgus fibulator (GRAVENHORST, 1829) Anomalon fibulator GRAVENHORST, 1829. Ichn. eur. 3: 681. Erigorgus fibulator: KOLAROV 1989b: 133, Fthiotis, Domokos, May. Distribution: Europe, Georgia, Armenia, Kazakhstan and Middle Asia. Barylypa delictor (THUNBERG, 1824) Ichneumon delictor THUNBERG, 1824. Mem. Ac. Sc. Petersb., p. 265. Barylypa delictor: ATANASOV 1976: 8, Sketsche, Xanthi, Dedeagach, June, ex Symira dentinosa L.; KOLAROV 1990: 22, ex Symira dentinosa L., April and May. Distribution: North Africa, Canary Islands, Europe, Caucasus, Turkey, Jordan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kirgizia and Tadjikistan. Barylypa uniguttata (GRAVENHORST, 1829) Anomalon uniguttatum GRAVENHORST, 1829. Ichn. eur. 3: 685. Barylypa uniguttata: KOLAROV 1998: 68, Kaloskopi, June. Distribution: Palearctis. 407 ©Entomofauna Ansfelden/Austria; download unter Subfamily Banchinae Tribe Atrophini Lissonota (Lissonota) culiciformis GRAVENHORST, 1829 Lissonota culiciformis GRAVENHORST, 1829. Ichn. eur. 3: 66. Lissonota culiciformis: KISS 1926: 244, Creta, Ida Mts.; KOLAROV 1989a: 69, Antr. Lovis, Mts. Ida. Distribution: Europe and Canada. Lissonota (Lissonota) oculatoria (FABRICIUS, 1798) Ichneumon oculatorius FABRICIUS, 1798. Suppl. Ent. Syst., p. 221. Lissonota elector: AUBERT 1978b: 75. Distribution: Europe, Turkey and Kazakhstan. Lissonota (Lissonota) superbator AUBERT, 1967 Lissonota superbator AUBERT, 1967. Bul. Soc. Ent. Mulh., Sept.-Oct., p.68. Lissonota superbator: AUBERT 1978b: 114; KASPARYAN 1981: 306; KOLAROV 1995d: 154. Distribution: Greece, Turkey, Lebanon and Syria. Lissonota (Loxonota) cruentator (PANZER, 1809) Alomya cruentator PANZER, 1809. Faunae Insectorum Germanicae 102: 107. Distribution: Palearctis. Lissonota (Loxonota) histrio (FABRICIUS, 1798) Banchus histrio FABRICIUS, 1798. Suppl. ent. Syst., p. 234. Lissonota parallela: KOLAROV 1989a: 69, Athens, Kiffisia, 200 m, April. Distribution: Holarctic region. Lissonota (Loxonota) lineata GRAVENHORST, 1829 Lissonota lineata GRAVENHORST, 1829. Ichn. eur. 3: 82. Lissonota flavovariegata: CASTILLO 1992: 144; KOLAROV 1995d: 153. Distribution: Europe, Armenia, Turkey, Iran and Mongolia. Syzeuctus fuscator (PANZER, 1809) Ophion fuscator PANZER, 1809. Faunae Insectorum Germanicae 102: 107. Syzeuctus maculatoria var. 1: STROBL 1902: 22, Corfu (= Kerkira). Distribution: Europe, Algeria and Pamir. Tribe Banchini Exetastes adpressorius (THUNBERG, 1824) Ichneumon adpressorius THUNBERG, 1824. Mem. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Petersb., 8: 254. Exetastes adpressorius: AUBERT 1978b: 136, Creta and Greece without locality; KO- LAROV 1989a: 70, Lakonia, 5 km South of Monemvasia, October. Distribution: Palaearctis. Exetastes crassus GRAVENHORST, 1829 Exetastes crassus GRAVENHORST, 1829. Ichn. eur., 3: 423. Leptobatus (Exetastes) crassus: SEYRIG 1927: 237, Zemlak, South of lake Prespa; 1932: 111. Exetastes crassus: AUBERT 1978b: 139. Distribution: Egypt, Europe, Palestina, Afghanistan, Mongolia and Turkestan. 408 ©Entomofauna Ansfelden/Austria; download unter Exetastes degener (GRAVENHORST, 1829) Leptobatus degener GRAVENHORST, 1829. Ichn. eur., 3: 434. Exetastes (Leptobatus) degener: AUBERT 1978b: 151. Distribution: Western Europe, Ukraine and Greece. Exetastes laevigator (VILLERS, 1789) Ichneumon laevigator VILLERS, 1789. Car. Linnaei Entom., III: 193. Exetastes laevigator: KOLAROV 1989a: 70, Arkadia, Prosilon, May. Distribution: Europe, Caucasus, Turkey, Altay region of Russia, Afghanistan, Mongolia and China. Banchopsis crassicornis RUDOW, 1886 Banchopsis crassicornis RUDOW, 1886. Soc. Ent., 1: 33. Banchoides graeca: KRIECHBAUMER 1886: 244; SCHMIEDEKNECHT 1910: 1950, Corfou (= Kerkira); SZEPLIGETI 1914: 426, Creta; FERRIERE 1930: 395, Levkas, Umgebung Argostolion, May; MEYER 1933: 223. Banchopsis crassicornis: AUBERT 1978b: 159. Distribution: Algeria, Tunisia, Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Jordan, Caucasus and Israel. Banchus falcatorius (FABRICIUS, 1775) Ichneumon falcatorius FABRICIUS, 1775. Syst. ent., p. 332. Banchus falcatorius: FITTON 1985: 22. Distribution: Palearctis. Banchus palpalis RUTHE, 1859 Banchus palpalis RUTHE, 1859. Stett. Ent. Zeit., 20: 377. Banchus palpalis: FITTON 1985: 32. Distribution: Holarctis. Banchus pictus FABRICIUS, 1798 Banchus pictus

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