A Monograph E C H I N O I D

A Monograph E C H I N O I D

A MONOGRAPH OF THE ECHINOIDEA III. 2 CAMARODONTA. I. ORTHOPSID^, GLYPHOCYPHID^, TEMNOPLEURID^ AND TOXOPNEUSTID^ BY TH. MORTENSEN WITH 56 PLATES AND 321 FIGURES IN THE TEXT PUBLISHED AT THE EXPENSES OF THE CARLSBERG AND THE RASK-0RSTED FUNDS ATLAS COPENHAGEN C. A. REITZEL • PUBLISHER 1943 Explanation of the Plates. O n account of the war there has been some difficulties with the reproduction of the plates of the present volume. The same paper as that used for the plates of the previous volumes was no longer available; neither could the fine warm tint of the plates of the previous volumes be attained. It proved necessary to have the photographic plates reproduced in half-tone, instead of in heliotype; but since, as will be seen, the very finest net available has been used, hardly any of the finer details are obscured. On the whole, I venture to think that the scientific value of the plates of the present volume is not inferior to that of the previous volumes, even though their appearance is not quite as beautiful. K ebenhavn, in February 1943. Th. Mortensen. Plate I. Figs. I—2. Temnopleurus toreumaticus (Leske). Specimens from Sandheads, Bay of Bengal. Aboral (i) and oral side (2). — 3. Temnopleurus ioreumaticus (Leske). Young specimen from the Gulf of Iran. Oral side (cf fig. 12). — 4—5. Temnopleurus Hardwickii impressus Mrtsn. Oral (4) and aboral side (5). — 6. Temnopleurus toreumaticus (Leske). Specimen from Singapore. Oral side (cf. fig. 9). — 7—-8. Temnopleurus toreumaticus brevispinus Diakonov. Oral (7) and aboral side (8). — 9. Temnopleurus toreumaticus (Leske). Specimen from Singapore. Aboral side (cf fig. 6). — 10— II. Temnopleurus toreumaticus Mortenseni Diakonov. Aboral (10) and oral side (11). — 12. Temnopleurus toreumaticus (Leske). Young specimen from the Gulf of Iran. Aboral side (cf fig. 3). All figures natural size. On the plate figs. 4—5 are erroneously named Temnopl. toreumaticus impressus, instead of Temnopl. Hardwickii impressus. Plate II. Figs. I—6. Temnopleurus Alexandri (Bell). Aboral (i, 6), oral (2, 5), and side view (3, 4). .— 7—8. Temnopleurus Alexandri scalaris Mrtsn. Specimens from the Kei Islands. Aboral (8) and oral side (9). 9. Temnopleurus toreumaticus (Leske). Specimen from Mozambique. Side view (cf. figs. 19—20). —■ 10— 11. Temnopleurus toreumaticus (Leske). Specimens with green test. Side view (10) and aboral side (11). — 12— 14'. Temnopleurus toreumaticus (Leske). Specimens from Tomo, Japan. Aboral (12), oral (14), and side view (13). — 15. Temnopleurus toreumaticus (Leske). Specimen from Penang. Aboral side. — 16— 18. Temnopleurus Hardwickii impressus Mrtsn. Aboral (16), oral (18), and side view (17). — 19—-20. Temnopleurus toreumaticus (Leske). Mozambique. Aboral (19) and oral side (cf. fig. 9). — 21. Temnopleurus toreumaticus (Leske). Specimen from Queensland, with unusually large pits. All figures natural size. Plate III. Figs. I—2. Temnopleurus {Toreumatica) Reevesii (Gray). Aboral (i) and oral side (2). — 3. Temnopleurus [Toreumatica) apodus (A. Agassiz & H. L. Clark). Oral side, x 2. — 4—5. Temnopleurus [Toreumatica) Michaelseni (Doderlein). Cotype. Aboral (4) and oral side (5) (cf. figs. 13— 15). — 6— II. Temnopleurus Alexandri scalaris Mrtsn. Specimens from the Kei Islands. Aboral (6, 7, 9) and oral side (8). Side view (10, 11). — 12. Temnopleurus [Toreumatica) Reevesii (Gray). Specimen from the Gulf of Siam. Aboral side. — 13— 15. Temnopleurus [Toreumatica) Michaelseni (Doderlein). Oral (13), aboral (15), and side view (14) (cf-figs. 4—5). — 16— 20. Temnopleurus [Toreumatica) Reevesii (Gray). Aboral (17, 20), oral (19), and side view (16, 18). Fig. 17, specimen from off Jolo, figs. 18—20 specimens from Hakata Bay, Japan. — 21— 23. Temnopleurus Hardwickii (Gray). Side view (21), aboral (22), and oral side (23). Figs. 22—23 specimen from Toba, Japan. — 24. Temnopleurus Hardwickii (Gray). Specimen from Hakata Bay, Japan, with Melobesia growing on the test. — 25—30. Temnopleurus Hardwickii (Gray). Side view (25), aboral (26, 29, 30), and oral side (27). Spec­ imens from Jap a n ; fig. 30 specimen from Tokio Bay. — 31—33. Temnopleurus [Toreumatica) apodus (A. Agassiz & H. L. Clark). Side view (31), aboral (32), and oral side (33) (cf. fig. 3). X 3 — 34—36- Temnopleurus [Toreumatica) decipiens (de MeiJere). Aboral (34), oral (36), and side view (35). X3. Fig. 3x2; figs. 31—36 X 3; all the other figures natural size. Figs. 31—36 H alkier phot. Plate IV. Figs. I—2. Salmacis bicolor Kgdiiiiz. Specimens from Durban. Oral (i) and aboral side (2). —• 3—7. Salmacis bicolor L. Agassiz. Denuded tests. Oral (3), aboral (4, 5, 7), and side view (6) (cf figs. I—2). — 8. Salmacis bicolor L. Agassiz. Specimen from the Philippines (“Albatross” St. 5482), infested with parasitic snails. Aboral side. — 9. Salmacis roseo-viridis Koehler. Oral side. All figures natural size. Plate V. Figs. I—3. Salmacis bicolor rarispina L. Agassiz. Aboral (i), oral (2), and side view (3). — 4—6. Salmacis rubricincta H. L. Clark. Side view (4), oral (5), and aboral side (6). — 7—-9. Salmacis roseo-viridis Koehler. Oral (7), aboral (8), and side view (9). — 10. Salmacis bicolor L. Agassiz. Abnormal specimen, from Mauritius. — II. Salmacis bicolor rarispina 1j. Abnormal specimen [“Salmacis Woodsi” Ramsay). — 12. Salmacis bicolor rarispina L. Agassiz. Large specimen, side view. All figures natural size. Plate VI. Figs. I—-2. Salmacis bicolor L. Agassiz. Specimens from Mauritius. Aboral (i) and oral side (2). •— 3—-8. Salmacis bicolor rarispina ~L. Agassiz. O ral (3), aboral (4, 5, 7, 8), and side view (6). Figs. 3 and 8 same specimen. Fig. 7 shows a specimen which has been infested with the crab Z^brida Adamsii the spines have been partly eaten away by the crab. — 9— 13. Salmaciella erythracis (H. L. Clark). Specimens from off Cape Gardafui (John Murray Ex­ pedition). Aboral (9, 12), oral (10, 13), and side view (11). All figures natural size. Plate V II. Fig. I. Salmacis spheroides (Linnaeus). Specimen from Amboina, dark green. Side view (cf. figs. 8—9). — 2. Salmacis spharoides (Linnaeus). Specimen fi'om Singapore. Side view. — 3. Salmacis sphceroides (Linnaeus). Young specimen from Bowen, Queensland; has been crushed, but the wound has healed up and closed, also the part which looks like a hole in the figure. — 4. Salmacis spharoides variegata Mrtsn. Type specimen. Side view. — 5. Salmacis spharoides (Linnaeus). Johore Strait. Side view. — 6— 7. Salmacis spharoides (Linnaeus). Bowen, Queensland. Aboral (6) and oral side (7). — 8^—9. Salmacis spharoides (Linnaeus). Specimen from Amboina, dark green. Aboral (8) and oral side (9) (cf. fig. i). All figures natural size. Plate VIII. Figs. I—2. Salmacis Belli.unicolor Mrtsn. Type specimen. Aboral (i) and oral side (2). — 3. Salmacis virgulata L. Agassiz. Specimen from Samalona, Makasser. Side view (cf. PI. IX. i- — 4—6. Salmacis virgulata L. Agassiz. Singapore. Side view (4), aboral (5), and oral side (6). — 7—8. Salmacis Belli Doderlein. Specimen from the Kei Islands. Oral (7) and aboral side (8). — 9. Salmaciella Dussumieri (L. Agassiz). Singapore. Aboral side (cf PL X. 3). All figures natural size. Plate IX . Figs. I—2. Salmacis virgulata L. Agassiz. Specimens from Samalona, Makasser. Oral (i) and aboral side (2) (cf PI. V III. 3). — 3—4. Salmacis virgulata L. Agassiz. Indian Ocean. Side view (3) and aboral side (4). — 5. Salmacis virgulata L. Agassiz. Samalona, Makasser. Oral side. — 6. Hybrid of Salmacis spharoides x Temnopleurus Alexandri. Specimen from Queensland, identified by H. L. C la rk as Salmacis virgulata. — 7. Salmaciella Dussumieri (L. Agassiz). Specimen infested by parasitic snails. All figures natural size. Plate X. Figs. I—2. Salmacis spharoides (Linnaeus). Port Jackson. Aboral (i) and oral side (2) (cf fig. 7). — 3. Salmaciella Dussumieri (L. Agassiz). Singapore. Oral side (cf PI. VIII. 9). — 4—6. Salmacis virgulata L. Agassiz. Denuded specimens from Indo-Ghina. Aboral (4), oral (5), and side view (6). NB. Figs. 4 and 6 apparently show broad and deep horizontal furrows, as characteristic of Temnopleurus, but not of Salmacis. This appearance is produced by a streak of green colour along the horizontal sutures; the sutures themselves are not at all broad and deep, and the specimen is a typical Salmacis virgulata. — 7—8. Salmacis spharoides (Linnaeus). Specimen from Port Jackson, side view (7) (cf. figs. i—2); specimen from Amboina, oral side (8). — 9. Salmacis spharoides (Linnaeus). Specimen from Singapore, attacked by the crab ^ebrida Adamsii White, which has devoured the spines along its track. — 10. Salmacis spharoides (Linnaeus). Specimen from the Johore Strait. Denuded. Aboral side. — I I — 12. Salmacis Belli Doderlein. Side view. Specimens from Amboina (11) and the Kei Islands (12). All figures natural size. Plate XI. Figs. I— 2. Salmaciella oligopora (H. L. Clark). Cotype. Aboral (i) and oral side (2). — 3. Salmaciella oligopora (H. L. Clark). Specimen from Port Jackson. Oral side (cf. figs. 5 and 7). — 4. Salmaciella oligopora (H. L. Clark). Abnormal specimen. Aboral side. — 5. Salmaciella oligopora (H. L. Clark). Port Jackson. Side view (cf. figs. 3 and 7). — 6. Salmaciella oligopora (H. L. Clark). Cotype. Side view (cf. figs. i—2). — 7. Salmaciella oligopora (H.L. Clark). Port Jackson. Aboral side (cf figs. 3 and 5). — 8— 10. Salmaciella Dussumieri (L. Agassiz). Indo-China. Oral (8), aboral (10), and side view (9). — I I — 13. Salmaciella Dussumieri (L. Agassiz). Singapore. Aboral (11) and oral side (12). All figures natural size. Plate X II. Figs. I—2. Mespilia globulus (Linnaeus). Java Sea. Oral (i) and aboral side (2). — 3. Mespilia globulus (Linnaeus). Zamboanga. Specimen showing spines and pedicellariae. Aboral side. — 4—6. Mespilia globulus (Linnaeus). Java Sea. Aboral (4) and side view (5, 6). — 7— 16. Mespilia globulus levituberculata Y oshiw ara. Misaki, Japan; 8, 13—15, specimens with the spines preserved, to comp, with fig. 3, the typical M . globulus. — 17. Mespilia globulus albida H.

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