This document is from the Cornell University Library's Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections located in the Carl A. Kroch Library. If you have questions regarding this document or the information it contains, contact us at the phone number or e-mail listed below. Our website also contains research information and answers to frequently asked questions. http://rmc.library.cornell.edu Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections 2B Carl A. Kroch Library Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 Phone: (607) 255-3530 Fax: (607) 255-9524 E-mail: [email protected] Richard B. Scandrett, Jr., 1891-1969. Papers, 1907-1966, 1907-1951 (bulk). Table of Contents Click topic below to link to page. Collection Description and Card Catalog Entries Box Listing Subject Index to Manuscript Material (Boxes 1-9) 9 Folder Listing (Boxes I$-29) Reel List of Microfilmed Volumes Subject Index to Microfilm Name Index to Microfilmed Volumes Index to Subjects in Oral History Interviews 1. Collection Description and Card Catalog Entries 1) NYCV86-A42 Scandrettr Richard Brownr 1891-1969. Paversr 1907-1966, 1907-1951 (bulk) - 11.6 cubic ft.. 4 tape recardinssr 18 reels microfilm. Oral histarr interviews are also available on microfilm. % Attorney. Summary: Mainly papers that dacument Scandrett's tenure (1934-36) as Treamre5 af the Republican Committee of Oranse County, New York; hisunsuccessful 19% camvaidn as Republican candidate for New York Con9ressman-at-lardei his 1949 an 1948 re-convention efforts on behalf of Robert A. Taft in the latter's bidGfor the Presidential nominatiani his term as member of the American delesation the Allied Reparations Commission (1945) and his work. as Chief of the Unite!? Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration Mission to Byelorussia (19r6). Also, papers concernind his law practice with the firm of Scandrettr Tuttles8 Chalaire of New York, includins those relatins to lobhrins done for the American-Russian Chamber of Commerce and the Amtorf Tradins Corporation; hi activities as presiderlt (1935-48) of Survey Associatesr publishers of SURVE-Z GRAPHIC and SURVEY HIDHONTHLY; his numerous speeches and masazine articles md the bookr DIVIDED THEY FALL (1941); his Asherst College alumni activities, * includin* corres~ondenceon the Alexander Heikle~ohncontroversr of 19233 h& involvement with sroups o~vosinsFascism, favorins world sovernnentr and 2 espousins other causes* as well as personal correspondence with his uncle, Hc Duisht W. tlorrowr and other members of his family. m There is major correspondence from Bruce Barton, Clarence J. Brownr Arthu? Capper, Hamilton Fish, Jr.r Robert tl. LaFolletter Jr.r Herbert H. Lehmanr Jwn Harshallr James E. tlurrarr Harold Nicolsonr Bertrand Snellr Harlan F. Robert A. Taft, Arthur T. Vanderbilt, Hendrik Uillem van Loon, and WilliamStone&le m White; also. letters from Georse D. Aikenr Warren R. Austin, Newton D. Bakep, Joseph H. Ball, W. Sterling COB, Calvin Coolidser Charles G. Dawesr ~homas?~. Dewerr Mary H. Donlonr Allen.. W. Dullesv Edward J. Flrnnr Felix Frankfurterrs Frank E. Gannett, GUY D-. Goffr JosePhF. Guffeu, Alex Gumbersv Irvins tl. Robert H. Jackson, Lewis Johnson, Fiorello He LaGuardiar Anne Morrow LindheIV$: Walter Lippmannr John J. HcClarv Charles L. McNarvr Joseph W. Hartin, Jamesmtl. tleadr Eusene D. tlillik.inr William S. Hurray, John D. Rockefeller 111, Rober6; Gordon Sproulr Lawrence A. Steinhardtr Henry L. Stimsonr John Taberr James f. Wadsworthr Jr.r Robert F. Wadnerr Henry A. Wallace, Charles W. Waterman, Weme1 L. Willkie, Americans United for World Organization. Associated Leasue for Declared War (Westport, Connecticut)~The Citizens Committee, Citizens Coun il far the United Nations, Citizens for Victorvr Council for Democrac~r Fidht k r Freedomr National Republican Clubr New York Independent Republican ~ommitteH, Public Affai-rs Committeer Republican Party (Oranse County), Republican F'ost'Wa- Association (Chica3o)r and Vote for Freedom, Inc. H Alsor two postcards from Kornei Ivanovich Chukovsk~(tloscowr 19629 1963)rzin*. which the writer e::vresscs his deep admiration for Robert Frost. Also inc:u&d are faur tape recordinds with transcripts (307 PP. t~pescri~t,1966) of twa? interviewsr conducted br Walter LaFeber and Richard Polenberd of the Devartpni; of History at Cornell Universitrr in which Scandrett's involvement in fareip affairs and his reminiscences of Calvin Coolidde are discussed. Findins aids: Unpublished suide. 2 Described in REPORT OF THE CURATOR AND ARCHIVIST, 1962-66. % Cite as: Richard Brown Scandrett. Papers, *2623. Devartment of tlanuscrivtp an. University Archivesr Cornell University Libraries. am . .. C- . ., . ... ~.. ... 1. Aiken, Georde D. 2. Austin, Warren R. 3. Bakerr Newton D. 4. Ball, Joseph H. 5. Barton, Bruce, 1886-1967. 6. Brown, Clarence J. 7. Capper, Arthur, 1865- 1951. 8. Chukovsk-ir Korne-i, 1882-1969. 9. Coler W. Sterlins. 10. Coolidder -._~ Calvin, 1872-1933. 11. Daues, Charles Gatesr 1865-1961. 12. Dewerr Thomas EU (Thomas Edmund), 1902-1971. 13. Donlonr Mary H. 14. Dullesr Allen Welsh, 1883- -, 1969. 15. Fish, Hamilton, 1888- 16. Flrnnr Edward J. (Edward Joseph)~1891-%953 17. Frankfurter, Felix, 1882-1965. 18. Frost, Robert, 1874-1963. 19. Ganne tr Frank Ernest, 1876-1957. 20. Goffr GUY D. 21. Gufferr JOSPP~E. 22. Gumber.3 Alexander, 1887-1939. 23. Ivesr Irvind McNeill, 1896-1939. 24. Jackson, RobertB A. 25. Johnson, Lewis. 26. LaFolletter Robert M.r 1895- 27. LaGuardiar Fiorelle H. (Fiorello Henry), 1882-1947. 28. Lehmanr Herbert H. (Herbert Henrr), 1873- 1963. 29. Lindberdr Anne Morrowr 1906- 30. Lippmannr Walterr 1889-1974. 31.9 Marshallr John. 32. Martinr Joseph Williamr 1884-1968. 33. McClor, John ~arg 1895- 34. McNarr, Charles Linzar 1874-1944. 35. Meadr James M, 36. Meiklei~xn~ Alexanderr 1872-1964. 37. Millikinr Eudene D. 38. Murrarr James E. 39. Murrgrr William S. 40. Nicolsonr Harold. 41. Rockefellerr John D.9 1906- 42. Snellra Bertrand H.r 1870-1958. 43. S~roulrRobert Gordon, 1891- 44. Steinhardt, 2 Lawrence H. 45. Stimsonr Henrr Lewisr 1867-1950. 46. Stoner HarIan Fisker 1872- 1946. 47. Taber. John. 48. Taftr Robert Al~honsor 1889-1953. 49. Vanderbilt Arthur T.r 1888-1957. 50. Van Loonr Hendrik Uillemr 1882-1944. 51. WadswortH76 James Wolcottr 1877- 52. Wa9nerr Robert F. 53. Wallacer Henrr Adardr 1888-1965. 54. Uatermanr Charles W. 55. whiter Wigliar In Allen. 56. Willkier Wendell L. (Wendell Lewis), 1892-1944. 57. Allied H Reparations Commission. 58. American-Russian Chamber of Commerce. 59. Amerirans United for World Organization. 60. Amherst Collede--Alumni. 61. Amtor9 TradAns Corporation. 62. Associated Leadue for a Declared War. 63. The Citizens Committee. 64. Citizens Council for the United Nations. 65. Citizens for zE Victory. 66. Council for Democracy. 67. Fidht for Freedom. 68. National H Republican Club. 69. New York ~ndependentRevublican Committee, 70. Public,2 Affairs Committee. 71. Republican Party (Orange Countrr NY) 72. Republican Post. War Policy Association. 73. Scandrettr Tuttle and Chalaire. 74. Survey Associates. 75. Vote for Freedom, Inc. 76. Survey graphic. 77. Survey 3 midmonthlr. 78. Anti-fascist movements. 79. Electioneerind. 80. Internatiazl ordanization. 81. Lobbrins. 82. Politicsr Practical. 83. Presidents--United: States--Election. 84. World War; 1939-1945--Reparations. 85. Brelorussian SC S. R. 86. Speeches. 87. Oral histories. 88. Laurers. 89. Politicians. I. LaFebfr~ Walter. 11. Polenberdr Richard. s2 ~n LCCN: MS74296 U RGPN: 2623 +3 Le ID: NYCV86-A42 CC: 9554 DCF: a PROC: P I- OCT 0 4 1989 . ~. g.2623 ~ :. .t of the Curator and ~rchilrlst.pp. 83-84. - F- . b ... CANDRETT, RICHARD BROWN, JR., 1091.1969. Papers, C1907- ... 1.9511-1966; 10 ft., 8 reels microfilm, 4 tape recordings. Attorney. Mainly z papers that document Scandrett's tenure (1934-1936) as Treasurer of the rn3 Republican Committee of Orange County, New York; his unsuccessful . ,. 5. 1938 campaign as Republican candidate for New York Congressman-at- 0. large; his 1940 and 1948 pre-convention efforts on behalf of Robert A. TI Taft in the 1atter.s bid for the Presidential nomination; his term ar mem- . 5: bet of the American delegation to the Allied Reparations Commission Z . 5 (1945) and his work as Chief of the United Nations Relief and Rehabili- 0 tation Administration Mission to Byelorussia (1946). Also, papers con- z cerning his law practice with the firm of Scandrett, Tuttle & Chalaire of w -4 New York, including those relating to lobbying done for the American- .' U Russian Chamber of Commerce and the Amtorg Trading Corporation; his . ' cq activities as president (1935.1948) of Survey Associates, publishers of . .. .~ c - Survey Grapbir and Survey Midmonrhly; his numerous speeches and .. ,, . f ., ~. magazine artides and the book, Divided They Fall (1941); his Amherst J ' .- ~,.: - <r. College alumni activities, including correspondence on the Alexandu .: .. .~'.:. .. U)w Meiklejohn controversy of 1923; his involvement with groups opposing . ,, . .- ' ~ - Fascism, favoring world government, and espousing other causes, as well .- . , . ... 2. - .. as persona1.correspondence with his uncle, Dwight W. Morrow, and other ':: .. i- 72 ;~ memben of his family. There is major correspondence from BruchB4on. ' .. n ~ I .' Clarence J. Brown. Arthur Capper, Hamilton Fish. Jr., Robert M. La- ' . , . .' :-. Follette, Jr.. Herbert H. Lehman, John Manhall, James E. Murray. Harold . ~ . < . r" . Nicolson, Bertrand Sndl, Harlan F. Stone, Robert A. Taft, ArthuhT. .. I. ti. Vanderbilt, Hendrik Witlem van Loon, and William
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