Entomological Research Bulletin 26: 69-76 (2010) Insect diversity Checklist of the Korean Ephemeroptera Yeon Jae Bae1,2 and Jeong Mi Hwang2 1Division of Life Sciences, College of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Korea University, Seoul, Korea 2Entomological Research Institute, Korea University, Seoul, Korea Correspondence Abstract Y.J. Bae, Division of Life Sciences, College of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, A revised checklist of the Korean Ephemeroptera is provided. Thraulus grandis Korea University, 5-ga, Anam-dong, Gose (1980), Paraleptophlebia japonica (Matsumura) (1931) [formerly incorrectly Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 136-701, Korea. known in Korea as Paraleptophlebia chocolata Imanishi (1932)], Drunella latipes E-mail: [email protected] (Tshernova) (1952) [formerly incorrectly known in Korea as Drunella cryptomeria (Imanishi) (1937a)], Uracanthella punctisetae (Matsumura) (1931) [synonymised with Uracanthella rufa (Imanishi) (1937a) by Ishiwata (2001)], and Epeorus nippo- nicus (Uéno) (1931a) [formerly incorrectly known in Korea as Epeorus curvatulus Matsumura (1931)] are newly added to the Korean fauna. Ephemerella aurivillii (Bengtsson) (1909), Ephemerella ignita (Poda) (1761), Ephemerella zapekinae Baj- kova (1967), Cinygmula kurenzovi Bajkova (1965), Ecdyonurus abracadabrus Kluge (1997), Ecdyonurus joernensis Bengtsson (1909), Heptagenia guranica Belov (1981), Rhithrogena lepnevae Brodsky (1930), and Metretopus borealis (Matsumura) (1931) are known only from North Korea. Revised Korean names of the Korean Epheme- roptera taxa are provided. Key words: checklist, Korean Ephemeroptera, Korean mayfly names, taxonomic change Introduction type); Holotype locality: Japan; Holotype deposition: Hok- kaido University]. The Korean Ephemeroptera were catalogued by Bae et al. Paraleptophlebia chocolata Imanishi, 1937b: 330 [Material: (1994) and revised by Bae & Yoon (1997). This Ephemerop- M (Holotype), F, Ms, Fs, L (Japan); Holotype locality: Ja- tera checklist incorporates subsequent taxonomic studies of pan, Kyoto; Holotype deposition: in Imanishi’s collection]; Korean Ephemeroptera (Park et al., 1996; Bae, 1997a; Bae Imanishi, 1940: 184 [Material: L (North Korea)]; Bajkova, and Park, 1997, 1998a, 1998b; Bae et al., 1998; Hwang and 1976b: 64 [Material: L (Far East Russia)]; Yoon and Bae, Bae, 1999, 2001; Hwang et al., 2008) as well as taxonomic 1988a: 146 [Material: M, L (South Korea)]; Bae et al., 1994: studies in Northeast Asia (Bae and Liu, 1999; Ishiwata, 2001; 43. Synonymized by Ishiwata, 2001. Quan et al., 2002). This checklist is based on the recent mono- Paraleptophlebia cothurnata Tshernova, 1952: 267 [Material: graphic study of Korean Ephemeroptera by Bae (2010). M (Lectotype); Lectotype locality: Russia, Primorye, Sihote- Alin; Lectotype deposition: Zoological Institute (St. Peters- burg, Russia)]. Synonymized by Bajkova, 1976b. Checklist of Taxa Leptophlebia (Paraleptophlebia) chocolata (Imanishi): Tsher- nova et al., 1986: 136. Ephemeroptera 하루살이목 Paraleptophlebia japonica (Matsumura): Ishiwata, 2001: 56. Leptophlebiidae Banks, 1900 갈래하루살이과 Choroterpes Eaton, 1881 세갈래하루살이속 Thraulus Eaton, 1881 여러갈래하루살이속 1. Choroterpes (Euthraulus) altioculus Kluge, 1984 3. Thraulus grandis Gose, 1980 여러갈래하루살이 세갈래하루살이 (New Korean Record) Thraulus grandis Gose, 1980: 215 [Material: M, F (Japan)]; Paraleptophlebia Lestage, 1917 두갈래하루살이속 Ishiwata and Takemon, 2005: 47. 2. Paraleptophlebia japonica (Matsumura), 1931 두갈래하루살이 Larva (Fig. 1). Body length ca. 8.0 mm. General body color Baetis japonica Matsumura, 1931: 1472 [Material: M (Holo- light brown with darker markings. Labrum emarginated ante- Y.J. Bae & J.M. Hwang romedially, with small tubercle on anteromedian emargina- Drunella cryptomeria (Imanishi): Yoon and Bae, 1988a: 167 tion. Abdominal gill 1 inner lamella basally expanded; gills [Material: L (South Korea); Yoon and Bae, 1988b: 27 2-7 ovate, with marginal fringes. [Material: L (South Korea)]; Bae et al., 1994: 37. Misiden- tification. Material examined: 1 larva, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Yeong- cheon, Geumho R., 5 VI 1992, Y. J. Bae; 6 larvae, Chung- 17. Drunella lepnevae (Tshernova), 1949 쌍혹하루살이 cheongbuk-do, Boeun-gun, Songnisan-myeon, Sanae-ri, up- 18. Drunella solida Bajkova, 1980 얼룩뿔하루살이 stream of Beopju-sa (Temple), 30 V 2007, Y. J. Park. 19. Drunella triacantha (Tshernova), 1949 삼지창하루살이 Distribution: Korea, Japan. Ephacerella Paclt, 1994 긴꼬리하루살이속 Polymitarcyidae Banks, 1900 흰하루살이과 20. Ephacerella longicaudata Uéno, 1928 긴꼬리하루살이 Ephoron Williamson, 1802 흰하루살이속 4. Ephoron shigae Takahashi, 1924 흰하루살이 Ephemerella Walsh, 1862 알락하루살이속 21. Ephemerella aurivillii (Bengtsson), 1909 Potamanthidae Albarda, 1888 강하루살이과 다람쥐하루살이 Potamanthus Pictet, 1843 강하루살이속 22. Ephemerella dentata Bajkova, 1967 알락하루살이 5. Potamanthus formosus Eaton, 1892 작은강하루살이 23. Ephemerella ignita (Poda), 1761 쇠꼬리하루살이 6. Potamanthus luteus oriens Bae and McCafferty, 1991 24. Ephemerella imanishii Gose, 1980 칠성하루살이 가람하루살이 25. Ephemerella kozhovi Bajkova, 1967 흰등하루살이 7. Potamanthus yooni Bae and McCafferty, 1991 26. Ephemerella setigera Bajkova, 1967 범꼬리하루살이 금빛하루살이 27. Ephemerella zapekinae Bajkova, 1967 굴뚝하루살이 Rhoenanthus Eaton, 1881 장수하루살이속 Uracanthella Belov, 1979 등줄하루살이속 8. Rhoenanthus coreanus (Yoon and Bae), 1985 28. Uracanthella punctisetae (Matsumura), 1931 강하루살이 등줄하루살이 Drunella punctisetae Matsumura, 1931: 1471 [Holotype: M; Ephemeridae Latreille, 1810 하루살이과 Holotyoe deposition: Hokkaido University]. Ephemera Linnaeus, 1758 하루살이속 Ephemerella rufa Imanishi, 1937a: 327; Imanishi, 1940: 208; 9. Ephemera orientalis McLachlan, 1875 동양하루살이 Tshernova, 1952: 275; Bajkova, 1972a: 197. Synonymized 10. Ephemera sachalinensis Matsumura, 1931 by Ishiwata, 2001. 사할린하루살이 Ephemerella (Serratella) rufa Imanishi, Yoon and Kim, 1981: 11. Ephemera separigata Bae, 1995 가는무늬하루살이 39 12. Ephemera strigata Eaton, 1892 무늬하루살이 Uracanthella rufa (Tshernova): Bae et al., 1994: 37. Uracanthella punctisetae (Matsumura): Ishiwata, 2001: 63 Ephemerellidae Klapálek, 1909 알락하루살이과 (Generic combination). Cincticostella Allen, 1971 민하루살이속 13. Cincticostella levanidovae Tshernova, 1952 민하루살이 Caenidae Newman, 1853 등딱지하루살이과 14. Cincticostella tshernovae (Bajkova), 1962 먹하루살이 Brachycercus Curtis, 1834 세뿔등딱지하루살이속 29. Brachycercus tubulatus Tshernova, 1952 Drunella Needham, 1905 뿔하루살이속 세뿔등딱지하루살이 15. Drunella aculea (Allen), 1971 뿔하루살이 16. Drunella latipes (Tshernova), 1952 알통하루살이 Caenis Stephens, 1835 등딱지하루살이속 Ephemerella nG: Imanishi, 1940: 195 [Material: L (Korea); 30. Caenis moe Hwang and Bae, 1999 뫼등딱지하루살이 Treated as Ephemerella latipes Tshernova, 1952, by Tsher- 31. Caenis nishinoae Malzacher, 1996 등딱지하루살이 nova, 1952; Treated as Ephemerella yoshinoensis Gose, 32. Caenis tuba Hwang and Bae, 1999 나팔등딱지하루살이 1963b, by Gose, 1970]. Ephemerella latipes Tshernova, 1952: 273 [Material: L Neoephemeridae Traver, 1935 방패하루살이과 (Lectotype); Lectotype locality: Russia, Sahalin, Sango Potamanthellus Lestage, 1930 방패하루살이속 River; Lectotype deposition: Zoological Institute (St. 33. Potamanthellus chinensis Hsu, 1935 방패하루살이 Petersburg, Russia)]. Ephemerella (Drunella) cryptomeria (Imanishi): Edmunds, Isonychiidae Burks, 1953 빗자루하루살이과 1959: 546 (Subgeneric combination); Yoon and Kim, 1981: Isonychia Eaton, 1994 빗자루하루살이속 36 [Material: L (South Korea)]. Misidentification. 34. Isonychia japonica (Ulmer), 1919 빗자루하루살이 70 Entomological Research Bulletin 26: 69-76 (2010) Checklist of Korean Ephemeroptera 35. Isonychia ussurica Bajkova, 1994 깃동하루살이 Metretopodidae McCafferty, 1991 발톱하루살이과 Metretopus Eaton, 1865 발톱하루살이속 Heptageniidae Needham 1901 납작하루살이과 59. Metretopus borealis (Matsumura), 1931 발톱하루살이 Bleptus Eaton, 1885 맵시하루살이속 36. Bleptus fasciatus Eaton, 1885 맵시하루살이 Ameletidae McCafferty, 1991 피라미하루살이과 Ameletus Eaton, 1865 피라미하루살이속 Cinygmula McDunnough, 1933 봄처녀하루살이속 60. Ameletus costalis (Matsumura), 1931 피라미하루살이 37. Cinygmula grandifolia Tshernova, 1952 61. Ameletus montanus Imanishi, 1930 멧피라미하루살이 봄처녀하루살이 38. Cinygmula hirasana Imanishi, 1935 봄총각하루살이 Baetidae Leach, 1815 꼬마하루살이과 39. Cinygmula kurenzovi Bajkova, 1965 산처녀하루살이 Acentrella Bengtsson, 1912 알하루살이속 62. Acentrella gnom (Kluge), 1983a 깨알하루살이 Ecdyonurus Eaton, 1868 참납작하루살이속 63. Acentrella sibirica (Kazlauskas), 1963 콩알하루살이 40. Ecdyonurus abracadabrus Kluge, 1997 미리내하루살이 Alainites Waltz, McCafferty and Thomas, 1994 41. Ecdyonurus baekdu Bae, 1997 백두하루살이 길쭉하루살이속 42. Ecdyonurus bajkovae Kluge, 1975 몽당하루살이 64. Alainites muticus (Linnaeus), 1758 길쭉하루살이 43. Ecdyonurus dracon Kluge, 1983b 참납작하루살이 44. Ecdyonurus joernensis Bengtsson, 1909 Baetiella Uéno, 1931 애하루살이속 꼬리치레하루살이 65. Baetiella tuberculata (Kazlauskas), 1963 45. Ecdyonurus kibunensis Imanishi, 1936 두점하루살이 애호랑하루살이 46. Ecdyonurus levis Navás, 1912 네점하루살이 47. Ecdyonurus scalaris Kluge, 1983b 가락지하루살이 Baetis Leach, 1815 꼬마하루살이속 48. Ecdyonurus yoshidae Takahashi, 1924 66. Baetis fuscatus (Linnaeus), 1761 개똥하루살이 나도네점하루살이 67. Baetis pseudothermicus Kluge, 1983a 나도꼬마하루살이 Epeorus Eaton, 1881 부채하루살이속 68. Baetis silvaticus Kluge, 1983a 감초하루살이 49. Epeorus aesculus Imanishi, 1934 중부채하루살이 69. Baetis ursinus Kazlauskas, 1963 방울하루살이 50. Epeorus maculatus (Tshernova), 1949 긴부채하루살이 51. Epeorus nipponicus (Uéno), 1931 흰부채하루살이 Cloeon Leach, 1815 연못하루살이속 Iron nipponicus Uéno, 1931a: 97 [Type: M (Japan, Shinano 70. Cloeon dipterum (Linnaeus), 1761 연못하루살이 Prov.)]. Epeorus curvatulus Matsumura: Imanishi, 1940: 250 [Materi- Labiobaetis Novikova and Kluge, 1987 입술하루살이속 al: L (Korea, Manchuria)]; Braasch and Soldán, 1988: 27 71. Labiobaetis atrebatinus (Eaton), 1870 입술하루살이 [Material: L (North Korea)]. Misidentification. Epeorus (Belovius)
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