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Ahmed el-Sokary evolutionParty Oct 2011 movements. Egypt Revolution Party http://www.alwasatparty.com/ Moderate islamists` most important party Yes 26193 Abul-Ela Madi His model is the Turkish AKP, close contact https://www.facebook.com/alwasa Feb 2011 with M. El Baradei tparty El-Wasat http://www.el-3amal.com/news/ Islamic and nationalistic positions, funded in Democratic Yes Mohamed Ahmed https://www.facebook.com/paGes/ 1978 and suspended in 2000. -الإسلامي-العمل-حزب Alliance 2638 Oct 2011 Hussein It has restarted its activities a few months aGo sk=inf?121287574561635/المصري Egyptian Islamic Labour Party o http://www.misrelaraby.net/ Democratic Yes Waheed Fakhry Al Baathist nationalist party https://www.facebook.com/MisrEl 335 Alliance 1992 Aksary araby Egyptian Arab Socialist Party http://www.np-egypt.com/ Yes Former NDP members Nationalistic and riGht- https://www.facebook.com/paGes/ 1901 Talaat Saddat -الصفحة-المصري-القومي-الحزب positions winG 2011 Sep 131706413567716/الرسمية National Party of EGypt http://www.rdpeGypt.orG/ Former NDP members; Yes 20926 Talaat Saddat`s family created in 2009, good dialogue with MB https://www.facebook.com/rdpeGy Mai 2011 pt Reform and Development Party President Salah https://www.facebook.com/EGypti Hassabullah; an.Citizen.Party Yes 601 Mohammad RaGab Former NDP members Sep 2011 Egyptian Citizen Party (former NDP Secretary General) https://www.facebook.com/masral Dr. Abdullah El- hurra?sk=info 532 PendinG Former NDP members Ashaal Free Egypt (Misr Al-Hurra) Party http://www.masrelhadytha.orG/ Yes Nabil De’bes, former 221420 (?) Former NDP members https://www.facebook.com/masrel July 2011 member of NDP hadytha?sk=wall The Modern Egypt Party 3 http://www.eauparty.com/ Hossam Badrawy Yes 909 (former NDP Former NDP members https://www.facebook.com/eaupar Sep 2011 Secretary General) ty?sk=info Federation Party http://mohafizen.forumeGypt.net/ Yes 147 Ahmed Abdulhady Former NDP members https://www.facebook.com/paGes/ -المصري-المحافظين-حزب 2006 121379187945070/الجديد Party Conservatives http://www.almostklenalgodod.org/ ال/ https://www.facebook.com/pages members NDP Former PendinG 310 -المستقلين-لحزب-الرسميه-صفحه الجدد/ 214149945277843 Party Indipendent New https://www.facebook.com/elhezb Yes .el3araby 177 Former NDP members Oct 2011 Arab Equality and Justice Party https://www.facebook.com/paGes/ -الكرامة-لحزب-الرسمية-الصفحة Democratic Yes Hamdeen Sabahi, sk=inf?156679571052816/العربية positions socialist and Nasserist 5289 Alliance Aug 2011 Amin Iskandar o Karama https://www.facebook.com/paGes/ -الديمقراطى-العربى-الحزب Yes 222 Sameh Ashour Nasserist and socialist positions 133933866659857/الناصرى 1992 Nasserist Party Abu al-Ezz al-Hariri , http://eGyleftparty.orG/ Completing Yes 40573 Abd al-Ghaffar Shukr, Socialist alliance Group Revolution Oct 2011 https://www.facebook.com/popula Socialist Popular Alliance Party Ibrahim al-Esaw r.alliance.party https://www.facebook.com/Sociali Completing st.Party.of.Egypt PendinG Marxist-socialist groups 1713 Revolution Egyptian Socialist Party https://www.facebook.com/paGes/ -- 787 PendinG Kamal Khalil Communist workers party sk?154746924583265/ =info Workers Democratic Party http://eGyptian.wordpress.com/ 3140 PendinG Historical communist party https://www.facebook.com/cpeGyp Egyptian Communist Party t http://www.aldostory.orG/ One of the fundinG member in 2010 of Yes Baradei`s National Association for Change; 387 Manduh El-Nawi https://www.facebook.com/Group. 2008 socialist background Free Constitutional Social Party php?Gid=39009681202 4 http://www.eGysdp.com/ Egyptian Yes Mohamed Abu-al- Liberal and lefitist tendencies. A lot of 19040 Bloc July 2011 Ghar intellectuals joined this party https://www.facebook.com/EGysdp Social Democratic Party http://www.horaselthawra.com 5559 PendinG MaGdy El-Sherif Revolutionary youths, left positions https://www.facebook.com/Horas. ElThawra Revolutionary Guards Party http://www.almosawahwaeltanmia Social welfare and center left positions, close .com Completing Yes 32689 to revolutionary youth. The head of the party Revolution Taisser Fahmi Oct 2011 is a Coptic actress. https://www.facebook.com/elmos Equality and Development Party waweltanma Egyptian Yes Refaat-al-Said https://www.facebook.com/paGes/ 2769 Nasserist socialism sk=info?45885284538/التجمع-حزب 1992 Bloc Tagammu` http://eladl.orG/ Yes Centrist positions, supporting Baradei for the https://www.facebook.com/eladlp 19440 presidency Jun 2011 arty?ref=ts ElAdl Party https://www.facebook.com/alhada Democratic Yes Hatem ‘Azzam, raparty 8994 New Party: liberal, centrist positions Alliance July 2011 Mohammed El Sawi Civilization Party https://www.facebook.com/ant.ma Mohamed Ali Abdel 15132 PendinG Liberal, centrist positions sry You Are Egyptian Party Qader http://www.elthalf.com Completing Liberal positions, endorsement of El-Baradei 2469 PendinG https://www.facebook.com/Groups Revolution as candidate for the Republic presidency /EgyptianAllianceParty/ Egyptian Alliance Party http://mesralknana.com/ Center Left Party: social justice and social PendinG https://www.facebook.com/Groups 22900 Ashraf Zaki Baroumi reforms (education, health care…) /mesralknana/ Kenana Party http://www.elwa3i.com/ 568 PendinG Shady Ghazali Harb, Centrist positions https://www.facebook.com/Elwaei Alwa`I Awareness https://www.facebook.com/hrcpar ty?sk=info 2248 PendinG Gamal El-Tohami Centrist positions Human RiGhts and Citizenship Party 5 http://socialpeaceparty.com/wp/ Yes Small party, centrist positions, it left the 246 Hifzi Zayed https://www.facebook.com/SPP.EG 2009 Democratic Alliance at the end of October. ypt Social Peace Party http://www.hezbsootmasr.com 61 PendinG Small party with centrist positions https://www.facebook.com/paGes/ 114470578633336/مصر-صوت-حزب Sawt Masr Party https://www.facebook.com/Alwafd party Yes The oldest Egyptian party: liberal/nationalistic 18002 Al Sayed Al Badawi positions 1983 http://www.alwafdparty.com/ Wafd http://www.almasreyeenalahrrar.o rg/ Egyptian Yes Liberal party, success among the EGyptian 81189 NaGuib Sawiris Bloc Jul 2011 Diaspora abroad, stronG opposition to MB https://www.facebook.com/almasr eyeenalahrrar Free Egyptians Party http://www.masralhureyya.orG/ Completing Yes Centrist and social-liberal party advocating 14355 Amr Hamzawi Revolution Mai 2011 social justice and equality between citizens https://www.facebook.com/MasrAl Masr Alhuryya Party Hureyya http://www.aymannour.net/ Created in 2004: active opposition to Mubarak Democratic Yes reGime. Centrist positions, economic 55265 Alliance Ayman Nour https://www.facebook.com/dr.Ay Oct 2011 liberalism New Ghad mannour http://www.democraticfront.orG/ Osama El Ghazali One of the few opposition's parties allowed in Yes Mubarak`s era.
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