IPA Index 1 People - P P, D --- (1895) [Q&A: French (Q) - subjunctive and past tense]. 1895.174 PACKET, A: 1904.153 (net), 1905.13 (net), 1906.16 (net), 1907.19 (net), 1908.19 (net), 1909.20 (net) PADBERG, F: 1900.janv.5 (fra), 1901.4 (fra), 1901.47 PADBURY, A E: 1905.86 (eng), 1906.5 (eng), 1907.5 (eng), 1908.5 (eng), 1909.5 (eng) PADERNI, Ricardo Gustavo: 1998.134 (arg), 2000.121 (arg) PADGETT, Wilfred Wood: IPA exam result. 1923.8 PADLEY, Sadie A (Miss): 1928.64 (usa), 1930.18 (usa), 1930.73 (usa), 1932.20 (usa), 1934.35 (usa), 1936.40 (usa), 1938.36 (usa) --- (1933) [Spec] American English [inf=b & ed Eastern New York.] < O’SHEA, W J (1931-1932) 35th Annual Report on Oral English and Phonetics, New York. See also JONES, D 1934.19. 1933.79 PADLINA, Laura: 1910.29 (chl) PAÉGLÉ, Edward: 1908.41 (rus), 1909.26 (rus), 1910.25 (rus), 1911.33 (rus), 1912.48 (rus), 1913.32 (rus), 1914.Suppl.22 (rus), 1914.40 (rus), 1925.Suppl.10 (lat) NOËL-ARMFIELD, G (1910) [Rev] --- (1910) Angļu Walodas mahziba eesahzejeem. English Lessons for Beginners. Rigā: Latvia Press. 1910.130-131 --- & JONES, D (1910) [Spec] Lettish. Sol. 1910.138-139 [--- post-card chart of Russian sounds.] 1911.114 PÄSCHKE, [ ]: 1904.10 (ger), 1904.60, 1905.10 (ger), 1905.27 PAGE, C H (Dr): 1895.31 (fra), 1896.17 (usa), 1896.35 PAGE, G E (Miss): 1925.Suppl.10 (usa) PAGE, J F: 1912.155 (usa), 1913.36 (usa), 1914.Suppl.26 (usa) PAGE, W Sutton ~ SUTTON PAGE, W (Rev): 1913.88 (ind), 1914.Suppl.30 (ind), 1914.40 (ind), 1914.60 (ind), 1925.Suppl.13 (eng), 1930.13 (eng), 1932.16 (eng), 1934.31 (eng), 1936.36 (eng) --- (1929) [Rev] CHATTERJI, S K (1928) A Bengali Phonetic Reader. London: University of London Press. 1929.16-17 PAGÉS DE MUÑOZ, Nelly B (Mrs): 1957.27 (arg), 1959.23 (arg) PAGEL, [ ]: 1909.70 (ger), 1910.16 (ger), 1911.23 (ger), 1912.38 (ger), 1912.135 PAGET, [ ]: 1901.7 (eng), 1901.47 PAGET, Luke S M (Brother): 1998.134 (nzl), 2000.121 (nzl), 2005.127 (nzl) © M K C MacMahon 2007 IPA Index 2 People - P PAGET, Richard (Sir, Bt): 1925.Suppl.10 (eng), 1930.13 (eng), 1932.15 (eng), 1934.30 (eng), 1936.36 (eng), 1938.32 (eng), 1948.16 (eng), 1949.9 (eng), 1952.Suppl.iv (eng), 1953.45 (eng), [death] 1955.49 --- (1922) Vowel Resonances. 1922 JONES, S (1924) [Rev] --- (1924) The Nature and Artificial Production of Consonant Sounds. [Proc Roy Soc A, Vol CVI]. 1924.24-26 PAGLIAROLI, Mario Fabrizio: 1998.134 (ita), 2000.121 (ita) PAILLERON, Édouard COUSTENOBLE, H N (1932) [Spec(Stud)] Français. --- , Le jardin. 1932.43-44 COUSTENOBLE, H N (1932) [Spec(Stud)] Français. --- , Amours et haines (suite). 1932.63-64 PAINE, Lionel W: 1906.93 (eng), 1907.9 (eng), 1908.9 (eng), 1909.9 (eng) PAINTER, Colin: 1963.20 (gha), 1967.45 (usa) --- (1963) [Spec] Black Country speech [Rowley Regis, S Staffs]. Misc. 1963.30-33 --- (1965) Lopped~lobbed, humped~hummed: on the phonological conditioning of {- ED} allomorphs 1965.26-28 --- (1988) Phoneticians wanted. 1988.8 PAJON, Stéphanie de (Mlle): 1895.113 (fra), 1895.138 (ger), 1896.8 (ger), 1897.23 (ger), 1898.4 (fra), 1898.66 (ger), 1899.10 (ger), 1900.janv.12 (ger), 1901.12 (ger), 1902.11 (ger), 1903.11 (ger), 1904.10 (ger), 1905.10 (ger), 1906.13 (ger), 1907.14 (ger), 1908.15 (ger), 1909.16 (ger), 1910.16 (ger), 1911.23 (ger), 1912.38 (ger), 1913.22 (ger), 1914.Suppl.14 (ger), 1925.Suppl.4 (ger), 1930.14 (ger), 1932.16 (ger) HALTER, C (1897) Cours de phonétique à L’École des Hautes Études [... discussion of KLINGHARDT, H Artikulations- und Hörübungen by --- ]. 1897.181 PAKEMAN, D L: 1913.149 (eng), 1914.Suppl.9 (eng) PALACIO, M del [Spec(Stud)] Español. Cuento; Calzado para perros < --- El Estudio. 1895.161-163 PALACIO VALDÉS: see VALDÉS, A Palacio PALACIO, Vicente Riva STIRLING, W F (1949) [Spec(Stud)] Español. Transcripción ancha. < --- . 1949.5 PALACIOS: see VIGNEAUX ~ VIGNEAUX PALACIOS PALÁCKÝ, František © M K C MacMahon 2007 IPA Index 3 People - P FRINTA, A (1922) [Spec(Stud)] Tchèque. Z úvodu. --- Dějiny národu českého v Čechách a na Moravě. 1922 Textes pour nos élèves 2, 1922.15-16 PALAMOUNTAIN, Joseph Cornwall COUSTENOBLE, H N (1926) [Rev] --- (c1924) Précis de prononciation française avec des lectures phonétiques. Paris: Librairie ancienne Édouard Champion. 1926.29-30 PALANDER, V H (Dr): 1902.24 (fin), 1903.19 (fin) PALATINA, [ ]: 1899.146 (ita), 1900.janv.17 (ita), 1901.17 (ita), 1902.15 (ita), 1903.15 (ita), 1904.13 (ita), 1905.13 (ita), 1906.17 (ita), 1907.20 (ita), 1908.20 (ita), 1909.22 (ita), 1910.21 (ita), 1911.29 (ita), 1912.44 (ita), 1913.28 (ita), 1914.Suppl.19 (ita) PALERMO, Albano (Prof): 1909.138 (ita), 1910.21 (ita), 1911.29 (ita), 1912.44 (ita) PALETHORPE, Sally Anne HARRINGTON, Jonathan, --- & WATSON, Catherine (2000) Monophthongal vowel changes in Received Pronunciation: an acoustic analysis of the Queen’s Christmas broadcasts. 2000.63-78 PALGEN, Nicolas M: 1895.201 (lux), 1896.9 (lux), 1897.25 (lux) PALKOVÁ, Zdena (Prof): 2000.121 (czr), 2005.125 (czr) PALLIS, A A (Miss): 1904.125 (eng), 1905.6 (eng), 1906.8 (eng), 1907.9 (eng), 1907.78, 1907.90 PALM, J-R (Frk): 1897.50 (swe), 1898.18 (swe), 1899.18 (swe), 1900.janv.19 (swe), 1901.20 (swe), 1902.19 (swe), 1902.52 PALMA, A V V da: 1913.126 (eng), 1914.Suppl.9 (eng) PALMER, Cecil C: 1914.60 (swi), 1914.83 (swi) PALMER, Harold E (Dr): 1907.77 (bel), 1908.18 (bel), 1908.42 (bel), 1909.20 (bel), 1910.19 (bel), 1910.66 (fra), 1911.27 (bel), 1912.42 (bel), 1913.26 (bel), 1914.Suppl.17 (bel), 1925.Suppl.10 (jap), 1930.22 (jap), 1932.25 (jap), 1934.40 (jap), 1936.44 (jap), 1936.57 (eng), 1938.30 (eng), 1949.7 (eng), [death] 1949.31 --- (1910) The transcription of English vowels [Comm: D Jones]. 1910.102-107 JONES, D (1910) The transcription of English vowels [see also PALMER, H E 1910.102- 107]. 1910.128-129 --- (1911) What is the English standard transcription? [Comm: D Jones]. 1911.1-2 JONES, D (1911) The transcription of English vowels [see also --- 1910.102-107, JONES, D 1910.128-29]. 1911.46-48 © M K C MacMahon 2007 IPA Index 4 People - P NOËL-ARMFIELD, G (1911) [Rev] --- [nd] Les 23 particules verbales. Méthode Palmer. Sheet X2. 1911.113 --- (1911) Dutch ui 1911.148 [See also LOGEMAN, H 1911.116] --- (1911) The Polish ł. 1911.149 --- (1912) Robert Centner [=obituary]. 1912.123 --- (1913) [Spec] Kentish dialect (Hythe). NWS. 1913.56-57 --- (1913) Articles en orthographe ordinaire [incl comment on /õ/ in Belgium]. 1913.77 --- (1913) [Spec] Wallon de Verviers (Province de Liège). Vieux conte. 1913.80-81 [IPA to be represented at the meeting of Le congrès des associations internationales, Ghent, June 1913, by H E Palmer 1913.101 --- (1913) Phonetic letters on typewriters. 1913.138 --- (1913) [Spec] Flemish dialect of Ghent [trans=G BEVERNAGE]. NWS. 1913.139 --- (1913) [Spec] Ido [trans=L COUTURAT]. NWS. 1913.139-140 --- (1913) [Spec] Esperanto. NWS. 1913.140-141 JONES, F (1914) [Rev] --- [nd] Manuel d’Anglais parlé. Verviers. 1914.31-32 --- (1920) What is Phonetics? An answer to this question in the form of 12 letters from a phonetician to a non-phonetic friend. 2nd ed. API, 1-60. 1920 HOLDSWORTH, H M (1924) [Rev] --- (1924) A Grammar of Spoken English on a Strictly PhoneticBasis. Cambridge: W Heffer & Sons Ltd. 1924.23-24 [---: reappointment as Linguistic Adviser to the Japanese Ministry of Education]. 1925.9-10 --- (1925) [Spec] Japanese English. Tipperary. 1925.20-21 --- (1925) Unstressed I [=use of I and i]. 1925.23-25 PASSY, P (1925) Nouveau signe [=opposes i as a symbol for unstressed /I/ in English]. 1925.29 [RICHARDSON, G H: use of i for both stressed and unstressed /I/ in English.] 1925.29- 30 JORDE, R (1926) It’s time to stop [=opposes i for unstressed /I/]. 1926.1-2 JONES, D (1926) Unstressed English I. 1926.3-4 THOMAS, C K (1926) [Nouveaux signes: support for Palmer and i for unstressed /I/.] 1926.10 © M K C MacMahon 2007 IPA Index 5 People - P JONES, D (1927) [Rev] ---, MARTIN, J V & BLANDFORD, F G (1926) A Dictionary of English Pronunciation, with American Variants. In Phonetic Transcription. Cambridge: W Heffer & Sons Ltd. 1927.8-9 DIETRICH, G (1928) [Rev] --- & BLANDORD, F G (1927) Everyday Sentences in Spoken English, with Phonetic Transcription and Intonation Marks (for the Use of Foreign Students). Cambridge: W Heffer & Sons Ltd. 1928.5-6 Congratulations [to --- and staff at the Institute for Research in English Teaching, Tokyo]. 1929.15 JONES, D (1930) [Middle e: suggestion from --- and KENYON, J S that ɛ should be used.] 1930.66 --- (1931) Extra broad transcription [Comm: D Jones]. 1931.27-28 GRAHAM, F (1931) Unemphatic and emphatic intonation [=comment on H M Davies’ review of MARQUIS & BLANDFORD ( 1931.25-26) and H E Palmer’s distinction between emphatic and unemphatic intonation]. 1931.50 [--- : returns to Tokyo after world tour]. 1932.42 --- (1932) Diphthongized short vowels [see also DAVIS, E B 1934.55]. 1932.78 JOOS, M (1933) The transcription of American pronunciation [see also BROWN, G..... and ---......] 1933.26-28 JONES, D (1933) [Rev] --- (1930) The Principles of Romanization. With Special Reference to the Romanization of Japanese. Tokyo: Maruzen Co. 1933.28-30 PETERSON, H (1934) Diphthongized short vowels and other characteristics of American speech [ie vowel of HEAD (Toronto pronunciation), CAT etc, allophones of /aI/ and /aU/ in Canada, vowel of FUR].
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