Etropole Municipal Administration DESCTIPTION CONCLUSIONS of the from the BUILDING: ENERGY AUDIT

Etropole Municipal Administration DESCTIPTION CONCLUSIONS of the from the BUILDING: ENERGY AUDIT

OUR BUILDINGS Long-term Strategies for Deep Energy Retrotting Etropole Strategy and pilot projects for renovation of the municipal Project “Accelerating climate action building stock buildings – Strengthening civil society and policy makers in Romania and Bulgaria” BPIE Goals of Etropole Municipality STRATEGIC GOAL The implementation of comprehensive and ambitious energy efficiency projects in all inhabited public buildings with actual potential for energy savings and increased use of “The benefits of local renewable energy sources to provide an optimal environment for the energy efficiency are provision of high quality public services undeniable.” and to attract private investment to support the transformation of Etropole into a preferred place for living and professional development of young DIMITAR DIMITROV, MAYOR OF ETROPOLE MUNICIPALITY SPECIFIC TARGETS BY TARGETS SUMMARY Increasing RES 2030 Reduction of final Reduction of final Reduction of share in the final Period/Targets energy demand energy demand carbon emissions energy demand people. (MWh/а) (%) (%) (%) 1. Improving the energy efficiency (EE) of buildings and reducing CO Short-term 2 programme » 397 » 18 » 15 » 32 emissions: 2020 – 2022 » Reduction of the required final Long-term energy demand compared to the programme » 682 » 27 » 34 » 50 2020 – 2030 OUR BUILDINGS “normalised” baseline scenario for the selected priority buildings 15% to 50%. Achieving this goal energy measures, as well as their Long-term Strategies for by 27% by 2030, or approximately Deep Energy Retrotting is also expected to contribute to relationship with air quality; 682 MWh / a, and reduction of CO 2 improving air quality. » Maintenance of the Municipal emissions by 34% by 2030 or a 3. Raising citizens’ awareness of Energy Information System (MEIS) total of 452 tСО . 2 the benefits of energy efficiency, for monitoring the condition and » Achieving optimal thermal and renewable energy sources and improvement of the energy and hygienic comfort in accordance stimulating investments for ecological characteristics of the with the regulations; renovation of public and private municipal buildings. 2. Increasing the share of renewable buildings: BPIE energy sources (RES): » Preparation of a schedule for conducting annual information » Increasing the RES share of energy consumed for heating in the campaigns and training seminars selected priority buildings from on the benefits of implementing energy efficiency and renewable 2 | | 3 HORT-TERM AND LONG-TERM PROGRAMME OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE INVESTMENT PROJECTS AND THE NON-INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES Проект за Проект за AND THE RESPECTIVE EXPENSES, INCLUDED IN THE ENERGY EFFICIENCY PLAN OF ETROPOLE MUNICIPALITY Short-term programmeShort-term programme Long-term programme Long-term programme PROJECTS ANDPROJECTS ACTIVITIES AND ACTIVITIES 2020 20212020 20222021 20222023 2024 2023 2025 20242026 20252027 20262028 20292027 2030 TOTAL2028 AMOUNTS2029 BY 2030TOTAL AMOUNTSTOTAL BYAMOUNTS BY TOTAL AMOUNTS BY INVESTMENT PROJECTS:INVESTMENTТип: PROJECTS: Тип: PROJECTS PROJECTS UNTIL NOWPROJECTS PROJECTS UNTIL NOW Etropole MunicipalEtropole Adm Ministrationunicipal Administration EE+RES BGN 300.000,00EE+RES BGN 300.000,00BGN 0,00 BGN BGN0,00 0,00 BGNBGN 0,00 0,00 BGN 150.000,00BGN 0,00BGN BGN0,00 150.000,00BGN 0,00 BGNBGN 0,00 0,00 BGNBGN 0,00 0,00 BGN BGN0,00 0,00BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00 BGNBGN 0,00450.000,00BGN 0,00 BGN 300.000,00BGN 450.000,00 BGN 300.000,00 Primary SchoolPrimary "Hristo Sc Bhoolotev" "Hristo Botev" EE+RES BGNEE+RES 0,00 BGN 145.793,00BGN 0,00 BGNBGN 145.793,00 0,00 BGNBGN 0,00 0,00 BGN 0,00BGN 0,00BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00BGN 0,00 BGNBGN 0,00 0,00 BGNBGN 0,00 0,00 BGN BGN0,00 0,00BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00 BGNBGN 0,00145.793,00BGN 0,00 BGN 145.793,00BGN 145.793,00 BGN 145.793,00 Vocational schoolVocational school EE+RES BGNEE+RES 0,00 BGN 571.209,00BGN 0,00 BGNBGN 571.209,00 0,00 BGNBGN 0,00 0,00 BGN 0,00BGN 0,00BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00BGN 0,00 BGNBGN 0,00 0,00 BGNBGN 0,00 0,00 BGN BGN0,00 0,00BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00 BGNBGN 0,00571.209,00BGN 0,00 BGN 571.209,00BGN 571.209,00 BGN 571.209,00 Additional buildingAdditional - Primary building School - Primary "Hristo Botev"School "Hristo Botev" EE+RES BGNEE+RES 0,00 BGNBGN 0,00 0,00 BGN 54.160,00BGN 0,00 BGN 54.160,00BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00BGN 0,00BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00BGN 0,00 BGNBGN 0,00 0,00 BGNBGN 0,00 0,00 BGN BGN0,00 0,00BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00 BGNBGN 0,00 54.160,00BGN 0,00 BGN 54.160,00BGN 54.160,00 BGN 54.160,00 High School "HristoHigh School Yasenov" "Hristo Yasenov" RES BGNRES 0,00 BGNBGN 0,00 0,00 BGN BGN0,00 0,00 BGN BGN250.000,00 0,00 BGNBGN 0,00 250.000,00BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00 BGNBGN 0,00 0,00 BGN 0,00 BGN BGN0,00 0,00BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00 BGNBGN 0,00250.000,00BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00BGN 250.000,00 BGN 0,00 Home for theHome elderly f orand the a c eentrelderly for a ndsocial a c entrerehabilitatio for socialn and rehabilitatio n and RES BGNRES 0,00 BGNBGN 0,00 0,00 BGN BGN0,00 0,00 BGNBGN 0,00 0,00 BGN 40.000,00BGN 0,00BGN 0,00BGN 40.000,00BGN 0,00 BGNBGN 0,00 0,00 BGNBGN 0,00 0,00 BGN BGN0,00 0,00BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00 BGNBGN 0,00 40.000,00BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00BGN 40.000,00 BGN 0,00 integration integration Nursery "Patilantsi"Nursery "Patilantsi" RES BGNRES 0,00 BGNBGN 0,00 0,00 BGN BGN0,00 0,00 BGNBGN 0,00 0,00 BGN 0,00BGNBGN 0,00 30.000,00 BGN 0,00BGN 0,00BGN 30.000,00BGN 0,00 BGNBGN 0,00 0,00 BGN BGN0,00 0,00BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00 BGNBGN 0,00 30.000,00BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00BGN 30.000,00 BGN 0,00 KindergartenKindergarte "Edelweiss"n "Edelweiss" RES BGNRES 0,00 BGNBGN 0,00 0,00 BGN BGN0,00 0,00 BGNBGN 0,00 0,00 BGN 0,00BGN 0,00BGN 0,00 BGN 40.000,000,00 BGNBGN 0,00 0,00BGN 40.000,00BGN 0,00 BGN BGN0,00 0,00BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00 BGNBGN 0,00 40.000,00BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00BGN 40.000,00 BGN 0,00 KindergartenKindergarte "Bell" n "Bell" RES BGNRES 0,00 BGNBGN 0,00 0,00 BGN BGN0,00 0,00 BGNBGN 0,00 0,00 BGN 0,00BGN 0,00BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00BGN 0,00 BGNBGN 40.000,00 0,00 BGNBGN 0,00 0,00 BGNBGN 40.000,00 0,00 BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00 BGNBGN 0,00 40.000,00BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00BGN 40.000,00 BGN 0,00 Nursery "Sun"Nursery "Sun" RES BGNRES 0,00 BGNBGN 0,00 0,00 BGN BGN0,00 0,00 BGNBGN 0,00 0,00 BGN 0,00BGN 0,00BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00BGN 0,00 BGNBGN 0,00 0,00 BGNBGN 30.000,00 0,00 BGN BGN0,00 0,00BGN 0,00BGN 30.000,00 BGNBGN 0,00 30.000,00BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00BGN 30.000,00 BGN 0,00 Project for renovatioProject nf orof rSUOenovation of SUO EE+RES EE+RES BGN 452.000,00 BGN 452.000,00 BGN 452.000,00 BGN 452.000,00 TOTAL FOR INVESTMENTTOTAL PROJECTS: FOR INVESTMENT PROJECTS:BGN 300.000,00 BGNBGN 717.002,00 300.000,00 BGNBGN 506.160,00 717.002,00 BGNBGN 506.160,00 250.000,00 BGN 190.000,00BGN 250.000,00BGN 30.000,00BGN 190.000,00BGN 40.000,00BGNBGN 30.000,00 40.000,00BGN 40.000,00 BGN 40.000,00 BGN 1.651.162,00 BGN 1.523.162,00BGN 1.651.162,00 BGN 1.523.162,00 NON-INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES:NON-INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES: AdministrativeAdministrative Nomination ofNomination energy manager of energy manager BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00 DevelopmentDevelopment of a proposal forof aattracting proposal investments for attracting investments BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00 DevelopmentDevelopment of public procurement of public for procurement the purchase for of energythe purchase from a of energy from a BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00 liberalised marketliberalised market DevelopmentDevelopment of "green" public of "green" procurement public procurement Training and Trainingqualification and qualification DevelopmentDevelopment of a training plan of a for training employees plan and for specialistsemployees and specialists BGN 500,00 BGNBGN 500,00 500,00 BGN BGN500,00 500,00 BGN 500,00 BGN 1.500,00 BGN 1.000,00 BGN 1.500,00 BGN 1.000,00 BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00 Information andInformation communication and communication DevelopmentDevelopment of a long-term of communication a long-term communication platform platform BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00 MaintenanceMaintenance and update of andthe Municipalupdate of Energy the Municipal System Energy System BGN 300,00 BGNBGN 300,00 300,00 BGN BGN300,00 300,00 BGN 300,00 BGN 900,00 BGN 600,00 BGN 900,00 BGN 600,00 Conducting anConducting information an campaign information among campaign the residents among the residents BGN 800,00 BGNBGN 800,00 800,00 BGN BGN800,00 800,00 BGN 800,00 BGN 2.400,00 BGN 1.600,00 BGN 2.400,00 BGN 1.600,00 Information daysInformation and events days for and the residentsevents for the residents BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00 Pre-investmentPre-investment activities activities Conducting energyConducting audits energy audits BGN 10.000,00 BGNBGN 10.000,00 10.000,00 BGNBGN 3.000,00 10.000,00 BGN 3.000,00 BGN 23.000,00 BGN 23.000,00BGN 23.000,00 BGN 23.000,00 Plan for preparationPlan for of preparation energy audits of and energy projects audits and projects BGN 4.000,00 BGN 4.000,00 BGN 4.000,00 BGN 4.000,00 BGN 2.000,00 BGNBGN 2.000,00 2.000,00 BGN 2.000,00 DevelopmentDevelopment of design assignments of design and assignments / or energy andaudits / or energy audits BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00 Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring planMonitoring for all buildings plan for all buildings BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00 TOTAL FOR NON-INVESTMENTTOTAL FOR ACTIVITIES: NON-INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES:BGN 11.600,00 BGNBGN 13.600,00 11.600,00 BGNBGN 6.600,00 13.600,00 BGN 6.600,00BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00BGN 0,00BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00BGN 0,00 BGNBGN 0,00 0,00 BGN 0,00 BGN 0,00 BGN 31.800,00 BGN 30.200,00BGN 31.800,00 BGN 30.200,00 TOTAL FOR THE PLAN:TOTAL FOR THE PLAN: BGN 1.682.962,00 BGN 1.553.362,00BGN 1.682.962,00 BGN 1.553.362,00 4 | | 5 FORECAST

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