STATISTICAL HAND BOOK OF DIBANG VALLEY DISTRICT 1983-84 STATISTICrfiL HAND BOOK ,QL DIBANG WaLLEY DISTRICT 1983-84 j/OAJ/u/o'ci/a/j/L, :i ^/o/a^^/o/u/h/J/o/c/o ,/b/0/0/b/;YOyb/o^a/0/0/U/c/'o^'i3/o/Q,.b/G^/Q/o/t/u/^/Q/o/Yo/V^/^ Vb^^/o/b/Q/b/a/J^ 'J/'o/4^/a/^A'J/b/^^/Q/a/G/b/i- :/'j/^/o/o/o^:i/6,^/fc/o/3/^/^/t/;/;/^/'j^^/b/j/o^c/o/o/Q/o/b/u/o/j/i3/Q/o/6^<j Published byi- ECOMOWICS mMQ s t a t i s t i c s DEPHRTrCNT, Office pf the Deputy CommissionBr, Dibano \lalloy DistrictoHnini. (ritunachal Pradesh) (3UNE/87) NIEPA DC 3 \ o Sd). National Systems Unit, National Institute of £ducatioij<-.l Plnnmi!<^ ' Ainiri ^:ration 17-i: ,J. iAuibu do Mar^ hewUelhi-110016 DOC. No.... A o m ......- Date...f.O. .^.1. F__ O R E 111 tj P-^ L) The "Statistica l Hand Book of uibang l/allGy ibistrict, 19G3—04” is baing brought out by tho uistrict Statistical ii/ing of aibang Ualloy u istric t, /inini, in­ corporating information on uariod subjects of this district. Tho information containac in tho Hand 3ook provides basic data far planning at district loval and as ujgII as at Stato Lauel. It uill also sGruQ as a rsfGroncQ booklet for goyernmGnt dopartments and all those who want to have detailed information about Oibang Ualloy □istrict# Shri T,K, 3h«ttacharyya, Inspector of Statistics, Anini with tho assistance of Smti. Krishna Qhattanharyya, Sub-Inspector of Statistics, has been able to compile the Hand Book in a short period ujith limited resources. Shri t^.N, Singh, Lower iiiv/ision Clerk, of the branch has also been able to complete the typing of the manuscript in a short period. The Oistrict Hoads of Oepartment have extended co—operation in prov/iding information for compilation of this Hand Book. The efforts made by the Inspector of Statistics and his team of ujorkers is praisouiorthy. The users of this booklet arc requested to provide the Inspector of Statistics, with suggestions f.or effecting qualitative improvement in subsequent ^ i t i o n s . Oated anini, the t>r. G.^S. 3aiya, I h S, 19«9«1907» Oeputy Commissioner, Qibanci Uallev uistrict t Hnini» SKa/ The Statistical Hand jQok of Dibang Ualley District,1983-64' is an annual publication. It aims at presenting a comprehensiv/e picture of various Socio-Economic aspects and progress made in the difforGnt fields of devsiopment in Dibong Ualley District during the year,1963-84, The chapters of this publication are as per the broad frame of coueraga prescribed by the Directorate of Economics and Statistics,jouernmont of Arunachal PradeshjShillong. The data prssentod in this publication relating to the 31st March,1984o The data used in this Statistical Hand Book aro collected from various sister department directly or indiroctly. The Lconomics and Statistics Department,Mnini, Dibang Uallay District therefore, does not appect any responsibility for any kind of orrors/ommissions etc, which might hav/e been originated at the source its e lf. The source of the data is given at the foot of each table in this publication. The preparation of this Statistical Hand Book for the y e a r ,1983-84 is sponsored by the Economics and Statistics Department, Anini of Oibang Ualley District. I wish to express my gratefulness to my able staffs for their coordinated offorts^towards this publication. Thanks are also duo to Smti. Krishna Bhattacharyya, aub-Inspector of Statistics, Mnini for collection, Compilation and preparatijn of the draft manuscript copy of the Hand Book. I also acknowledge my gratitude to Shri R.iM.Singh, Lower Division Clerk of the branch for Ris sincere and honest efforts to got the draft manuscript copy neatly typed. I avail this opportunity to extend my thanks and gratitude to all the District Heads of Departments/Officus for whose co-operation and help made it possible to bring-out this present publication. Last but not least, I avail this opportunity to acknowledge with my gratitude to OR. G.S.3AI YA( I AS Deputy Commissioner, Oibang Walley District for his guidance and writing "FOREii/QRO** for this present publication. Hny suggestion for the improvement of this Statistical Hand Bobk of Dibang Valley District will bo most welcome. Dated »inini,the 15th 3une/l987. ^ (T.'K.BHrtTTrtCHrtRYY/i), Inspector of Statistics, Dibang Kalley ijistrict. nnini. VALLL' 't : > s> VC.r o H'-' ' \ © ’ \ o Pft.flQOK Si- S/]I I R O m C , r M y ( A ) B- N T Table No r'UTJCUJf'HS { page 'Mo . — i __________________ JL _______ 1 I s T nniTJG VMIBY DISTRICT (*\ brief Introfluctlon) 1 - 1 1 1 . 1 . 1 mlnlstratlve Oiflcera In^lbang V?’lley ’district as on 1 -1-1934 1 1 .2 V m in istrat Ive Centres, Year of Opening . / qtid distances from district ^ .Q. 1 1 ,3 ■^llce St at Ions/*Xit-post s and strength of personnels as on 3 1 st Fare h| 1933 2 1 ,4 distribution of Crlne in ^Ibang Valley district 'Jurir^ the yearj 1932-03 3 2 . 2.1 Fin^l ropulatl>u yigures(1 9 0l Census) ^ibang Valley ’^igtrict. 4 2 .2 St?»tomert showing a oomp?*ratlve picture of the populat ioni'".runac hal ’^ra-’esh S (1931 Census provisional TTjgures) 2.3 distribution of "VDpulation,‘^ex ^atlo, Growth Tate an'i ’density of ’Papulation 0 by Istricts (1931 Census pro.figures) 2 .4 distribution of ^reaj ’^jpulation, ^rnsity of "^opulntlon» Feinales ner lOOO le g, ’>»ce nt age of Growth ?kate of ^onulation l971-0i and literates T fts percent of total ponulation as per 1931 census<’>ov is ic^al Figures) 2 . ^ ' Tural an-* Urban composition of nooulation g (1931 Census-rrovis ional figures) 2 . 6 ’distribution of T’gin ’•''^orlfor s (19 Jl Census- Trovisional figures) 8 2 .7 Stitemcnt showing the workers engasef’ in Agricultural an<^ 'Mon-\gr leu 1 tur al Sectors as per 1931 Census (\run^c hal an<l Jndisj) 2 »0 distribution of ?"ain Workers by Cultivators, Agricultural I.abourersi ^’'ouseho Id s In^^ustry 10 and other workers with their percentages to total worker 8 ( 19.3l-Ce nsu s-’^o v . f i g . ) 2.9 d istrib u tio n ot‘ V/orkers by category of ■works (Ci rc le wi 8^ ) In dibung Valley district 11 as per 19J1 Census 2.10 literacy in percentage with growth rnto (dibang Valley ^1 st r ic t-19 ai Census) 12 2 . U literacy in djbanf? Valley d ist ric t as per 19 81 Census 13 2.X2 Sex Ratio (dibang Valley district- 19 31 Census ) 14 (2> 2 .13 Statement showing distribution of 197i Ce n8Us-'^otal J=)nr1 Scheduleii "^rlbe popula­ tion, Sex ^.^tlo of total polatlon, Sex 15 "atlo of Scheflule<5 '^rlbcs populsition, \(»e-gr oupwl sc In /'.runachgl ’>a'^csh (fjB per 1J31 Census) 3 . CI IT^'TE 3 .1 \nnual Rainfall of ^Ibang Valley ’district 16 In different places during the year,l9J4 4. Tr/VMs^"RT ^>TT> T >j;- 4.1 Clrclowlse total lene-th of roa^s In '^Ibang Valley ’district as on 31st 1''''irc h, 19-33 17 4.2 Construction Improvement of Toad/"\>rter '^rqck etc. by Cr’Vn in '^Ibang V ^ H e y d istric t 10 flur 1 np f 1903-3 4 . 4.3 ■Rxpondlture on Construction of lullrting in ’^ihan?' Valley 'district dur ing , i933~34 . 19 4 .4 rost Offices ’With anf^-Without Telegraph fa c ilit ie s In ’^IhTing V^j ley ’^istrict 20 dur Ing , 19 33-04 . 5 . r:?.vs^. KiE’CTT? ic iTv 5 .1 ’^Tumber of "bwer Stations anf’ Tnstalle'’ 21 Capacity in ’^ib'^ng' Valley ’district as on 3 1st T'^arc h j 19 31 . 5 .2 Generation rinrS Consumption of Eluctriclty in ’^ibanc v^ney ’district as on 31-3-1931. 21 6 . 6 .1 Circlewise 'distribution of f’o spl t al /’-^e al t h TTnits in ''ibang Valley d is t ric t d ur i nf? , 0 2- 33 . 22 6 .2 r^cdical ^Tnlts and T^edlcal staffs in ’^ibang Valley district as on 31-3-1903 . 23 6 .3 >^utnber of \ut ho rise's T^ods in ’-hospitals/ ^Galth Tlnlts in ^lbr>ns Valley 'district 23 as on 31-3-19 33 . 6 .4 ''isoasewisc '^atients treated in '^ibang Valljsy ’district Hurinp,l933 . 24 6 .5 distribution of I'alarla cases in ’^ibanp 25 Valley 'district dur Ing , 1933-34 . 6 .6 Achievement of Fa mill Welfare ^ogramne In ■^Ibanr' "’^alley d is t ric t ur 1 ng , 19 J 3-3 4 . 26 7. F^ tic ^ 7 .1 Clrclewise distribution of "Education Institutions in ’^Ibang ^^alley ^ Is ^ r ie t as on 3 1-3-1904 . • ( c ) ________ ____________ 1 1 1 ______ 7 .2 Clgsawlset Sex wl se ,Trl be wl se distribution of Students in Fducational Institutions of '>lbang Valley ^ Is t r lc t aB on 31/3/1933 . 27 7 ,3 Nuuibor of Teachcrsf'^rained , TJn-'^ralned , , '^ribal '^eachers in '^lb«ing Valley ‘^Istrlct as on 31-3-1033. 28 7.4 D istribu tio n of \dult Fducation Centres in ^Ibang Valley ’district duri ng , 19 33-04 . 29 0 . jGRicnrryRE o . l ^4>ricultural Farms/Horticultural Farms/Iteonlos '•horticulture g^rde n/H^rticuIture >7urseries/ 80 opening of^ ?*ult ipl ic at lon-otiro-trl al centres in ’^ibang Vjjiley ^ietrlct during, 1933-04.
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