Fete Volume XXVI1 Issue July 2007 mistakes increases. “Is that possible?” I For the parishes of TSUNAMI BOOK APPEAL hear you ask. Careby, with Aunby & You will all recall the tsunami Holywell, Castle Bytham, disaster when so many people of all Creeton with Counthorpe and Little Bytham. nat io nalit ies lo st so m u ch - LOCAL G OVERNMENT possessions, family and friends - even W it h Lit tle Bytham’s Par ish Editor - Peter Cox, 23 High Street, Castle Bytham. NG33 their lives Council now being formed, the local 4RZ Tel 410457 (E-Mail: In Sri Lanka, 500 miles of coastal elections are complete. Five people [email protected] were nominated, leaving two vacancies Representatives - region were devastated and everything Careby (with Aunby & lost. Much effort has gone into to be filled.Those nominated were:- Holywell) - Judith Smith John Sharpe Thistlecroft, Careby PE9 4EA repairing the physical and material Tel 410420 losses and damage but one small area W enda Murphy Castle Bytham - Diana Hill, 6, which needs help is children’s books. Peter Jones Regal Gardens, Castle Bytham Creeton (with Counthorpe)- Sri Lanka has one of the highest Diana Harris Anne Garbutt, 2, Brownlow Farm literacy rates in the world so the lack Kirstie Bland Cottages, Creeton. Tel: 410563 Little Bytham:- Sheila Jones, Hill of books has hit the children there View, Station Road, Little particularly hard. So can we help? If W HEELIE BINS Bytham Tel 410232 your children have grown up why not I think the greatest problem with Hon. Treasurer & Distribution - Geoff Clapinson, donate the books they have finished wheelie bins, generally, is difficulty in 17 Cumberland Gardens, Castle with or if they are still young and under standing w hat go es w her e. Bytham Grantham, Lincs., NG33 4SQ Tel 411069 reading this type of book, ask them if SKD C certainly issued plenty of Printed by - Pott Morton there are any they won’t read again instructions including a very useful disc Printers, The Firs, Montagu showing where a large number of Road, Canwick, LN4 2RW and would like to give to these very Tel 01522 540043 needy children. If you have any please different items go. But by being so give Fiona Broadbent a call on 01780 specific, and necessarily so, it created 410695. Her address is 36 Byt ham some confusion about things not Heights, Castle Byt ham. directly mentioned - well it did with us anyw ay. As an example it said in the blurb that wearable clothes should be ADVERTISING RATES C OMPUTER Regrettably this month’s magazine may put it the recyclable bin implying, to me From 1st May, 2007 per per be shorter than usual and some items anyw ay, that unusable clothes or rags (including single shoes) shouldn’t. month year may be missing. For this I apologise but from ‘deadline day’ on 15th until W rong!! All such material goes in the silver bin. Full Page £13 £130 the 20th my computer has been out of 1/2 page £7 £70 There is also the anecdotal tale of action in a computer shop (ACR 1/3 Page £5 £50 Computers) in Stamford. It is not the silver bin that was rejected because 1/4 Page £4 £40 properly fixed yet and I am still unable an inspector saw a Snicker’s wrapper in 1/6 Page £3.50 £30 to receive e-mails. However , with the it. There is no suggestion that this was 1/8 Page £3 £25 help of friends in the village who have SKDC, who hopefully do not waste our Postal Copies will be picked up my incoming mail, most of it money employing inspectors for this purpose. charged at £12.50 per will be in. So, if I have missed anything year important, again my apologies. It might mean, also, that the number of Copy Deadlines The views expressed by the individual New advertisements or amendments by 13th day contributors to the magazine are not necessarily those of the editor or the magazine. Similarly, we of the month. by 15th day of the month COPY . cannot accept responsibility for goods or services obtained through these advertisements The Revd Jo Saunders 01780 480479 [email protected] A visitor to one of our churc h e s rece n tly, a city – dw ell er, rem a r k e d that the pac e of life here is very slo w. I sug g e s t e d that he mig ht look at the latest copy of the Gle n si d e ne w s, whic h woul d soo n sho w him that villag e life is very activ e and full. As well as Little Byth a m fete, the Mids u m m e r Fair at Castle Byth a m , Pat Bo wl e s’ fam o u s Pi m m s and Pud s eve nt and Car e b y’s Su m m e r barb e c u e , we have two mu si c al eve nt s for you. On Tue s d a y July 10 th at 7.30 the choir of Bo ur n e Ab b e y and our own churc h choir will join forc e s to pres e n t a con c e r t in Castl e Byth a m Chu r c h. Ticket s for this are only £5, with free ad mi s si o n for childr e n. Ther e will be the usu al excelle n t Castl e Byth a m refres h m e n t s durin g the interv al. Tick e ts are availa bl e fro m chur c h me m b e r s or at the door. The n on Sun d a y July 29 th ., the choir of All Saints Sta m f o r d will pres e n t a short conc e r t in Little Byth a m chur c h at 6.00. Ad m i s s i o n to this is free. Do co m e and sup p o rt one or both of thes e eve nt s, and enjo y goo d mu si c on a su m m e r eve ni n g. I aske d rece ntly if anyo n e had un w a n t e d aca d e m i c go w n s whic h they wo ul d be prep a r e d to give or lend the choir. I was over w h e l m e d by the resp o n s e too this. The n Sar a h Le wt h w a i t e, of Little Byth a m, kindly offere d to ma k e us a set of ten robe s, whic h are bea utiful. We are extre m e l y gratef ul to Sar a h for this. I am no w in the em b a r r a s s i n g positio n of havin g to say that if you wo uld like your go w n return e d to you, I will readily do so. If, on the other han d, you hav e no furth e r use for it, we will kee p it, in the hop e that still mor e choir me m b e r s will co m e forw a r d. And, of cour s e, if you are still thinki n g abo ut joinin g the choir, why not co m e alon g to practic e one Tue s d a y at 8.00 in Castle Byth a m churc h? We are hap p y to acce p t what e v e r co m m i t m e n t peo pl e can offer, so if you coul d only ma n a g e one Sun d a y a mo nt h, or eve n just festiv al s, you will still be welc o m e , and you will find practic e s very frien dl y and enjoy a b l e. On a mor e so m b r e note, I rece n tl y receiv e d a leaflet on the imp ort a n c e of ma ki n g a Will. Fro m pers o n a l exp e ri e n c e, I kno w wh at probl e m s arise whe n so m e o n e dies with o u t havin g don e so, and wo uld urge every o n e , irresp e c ti v e of age, to con si d e r givin g their will so m e thou g h t. I can quite und er st a n d that ma n y peo pl e hav e a drea d of doin g this, and an eve n gre at e r drea d of ma ki n g plan s for their funer al, thou g h they will often co m m e n t, after singi n g a favo u rite hy m n, ‘I’m Yet funer al plan s are imp ort a n t, too, and I am alw a y s willin g to going to have that at my funeral.’ discu s s plan s with anyo n e.
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