REPUBLIC OF VANUATU REPU8LIQUE DE VANUATU PARLIAMENT PARLEMENT THIRD PARLIAMENT SECOND EXTRAORDINARY SESSION 01 ST JUNE - STH JUNE 1969 TROISIEME LEGISLATURE DU PARLEMENT DEUXIEME SESSION EXTRAORDINAIRE 1ER JUIN - 6 JUIN 1989 SUMMARISED PROCEEDINGS PROCES VERBAL CERTIFICATION The Minutes of proceedings which appear in the following book have been established by the Clerk of Parliament and have been amended and confirmed by Parliament in accordance with the provisions of Article 18 of the Standing Orders of Parliament. Onnayn l*l. TAHI Lino 0ULEKULI dit SACSAC Speaker of Parliament. Clerk of Parliament. AUTHENTIFIACTIDN Les Procbs-varbaux qui figurant dans le present recueil ont tStablie par le Secretaire General du Parlement et conform^ment aux dispositions de 1'Article 18 du R&glement Int^rieur, ils ont £t£ corrigde st confirmee par le Parlement. Onneyn Cl. TAHI Lino BULEKULI dit SACSAC President Secretaire G6n6ral du Parlement. du Parlement, PARLIAMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF VANUATU THIRD PARLIAMENT SECOND EXTRAORDINARY SESSION 1ST JUNE - 6TH JUNE 1989 A09IL 3. Iolu, MP for Tanna, BAET George, MP for Banka / Torres, BOE Roger Jerry, MP for Maewo, BOULEKONE Vincent, MP for Pentecost, SULEWAK Gaetano, MP for Pentecoat, ENNIS Simeon, MP for Malekula, HOPA T. Jack, MP for Ambrym, IAMIAHAM Daniel, MP for Tanna, IAUKO Jack, MP for Tanna, IOUIOU Henry, MP for Tanna, 3IMMY ftloanikam, MP for Tanna, JACOBE Joseph, MP for Port-Vila, KALPOKAS Donald, MP for Efate, KARIE 0. Robert, MP for Tongoa / Shepherds, KATH Daniel, MP for Santo, Malo / Aore, KOTA Gideon, MP for Tanna, LINI Hilda, MP for Port-Vila, LlNI Walter H., MP for Pentecoat, MAHIT William, MP for Paama, MATASKELEKELE Kalkot, MP for port-Vila, METO 3immy Chilia, MP for Efate, MOLISA Sela, MP for Santo, Malo / Aore, NATAPE I E« Nipake, MP for Other Southern Islands, NATO Daniel, MP for Malekula, NIAL 3. Kalo, MP for Luganville, QUALAO C. Harold, MP for Ambae, RANTES Aileh, MP for Malekula, REGENVANU Sethy, MP for Malekula, SARKI Robert, MP for Santo, Malo / Aore, SAWIA Kalanga, MP for Port-Vila, TA0I Basil, MP for Pentecost, TAHI M. Onneyn, MP for Ambae, TANARANGO T. David, MP for Efate, TARI SEUUTI Wilson, MP for Ambae, TAUN Tele, MP for Efate, VUTI James, MP for Santo, Malo / AOre, WASS Kavcor, MP for Santo, Malo / Aore, WELWEL Andrew, MP for Ambrym, WESLEY John T», MP for Malekula. PARLEHENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE DE VANUATU TRUlbLEHE LEGISLATURE OI.J PARLEHENT DEUX.IEHE SESSION EXTRAOHDINAIHE 1ER JLJIN - OIj JU IN 1LJH9 ABB IL J. Iolu, Ddputd de Tanna, BAET George, Odputd da Banka / Torres, BOE Roger Jerry, Ddputd de Ha6wo, BOULEKONE Vincent, Ddputd de Pentecflte, BULEWAK Gadtano, Ddputd de PentecSta, ENNIS Simeon, Ddputd de Halllcolo, HOPA T. Jack, Ddputd d'Ambrym, IAHIAHAH Daniel, Ddputd de Tanna, IAUKQ Jack, Odputd de Tanna, IOUIOU Henry, Ddputd de Tanna, JIHHY Noanikam, Ddputd de Tanna, JACO0E Joseph, Ddputd de Port-Vila, KALPOKAS Donald, D dp Lit 3 d'ETatd, KARIE 0. Robert, Ddputd de Tongoa / Shepherds, KATH Daniel, Ddputd de Santo, Halo / Aore, KOTA Gideon, Ddputd de Tanna, LINI Hilda, Odputd de Port-Vila, LINI Walter H., Ddputd de PentecOte, HAHIT William, Ddputd de Paama, HATASKELEKELE Kalkot, Ddputd de Port-Vila, HETO Jimmy Chllia, Ddputd d'Efatd, H0L1SA Sela, Ddputd da Santo, Halo / Aord, NATAPEI E. Nipake, Ddputd dee autree Ilee du Sud, NATO Daniel, Ddputd de Halllcolo, NIAL J. Kalo, Odputd de Luganvllle, QUALAO C. Harold, Ddputd d'Ambad, RANTES Allah, Ddputd de Halllcolo, REGENVANU Sethy, Ddputd de Halllcolo, SARKI Robert, Odputd de Santo, Halo / Aord, SAUIA Kalanga, Ddputd de Port-Vila, TAB I Basil, Ddputd de Pentecflte, TAHI H, Onneyn, Ddputd d'Ambad, TANARANGO T. David, Ddputd d'Efatd, TARI 5EVUTI Wilson, Ddputd d'Ambad, TAUN Tdld, Ddputd d'Efatd, VUTI James, Ddputd da Santo, Halo / Aord, WASS Kavcor, Ddputd de Santo, Halo / Aord, WELWEL Andrew, Ddputd d'Ambrym, WESLEY John T., Ddputd de Halllcolo. PARLIAMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF VANUATU THIRD PARLIAMENT SECOND EXTRAORDINARY SESSION OF 1989 THURSDAY_ 1ST JUNE 1989 SPEAKER The Hon. Onneyn TAHI, Member for Ambae PRESENT 33 Members ABSENT The Hon. Nipake E. NATAPEI, Member for other Souther islands The Hon. Kalanga SAWIA, Member for Port Vila, The Hon. Harold C. QUALAO, Member for Ambae LATE * The Hon. Jack T. HOPA, Member for Ambrym The Hon. Robert D. KARIE, Member for Tongoa/Shepherds The Hon. Kalkot MATASKELEKELE, Member for Port-Vila. 1. The Speaker opened the sitting at 8.40 am. 2. The Hon. Robert SARKI said the prayer. 3. The Hon. Speaker read the agenda. 4. The Hon. Vincent BOULEKONE asked the house if it was possible to adjourn the sitting for one day in order that MPs could study the bills. 5. The Hon. Speaker explained that there was ambiguity in Standing Orders 26(2) and 14(3) and considered that the Standing Orders Committee should examine it. He also pointed out that members should decide in Parliament whether or not to continue the sitting. 6. The Hon. Hilda L1N1 said she had only received the bills that morning and she supported the Hon. BOULEKONE’a proposal to suspend the sitting, but only for half a day. PARLEFIENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE DE VANUATU TROISIEME LEGISLATURE DU PARLEFIENT DEUXIEFIE SESSION EXTRAORDINAIRE DE 1989 □EUDI 1ER 3UIN 1989 * PRESIDENT a FL Onneyn Fl. TAHI, 06put6 d’Ambad, PRESENTS « 33 Ddputds ABSENTS • Fl. Edward N. NATAPDI, Ddputd das autres ilea du Sud, Fl. Kalanga SAbJIA, Ddputd de Port-Vila, Fl. Harold C. QUALAO, D6put6 d'Ambad. RETARD S Fl. □ack T. HOPA, D6j5utG d1 Ambrym, Fl. Robert 0. KARIE, D£put£ de Tongoa / Shephards, Fl. Kalkot FIAT AS KELEKELE, D6put6 de Port-Vila. 1. Le President ouure la e6ance & O0H4O. 2. Fl. Is D6put6 SARKI Robert dit la prifere. 3. Le President annonce 1’ordre du jour. 4. Fl. le Chef de 1‘Oppoaition, Fl. Vincent 0OULEKDNE fait remarquer que certains ddputda n'ont regu leura copies des projets de loi qu’hier aprbs-midi, aussi 11 demands s’il serait possible d'ajourner la stance jusqu"au lendemain. 5. Le President prdciae qu'il exists une ambigultd aux articles 26 (2) et 14 (5) du Hbgietnent Intbriaur, et eslime que la Commission du Rbylement Int^rieur deva; dtudier ce problfeme. Il indique que lea ddputds dolvent decider au Parlement s’ila vBulent ou non continuer la stance aujourd'hui. 6. Flme le D6put6 Hilda LINI fait eavoir qu'alle n'avait regu les projets de loi que ce matin, at approuve la suggestion du Ddputd Uincent BOULEKONE de suspendre la stance, mais seulement pour la dami-journde. 7. The Hon. Prime Minister, Fr. Walter LINI indicated that the Standing Orders were not clear on the period of notice to be given to members for ordinary and extraordinary sessions. He said chat most of the bills concerned amendments of figures and were not long and that members would ask, the same questions in Parliament if they examined these bills today or Che next day. He considered that Parliament should continue with the sitting according to the agenda. 8. The Hon. Tele TAUN pointed out that the bills were very short and expressed support for the suspension of the Standing Orders for half a day. 9. The Hon. Wilson TARISEVUTI considered that it was not necessary to take a long time to study the bills and that the sitting could continue. 10. The Hon. Vincent BUULEKONE proposed and seconded by the Hon. Joseph JACOBE that the sitting be adjourned until 8.30 the next morning. 11. The Hon. Speaker accepted the proposed motion. 12. The sitting was suspended at 0930. 13. The sitting resumed at IO.10 am. 14. The Hon. Vincent BOULEKONE informed the House that with the consent of the seconder of the motion, he had decided to withdraw the motion. 15. The Hon, Minister Donald KALPOKAS asked if the House could be permitted to pay its Last respects to the late father of the Hon. Minister Nipake NATAPEI aL the airport. 16. The Hon. Speaker accepted the Hon. Minister's request. 17. The sitting was suspended at 10.15. 18. The sitting resumed al 2.20 pm. 7. 1*1. la Premier flinistre Father waiter H. LINI reconnalt qua la RSglament Int^rieur n’ast pas tr&o clair an ce qui concarna las delate & accordar pour les sessions ordinaires at Bxtraordinaires. Il Indique cependant qua css projets de loi consistent an majeure partie an das modifications de chiffres, qu’ils ne sont paa tr&s longs at qua, de toutes fagona, les ddputGs poseront las mfimes questions au Parlement s’ils examinant ces projets maintenant ou damain. Ausai, 11 eatime que l’ordre du jour paut Stre respects et que l’on continue la stance. 8. 1*1. le D^putS T616 TAUN fait remarquer que lea projeta de loi sont tr6s courts et il approuue la suspension du RSglement IntSrieur pour suapendre la stance una demi-journos. 9. 1*1. le D6put£ Wilson TARI SEVUTI estime qu’il n’est pas n^cessaire d’examiner les projets de loi aussi longtampe et que la stance peut done continuer. 10. fl. le Chef de 1’Opposition, 1*1. Vincent SOULEKONE, appuydi par le OSputS Joseph □ACOBE, propose que la stance eoit ajournSe jusqu’au lendemain 8H30, 11. Le President accepts la proposition de motion. 12. La stance est suapendue & 09H30. 13. La stance reprend a 10H10. 14. fl. le Chef de l'Oppoaition, fl. Vincent 80ULEK0NE explique qu’il avait d6cid6 auec le co-motionnaire de retirer la motion qu’ils avaient soumise. 15. fl. le flinistre Donald KALPOKAS demands si Is Parlement peut permettre aux d^put^s et flinistrBH d’aller presenter leurs derniera respects au dSfunt pfere du flinistre Nipake NATAPEI & 1’adroport.
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