Page 1 Meets List - July to October. 2 B-30 Shaft Head - March 7 Derbyshire - Odin Mine & Peakshole Sough. May 8 Old Millclose Mine. May 9 NAMHO Conference -Isle of Man. Apr i l Coniston - Brow Stope to Grey Crag Level . March 21 Woodbine Mine Chimney. May 19 Wales- Cwmorthin April 10 Croesor to Rhosydd April 11 Photographic Information. Doctor Descender - Iron Balls. Railways Remembered. News Abstracts. Dusting Along the Bookshelf. Front Cover:- Jack " Whacker" Tailforth. one of Conistods finest rock-men, at work on the face at Broughton Moor in the 1970's. - CATMHS Meets July 1 to October L July 4 Eskdale Iron - Malnly surface wlth optlonai SET Meet Daleaarth Statlor G.R.172007 nt 10.3' 18 Caldbeck Fells - Malnly surrace Phone Mark Slmpson 05242 4192Cl 28 Evening meet - Restoration workmeet at Conlsto: Aug 1 Meet poeponed - To August 29 22 Swaledale- Brandybottle Incline /Hardlevei (very wet: Meet at Punchbow!-Low Row 1C. 29 Furneas iron - 1.A.Survey Meet Ding Dong Lay-Bye Lindal at 10.00 Sept 5 Borrowdale Slate See next news-sheet 25/26 Nenthead Area Weekend meet - see next news-sheet Please note:- The next meets meeting to decide the meets from October to March 30 1994 will take place at Conlston sometlme during the last fortnight in September. All can come,and if you are able to translate your ideas into action,so much the better.3f you cannot come,let either myself of any of the committee know about what you would like to see happen. Adverse comments will be noted.if for no other reason it shows that someone out there is interested enough to make a contribution the their society's affairs. Mark Simpson Meets Secretary The Furneee Iron Survey will always welcome your heip and 15 an on golnq projec:.Contacr Anton on 0229 835951 or any of the Furness Team. New Members We are pleased to welcome two more new members to the Soclety Brlan Birkett. from Chester Mlke Forsdyke. from Wilton.Egremonr. DIG 15 OX Meet report, B70 Shaft head, March 7th 1997. Present. P .Tinewell G. Knowles ,.T & !v;. Mathieson + kias. ,:. iielme J. Crammond b. C-P-Thomas . ?: L. A. Sibbalc R. Fischer S. GP-'Phomas. P. Sandbach L1 , barker I. C-P-Thomas . D. Bowers R. Barker Fencing material, logs and posts were dismantled and brought up from the now completed shaft of H.V.l and was used to build a corral-type rustic car defence around the B30 shaft head. Several gates were included to allow easy access an5 Darbed wire was affixed around the top of the fence. A derrick was then erected, made from scaffolding poles with wire stays, and a hand crancked winch which hoisted the custom built kibble, made previously during S wet wintier. Work progressed quickly with the many hands available and the raising ofthe first load was achieved, filling the wheelbarrow with a single lift. A few members cleared some more brushwood from the sidings and Paul Timewell got a good fire going. All in all, it was a very good turnout with 19 members participating. Our thanks to everyone and especially to John Knowles who came all the way from bradfor2 to join us. WET! WET! WET! Meet report, B30 shaft head, April 25th 1993. Present, M. Simpson. A, GP-Thomas . F. Sandbach. H. Simpson. S. GP-Thomas . D, Robson. P. Timewell. I. GP-Thomas. ie came, we sax, we went away! To cut a long story snort, it rained so hard we called the meet. off and went for a cup of coffee courtesy of Pat & Paul Timewell. Mark Simpson and Daughter had come up all the way from Ingleton 2nd no one was re pared to wallow in the sticky red mud of' Henning Valley. Sheila C-P-Thomas . ODIN MINE - CASTLETON This was the tirst aay or the LA'^ weekend trip to the Peak District as guests @I tne PD-. RemDers hara Simpson, Anton Thomas, Peter Hay, Sheila Barlrer, Yau.! Tbewll and the Author, met Paul Lhandler, our leader, at bpeeawell at 10.30 beIorP the short drive round to the mine. Win is an interesting lead mine ( any mine witC a Knowles shaft mus+ De gem ' oi great antiquity naving Tire? ken worked berore 128U and possibl long Derore this but there is nu oocumentary eviaence to supporr this. It is no{ proposea ic detail the History or Mineralogy or the mine since tnese are botn coverecl 17! detail in "Odin nine by 'C.L).korb 8 J .H.Hieuwerts* published as Volumn "0. 4 @l the Bulletin or the PDKhS. The mine is accessed via a narrow cleft in the Odin Gorge, the mffit expedient method beinf to climb the rominent tree trunk in the cleit. A 10' fixed ladder ives direc access to the 1ittle Shart Vein. The mine is typical Peak District, 7.8. muddy, and due to its antiquity only the minimum or non ore Ling Iaaterial has been removed making the workings compact. After approxmately 170' the level suddenly ste p& up 20 , this ste being climbed on a VERY GREASY rope. At the top of the step the level continJ downward and across a 70' deep hole which was carefully CrOSsed, until the itch was reached. The descent was a mere 30 down the vein which is only about 7 P" wide at this oint, and not vertical, so it would have been difficult to fall even if you'd wan& to. At the bottom 01' the two routes led on; to the left a further pitch of 125' led to dee r norpitch ings whicb were not visited; whilst to the right the route dropged gm to lead eventualy to the Cartgate Chamber. h route we marveled at e stone stempies which had been used to roof the level rior to placin deads on top and also at the errravagence of these Uerbyshire fog who use orna&e table legs as stemples. The Cart ate Chamber is one large chamber ap roximatcly 200' long and about 60' high an2 up to 15. wide. As is common in 8erbyshire the lower have broken into natural cavities in the rock. Yhat makes the chamber ?:&":&%n that the entire roof is stone arched and it looks as solid today as it must %a;: looked when it was gut up. Vhilst in the chamber meets secretary Simpson disappeared only to t en reappear on a small led e part way the chamber before muttering about a dangerous rock This sounfs Taniliar > %ich was soon down amogst us. On completion oi photographing the group returned to grass by the same route. After lunch the oup walked into Castleton to visit the Peakshole Sough which is situated immediagly below the entrance to Peak Cavern. As mi ht be expected we received a number or su rised glances from tourists in LastFeton in our muddy oversuits and we return2 envious lan- since the sun was hot and shorts and T-shirts seemed a much better idea han a furry suit. The Sough was driven between 1770-84 to unwater veins lyi west ot the gor e and Judgi b the difficulty experienced in openin the g% is not tr=yJ=,"to~ !? visited. %e &ugh is notable in two respects, rirs$ly it contains a num thin stalactites and secondly contains a nice cartgste where a timber rlmr has been constructea awve the rloor 01 the level resumably to maintlan a route above water, this bein protected to prevent Beterioration. The Sou h passes througb the Wall Shaft sine which is a-sed by two fired steel ladgers. This mine is again very old and again the passages are ve tight. At the top ot the shaft Paul Chandler pointed out an interesting level an7advised us to take a look although he didn't cone himselT - those who had ben with Paul before knew that this would meen a tight crawl over awkward rocks, and they were right. After much grovelling about, includin a slope covered with the remains oT glass bottles which was not explored, an% a crawl so tight that ou had to do it on your side. the route ended in a Tall though it would be passabre by digging. Saturday night was spent at a hostelry in Ashford which due to the fact that most people driving proved uneventfull. Ve then retired to Wagpie Cottage for the night. As is. the case in any hut the sleeping arran ements were communal and the story goes ( l was asleep that Anton through sheha out of bed. Bow this might be unusual but s~relynot a SCABDAL I here you say, re-read the list ot attendee's my friends !. Jon Knowles Old Millclose Mine -- Derbyshire Mav 9th On Sunday ZATMHS memDers Mark Slmpson.Snella Bar~er.Anto7. ThornaspPaul Timeweil,Jon Knowles.Peter Hav and Alistair Cameron (wit:-. family), arrived at 10.00 ouside the PDMHS museum at Matlock Bath.ana. on Paul Chandler -s !our ieader arrival, we made our way' tc the mine site whicn was not far frorc Wensley .c viilage abour 3 miies away.The plan of acclon was to abseil dowr! Shale Shaft at one end of the workings and make our way through the mlne to Sleeper shaft wherr we would be winched out. Old Millclose mine consists of a maze of what used to be ore bearing pipes.flats and veins plus a few natural caverns for good measurepall ~n limestone strata which dip gently northwards.Tn~ various beds of limestone belng separated by bands of lava and cla.
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