Chapter 15 MISSILE WARNING SYSTEMS This chapter will address the missile warning systems which U.S. Space Command (USSPACECOM) controls in support of the North American Aerospace Defense Com- mand (NORAD) agreement to protect the Continental U.S. and Canada from ballistic missile attack. Also covered are systems developed for theater-level missile defense de- veloped in accordance with the Missile Defense Act of 1991, as amended by Congress in 1992, for the protection of forward deployed U.S. forces and it's allies. SPACE-BASED WARNING These centers SENSORS immediately forward the Defense Support Program (DSP) data to vari- ous agencies The Defense Support Program (DSP), and areas of with a system of geosynchronous satel- operations lites, is a key part of North America's around the Early Warning System. In approximate world. 22,000 mile geosynchronous orbits, DSP The DSP satellites (Fig. 15-1) serve as the conti- program nent's first line of defense against ballis- came to life tic missile attack and are normally the Fig. 13-1 DSP Satellite with the first first system to detect missile launches. launch of a The system’s effectiveness was proven DSP satellite in the early 1970s. Since during the Persian Gulf conflict, when that time, DSP satellites have provided DSP detected the launch of Iraqi Scud an uninterrupted early warning capabil- missiles and provided timely warning to ity that has helped deter superpower civilian populations and coalition forces conflict. in Israel and Saudi Arabia. In addition Over the years, the DSP system has to missile launches, the DSP system also seen many improvements in both the has numerous sensors on board to detect satellites as well as the ground stations. nuclear detonations (NUDETs). Initially, there were phase one and phase DSP ground stations feed processed two, first and second generation, satel- missile warning data via communica- lites weighing approximately 2,000 tions links which include the Survivable pounds with solar paddles generating Communications Integration System about 400 watts of power. Then came (SCIS) and MILSTAR satellites. These the third generation satellite called Mul- reports are sent to USSPACECOM and tiple Orbit Satellite/Program Improve- NORAD operations centers at Cheyenne ment Module (MOS/PIM). Despite the Mountain Air Station (CMAS), Colo- multiple orbit option available on this rado, the Alternate Missile Warning generation of satellites, it was never ex- Center (A/MWC) at Offutt AFB, Ne- ercised. This generation of satellite braska and other forward users. brought in, among other things, the anti- jam command capability known as CI-1. CI-1 was continued as part of the fourth AU Space Primer 7/23/2003 15-1 generation of satellites known as Sensor active cooling system. Previous genera- Evolutionary Development (SED). The tions of the satellite relied on an ice major improvement in this generation pack-type of device, which, via freezing was the increase in primary focal plane and thawing, would maintain the focal cells from 2,000 cells to 6,000 cells. plane temperature at -100OF. Unfortu- Along with the increased cell count was nately, at the end of the satellite design the experimental Medium Wave Infrared life, the focal plane “ice pack” was at its (MWIR) package, also known as second end of life, leaving the focal plane tem- color, which was placed on Satellite perature to rise. A rise in the focal plane 6R/Flight 12. This package was a proof- temperature causes mission degradation. of-concept for implementation on the DSP satellites have routinely ex- fifth and final generation of DSP satel- ceeded their design life by many years. lites, DSP-1. We refer to this fifth gen- Launched in December 1984, DSP eration as the final generation of DSP Flight 12 for example, was on orbit and satellites because of the development of operational for well over twelve years the Space Based Infrared System and its original design life was three (SBIRS), the DSP follow-on which will years. The design life on DSP-1 era be discussed later. birds is five years. There are currently The DSP-1 era started with Satellite three DSP-1 satellites that have sur- 14 and will extend through Satellite 23 if passed their design life. DSP Satellite all DSP-1 satellites currently in the 14 for example is now going on its tenth hanger are launched. DSP-1 brought year of operational service. As the ca- new innovations to the program: the pabilities of the DSP satellite have AFSAT Modulation Compatibility Sub grown, so has their weight and power. System (AMCSS), introduced to support Unlike the old lightweight, low power data requirements of the Mobile Ground satellite, the new generation of DSP sat- System (MGS) as well as local and ellite weighs over 5,000 pounds and the global summary messages. The AMCSS solar arrays generate more than 1,400 also provided the replacement for the watts of power. CI-1 anti-jam commanding system for On the ground station side of the DSP use by the Large Processing Stations house, there have been many upgrades (LPS), such as the Continental U.S. as well. In the early to late 1980s, two (CONUS) Ground Station (CGS) and the programs, the Large Processing Station Overseas Ground Station (OGS). The Upgrade (LPSU) and the Peripheral Up- OGS was closed on 1 Oct 99 and the grade Program (PUP), were executed. data is now relayed back to the CGS for These programs resulted in the total re- processing. The satellite downlinks, placement of the OGS and CGS suite of Link-1 and 2, were changed signifi- mainframe computers and all peripheral cantly. Each was broken into two chan- devices. This was followed by the re- nels, I and Q. The format for Link-1/2 I placement of the Satellite Readout Sta- and Q channels is Quadra Phase Shift- tion (SRS) hardware and software under Keyed (QPSK). The purpose for the the SRS Upgrade (SRSU) program. dual channel downlinks was to support Also, the Data Distribution Center the laser crosslink. The I channel was to (DDC) received a makeover with re- support the local satellite and the Q placement of all hardware and software channel was to carry the data from the under the Ground Communications remote satellite. The laser crosslink Network Upgrade (GCNU) project project never succeeded and was eventu- (1990-1992). In the 1980s, the Simpli- ally canceled. The I and Q channels fied Processing Station (SPS) was re- now carry local satellite data only. An- placed with the European Ground Sta- other new innovation was the semi- tion (EGS). The SPS, a fixed version of AU Space Primer 7/23/2003 15-2 the MGS, was housed in a shelter and is tilted slightly off center. This tilt al- used the MGS software suite. The up- lows coverage by the sensor out past the grade replaced the shelters, hardware lim (edge) of the earth. Cells in the cen- and software completely. ter of the sensor bar are placed in such a way as to cover the NADIR (center of Mission of DSP the FOV) area called NADIR fill. The primary mission of DSP (Mission A) is to detect, characterize and report in real time, missile and space launches occurring in the satellite Field Of View (FOV). DSP satellites track missiles by observing infrared (IR) radiation emitted by the rocket’s exhaust plume. IR is a small part of the large electromagnetic (EM) spectrum. DSP also has an additional mission (Mission B) of detecting, characterizing and reporting nuclear detonations in support of Nuclear Test Ban monitoring. The DSP Satellite The DSP satellite is approximately 33 feet long, 22 feet in diameter, weighs over 5,000 pounds and is comprised of the satellite vehicle also referred to as the bus and the sensor (Fig. 15-2). The bus is made up of many subsystems that Fig. 15-2. Defense Support Program Satellite provide power, attitude control, thermal control and communications for the sat- DSP-1 Sensor Overview ellite and sensor. The satellites are placed in a near The sensor (Fig. 15-3) detects circular, near equatorial, geosynchro- sources of IR radiation. A tele- nous orbit. Global coverage can be effi- scope/optical system and a Photoelectric ciently achieved with three satellites. Cell (PEC) detector array, comprised Additional satellites can provide dual primarily of lead sulfide detectors and coverage, providing for more accurate some Mercad-Telluride cells for the processing potential. MWIR detection capability, are used to The Attitude Control Subsystem detect IR sources. IR energy enters the (ACS) maintains the spinning motion of opening in the IR sunshade, passes the satellite about its earth-pointing axis. through the corrector lens, travels past The satellite spins one revolution every the PEC array, reflects off the mirror and ten seconds (6 rpm). The sensor bar, is focused onto the PEC array. containing all the infrared (IR) detector cells, is fixed firmly to the satellite body. The spinning of the satellite then allows the slightly tilted boresight of the sensor bar to scan the entire hemisphere pe- rimeter. The telescope is not aligned along the Z-axis (earth pointing axis) but AU Space Primer 7/23/2003 15-3 instruction. The links perform as fol- lows: • Link 1 Downlink - transmits the following data: IR data (Mission A), NUDET sensor data (Mission B), star sensor data, jet firing and calibration alert data. • Link 2 Downlink - transmits state of health (SOH) information ob- tained from voltage, current and temperature sensors and various other status monitors. Fig. 15-3. DSP Sensor Schematic A PEC array (Fig. 15-4) contains more than 6,000 detector cells.
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