NAT. HIST. BUL L. SIAM Soc. 45: 71-97 , 1997 THE VEGETATION OF JAE SAWN NATIONAL PARK , LAMPANG PROVINCE ,THAILAND ].F. ].F. Maxwell , Stephen Elli 必tt and V. Anusarnsunthorn* ABSTRACT Research Research on the botanic a1 diversity ,vegetation , and floristics of Jae Sawn National Park was started by Herbarium staff of 出e Department of Biology , Chiang M 泊 University in August August 1995 and is continuing. The vegetation in the lowlands (300 to c. 800 m) includes bamboo + deciduous (teak) and deciduous dipteroc llI'J>-{> ak facies , while from c. 80 0- 1,000 m 血e forest is mixed evergreen + deciduous hardwood. Above 出 is primary evergreen ,sea- sonal ,hardwood forest , mainly at 1,00 0- 1,500 m and from 1,800 to 2, 031 m (Doi Lahnggah) , the the highest peak in the nation a1 park. From c. 1,250 m and especially at 1,500- 1,800 m , the forest forest is mos t1 y primary evergreen hardwood + pine (Pinus kesiya Roy. ex Gord. ,Pinaceae). Most of 由ep 紅 k has granite bedrock , while shale is found in scattered lowland areas up to c. 750 m and shale and phyllite i目白e Doi Lahnggah area. Th e nor 仕lern part is Ii m 巴stone ,where many calciphytes are found. Seven new records for 出e flora of Th ailand have a1 so been found. A computer database ,containing taxonomic ,distributional and ecologic a1 information on a1 11 , 353 species of vascular plants recorded as of I March 1997 has been prep 釘巴d ,including 344 出 e species , 136 treelets , 106 woody climbers , 58 shrubs ,447 vines ,and 562 herbs. Th e database database c1 e紅 Iy identified prim 訂 y evergreen forest and mixed evergreen + deciduous forest equ a1 ly as the two most important habitats in 出e park for 出e maintenance of overall botanical diversity 組 d as 白em 創 n repository of r訂 'e and threatened species. In combination they support support 83% of 白e park's entire flora. 百le species most in danger of extirpation from the p釘 k and most in need of immediate conservation measures include Podocarpus neriifolius D.Don (Podocarpaceae) , Epirixanthes elongata B I. (Polygalaceae) ,and Cycas pectinata Gri 釘. (Cycadaceae). (Cycadaceae). INTRODUCTION Established in 1988 ,Jae Sawn National Park is located in Lampang Pr ovince ,northem Th ailand ,and has an area of 768 km2• Administratively it is included in three Districts , viz. Muang ,Muang Bahn (Pan) ,and Wahng Nua ,and is positioned between latitudes c. c. 18 0 30'_19 0 05' north and longitudes c. 99 0 25'-30' eas t. The park is mostly mountainous with a northerly to southerly aspec t. It is c. 63 km long and 12-14 km wide. It is contiguous with Doi Kuhntan National Park to the south ,Mae D 油Kr y National Park to the west ,Kuhn Jae National Park in the NW ,and is adjacent to Doi Luang National Park in in the north. Farm land and villages lie to the east in a low ,mostly flat plain. Th e lowest elevation in the national park is on th 巴 eastem boundary , c. 30 0- 350 m ,and the highest point in the p 紅 k is 2, 031 m above sea level at the summit of Doi (M t.) Lahnggah in the west-central p 訂t. *Al I au 由ors from: Dep 釘 tment of Biology , Faculty of Science , Chiang Mai University , Chiang Mai 50200 , Th ailand Received Received 31 March 1997; accepted 24 June 1997. 71 71 72 J.F. MAXWELL ,Sτ llP HEN EL Ll OTI AND V. ANUSARNSUN 澗 ORN BEDROCK Most of the exposed bedrock in Jae Sawn National Park is Triassic granite c. 200 million million ye 紅 S old. There are scattered outcrops of shale below the granite belonging to the Kanchanaburi Kanchanaburi Formation of the Silurian to Carboniferous Geological Periods , i. e. 30 0-4 00 million million years old. The Doi Lahnggah area has shale and phyllite belonging to 出e Kaeng Kr achan Formation (Carboniferous to Silurian) on top of granite at elevations above c. c. 1,200 m. 百le northem p紅 t, in Wahng Nua Dis 凶ct ,h部 rugged limestone hills up to c. c. 950 m elevation of the Ratburi Formation ,合 om the Carboniferous to Permian Periods , c.25ι300 million years old (JAVANAPET , 1969). CLIMATE Typical Typical of northem Thailand , the climate of the region is strongly seasonal. There is a hot , dry season 企om about mid-March to May , followed by 由e rainy se 部 on 企omJune to to October , with the cool ,命 y season 企om November to February. Details of the temperature and and rainfall 釘 'e presented in Fig 町 'e 1. It should be noted 血at upland areas will have lower tempera 加res and higher rainfall 由an rl 即 0 吋ed at Lampang (241 m elevation). VEGETATION As wi 血 most other remnant forested are 部 in no 拙lem 百lailand ,there 釘 'e three basic forest forest types ,viz. deciduous ,mixed evergreen + deciduous , and evergreen. 百le vegetation in in these habitats differs significantly b即 ause of moisture ,elevation and , to a lesser extent , bedrock-specifically bedrock-specifically on limestone. Th e deciduous and evergreen forest types c佃 be subdivided subdivided based on various floristic associations. 百le original lowland vegetation ,now very very degraded or destroyed ,consisted of large , deciduous hardwood 出 es which have been severely severely exploited , e.g. Tectona grandis L.五 (Verbenaceae , teak) and other valuable timber 岡田,加出e past 50 ye 釘 's.τ 'hi s zone extends from 300 m to about 800 m elevation and and above this ,c. 80 0- 1,000 m ,is a mixed association of deciduous + evergre 岨 hardwood species. species. From c. 1,000 to 2, 031 m 由 e forest is mostly prim 釘 y and evergreen wi 白 Pinus kes か'a Roy. ex Gord. (Pinaceae ,pine) in some places. 百le vegetation at Jae Sawn National Park Park is q凶te similar to 血at found in nearby places at all elevations and on the various bedrocks bedrocks (M AXWELL ,1988 ,1992 , 1996; MAXWELL ET AL 1995). Barnboo lD eciduous Forest As noted above ,much of the original vegetation 血roughout northem Th ailand has been been ravaged by unscrupulous and ecologically devastating logging operations for over 100 100 years. There is only one remaining lowland 紅 ea with its original vegetation ,Mae Yom National Park , Phrae Pr ovince , which is currently threatened with inundation by 也e proposed proposed Kaeng Sua Ten Dam. It is c. 100 km SE of the middle of Jae Sawn National Park Park where the park headquarters is located. Since we have been able to s加dy the vegetation vegetation and flora in Mae Yom National Park ,we have a good idea of what the original VEGETATION OF JAE SAWN 73 佃 d degraded vegetation 紅 e like there and have applied this knowledge when studying places places such as Jae Sawn National Park , where only vestiges of the originallowland forest remain remain (MAHIDOL UNIVERSITY , 1992). Deciduous Deciduous forest vegetation is found on 白e eastern side of the national park and formerly formerly covered the now set t1 ed and cultivated 紅 ea outside of 血e parkbound 紅 y. Slightly over over 50% of the original cover on all bedrocks consisted of Tectona grandis , while lesser perce 凶 ages of A. βelia 勾Ilocarpa (Kurz) Craib (Leguminosae ,Caesalpinioideae) , Xylia 勾,z ocarpa (Roxb.) Taub. v低 kerrii (Craib & Hutch.) Niels. (Leguminosae ,Mi mosoideae) , Dalbergia Dalbergia cana Bth. var. cana and Pterocarpus macrocarpus Kurz (b o白 Leguminosae , Papilionoideae) , Terminalia bellirica (Gaertn.) Roxb. (Combretaceae) ,La gerstroemia cochinchinensis cochinchinensis Gagnep. v低 ovalifolia Furt. & Mon t. (Ly 白raceae) Chukrasia tabularis A. Juss. Juss. (Meliaceae) ,Dillenia parviflora Gri ff. var. kerrii (Craib) Hoog l. (Dilleniaceae) ,組 d other other c組 opy species were found. Pr esen t1 y there 紅 e very few ma 加 re Tectona grandis or Aβ elia 勾Ilocarpa trees , while the numbers of other commercially valuable 仕'ees have been drastically drastically reduced. Because of logging selection ,many less valuable 回 es have been able to to grow and reproduce ,白 us incre 描 ing their original amounts. Th ese include La gerstroemia tomentosa tomentosa Pr esl (Lythraceae) , Terminalia mucronata Craib & Hutch. (Combretaceae) , Schleichera Schleichera oleosa (Lour.) Oken (Sapindaceae) ,Spondias pinnata (L. f.) Kurz (An acardiaceae) and Alstonia scholaris (L.) R. Br. v低 scholaris (Apocynaceae). Tetrameles nudiflora nudiflora R. Br. ex Benn. (Datiscaceae) ,certainly the tallest (4 0- 50 m) 出 e in the lowlands , is is readily distinguished by its spectacul 紅 plank buttresses and is found in seasonally dry stream stream valleys , but is uncommon. Duabanga grandiflora (Roxb. ex DC.) Walp. (Sonneratiaceae) ,which is mostly found in s出制n valleys ,and Irvingia malayana Oliv. ex Benn. Benn. (lrvingiace 鵠) the are only two 1紅 ge evergr 田 n 出 e species found in lowland deciduous forests. forests. Evidence for massive forest de 紺 uction can be seen with large cut and rotting logs ,numerous coppicing Tectona grandis stumps ,some of which are 80 ー90 cm diameter , and and abnormally high densities of several species of bamboo (Gramineae , Bambusoideae) which 釘 e naturally found in intact deciduous forests and become more abundant 出 a result of of deforestation. 百lese bamboos include Dendrocalamus membranaceus Munro , D. nudus Pilg. ,Bambusa tulda Roxb. ,組 d to a lesser extent Cephalostachyum pergracile Munro. It is is because the original deciduous hardwood forest has been so severely degraded and now includes includes so much bamboo that we have called this kind of vegetation bamboo/deciduous fores t. All All of these bamboos have been further exploited and subsequen t1 y damaged by widespread widespread cutting of maωre culms and removal of edible young “shoots".
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