2212 11/02/16 DRAFT M I N U T E S of the ORDINARY MEETING of The DEVIOCK PARISH COUNCIL held at THE COASTAL ZONE, DOWNDERRY, at 7.30pm on Thursday, 11th February 2016. PRESENT: Parish Cllrs. Mr. D. T. Parry (Chair), Hessenford Ward Ms. H. M. Brockbank, Downderry Ward J.P. Candy, Seaton Ward* Mrs. B. M. Lloyd, Downderry Ward S. J. Parry, Seaton Ward Mrs. A. Robinson, Hessenford Ward Mrs. A. Thorpe, Hessenford Ward * Also Cornwall Councillor, Trelawny Division Tim Pullin (Parish Clerk) 1. DECLARATION OF INTERESTS & REQUESTS FOR DISPENSATIONS TO SPEAK ON ITEMS ON THE AGENDA: 1.1. To receive declarations of interest from councillors on items on the agenda 1.1.1. Cllr. Ms. H. M. Brockbank declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 7.2.1. (PA16/00808 Land North East of Keveral Gardens, Seaton), for personal reasons relating to the applicant. 1.2. To receive requests for dispensations for disclosable pecuniary interests (if any) No requests were made. 1.3. To grant any requests for dispensations as appropriate None were made. 2. 10 MINUTE PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PERIOD for public comment on the items below: The applicant for PA16/00808 (Land North East of Keveral Gardens, Seaton), agenda item 7.2.1., spoke in favour of the application stating that the design for the dwelling had been reduced in size since the previous application and that the reason for the build was to enable him to remain living in the village. A second member of the public made comments regarding this application stating that a request for a condition that a geological survey be required should not be included in the Parish Council’s response to the planning officer, as this had not been asked of other developments in the immediate area. Cllr. S. J. Parry asked the applicant for details of the proposed retaining wall to the west of the site and was assured that the proposed wall was to be of an engineered design suitable for the purpose. There being no other members of the public wishing to address the Meeting the Chair closed the public participation period. 3. TO ACCEPT APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: 3.1. The following apologies for absence had been given:- Cllr. D. E. Foote: Community event involvement and birthday Cllr. D. R. Humphreys: Family commitments Cllr. Mrs. A. Ratsey: Work commitments Cllr. Ms. M. E. Temlett: Work commitments It was proposed by C. Cllr. J. P. Candy; seconded by Cllr. Mrs. A. Robinson and AGREED unanimouslyFROM by the Meeting THE to accept the apologiesPARISH for absence. WEBSITE Cllr. Ms. H. M. Brockbank stated that she would need to leave the meeting at 20.30 hrs because of a family commitment. 2213 11/02/16 ORDINARY MEETING OF 11 th February 2016 (Continued) 4. MINUTES: 4.1. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of 14th January 2016 It was proposed by Cllr. Mrs. B. M. Lloyd; seconded by Cllr. Mrs. A. Robinson and AGREED by the Meeting to accept the minutes as a correct record. (One abstention). 5. REPORTS ON MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES: Cllr. H. M. Brockbank referred to item 6 of the minutes of the 28 th January 2016 Extraordinary Meeting and asked if the Downderry & Seaton Boat Owners Association had been contacted regarding the possibility of that organisation taking on devolved responsibility for the Downderry Beach, slipway, hitching rail and boat licensing. The Clerk stated that no contact had been made. It was suggested that Mr. Mike Hill (Downderry Beach Master) be contacted on this matter. Action by: Clerk 6. POLICE MATTERS: 6.1. The Clerk drew the attention of members to new guidelines regarding police attendance at parish council meetings that had been received from Superintendent Jim Pearce (West Cornwall Commander) on 28 th January 2016. In future it was probable that there would be police representation at only one meeting per year, unless attendance was requested to discuss a specific local issue. A police liaison group would be set up and meetings, at which representatives of parish councils could attend, would take place at six weekly intervals. C. Cllr. J. P. Candy remarked that there was frequent attendance by a police representative at other parish council meetings in his Division. 7. PLANNING: 7.1. PLANNING APPLICATIONS: 7.1.1. PA16/00808 Mr. Neil Stares LAND NORTH EAST OF KEVERAL GARDENS, SEATON Construction of two bedroom Dormer Dwelling (Case Officer – Jonathan Luker) Cllr. Ms. H. M. Brockbank left the meeting. After discussion Cllr. Mrs. B. M. Lloyd proposed support of the application, subject to the planning officer being satisfied that the design of the new retaining wall to the west of the site was fit for purpose; this was seconded by Cllr. S. J. Parry and agreed by the Meeting (one abstention). Cllr. Ms. H. M. Brockbank rejoined the meeting. 7.2. PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED AFTER PUBLICATION OF THE AGENDA: None had been received. 7.3. PLANNING APPEALS: No planning appeals had been received. 7.4. PLANNING DECISIONS: 7.4.1. 26.01.2016 PA15/11466 WITHDRAWN Applicant: Mr G Hoskin Location: St Winnolls Farm St Winnolls Torpoint Cornwall PL11 3DX Proposal: Change of use of an agricultural building to a potato cold store and machinery store 7.4.2. 03.02.2016 PA15/05982 APPROVED Applicant: Mr John Steward Location: Land South Of Alta Vista Hessenford Road Seaton Cornwall PL11 3JL Proposal: Construction of two three bedroom houses 7.5. PLANNING CORRESPONDENCE: None had been received. FROM THE PARISH WEBSITE 7.6. MATTERS RAISED BY MEMBERS: No matters were raised. 2214 11/02/16 ORDINARY MEETING OF 11 th February 2016 (Continued) 8. FINANCE: 8.1. Income & Expenditure. 8.1.1. INCOME: DECEMBER 2015 & JANUARY 2016 Barclays Bank Interest 66.56 Lloyds Bank Fixed Term Deposit Interest 650.48 Mr. J. P. Candy: Axe Field Rent 2015/16 200.00 December 2015 & January 2016 INCOME TOTALS Total £ 917.04 8.1.2. EXPENDITURE: DECEMBER 2015 & JANUARY 2016 VAT £ Nett £ TOTAL £ Cormac Solutions – Seaton Outdoor Gym Safety Inspections (Oct-Dec 2015) 7.20 36.00 43.20 CORY Environmental – Security Shredding Sacks Service 4.40 22.00 26.40 Cornwall Council – Clerk’s Salary October 2015 0.00 1,518.86 1,518.86 Cornwall Council – Clerk’s Salary November 2015 0.00 1,518.86 1,518.86 Mark Gibbons – Deviock Neighbourhood Plan - Survey Monkey Work 0.00 156.00 156.00 British Gas – Downderry Public Toilets Electric Supply (9thOct – 23 rd Dec 2015) 1.35 27.09 28.44 Cornwall Council – Clerk’s Salary – Aug 2015 0.00 1,493.86 1,493.86 K. Johnson – PROW & Small Works 2015 – Final Invoice 0.00 500.00 500.00 John Grimes Partnership (Inv. 17898) – Rocknose Footpath Meeting 14/10/15 55.00 275.00 330.00 BT PLC – Nut Tree Newsletter Production (Oct. Nov & Dec.2015) Cornwall 0.00 343.35 343.35 Council British Gas (Inv. 978064481) Downderry Public Toilets – 24 th Dec 2015 – 7th Jan 0.26 5.39 5.65 2016 South West Water (Inv 6036 666893) Seaton Public Toilets – 10/10/15 – 15/01/16 0.00 952.83 952.83 South West Water (Inv 6036 819981) Downderry Public Toilets – 10/10/15 – 0.00 194.20 194.20 19/01/16 Cornwall Council – Clerk’s Salary – Admin charges (Jan – Dec 2015): 12 x £5 = 12.00 60.00 72.00 £60 Direct Debit Payments: BT Group PLC – Office Phone & Broadband to 20 th Jan 2015 32.80 164.03 196.83 Standing Order Payments: MR. J. BIRD – December 2015 Cleansing Contract Payment (Downderry & Seaton) 0.00 448.00 448.00 MR. J. BIRD – January 2016 Cleansing Contract Payment (Downderry & Seaton) 0.00 448.00 448.00 DECEMBER 2015 & JANUARY 2016 EXPENDITURE TOTALS £ 113.01 8,163.47 8,276.48 Ratification of this expenditure was proposed by Cllr. Mrs. A. Robinson , seconded by Cllr. S. J. Parry and approved unanimously by the Meeting. 8.2. BANK STATEMENTS & BANK ACCOUNT / INTEREST MANAGEMENT: Date Account Balance £ 29 Jan 16 Barclays Community 1,000.00 29 Jan 16 Barclays Business Saver 22,691.13 Interest 07/10/15 – 06/12/15: £2.73 29 Jan 16 Barclays Base Rate Reward 70,835.19 Interest December 2015 & January 2016 = £63.83 15 Dec 15 Lloyds TSB Fixed Term 65,344.32 Matures on 14 th March 2016 Deposit Interest at 0.57% = £92.86 8.3. LETTERS OF THANKS: None had been received. 8.4. REQUESTS FOR FUNDING: None had been received. 8.5. FINANCIAL CORRESPONDENCE: The FROMClerk reported that the THE date for the Annual PARISH Internal Audit has been WEBSITE set for 20 th April 2016. 8.6. FINANCIAL BUSINESS RECEIVED AFTER THE PUBLICATION OF THE AGENDA: None had been received. 2215 11/02/16 ORDINARY MEETING OF 11 th February 2016 (Continued) 8.7. ACCOUNTS TO BE PAID: VAT £ Nett £ TOTAL £ Cornwall Air Ambulance – Agreed Grant 0.00 50.00 50.00 Cormac Solutions Ltd. – Seaton Outdoor Gym Safety Checks Jan – Mar 2016 7.20 36.00 43.20 TOTAL: £ 7.20 86.00 93.20 It was proposed by Cllr. Mrs. A. Robinson; seconded by the Cllr. Mrs. A. Thorpe and RESOLVED by the Meeting to ratify the above expenditure. 9. HIGHWAY MATTERS: 9.1. TRAFFIC & PARKING ISSUES: Downderry, Seaton & Hessenford 9.1.1. To consider highway safety measures at the Rocknose Corner on the B3247 Various suggestions were made including red road markings to denote a pedestrian route; an actual pavement and traffic lights. Cllr. S. J. Parry informed members that a temporary traffic light system was likely to be installed in the near future in order to control traffic while repairs following a land slip were carried out.
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