235 Subject Index A beta-catenin 166, 168 chemotherapy 155 bFGF 184 – adjuvant 155 ABCG2 97, 98 biliary tract tumor 125 – neoadjuvant 156 actinomycin D 91, 93, 114, 155, 156, 192 biopsy 72, 147, 223 chest X-ray 147 adenomatous polyposis coli 165 BK virus 7 chlonogenic tumor 90 adjuvant bladder rhabdomyosarcoma 124 chondroblastic osteosarcoma 221 – chemotherapy 155 bone chondrosarcoma 3, 47, 48 – radiotherapy 150, 152 –cancer3 chromosomal translocation 18, 182 adult respiratory distress syndrome – marrow aspirate 189 – 1p11-13 172 (ARDS) 125 – sarcoma 38, 39 – 2p24 108 AEWS0031 Protocol 190, 198 – tumor 72, 219 – 11p15 108 Affymetrix 24, 26 bone-seeking radioisotopes 220 – 2q35-36 172 Akt 210 bowel obstruction 126 – 12q13–15 108 Akt/TOR 97 brachytherapy 74, 153 – t(1;13) 106 ALK 140 brain metastases 148 – t(2;13) 91, 93, 106 – -1 144 BUN 222 – t(11;22) 145 alkylating agent 5, 120 busulfan 206 – t(17;22) 173 alopecia 74 – t(21;22) 188 alveolar – t(X;18) 141 – rhabdomyosarcoma 14, 91, 95, 105, – X;18 139 107, 114 C chromosome – soft part sarcoma 138 – 1 220 American Joint Committee calcification 37, 63 – 1q 188 on Cancer (AJCC) 149 camptothecin analogue 98 – 2p23 140 amputation 81, 150, 227 carboplatin 94 – 3q 220 aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC) 45 cardiomyopathy 158 – 8 188 angiomatoid MFH 169 cardiotoxicity 5, 125 – 9 220 angiosarcoma 135 caspase-8 210 – 10 220 ankylosing spondylitis 220 cataract 126 – 11 182 antifolate compound 228 CCG-7942 197 – 12 188 ARF 184 CD34 171, 174, 206 – 13 220 – transgenic 91 CD68 171, 175, 176 – 13q 220 ATM kinase 137 CD99 186 – 20 188 avian Rous sarcoma virus 135 CDK4 109, 184, 221 – 22 182 CDKN1A 108 – 17 220 CDKN2A 109 – 18q 220 B CDKNIC 108 – 117p 220 cervix 80 cisplatin 94, 225, 226 Beckwith-Wiedemann – lesion 124 c-KIT 15, 184 syndrome 9, 104 CESS 200 clathrin 140 benign – -81 76, 190, 202 clear cell sarcoma 136 – fibrohistiocytic tumor 176 – -86 76, 190, 202 – of tendons and aponeuroses 138 – fibrous histiocytoma 170 CGH 20, 108, 138 clinical staging 149 236 Subject Index clinical trial phase II 89 E EWS-FLI1 186, 188, 190, 210, 211 CLTC 144 EWS-WT1 136 Codman’s triangle 44 E1AF 182 excision COG 226–228 EBMTR 204, 206 – en bloc 227 COL1A1 140, 173 ecteinascidin-743 157, 209 – intracapsular 176 colonic polyp 165 EICESS 191, 200, 205 – marginal 176 color Doppler flow imaging (CDFI) 42 – -92 76 – wide local 176 congenital fibrosarcoma 62 ejaculatory problem 126 exon 183 conjunctivitis 126 electron 73 external beam radiation therapy continuation therapy 192 – microscopy 16 (XRT) 73, 154 COSS 226, 227 embryonal extraosseous osteosarcoma 221 Costello syndrome 9, 104 – rhabdomyosarcoma 14, 108 extraskeletal myxoid chondor- creatinine 222 – – botryoid variant 105 sarcoma 138 CT 37, 39, 40, 43, 48, 54, 111, 116, 147, – – spindle cell variant 105 extremity 80 152, 222, 223 – tumor 107 – tumor 110, 123 – of the chest 222 en bloc excision 227 ezrin 224 cutaneous endometrial stromal sarcoma 138 – ESFT 189 endoprosthetic replacement 225 F – fibrohistiocytic soft tissue tumor 170 EOI 227 CWS-86 79 epirubicin 156 cyclo-oxygenase inhibitor 168 factor XIIIa 171, 174, 175 epithelial membrane antigen familial adenomatous polyposis 166 cyclophosphamide 91, 92, 114, (EMA) 141 fat spin echo (FSE) 38 120–122, 155, 156, 192, 197, 208 erbB-2 224 female genital tract tumor 123 – dose intensification 127 ERG 188 cytokeratin 141 FEV 182 ESFT, see Ewing’s sarcoma family fever 189 cytotoxic T lymphocyte 211 of tumors FGF 137 esophagitis 116 fibroblastic etoposide 121, 127, 190, 192, 197, 202, D – myofibroblastic tumor 1767 205, 225 – osteosarcoma 221 ETV1 182 dacarbazine 155 – tumor 170 ETV6-NTRK3 139 deep fibromatosis 166–168 fibrohistiocytic tumor 164, 169, 170 EURAMOS 227 DEMRI 41–43 fibromatosis 164, 166, 168 EURO-EWING 99 Protocol 198–200, dermatofibroma 170, 171 fibrosarcoma 63, 82, 134, 135, 155, 174 204 dermatofibrosarcoma 134 – adult type 143 EWI-92 195 – protuberans 138, 140, 173, 174, 176 fibrous histiocytoma 171 Ewing’s sarcoma 1, 3, 39, 40, 48–50, 75, desmin 106 fine needle aspiration 147 146 desmoid tumor 51, 52, 60, 167 FISH 13, 18, 138, 186, 188 – extraosseous 182 desmoplastic small round cell tumor FKHR 107 – family of tumors (ESFT) 52, 53, 181, (DSRCT) 54, 82, 136, 138, 145 FLI1 184, 188 182, 184, 185, 190–192, 195, 199–203, dexrazoxane 158 – exon 5 187 207, 210 distant metastases 151 – exon 6 187 – – cutaneous 189 DNA fluoride 6 – – extraosseous 189 – ligase IV 137 fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose – – face 189 – microarray 23 positron emission tomography – – primary sites 188 – polyomavirus 221 (18-FDG PET) 38–40, 42, 43 docetaxel 157 ––recurrent208 fluoroscopy 43 dose response 195 – – subcutaneous 189 French Federation of Cancer Centers doxorubicin 93, 120, 21, 127, 155, 156, – pathology 185 Sarcoma Group (FNCLCC) 150 192, 197, 202, 225, 226 EWS 145, 184 drug resistance 90 – exon 7 187 Dupuytren’s contracture 164 EWS/ETS 182 G DVM 42 EWS/FLI1 183 dynamic enhanced MR imaging EWS-ATF1 136 gastrointestinal stromal tumor 15, (DEMRI) 38 EWS-CHOP 136 140, 144 dystrophic calcification 141 EWS-ERG 188, 190 G-CSF 40, 195, 199 Subject Index 237 GD2 228 IGF – -IV 79, 112, 114, 117, 120, 122, 123 gefitinib 97 – -1 184, 210 ––pilot114 gemcitabine 157, 228 – -1R 184, 210 – -V 112, 115, 120 gene marking 206 – -2 108, 184 isolated limb perfusion 157 genomic instability 137 IL-2 206 giant cell image-guided ablation 37 J – fibroblastoma 173, 174, 177 imatinib 97, 98 – tumor 45 – mesylate 144, 158, 177, 209 JC virus 7 – – diffuse type 172 immunohistochemical stain 13 joint arthrodeses 83 – – of soft tissue 175, 176 immunohistochemistry 15 juvenile xanthogranuloma 170, 171, 176 – – of tendon sheath 172, 173 IMRT 79 Gleevec 24 IMT 140 gradient echo (GE) 38 induction chemotherapy 192, 223 K grading system 146 infantile – fibrosarcoma 134, 135, 138, 139, 142, Kaposi’s sarcoma 135 146 H karyotyping 13 – hemangiopericytoma 134, 135, 145, – spectral 19 146 keratin 142 H19 108 inflammatory myofibroblastic keratitis 126 HAM56 171 tumor 138, 140, 144 KIT 140, 144 HDM2 137 INI1 139, 143 head and neck non-orbital tumor 122 INK4A 184 hearing acuity 126 – transgenic 91 L height velocity 126 Ink4a/Arf gene locus 137 hemangioma 51, 60 inorganic arsenic 135 Langerhans cell histiocytosis 45 hemangiopericytoma 63–65 in-situ hybridization 18 LDH 189, 190, 222, 224 hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) insulin-like growth factor 184 learning disability 126 staining 13, 14 INT-0091 195 Ledderhose disease 164 hemorrhagic cystitis 158 intensity modulated radiation therapy leiomyosarcoma 155, 158 hepatopathy 126 (IMRT) 74, 116, 154 leucovorin 225 HER2 224, 228 interferon 168 Li-Fraumeni syndrome 5, 104, 220 hereditary retinoblastoma 5 Intergroup Ewing’s Sarcoma limb-sparing surgery 150, 227 hernia 6 Study 76 liposarcoma 155 HGF 109 Intergroup Rhabdomyosarcoma local – transgenic 91 –control71 Study (IRSG) 104, 149 hierarchical clustering 26 – failure 202 International Classification histone deacetylation 209 – radiation 200 of Rhabdomyosarcoma 105 HIV testing 222 – therapy 200 International Union Against HLA 207 low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma 138 Cancer (UICC) 149 hormone replacement 126 LRP5 224 intra-abdominal tumor 111 HSCT 205 lung intracapsular excision 176 human – metastases 204 intraoperative radiation therapy – herpesvirus-8 135 – radiation therapy 152 (IORT) 74 – immunodeficiency virus 1 135 lymph node 82 ionizing radiation 135 hydronephrosis 126 – sampling 111 ipsilateral nerve sparing resection hyperfractionated RG 115 lymphangiosarcoma 135 of spermatic vessels and nodes 111 HyperME 206 lymphedema 126 Iressa 24 hypoplasia 126 lymphoscintigraphy 40 irinotecan 94, 95, 97, 127, 209 irridiation 220 I IRSG 77 M – grouping system 111 ICAR 42 – -I 111, 115, 117, 121 M1B-1 labeling index 171 IE 195, 199, 203 – -II 112, 115, 117, 121–123 MAC387 171 ifosfamide 120, 121, 127, 155, 156, 190, – -III 111, 112, 114, 115, 117, 121, 122, malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH) 192, 197, 202, 225, 226 123 46, 47, 62, 134, 135, 155, 158 238 Subject Index malignant peripheral nerve sheath myogenin 93, 106 p16Ink4 137 tumor (MPNST) 65, 134, 135, 142, myoglobin 106 p21Waf/Cip1 137 155, 158 myxofibrosarcoma 169 p53 5, 8, 91, 108, 134, 137, 184, 194, 220, MAPK 184, 210 myxoid liposarcoma 136, 138 222 marginal local excision 176 myxoid MFH 169 – staining 171 matrix Paget’s disease 219–221 –analysis26 parameningeal rhabdomyo- – metalloproteinase inhibitor 168 N sarcoma 79 MDM2 108, 184 parameningeal tumor 121 mdm2 221 nausea 74 paratesticular rhabdomyo- MDR-1 224 NCI screening program 90 sarcoma 80, 123 ME 42 necrosis 223–225 parental smoking 7 melphalan 121, 127, 205, 206 neoadjuvant chemotherapy 156 parotid tumor 122 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer neuroblastoma 94, 146 partial cystectomy 80 Center (MSKCC) 149, 197, 202 neurofibroma 136 PAS 186 mesenchymal cell 136, 181 neurofibromatosis 171 PAX3 106 metastases 203 – type 1 (NF-1) 8, 65, 105, 135, 137, 138 – FKHR 91, 107 – bone 222 neurosecretory granules 16 PAX7 106 – brain 148 nodular tenosynovitis 172 – FKHR 107 – distant 151 non-parameningeal tumor 122 PCR 13, 17, 20, 206 – lung 204 non-rhabdomyosarcoma soft-tissue PDGF 140 – pulmonary 147 sarcoma (NRSTS) 39, 61, 75, 81, 82, – α 144 – skeleton 222 134, 135, 138, 147 – -B 140, 173 metastatic disease 114, 121, 146, 190, – clinical staging 149 Pediatric Oncology Group 222, 223 – prognostic factors 148 (POG) 135, 150 methotrexate 225, 226 Pediatric Oncology Preclinical MHC 207 O Protein Array Project MIC2 186 (POPP-TAP) 91 microarray 13, 24, 107 oligonucleotide array 24 Pediatric Preclinical Testing Program
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