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LexisNexis is a trademark, and LEXSEE and LEXSTAT and Shepard's are registered trademarks of Reed Elsevier Properties, Inc., used under license. ALR is a registered trademark of West Licensing Corp. Copyright **** LexisNexis, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Page 2 Copyright 2006 SHEPARD'S(R) --2788 Citing references Caterpillar, Inc. v. Williams, 482 U.S. 386, 107 S. Ct. 2425, 96 L. Ed. 2d 318, 1987 U.S. LEXIS 2607, 55 U.S.L.W. 4804, 2 I.E.R. Cas. (BNA) 193, 125 L.R.R.M. (BNA) 2521, 106 Lab. Cas. (CCH) P12342 (1987) SHEPARD'S Signal: Caution: Possible negative treatment Restrictions: Unrestricted FOCUS(TM) Terms: No FOCUS terms Print Format: FULL Citing Ref. Signal Legend: {Warning} ----negative treatment indicated {Questioned} ----validity questioned by citing refs. {Caution} ----possible negative treatment {Positive} ----positive treatment indicated {Analysis} ----cited and neutral analysis indicated {Cited} ----citation information available SHEPARD'S SUMMARY Unrestricted Shepard's Summary No subsequent appellate history. Prior history available. Citing References: Cautionary Analyses: Criticized (1), Distinguished (41) Positive Analyses: Followed (159) Neutral Analyses: Concurring Opinion (7), Conflict.Authority (1), Dissenting Op. (30), Explained (20), Harmonized (1), Quest. Precedent (2) Other Sources: Law Reviews (152), Statutes (4), Treatises (61), American Law Rpts/Lawyers' Edition Annos (4) LexisNexis Headnotes: HN1 (5), HN2 (1684), HN3 (77), HN4 (408), HN5 (340), HN6 (1424), HN7 (344), HN8 (118), HN9 (562), HN10 (443), HN11 (2), HN12 (105), HN13 (1214) PRIOR HISTORY ( 6 citing references ) 1. Williams v. Caterpillar Tractor Co., 786 F.2d 928, 1986 U.S. App. LEXIS 23750, 1 I.E.R. Cas. (BNA) 1223, 122 L.R.R.M. (BNA) 2590, 104 Lab. Cas. (CCH) P11888 (9th Cir. Cal. 1986){Caution} 2. Writ of certiorari granted: Caterpillar, Inc. v. Williams, 479 U.S. 960, 107 S. Ct. 455, 93 L. Ed. 2d 401, 1986 U.S. LEXIS 4749, 55 U.S.L.W. 3357 (1986){Analysis} 3. Not followed by: Machinists Automotive Trades Dist. Lodge No. 190 v. Peterbilt Motors Co., 666 F. Supp. 1352, 1987 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 7121, 2 I.E.R. Cas. (BNA) 884, 126 L.R.R.M. (BNA) 2107, 109 Lab. Cas. (CCH) P10713 (N.D. Cal. 1987) {Analysis} Page 3 SHEPARD'S® - 482 U.S. 386 - 2788 Citing References Affirmed by (CITATION YOU ENTERED): Caterpillar, Inc. v. Williams, 482 U.S. 386, 107 S. Ct. 2425, 96 L. Ed. 2d 318, 1987 U.S. LEXIS 2607, 55 U.S.L.W. 4804, 2 I.E.R. Cas. (BNA) 193, 125 L.R.R.M. (BNA) 2521, 106 Lab. Cas. (CCH) P12342 (1987){Caution} 4. Criticized by: Newberry v. Pacific Racing Asso., 854 F.2d 1142, 1988 U.S. App. LEXIS 11028, 3 I.E.R. Cas. (BNA) 959, 129 L.R.R.M. (BNA) 2047, 109 Lab. Cas. (CCH) P10676 (9th Cir. Cal. 1988){Caution} 5. Criticized by: Ethridge v. Harbor House Restaurant, 861 F.2d 1389, 1988 U.S. App. LEXIS 15348, 130 L.R.R.M. (BNA) 2001, 110 Lab. Cas. (CCH) P10862 (9th Cir. Cal. 1988) {Caution} 6. Williams v. Caterpillar Tractor Co., 1986 U.S. App. LEXIS 33057, 105 Lab. Cas. (CCH) P12043 (9th Cir. Cal. June 12, 1986){Caution} Affirmed by (CITATION YOU ENTERED): Caterpillar, Inc. v. Williams, 482 U.S. 386, 107 S. Ct. 2425, 96 L. Ed. 2d 318, 1987 U.S. LEXIS 2607, 55 U.S.L.W. 4804, 2 I.E.R. Cas. (BNA) 193, 125 L.R.R.M. (BNA) 2521, 106 Lab. Cas. (CCH) P12342 (1987){Caution} CITING DECISIONS ( 2561 citing decisions ) U.S. SUPREME COURT 7. Distinguished by, Cited by: Aetna Health Inc. v. Davila, 542 U.S. 200, 124 S. Ct. 2488, 159 L. Ed. 2d 312, 2004 U.S. LEXIS 4571, 72 U.S.L.W. 4516, 17 Fla. L. Weekly Fed. S 415, 32 Employee Benefits Cas. (BNA) 2569 (2004) LexisNexis Headnotes HN7, HN9 , HN10, HN13{Caution} Distinguished by: 542 U.S. 200 p.213 124 S. Ct. 2488 p.2498 159 L. Ed. 2d 312 p.330 Cited by: 542 U.S. 200 p.212 124 S. Ct. 2488 p.2497 159 L. Ed. 2d 312 p.329 8. Cited in Dissenting Opinion at, Cited by: Ben. Nat'l Bank v. Anderson, 539 U.S. 1, 123 S. Ct. 2058, 156 L. Ed. 2d 1, 2003 U.S. LEXIS 4277, 71 U.S.L.W. 4409, 16 Fla. L. Weekly Fed. S 325, 2003 Cal. Daily Op. Service 4550, 2003 D.A.R. 5793 (2003) LexisNexis Headnotes HN2 , HN5, HN6, HN13{Caution} Cited in Dissenting Opinion at: Page 4 SHEPARD'S® - 482 U.S. 386 - 2788 Citing References 539 U.S. 1 p.12 123 S. Ct. 2058 p.2065 156 L. Ed. 2d 1 p.11 Cited by: 539 U.S. 1 p.9 123 S. Ct. 2058 p.2064 156 L. Ed. 2d 1 p.9 9. Cited by: Holmes Group, Inc. v. Vornado Air Circulation Sys., 535 U.S. 826, 122 S. Ct. 1889, 153 L. Ed. 2d 13, 2002 U.S. LEXIS 4022, 70 U.S.L.W. 4489, 15 Fla. L. Weekly Fed. S 325, 2002 Cal. Daily Op. Service 4781, 2002 D.A.R. 6073, 62 U.S.P.Q.2d (BNA) 1801 (2002) LexisNexis Headnotes HN2, HN6, HN13{Caution} 535 U.S. 826 p.831 122 S. Ct. 1889 p.1893 153 L. Ed. 2d 13 p.20 10. Cited by: El Paso Natural Gas Co. v. Neztsosie, 526 U.S. 473, 119 S. Ct. 1430, 143 L. Ed. 2d 635, 1999 U.S. LEXIS 3004, 67 U.S.L.W. 4286, 12 Fla. L. Weekly Fed. S 209, 99 Cal. Daily Op. Service 3165, 1999 Colo. J. C.A.R. 2493, 99 D.A.R. 4120, 29 Envtl. L. Rep. 21099 (1999) LexisNexis Headnotes HN2, HN4, HN13 {Caution} 526 U.S. 473 p.484 119 S. Ct. 1430 p.1437 143 L. Ed. 2d 635 p.645 11. Cited by: Rivet v. Regions Bank, 522 U.S. 470, 118 S. Ct. 921, 139 L. Ed. 2d 912, 1998 U.S. LEXIS 1434, 66 U.S.L.W. 4132, 11 Fla. L. Weekly Fed. S 329, 98 Cal. Daily Op. Service 1313, 1998 Colo. J. C.A.R. 884, 98 D.A.R. 1793, 11 Fla. L. Weekly S 329, 32 Bankr. Ct. Dec. (LRP) 187, Bankr. L. Rep. (CCH) P77633 (1998) LexisNexis Headnotes HN2, HN4, HN6, HN9, HN13{Caution} 522 U.S. 470 p.475 522 U.S. 470 p.476 118 S. Ct. 921 p.925 139 L. Ed. 2d 912 p.918 139 L. Ed. 2d 912 p.919 12. Cited in Dissenting Opinion at, Cited by: City of Chicago v. International College of Surgeons, 522 U.S. 156, 118 S. Ct. 523, 139 L. Ed. 2d 525, 1997 U.S. LEXIS 7502, 66 U.S.L.W. 4041, 11 Fla. L. Weekly Fed. S 271, 97 Cal. Daily Op. Service 9348, 1997 Colo. J. C.A.R. 3342, 97 D.A.R. 15041, 28 Envtl. L. Rep. 20612 (1997) LexisNexis Headnotes HN2 , HN4, HN6, HN9, HN13{Caution} Cited in Dissenting Opinion at: 522 U.S. 156 p.177 118 S. Ct. 523 p.535 Page 5 SHEPARD'S® - 482 U.S. 386 - 2788 Citing References 139 L. Ed. 2d 525 p.543 Cited by: 522 U.S. 156 p.163 118 S. Ct. 523 p.529 139 L. Ed. 2d 525 p.534 13. Cited by: Livadas v. Bradshaw, 512 U.S. 107, 114 S. Ct. 2068, 129 L. Ed. 2d 93, 1994 U.S. LEXIS 4444, 62 U.S.L.W. 4495, 8 Fla. L. Weekly Fed. S 219, 94 Cal. Daily Op. Service 4355, 94 D.A.R. 8036, 146 L.R.R.M. (BNA) 2513, 128 Lab. Cas. (CCH) P11104A, 2 Wage & Hour Cas. 2d (BNA) 33 (1994) LexisNexis Headnotes HN9, HN10, HN13 {Caution} 512 U.S. 107 p.124 114 S. Ct. 2068 p.2078 129 L. Ed. 2d 93 p.110 14. Cited in Dissenting Opinion at: Schacht v. Caterpillar, Inc., 503 U.S. 926, 112 S. Ct. 1306, 117 L. Ed. 2d 527, 1992 U.S. LEXIS 1537, 60 U.S.L.W. 3614, 92 Cal. Daily Op. Service 2029, 92 D.A.R. 3078, 7 I.E.R. Cas. (BNA) 449, 139 L.R.R.M. (BNA) 2609 (1992) LexisNexis Headnotes HN6 , HN8, HN9, HN10, HN13{Analysis} 503 U.S. 926 p.926 112 S. Ct. 1306 p.1306 117 L. Ed. 2d 527 p.528 15. Cited by: Webster v. Reproductive Health Services, 492 U.S. 490, 109 S. Ct. 3040, 106 L. Ed. 2d 410, 1989 U.S. LEXIS 3290, 57 U.S.L.W. 5023 (1989) LexisNexis Headnotes HN2 {Questioned} 492 U.S. 490 p.512 109 S. Ct.
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