ST. MATTHIAS CATHOLIC CHURCH August 29, 2021 WE INVITE AND WELCOME ALL TO RECEIVE GOD’S LOVE Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil Mass 5:00 PM Sunday English: 8:00 AM English: 10:30 AM Polish: 9:00 AM Spanish: 11:45 AM Weekday Mass Schedule Monday to Friday 8:30 AM; 12:00 Noon The Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays from 3:30 PM 4:30 PM and on request. The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick Anointing of the Sick is celebrated upon request. The Sacrament of Baptism Call the Rectory Office to make arrangements for an appointment and instructions. The Sacrament of Holy Matrimony Arrangements should be made at least six months in advance. Call the Rectory Office for an appointment. Rectory Office Rectory Office Hours School Office 5815 Catalpa Avenue, Monday to Friday: 5825 Catalpa Avenue, Ridgewood, NY 11385 Ridgewood, NY 11385 9:00 AMN12:00 Noon Telephone: 7183818003 Telephone: 7188216447 Email: [email protected] Fax: 7188216876 Tuesday & Friday Website: www.stmatthiaschool.org Email: [email protected] 3:00 PM M 6:00 PM School Office Hours Website: www.saintmatthiaschurch.com Monday to FridayN7:00 AM to 3:15 PM Parish News & Events Mass Counts for Collections Thank You! ¡Gracias! Dziękujemy! Danke Schön! Aug 21 & Aug 21 M22, 2021 Aug 22 Collection Total Offering 5:00 PM (English) 65 Sunday Collection $3,689.77 8:00 AM (English) 36 Second Collection $1,142.90 9:00 AM (Polish) 160 10:30 AM (English) 90 Online Collection $577.00 11:45 AM (Spanish) 176 We thank all who participated in our 3rd collection towards our Annual Catholic Appeal goal. We raised an additional $2,133.00 COVID19 REMINDER We are grateful for the extraordinary efforts undertaken by all through the unprecedented times of this pandemic.With the Delta variant of the pandemic so much in the news, we need to continue to follow safety protocols and guidelines. Everyone should continue to wear masks and maintain social distance in accordance with the guidance of the Federal Centers for Disease Control. The Diocese recommends that the faithful receive Holy Communion in the extended hand. There will continue to be no physical exchange of the sign of peace; Communion from the chalice should not resume right now; baptismal fonts and holy water fonts will remain empty. We hope and pray that all our parish families will feel safe within the church. Memorial of Saint Gregory the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church September 3rd Pope Saint Gregory I, also known as the Great, was the Pope of the Catholic Church between 590 and 604 AD. Pope Gregory was famous for the emphasis he put on missionary work. He sent many people out to bring many to Jesus and into the Church . Pope Gregory is widely considered to be the first medieval pope, and he was a prolific writer. Page 2 St. Matthias RC ChurchNRidgewood, NY August 29, 2021 Mass Intentions Prayers and Intentions Sunday, August 29 2021 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Offered at 5:00 PM on Saturday for a year in loving memory of 8:00 AM English Catherina Di Raimondo Frieda Mannino 9:00 AM Polish Roman Bachurski All who have lost their life to COVID19 Pray for the Living 10:30 AM English Mary & Thomas Riordan Michelle Marie Matthew Joseph 11:45 AM Spanish Anna Mera De Solis The Sanctuary Lamps Monday, August 30, 2021 Upper Church Available SeptemberNDecember 8:30 AM English Bert (Health Blessings) 12:00 PM English Gus Muschitiello Lower Church Tuesday, August 31, 2021 Available SeptemberNDecember 8:30 AM English Stefan Jozwiak Available SeptemberNDecember 12:00 PM English Wednesday, September 1, 2021 8:30 AM English In Thanksgiving to Almighty God Pray for the Sick 12:00 PM English Albert Petrovic (27th Anniv.) Thursday, September 2 , 2021 Anthony Guerriero George Stanley 8:30 AM English Caceras Family Veronica Chavez Maria Montel Carolina Perez 12:00 PM English Victorja & Zef Nokoli (2nd Anniv.) Veronica Rodriguez Luz Bringas Andrea Bernabey Maria Graham Friday, September 3 , 2021 Rodolfo Arruabarrera Angel Arrua 8:30 AM English Marion Springman Deacon John Sands All who have COVID19 & any other illness 12:00 PM English Daniel Cordes 6:30 PM Polish Andrzej Jozwiak (Birthday Blessing) 7:30 PM Spanish Pedro & Maria Elena Chinchilla Saturday, September 4, 2021 5:00 PM Memorial Mass Sunday , September 5, 2021 8:00 AM English Parish Staff 9:00 AM Polish Collective Mass 10:30 AM English Helen & Kasper Wilhelm Most Rev. Neil Tiedemann, CP Pastor 11:45 AM Spanish Collective Mass Rev. Dariusz Blicharz Administrator R ev. Robinson Olivares Parochial Vicar OFFERINGS FOR INTENTIONS Deacon Oscar Perez Permanent Deacon Ms. Agnieszka Ambroziak PREPs Coordinator Announced Mass $15 $18 with folder Mr. Miguel Rubin de Celis Youth Minister Memorial Mass $7 $10 with folder Pray for the Living $7 $10 with folder Mr. Neil Gering School Principal Mrs. Aida Soto Parish Trustee Sanctuary Lamps $50 for the month Mrs. Dolores Bittel Parish Trustee Wine and Hosts $50 for the week Ringing of Church Bells $50 for the month Page 3 St. Matthias RC ChurchNRidgewood, NY 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time What’s in your heart? "Every perfect gift is from above,” the Letter of James says. What are the graces and good things God has given you? James also tells us to “welcome the word that has been planted in you.” How do you “welcome the word” in your heart and mind? Do you respect God’s word in your heart, not only with your lips? Though we may have the word in us, we must also “be doers of the word and not hearers only.” Where do you “do” the word? Take 5 Minutes for Faith… Purity is not an abstinence test Many of us who grew up in a moralizing culture were taught to imagine purity as having mainly to do with chastity. In which case, our aim was higher than the almostbutnotquite perfection you might get from Ivory Soap, which years ago advertised itself as 99 and 44/100 percent pure. We may therefore be astonished that, according to the apostle James, purity in religion has something to do with how we respond to the abandoned in this world. Think charity, not chastity, to bump up your purity percentile. Today's readings: Deuteronomy 4:12, 68; James 1:1718, 21b22, 27; Mark 7:18, 1415, 2123 (125). “Religion that is pure . is this: to care for orphans and widows in their affliction.” Page 4 St. Matthias RC ChurchNRidgewood, NY August 29, 2021 ¿Que hay en tu corazón? "Los dones perfectos proceden de lo alto," dice la Carta de Santiago (cf. Santiago 1:17) ¿Cuáles son las gracias y las cosas buenas que Dios te ha dado? ¿Como tú acoges la Palabra de Dios en tu corazón y en tu mente? También nos exhorta el apóstol Santiago: "Pongan por obra lo que dice la Palabra y no se conformen con oírla" Santiago 1:22 ¿Cuándo tus pones en práctica la Palabra que has escuchado? La pureza no es una prueba de abstinencia A muchos de los que crecimos en una cultura moralizante se nos enseñó a imaginar que la pureza tenía que ver principalmente con la castidad. En cuyo caso, nuestro objetivo era más alto que la “casiperonototal” perfección que se podía obtener del jabón Ivory, que hace años se anunciaba como 99.44 por ciento puro. Por eso puede sorprendernos que, según el apóstol Santiago, la pureza en la religión tenga que ver con la forma en que respondemos a los abandonados de este mundo. Piensa en la caridad, no en la castidad, para aumentar tu percentil de pureza. Lecturas del día: Deuteronomio 4:12, 68; Santiago 1:1718, 21b22, 27; Marcos 7:18, 1415, 2123 (125). “La religión que es pura . es ésta: cuidar de los huérfanos y de las viudas en su aflicción.” Recordatorio Sobre Covid19 Estamos agradecidos por todos sus esfuerzos mientras seguimos combatiendo la pandemia.Tenemos el deber de cuidarnos mutuamente y seguir las recomendaciones de la Diócesis y de los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC). Todos deben continuar usando mascarillas y mantener distancia social de acuerdo con las guías dadas por la CDC. La Diócesis recomienda que los feligreses reciban la Sagrada Comunión en la mano extendida. También por motivos de la pandemia, continuaremos dándonos la Señal de la Paz sin tocarnos las manos, no recibiremos del cáliz durante la Comunión, y por ahora, las fuentes de agua bendita seguirán vacías. Esperamos y oramos que todas las familias de nuestra parroquia se sientan seguros dentro de la iglesia. Memoria de San Gregorio I Magno, Septiembre 3 Papa y doctor de la Iglesia, que siendo monje ejerció ya de legado pontificio en Constantinopla y después, en tal día, fue elegido Romano Pontífice. Arregló problemas temporales y, como siervo de los siervos, atendió a los cuidados espirituales, mostrándose como verdadero pastor en el gobierno de la Iglesia, ayudando sobre manera a los necesitados, omentando la vida monástica y propagando y reafirmando la fe por doquier, para lo cual escribió muchas y célebres obras sobre temas morales y pastorales. Murió el doce de marzo (604). Page 5 St. Matthias RC ChurchNRidgewood, NY 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time ł ł ł ł 8ł ą ł ł ć ł ł !" ę ą ł ś ą ż ł ść śćę ść ł !$ ł ł ę ł 9! Co jest w twpim sercu? Każdy doskonały prezent pochodzi z góry, mówi List św. Jakuba Jakie są łaski i dobre rzeczy, które Bóg ci ofiarował? Święty Jakub naucza nas również, abyśmy przyjęli Słowo, które zostało w tobie zasiane.
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