AECOM Prepared for: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District Contract: W911KB-08-D-0004 Task Order: 0008 Feasibility Study Formerly Used Defense Sites (F10AK022801 and F10AK018002) Tanaga and Ogliuga Islands, Alaska Draft Final September 2012 F10AK022801_xx.xx_yyyy_a; AECOM Project No.: 60133134 200-1e F10AK018002_xx.xx_yyyy_a; 200-1e This page intentionally left blank. DRAFT FINAL FEASIBILITY STUDY FORMERLY USED DEFENSE SITES (F10AK022801 AND F10AK018002) TANAGA AND OGLIUGA ISLANDS, ALASKA Prepared for: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District CEPOA-ESP-FUDS P.O. Box 6898 JBER, Alaska 99506-6898 Contract: W911KB-08-D-0004 Task Order: 0008 AECOM Project No.: 60133134 Prepared by: AECOM Technical Services, Inc. 1835 South Bragaw Street, Suite 490 Anchorage, AK 99508 _________________________________ Prepared By Sarah Byam, Engineer _________________________________ Reviewed By John Jones, Senior Reviewer _________________________________ Reviewed By Mike A. Jones, Task Order Manager F10AK022801_xx.xx_yyyy_a; September 2012 200-1e F10AK018002_xx.xx_yyyy_a; 200-1e This page intentionally left blank. CONTENTS Acronyms and Abbreviations vii 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Tanaga Island 2 1.2 Ogliuga Island 3 2.0 PREVIOUS STUDIES 9 2.1 Tanaga Island 9 2.1.1 Archaeological Studies 9 2.1.2 Land Ownership Status 9 2.1.3 Areas under Investigation 9 2.1.4 Main Camp Area 10 2.1.5 Barrel Dump Area 14 2.1.6 Airstrip Area 15 2.1.7 Southeast of Airstrip Area 18 2.1.8 North of Airstrip Area 20 2.1.9 Tower Area 22 2.1.10 Pumphouse Area 23 2.1.11 Landfill Area 24 2.1.12 Small Arms Firing Range Area 25 2.2 Ogliuga Island 26 2.2.1 Land Ownership Status 26 2.2.2 Areas Under Investigation 26 2.2.3 Ogliuga Runway Camp Area 26 2.2.4 Ogliuga East Area 28 2.2.5 Ogliuga West Area 28 3.0 IDENTIFICATION OF CHEMICALS OF CONCERN 79 3.1 Background Metals 79 3.2 Arsenic 79 3.3 Methodology for Tanaga and Ogliuga 79 4.0 APPLICABLE OR RELEVANT AND APPROPRIATE REQUIREMENTS 85 4.1 Chemical-specific ARARs 86 4.2 Location-specific ARARs 86 4.3 Action-specific ARARs 86 4.4 Cleanup Levels 87 4.4.1 ADEC Method Two Cleanup Level 87 4.4.2 ADEC Method Three Assessment and Cleanup Criteria 87 4.5 Summary of Media and Volumes in Excess of Cleanup Levels 89 5.0 IDENTIFICATION AND SCREENING OF TECHNOLOGIES 101 5.1 Remedial Action Objectives 101 5.2 General Response Actions 101 5.3 Identification of Remedial Technologies 102 5.3.1 Remedial Technologies Applicable to All Site Media 102 5.3.2 Remedial Technologies for Soil/Sediment 102 5.3.3 Remedial Technologies for Groundwater/Surface Water 108 5.4 Screening of Technologies 109 5.4.1 Remoteness and Energy Sources 110 5.4.2 Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge 110 6.0 IDENTIFICATION AND ANALYSIS OF REMEDIAL ALTERNATIVES 115 6.1 Alternative 1 – No Action 115 6.2 Alternative 2 – Institutional Controls and Monitored Natural Attenuation 115 September 2012 iii DRAFT FINAL Draft Final Feasibility Study Tanaga and Ogliuga Island FUDS, AK Contract No. W911KB-08-D-0004 AECOM Project No: 60133134 6.3 Alternative 3 – Hot Spot Removal 115 6.4 Alternative 4 – Landfarming 116 6.5 Alternative 5 – Mobile Burn 116 6.6 Alternative 6 – Complete Removal and Off-site Disposal or Treatment 117 6.7 Alternative 7 – In Situ Chemical Oxidation 117 7.0 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF REMEDIAL ACTION ALTERNATIVES 123 7.1 Evaluation Criteria 123 7.2 Cost Estimate Methodology 123 7.3 Comparison of Alternatives 123 7.3.1 No Action 123 7.3.2 Monitored Natural Attenuation and Institutional Controls 124 7.3.3 Hot Spot Removal 124 7.3.4 Landfarming 124 7.3.5 Mobile Burn 125 7.3.6 Complete Removal and Off-site Disposal or Treatment 125 7.3.7 In Situ Chemical Oxidation 126 8.0 CONCLUSIONS 131 9.0 REFERENCES 133 APPENDIXES A UVOST Surfer Areas B TOC Calculation C Risk Calculations D Racer WSBs FIGURES 1-1 General Location of Tanaga and Ogliuga FUDS 5 1-2 Tanaga Island FUDS Investigation Areas 6 1-3 Ogliuga Island FUDS Investigation Areas 7 2-1 Tanaga Main Camp Area Features of Interest 31 2-2 Barrel Dump Area Features of Interest 32 2-3 Tanaga Airstrip Area Features of Interest (northern section) 33 2-4 Tanaga Airstrip Area Features of Interest (southern section) 34 2-5 Tanaga Southeast of Airstrip Area Features of Interest 35 2-6 Tanaga North of Airstrip Area Features of Interest 36 2-7 Tanaga North of Airstrip and Small Arms Firing Range Area Features of Interest 37 2-8 Tanaga Tower Area Features of Interest 38 2-9 Tanaga Pumphouse Area Features of Interest 39 2-10 Ogliuga Runway Area Features of Interest 40 2-11 Ogliuga East Area Features of Interest 41 2-12 Ogliuga West Area Features of Interest 42 September 2012 iv DRAFT FINAL Draft Final Feasibility Study Tanaga and Ogliuga Island FUDS, AK Contract No. W911KB-08-D-0004 AECOM Project No: 60133134 6-1 Alternative 4: Potential Landfarming Cell Placement 119 6-2 Potential Mobile Burn Facility Placement 120 TABLES 2-1 Summary Statistics for Soil Sampling for Main Camp 43 2-2 Summary Statistics for 2009 RI Sediment Sampling for Main Camp 45 2-3 Summary Statistics for 2009 RI Groundwater Sampling for Main Camp 46 2-4 Summary Statistics for 2009 RI Surface Water Sampling for Main Camp 47 2-5 Summary Statistics for Soil Sampling for Barrel Dump 47 2-6 Summary Statistics for 2009 RI Sediment Sampling for Barrel Dump 50 2-7 Summary Statistics for 2009 RI Groundwater Sampling for Barrel Dump 50 2-8 Summary Statistics for 2009 RI Surface Water Sampling for Barrel Dump 51 2-9 Summary Statistics for Soil Sampling for Airstrip 52 2-10 Summary Statistics for 2009 RI Sediment Sampling for Airstrip 53 2-11 Summary Statistics for 2009 RI Surface Water Sampling for Airstrip 54 2-12 Summary Statistics for Soil Sampling for Southeast of Airstrip 54 2-13 Summary Statistics for 2009 RI Sediment for Southeast of Airstrip 56 2-14 Summary Statistics for 2009 RI Groundwater for Southeast of Airstrip 57 2-15 Summary Statistics for 2009 RI Surface Water for Southeast of Airstrip 58 2-16 Summary Statistics for Soil for North of Airstrip 58 2-17 Summary Statistics for 2009 RI Sediment for North of Airstrip 60 2-18 Summary Statistics for 2009 RI Groundwater for North of Airstrip 60 2-19 Summary Statistics for 2009 RI Surface Water for North of Airstrip 61 2-20 Summary Statistics for Soil for Tower 61 2-21 Summary Statistics for 2009 RI Sediment for Tower 62 2-22 Summary Statistics for 2009 RI Groundwater for Tower 63 2-23 Summary Statistics for 2009 RI Surface Water for Tower 63 2-24 Summary Statistics for Soil for Pumphouse 64 2-25 Summary Statistics for 2009 RI Sediment for Pumphouse 65 2-26 Summary Statistics for 2009 RI Groundwater for Pumphouse 66 2-27 Summary Statistics for 2009 RI Surface Water for Pumphouse 67 2-28 Summary Statistics for 2009 RI Soil for Landfill 68 2-29 Summary Statistics for 2009 RI Sediment for Landfill 68 2-30 Summary Statistics for 2009 RI Groundwater for Landfill 69 2-31 Summary Statistics for 2009 RI Surface Water for Landfill 70 2-32 Summary Statistics for Soil for 2009 RI Small Arms Firing Range 70 2-33 Summary Statistics for 2009 RI Sediment for Small Arms Firing Range 71 September 2012 v DRAFT FINAL Draft Final Feasibility Study Tanaga and Ogliuga Island FUDS, AK Contract No. W911KB-08-D-0004 AECOM Project No: 60133134 2-34 Summary Statistics for 2009 RI Surface Water for Small Arms Firing Range 71 2-35 Summary Statistics for Soil for Ogliuga Runway 71 2-36 Summary Statistics for 2009 RI Groundwater for Ogliuga Runway 74 2-37 Summary Statistics for Soil for Ogliuga East 75 2-38 Summary Statistics for Soil for Ogliuga West 77 3-1 Estimated Soil and Sediment Background Threshold Values (BTV) 81 3-2 Summary COCs for Tanaga 83 3-3 Summary COCs for Ogliuga 83 4-1 Preliminary Chemical-Specific ARARs (Tanaga and Ogliuga FUDS) 90 4-2 Preliminary Action-Specific ARARs (Tanaga and Ogliuga FUDS) 90 4-3 Cleanup Levels for Metals and PCBs 90 4-4 TOC and Naturally Occurring Organics in Tanaga and Ogliuga Soils 91 4-5 Comparison of Cleanup Levels from ADEC’s Method Three Calculator for Petroleum Hydrocarbons 93 4-6 Summary of Cancer Risks and Hazard Quotients for Tanaga and Ogliuga 95 4-7 Estimated Volumes of Impacted Soil 95 4-8 Estimated Volumes of Impacted Sediment, Groundwater, and Surface Water 100 5-1 General Response Actions and Remedial Technologies 110 5-2 Screening Evaluation of Remedial Technologies for Soil/Sediment 112 6-1 Alternatives and Total Volumes 121 7-1 Criteria for Detailed Evaluation of Response Action Alternatives 126 7-2 RACER Technologies and Key Assumptions 127 7-3 Comparison of Response Action Alternatives 129 September 2012 vi DRAFT FINAL ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS °C degree Celsius °F degree Fahrenheit µg/L microgram per liter AAC Alaska Administrative Code ADEC Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation AECOM AECOM Technical Services, Inc. AMNWR Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge ANCSA Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ARAR applicable or relevant and appropriate requirements AST aboveground storage tank BCC-Jacobs JV BC Contractors-Jacobs Joint Venture bgs below ground surface BTEX benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes BTV British Thermal Unit CAA Civil Aeronautics Agency CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 CFR Code of Federal Regulations CL cleanup level COC chemical of concern CON/HTRW containerized, hazardous, toxic, and radioactive waste CWA Clean Water Act CY cubic yard Demo demolition DRO diesel range organics E&E Ecology and Environment, Inc.
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