Welcome to the VRE Broad Run Expansion Project Open House VRE BROAD RUN EXPANSION PROJECT SITEDRAFT SIT EPLAN PLAN August 2018 To Route 28 Proposed parking facility with 600 spaces By 2030, ridership at the Broad Run Station is forecast to increase by 20%. The parking expansion meets future parking demand, providing 1,400 total spaces for VRE riders. PIPER LN The proposed parking facility will include a Kiss & Ride, bike racks, and bus/shuttle loop RESIDENCY RD GPIN: 7594-99-5687 Riders will access the platform from the north parking area GPIN: 7695-00-2208 using a proposed pedestrian Proposed third track south of the existing tracks tunnel between the Broad Run Station and Wellington Rd This additional track will increase railroad capacity and operational P P efficiency for VRE, Amtrak, and freight trains. BROAD RUN Parcel ID: 092-01-00-60C P Existing platform will shift to the east to accommodate the longer storage tracks GPIN: GPIN: P 7694-09-1529 7694-09-3433 New Access Road to the VRE Maintenance Extend train storage tracks to & Storage Facility Employee parking P accommodate longer trains (MSF) and a new employee VRE is adding 10 new passenger coaches to its Broad Run welfare building RD OBSERVATION fleet. This will provide 1,700 more seats on morning and STATION ACCESS RD evening trips. P Manassas Regional Airport PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY ± OF MANASSAS CITY Exist. Tracks Exist. Patron Parking Employee Parking Runway Protection Zone (RPZ) Floodplain (100-Year) Existing stormwater management Runway Protection Zone Existing station parking Parcel boundary Proposed Tracks Proposed Platform Access and Parking and Access Expansion Parcel Boundary Floodway ProposedSid estormwaterwalk management Shared use path (by others) Access parking & sidewalk New MSF fence Future Connection by Other Floodway Exist. Building Footprint Landscap Area Jurisdiction Boundary Floodplain (100-Year) WHAT IS PROPOSED FOR THE THIRD TRACK? Proposed third track allows unobstructed freight movements to/from B-Line WELLINGTON RD Prince William CountyCity of Manassas NOKESVILLE RD Maintain at-grade Proposed third track ends at crossing Wellington Road Widen bridge over Cannon Branch GODWIN DR RESIDENCY RD GATEWAY BLVD Maintain grade PIPER LN separated crossing Maintain at-grade crossing PRINCE WILLIAM PKWY Note: Improvements within the railroad right-of- WAKEMAN DR REDOUBT RD way contingent upon Norfolk Southern approval. Cannon Branch OBSERVATION RD Proposed switch from new third track to Broad Run Yard VRE Broad Run Manassas Regional Station and MSF Airport NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILWAY ± Broad Run 0 1,000 2,000 Feet ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental Review Process Initial Findings Table VRE is working with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) to prepare a Categorical Exclusion (CE) under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). This type of Resource Initial Findings environmental review is required because federal funds are being used for a portion of the ▪ The proposed north parking area provides improved vehicular, bicycle, project. and pedestrian access to the station via Residency Road and Route 28. ▪ Access to the southern parking lot remains as it is today and Piper Lane VRE is assessing the potential effects of the project on the following resources: will not be affected or modified. By 2030, the By 2030, the Piper Lane/ Traffic Route 28 intersection operations improve. ▪ Traffic ▪ Water Quality ▪ By 2030, the project results in an increase in traffic delay at the ▪ Air Quality ▪ Natural and Biological Resources Residency Road/Route 28 intersection; however, operations are within acceptable standards. ▪ Land Use and Zoning ▪ Prime and Unique Farmlands Noise ▪ No expected change in existing noise and vibration levels due to no ▪ Parklands and Recreation Areas ▪ Aesthetics change in existing rail service. (including Section 4(f) Resources) ▪ Noise and Vibration ▪ The proposed north parking lot requires property acquisition. ▪ Historic Properties and Cultural ▪ Hazardous Materials Property ▪ The proposed third track requires minor permanent easements and Resources (including section (4f) and temporary construction easements. Section 106 Resources) ▪ Property Acquisition Historic ▪ Ongoing coordination with the Virginia Department of Historic ▪ Wetlands and Navigable Waterways ▪ Construction Impacts Resources and Consulting Parties to identify resources and to complete Resources effects assessment. ▪ Floodplains ▪ Community Disruption and ▪ The proposed new access road to the VRE yard will pass through existing Environmental Justice floodplains. ▪ Coastal Zones Water ▪ Cumulative and Indirect Impacts Resources ▪ VRE is coordinating wetland and floodplain impacts with Prince William County, state, and federal resource agencies. Environmental Review Process Next Steps Project Schedule There are a number of environmental constraints in the project area, including wetlands and floodplain associated with Broad Run and Cannon Branch, potential historic and cultural 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 resources, congested local roadways, and private properties. Operations at the adjacent Planning Manassas Regional Airport restrict the height and location of VRE facilities as well. VRE has We are here developed a design that avoids or minimizes significant impacts to the environment. Environmental VRE will develop the CE for review and approval by the FTA. For unavoidable impacts, VRE will work with federal and state resource and regulatory agencies to identify permitting needs and mitigation requirements. Once FTA approves the CE, VRE can proceed with final Preliminary Design design, the property acquisition process, and permitting. Construction is expected to start in 2021 and extend through 2022, with opening in 2023. Final Design Operation Current Phase Construction Note: Improvements within the railroad right-of-way contingent Norfolk Southern approval. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF THE PROJECT? Project Element Proposed Improvement Benefits +10 coaches ▪ Alleviates crowding on VRE trains and moves more people ▪ Adds 1,700 more seats on morning and evening 10 new passenger coaches Manassas Line trains ▪ Helps reduce congestion in the I-66 corridor and +1,700 seats provides an alternative mode to travel by car ▪ Accommodates VRE ridership growth by adding 300 parking spaces for a total 1,400 spaces at the station ▪ Improves vehicular circulation in/out of the station and distribution of VRE traffic across the local road network Additional station parking accessed via ▪ Provides an alternative access point to the station Residency Road ▪ Enhances pedestrian, bicycle and drop-off (kiss-and- ride, shuttle buses, future transit) access to the station ▪ Provides a safe, grade-separated pedestrian route from the proposed north parking lot to the station platform ▪ Enables expanded train capacity for growing ridership Train maintenance and storage facility ▪ Provides storage for longer train sets, up to 10 cars long (MSF) expansion ▪ Enhances access for MSF deliveries ▪ Consolidates VRE employee parking and welfare facilities NS B-Line G V Towards R r a E Washington, DC Washington, n M ▪ Expands railroad capacity and operational efficiency for t A a n v e a Wellington Road n s s u a VRE, freight, and Amtrak trains e Proposed third main track from Broad s S t a t i o Run Station to Wellington Road n ▪ Minimizes potential train movement conflicts to help Proposed New Mainline Track ensure VRE on-time performance NS Mainline Broad Run Charlottesville Towards Station & Yard N Note: graphic not to scale. BENEFITS OF VRE SERVICE 44% of VRE riders drove alone before using VRE. VRE Manassas Line Benefits: Person Throughput Source: VRE’s 2017 Customer Opinion Survey. I-66 Corridor Person Throughput (2040) 25,000 General Purpose Lanes Metrorail Express/HOV VRE Manassas Line Service VRE’s existence has saved $1 billion in costs Bus r 20,000 u associated with highway widening. o H Source: Fairfax County Highway Construction Estimates. r e p s 15,000 n o s r e P 10,000 1 Riding VRE removes more than 100 million vehicle 1 0 miles from our region’s interstates annually. 5,000 0 Source: VRE FY2015 Ridership Data, National Transit Database and U.S. Census Bureau’s 2013 American Community Survey. 0 234 US 15 US 29 US 50 I-495 Bypass Route 234/ 1.6 to 3.8 million person hours saved annually by (Centreville) Nutley Street Source: Adapted from Transform 66 riders using VRE. Outside the Beltway, Tier 2 EA, June 2016. Source: Texas A&M Transportation Institute. ▪ VRE Manassas Line complements I-66 and US 50/29 for east-west regional travel VRE transports the equivalent of one lane of traffic from both I-95 and I-66. ▪ Additional travel choice is needed in I-66 corridor to Source: Texas A&M Transportation Institute. provide long-term congestion relief VRE BROAD RUN EXPANSION . Improved Broad Run-based service is a more cost-effective investment than a VRE Gainesville-Haymarket Extension (GHX) . The 2016 GHX Alternatives Analysis VRE Manassas Line concluded: Existing VRE stations GHX route − Broad Run and GHX travel markets GHX station areas have significant overlap − Broad Run-based service attracts 93% of GHX ridership − Capital costs for Broad Run improvements are half of GHX costs − Operating costs for Broad Run- based service are 20% of GHX costs MANASSAS LINE CAPACITY IMPROVEMENTS Manassas Line Improvements now underway: . Additional seats on trains (1,700+ seats for Manassas Line riders) . More parking at Broad Run and Manassas Park Stations . Longer platforms at Manassas, Rolling Road and Backlick Road Stations Project Benefits: . Expansion of the Broad Run train . Moves more people storage yard for longer trains . Improved access to VRE stations . More travel options . Additional track to reduce freight . Reduces congestion on I-66 congestion Anticipated Cost: $156 M . Real-time VRE train arrival and seat/parking availability data MANASSAS LINE IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS The VRE Manassas Line Improvements Projects are a group of capital projects that enable VRE to expand the person-carrying capacity of the Manassas Line by operating longer trains in the near-term, and sets the stage for additional trains in the long- term, as called for in the VRE System Plan.
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