US006043047A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 6,043,047 Foote et al. (45) Date of Patent: Mar. 28, 2000 54) SAMPLE-COLLECTING AND ASSAY 4,923,796 5/1990 Deneke et al. ............................ 435/15 DEVICE FOR USE IN THE DETECTION OF 5,001,055 3/1991 Imahori et al. ........................... 435/15 BIOLOGICAL MATERIAL FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS 75 Inventors: Nicholas Peter Martin Foote; Peter 0060123 9/1982 European Pat. Off.. Leonard Grant; Anthony Cooke; 01.02504 3/1984 European Pat. Off.. Ramin Pirzad, all of Cambridge, 0193895 9/1986 European Pat. Off.. United Kingdom 0327952 8/1989 European Pat. Off.. 1-023900 1/1989 Japan. 73 Assignee: Celsis International, PLC, United 2055200 2/1981 United Kingdom. Kingdom OTHER PUBLICATIONS 21 Appl. No.: 09/012,281 Chittock et al. (1991) “Light Amplification by a Coupled Biological System: ATP, Firefly Luciferase and Recycling of 22 Filed: Jan. 23, 1998 ATP". Biochemical Society Transactions. 19(160S). Related U.S. Application Data Primary Examiner Louise N. Leary Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Saliwanchik, Lloyd & 63 Continuation-in-part of application No. 08/553,477, filed as application No. PCT/GB94/00783, Apr. 14, 1994, aban Saliwanchik doned. 57 ABSTRACT 30 Foreign Application Priority Data An assay device comprises a tube, a removable top part and Apr. 23, 1993 GB United Kingdom ................... 9308411 a bottom part, wherein an elongate member with a Swab at its distal end is mounted on the top part, the top part includes 51 Int. Cl." ............................... C12O 1/42; C12O 1/54; a compartment containing liquid and partly defined by a first C12O 1/48; C12O 1/26 frangible membrane that can be ruptured to release the liquid 52 U.S. Cl. ................................. 435/21; 435/14; 435/15; into the tube, and the bottom part contains a reagent and is 435/26; 435/28; 435/25 partly defined by a Second frangible membrane that can be 58 Field of Search .................................. 435/21, 14, 15, ruptured on movement of the bottom part relative to the 435/25, 26, 28 tube. 56) References Cited Reaction occurring in the bottom part can be observed U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS through a window. This reaction may be of the type involv ing amplification of Say, ATP, e.g. by providing AMP, 3,745,090 7/1973 Chappelle et al. ........................ 435/15 glucose-6-phosphate (G6P), adenylate kinase, glucokinase 4,234,313 11/1980 Faulkner ................................... 435/15 and reagents that convert glucose (G) to give a color, 4,277.562 7/1981 Modrovich ................................ 435/15 4,303,752 12/1981 Kolehmainen et al. .................. 435/15 whereby the following reactions occur 4,371,624 2/1983 Saxholm ................................... 435/15 AMP-ATP-2ADP 4,493,815 1/1985 Fernwood et al. ........................ 435/15 4,495,293 1/1985 Shaffar ................. ... 435/15 4,584.272 4/1986 Imahori et al. ... 435/15 4,735,897 4/1988 Vary et al. ... ... 435/15 4,767,699 8/1988 Vary et al. ................................ 435/15 7 Claims, 9 Drawing Sheets S1 C1 P U.S. Patent Mar. 28, 2000 Sheet 1 of 9 6,043,047 FIG. U.S. Patent Mar. 28, 2000 Sheet 2 of 9 6,043,047 X X-Y-Y Z X-Y FIG. 2 U.S. Patent Mar. 28, 2000 Sheet 3 of 9 6,043,047 X-Y-Y X Z-Y X-Y Z FIG. 3 U.S. Patent Mar. 28, 2000 Sheet 4 of 9 6,043,047 Col. HRP AAP O2 H9. a. DMA AMP ATP G G GO Ox AK GK ADP G6P FIG. 4 U.S. Patent Mar. 28, 2000 Sheet 5 of 9 6,043,047 Col. Fzn INV OPA NAD - NADH G G16DP 3PG PGDH 3PHP GPPDM GBPS G1P 3PGP FIG. 5 U.S. Patent Mar. 28, 2000 Sheet 6 of 9 6,043,047 s s 3 E A. H 3 r d O O s O (WN Of G) W U.S. Patent Mar. 28, 2000 Sheet 7 of 9 6,043,047 U.S. Patent Mar. 28, 2000 Sheet 8 of 9 6,043,047 &ZZZZZZZZZZZ N N § U.S. Patent Mar. 28, 2000 Sheet 9 of 9 6,043,047 6,043,047 1 2 SAMPLE-COLLECTING AND ASSAY It is not clear from the reaction Scheme proposed by DEVICE FOR USE IN THE DETECTION OF Chittock et all why the proposed ATP recycling mechanism BIOLOGICAL MATERIAL should cause the observed increase in peak light output of the luciferase reaction, Since no net increase in ATP con CROSS-REFERENCE TO ARELATED centration would occur. Nevertheless, the authors describe APPLICATION the phenomenon as amplification of ATP This application is a continuation-in-part of U.S. Ser. No WO-A-9525948 discloses a sample-collecting and assay 08/553,477, filed Oct. 20, 1995, now abandoned, which is a device comprising a tube, a removable top part and a bottom U.S. national Stage application filed from International part, wherein an elongate member with a Swab at its distal patent application No. PCT/GB94/00783, filed Apr. 14, end is mounted on the top part. There may be one or more 1994. foil-sealed bottom parts fixed within the tube, and the foils are Successively broken by movement of the Swab, or a FIELD OF THE INVENTION coaxially-extending blade-like member, through the tube. This invention relates to a Sample-collecting and assay WO-A-9703209 discloses a similar device, in which device, and in particular to a simple hygiene monitor. The 15 reagent is contained in a bottom part with a window, and device may be used in the detection of biological material, which has a seal broken by movement of the Swab through e.g. utilizing a novel reaction mechanism also defined the tube. Another, similar device is disclosed in WO-A- herein. 9723596. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION Many techniques are available for the detection of bio An assay device according to the present invention is for logical materials, for instance by the production of a colour. use in determining the presence in a liquid Sample of a target For example, materials may be added that form hydrogen component that, in combination with other components, peroxide or NADH in the presence of the target Substance, undergoes a reaction to give a detectable signal. The novel and these may be caused to produce a coloured compound 25 device comprises a tube, a removable top part and a bottom by further reactions. Alternatively, the target Substance may part, wherein an elongate member with a Swab at its distal produce colour more directly; for instance, many hydrolytic end is mounted on the top part, the top part includes a enzymes can act on artificial Substrates to give a coloured compartment containing liquid and partly defined by a first product. frangible membrane that can be ruptured to release the liquid A difficulty arises, however, in connection with the detec into the tube, and the bottom part contains a reagent and is tion of very Small amounts of the target Substance, Such that partly defined by a Second frangible membrane that can be the amount of colour produced may be too small to analyse ruptured on movement of the bottom part relative to the without complicated apparatus, and certainly not by the tube. naked eye. Some amplification mechanisms have been 35 By means of the invention, direct analysis can be made, described, Such as cyclic reactions for the measurement of by observing the Signal generated, in the bottom part. low levels of NAD(H) or NADP(H); see EP-A-0060123. Although the novel device shares many characteristics with This is an example of a cycle giving linear amplification of the prior art devices, described above, its particular advan the target Substances, i.e. their concentrations increase in tages include the use of a simple visual test with a yes/no proportion with reaction time, and therefore a long period is 40 result, avoiding the need for a luminometer, and a Syringe required for Sensitive measurements. like mechanism within the top dispenser, to ensure repeat GB-A-2055200 discloses the same and other linear ampli able and reproducible dispensing of liquid reagent. The test fication cycles. It also discloses a cycle wherein adenylate can have high Sensitivity. Although the top part may be kinase catalyzes the reaction of AMP and ATP to form ADP unitary or comprise a separate component containing which is then re-phosphorylated to form ATP by the action 45 reagent, the design of the top reagent container and its holder of pyruvate kinase. It is Stated that, in each cycle, one extra may be Such that a single operation, depressing the molecule of ATP is produced. The reaction is used to amplify container, ruptures the Seal and evacuates the contents of the ATP for the purposes of bioluminescence. The procedure for container down the Swab Shaft, ensuring accurate and repro ATP amplification involves adding the other materials suf ducible dispensing of the liquid reagent with minimal dead ficient for the reactions to proceed, Stopping the cycling 50 Volume and without introduction of any air, unlike a “pump reaction, and measuring accumulated ATP using a biolumi ing dispensing System. neScence assay and a luminometer. Further, it has now been appreciated that there is a Chittock et al. Biochemical Society Transactions (1991) reaction System that can be used, not simply for the regen 19:160S, also disclose that the light intensity of the known eration of ATP, but for the production of a colour or other bioluminescence reaction may be increased by recycling 55 easily-detectable Signal which can be used to quantify very ATP in a System containing myokinase (adenylate kinase), low levels of ATP and ADP.
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