A Abalone, 1428 Abamectine, 1727 Abdelazim, 544 Abdominal Pain

A Abalone, 1428 Abamectine, 1727 Abdelazim, 544 Abdominal Pain

Index A Actinomucor, 247 Abalone, 1428 Activation energy, 1970, 1971 Abamectine, 1727 Activation transcription factor 3, 617 Abdelazim, 544 Active components, 2213 Abdominal pain, 1902 Active ingredient, 1718 Aberrant crypt foci (ACF), 952 Activity retention, 2043–2044 Ability to fecundation, 1195 Acute reference dose (ARfD), 1739 Abiotic stress, 2209 Acute risk, 1748 Abnormal bleeding, 1198 Acylation, 869, 871, 875, 876, 879 Absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion Added-value, 1389 (ADME), 1931, 1933, 1951 Adducts, 255 absorption, 121, 124, 126–128, 130, 1146, Adenocarcinomas, 1202 1383, 1391, 1902, 1933 Adherence, 31, 32, 34–36, 43–46 excretion, 1932, 1933 Adhesion, 1537 metabolism, 1193, 1382, 1391, 1392, 1877, molecules, 1238 1931–1934, 1936, 1943, 1951, 1952 Adhesiveness, 745 Acarbose, 1304 Adipocytokine genes expression, 168–169 Acaricide, 1722 Adipokines, 1243 Acceleration of menarche, 1196 Adiponectin, 732, 1022, 1062 Acceptability, 1383, 1385, 1389, 1675 Adipose tissue, 1058 Acceptable daily intake (ADI), 1739 Adiposity, 691, 1242 Accumulation, 114, 115 Adolescents, 32, 43–46, 734 Aceramic jars, 227 Adoxaceae, 2264 Acetamiprid, 2152, 2154, 2155 Adulterants, 2121 Acetate, 473, 728 Adulteration, 2133 α-Acetolactate decarboxylase, 2049 of foods, 2121 Acetonitrile, 1740 Advanced glycation end products (AGEs), Acetyl-β-glucoside, 270 1285–1290, 1292 Acetylcholinesterase (AChE), 2192 formation of, 1286–1288, 1295, 1296, inhibiting activity, 1613 1303, 1304 Acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC), 1024 inhibition of, 1293, 1299, 1304 Acheta domesticus, 420 pathological conditions, 1286 Acidification, 828 role of, 1286 Acid ratio, 1685 Aerogels, 2054 Acid tolerance, 1536 AF-1 domain, 1204 Acidulant, 1296 AF-2 transactivation factors, 1204 Acne, 1269 Aflatoxins, 422, 2121, 2123 Actinidin, 444, 445, 453–455, 457 African diets, 1529 © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 2317 J.-M. Mérillon, K. G. Ramawat (eds.), Bioactive Molecules in Food, Reference Series in Phytochemistry, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-78030-6 2318 Index African traditional cereal fermented Alzheimer’s disease, 58, 66, 592, 611–612, foods, 1538 1263, 1589, 1613 Agaricus, 1823 Mediterranean diet (MD), 1075 A. bisporus, 1819 Amadori product, 1286, 1291, 1298 Age plus five rule, 706 Amanita muscaria, 1820 Aggregation, 59, 1962, 1965 Amaranth, 707, 851–852, 1472, 1473, 1488, Agidi, 1541 1696, 1698–1707 Aging, 337–338, 592 Amaranthus Aglycone, 1146, 1581 A. caudatus, 852 Agrochemicals, 2121 A. cruentus, 851 residue, 2123 Ambigels, 2054 Agro-climatic regions, 2241 Amino acids, 357, 681, 735, 1402, 1826, 1877, Agrocybin, 1834 2252 Agro industrial by-products, 302 model, 407 Agro-industries, 1381, 1383 seafood items, 1403–1404 Agronomic conditions, 115 Aminoguanidine, 1286, 1288, 1290, 1291, Agro-residues, 1820 1295–1304 AIDS, 1632 Aminotransferase, 1032 Air-drying method, 1879 Ammonia, 1824 Air layering, 1504 5’AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), 309, Albatrellus ovinus, 1835 730, 1013 Albumins, 233, 1937–1941, 1943, Amphiphilic molecules, 2167 1946, 1951 Amphiphilic properties, 242 Alcohol(s), 2212 α-Amylase, 827, 984, 985 consumption, 570, 571 activity, 1063 Alcoholic beverages, 1539 β-Amylase, 827 Aldose reductase, 1304 Amylase activity, 1549 Aldrin, 1796, 1808, 1809 Amyloglucosidase, 827 Aleurone, 297, 302, 305–307, 708 Amyloid-β, 598 Alfa-amylase, 1580 β-Amyloid cleaving enzyme 1 (BACE1), 590, Alfalfa, 1162, 1175, 1181, 1191 594 Alginates, 705, 768, 776 Amyloid precursor protein (APP), 1263 Alkalinization process, 1056 β-Amyloid proteins, 611 Alkaloids, 1513, 1612–1614, 1877–1878 Amylopectin, 818, 1962, 1966 Alkanes, 2212 retrogradation products, 822 Alkylglycerol, 487 starch, 827 Alkylphenols, 491 Amylose, 712, 818 Alkyl radical, 531 digestion of, 820 Allahabad Safeda, 1502 retrogradation, 822 All-E configuration, 880 Amylose-amylopectin ratio, 823 Allergens, 421 Amylose-lipid complexes, 823 Allergic reactions, 241 Anabolic agents, 1184 Allergic skin reactions, 1316 Anacardic acids, 493 Allergy(ies), 371, 1300 Anaemia, 1631 All-Food-Seq (AFS) software pipeline, 2077 Analysis, of bioactive compounds, 1878–1880 All-trans-β-carotene, 2243 Analysis of variance (ANOVA), 2128, 2131, Allylic hydroperoxide, 533 2132 Aloe vera, 1570 non-parametric analysis of variance, 2130 Alpha-foetoprotein, 1199 Analytical (measurement) uncertainty, 2128 Alpha-linolenic acid, 470, 1256 Andean grains, see Pseudocereals Alternaria, 1726 Andes, 228 Alternative nutritional approaches, 395 Andmorin, 66 Alternative protein, 426 Anemia, 736 Index 2319 Anethum graveolens, 1319 diet, 1113 Angelica archangelica, 1319–1320 digestion, 1101 Angiogenesis, 63, 942, 943, 950, 954, 1034, dysbiosis, 1114 1236, 2249 dysbiotic state, 1113 Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) enterohepatic recirculation, 1113 inhibitory, 276, 363, 374, 378, 985 equilibrium forms, 1101 activity, 412 factors, 872 peptides, 326, 330, 374 fibroblasts, 1120 Angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE), 309, flavonoid, 1101 1017, 1416 flavylium, 1100, 1101, 1106 Animal feed, 426 in food, 1103–1104 Animal foods, 39, 44 food industry, 1126 Animal livestock, 420 foodstuff, 1101 Anise, 1325 formulation, 1123 Annealing, 825 in fruits and vegetables, 1104 Annual growth, 1820 functional food, 1111 Ano-genital distance, 1187–1188 gastric absorption mechanism, 1108 Anorexia, 1302 GI absorption, 1101 Anthelmintics, 1266 glucose absorption, 1105 Anthesis, 300 gut-brain axis, 1114, 1116 Anthocyanidins, 146 gut microbiota, 1112 Anthocyanin(s), 55, 57, 60, 62, 68, 69, 146, gut microbiota modulation, 1113–1114 149, 1056, 1142, 1227, 1586, 1757, HaCat cells, 1120 1854, 1934, 1935, 1948, 1990, 2120, high-fat, 1116 2166, 2211, 2268, 2298, 2300, 2303 hypercholesterolemic, 1112 alterations during processing, 873 intestinal tract, 1111 anthocyanin-rich foods, 1112 membrane interactions, 1106 antioxidant, 1101 metabolic syndromes, 1111–1113, 1126 antioxidant enzymes, 1122 metabolism, 1107–1111 antiproliferative, 1107 metabolites, 1111 bacteria, 1113 metabolization, 1104 bioaccessibility, 1103–1104 microbiota, 1108 bioactives, 1118 milligrams per person, 1125 bioavailability, 1107–1111 natural compounds, 1118 biological targets, 1099 neuroinflammation, 1116 biomembranes, 1106 neurologic disorders, 1113 in blood, 1107 neuroprotective effects, 1117 carbohydrate, 1105 obesity, 1111–1113 catabolites, 1110 occurrence, 1098–1103 chemical structures, properties and oral, 1104 occurrence, 868–871 pH, 1101 chemistry, 1098–1103 pharmacokinetics, 1104 collagen, 1118, 1121 phase II conjugates, 1110 color, 869, 1125 photoaging, 1118 composition, 871 physiological conditions, 1107 conjugates, 1109 plants, functions in, 1101 co-pigmentation, 1101 pro-inflammatory markers, 1122 cosmeceuticals, 1124–1126 proteins, 1104 cosmetic formulations, 1120 pyranoanthocyanins, 1101, 1103, 1109 crossover trial, 1110 ROS formation, 1119 deglycosylation, 1108 salivary, 1104 dermatological applications, 1124 skin aging, 1118–1122 diabetes, 1125 and skin diseases, 1122–1124 2320 Index Anthocyanin(s) (cont.) Antiglycation agents skin health, 1117–1124 apples, 1291 stability, 1098–1103 bael, 1292 stability and alterations, processing and banana, 1288–1290 storage of food, 871 bitter melon, 1292 stomach, 1108–1110 black nightshade, 1300 transport, 1109 black tea, 1296 tryptophan, 1116 buckwheat, 1299 in urine, 1107 clove, 1304 UV protection, 1118–1122 common juniper, 1292–1293 wound healing agents, 1119 cornelian cherry, 1290 Anthocyans, 62 cumin, 1303–1304 Anthracene, 2006 dendrobii, 1298 Anthracnose, 1732 ginger, 1302–1303 Anthropogenic endocrine disruptors, 1197 grape vine, 1293 Anti-allergic agents, 1884 green tea, 1296–1297 Anti-allergic effect, 2310 guava, 1291 Anti angiogenic, 1830 kokum, 1296 Anti-apoptotic effects, 60 lingonberry, 1293–1294 Antiapoptotic Bcl2 gene, 616 longan, 1294 Anti-apoptotic proteins, 1352 lotus, 1302 Anti-aromatase, 1203 luobuma tea, 1297–1298 Antibacterial activity, 1533, 1761, 1884, 2190 mung bean, 1298 Antibiotics, 1832, 1897 passion fruit, 1294 in agriculture, 1782 pomegranate, 1294–1295 consumption of, 1776 rambutan, 1295 in environmental samples, 1777, 1781 sangwhang, 1300–1301 monitoring, manure/sludge, 1780 saucer berry, 1293 plants, absorption of, 1780 shaddock fruit, 1295 residues, 1776, 1781 sickle senna, 1300 in soil, mud and manure samples, turmeric, 1301–1302 1778–1779 water apple, 1295–1296 toxic effects, plants, 1780 yerba mate, 1297–1298 veterinary, 1776 Anti-Helicobacter pylori activity, 1766 in water samples, 1783–1785 Anti-HIV-1, 1607 Anti-caking agent, 1565 Antihyperglycemic activity, 1515, 1765 Anticancer, 1141, 1866, 1883 Anti-hyperglycemic property, 1512 action, 63 Antihyperlipidemic, 2025 activity, 887 Anti-hypertensive effect, 309 Anti-cancerous phenolics, 87 Antihypertensive peptides, 323 Anticarcinogenic effect, 1905–1907 as functional food ingredients, 328–330 dietary fiber, 771 from meat proteins, 330–342 Anticarcinogenic properties, 1537 mechanism of, 323–326 Anti-caries effects, 1570 production of, 326–328 Anti-diabetic, 1830 Antihypertensive properties, 402 activity, 2308 Anti-infective activity, S. nigra, 2271–2273 effect, 1885 Anti-inflammatory, 60, 373, 413, 562, 569, 570, properties, 887 573, 574, 1614, 1830, 2309 Antidiabetogenic, 1765 action, 58, 59 Anti-estrogens, 1203 peptides, 372 Anti-fertility agents, 1162 role, 574 Anti-FSH effect, 1200 Anti-insecticide movement, 1794, 1805 Antifungal, 413, 1830 Antileukoproteinase, 1234 Index 2321 Antimicrobial(s), 413, 455, 1182, 1561, Antiviral effects, 2273 1566, 1570 Anxiety, 1264

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