![UNIT 1 味道怎么样? [Wèi-Dào Zěn-Me Yàng?] How Is the Taste?](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
1 UNIT 1 味道怎么样? [wèi-dào zěn-me yàng?] How is the taste? The following is a conversation between the waitress at 好好茶餐廳 and a customer whom just arrived at the restaurant. : 你好,请问⼏位?(nǐ*-hǎo, qǐng-wèn jǐ wèi?) 你好,请问⼏位?(nei5-hou2, cing2-man6 gei2-wai2?) Hi, How many people please? : 两位,谢谢。(liǎng-wèi, xiè-xie) 两位,唔该。 (loeng5-wai2, m4-goi1) Two people, please. 我们已经订位了。(wǒ-men yǐ-jīng dìng-wèi le) 我哋已经订咗位。(ngo5-dei6 ji5-ging1 deng6 zo2 wai2) We already made a reservation. : 好的。请问你叫什么名字?(hǎo-de. qǐng-wèn nǐ jiào shén-me míng-zì?) 好。请问你叫咩名呀?(hou2. cing2-man6 nei5 giu3 me1 meng2 aa3?) Okay. What is your name, please? : 我姓叶。(wǒ xìng yè) 我姓叶。(ngo5 sing3 jip6) My last name is Yip. : 我找到了,两位请跟我来。(wǒ* zhǎo dào le, liǎng wèi qǐng gēn wǒ lái) 我搵到喇。两位请跟我嚟。(ngo5 wan2 dou2 laa3. loeng5-wai2 cing2 gan1 ngo5 lei4) Original material under copyright, 2020 Jade Jia Ying Wu 2 I found it, please come follow me. : 请问两位想喝什么? (qǐng-wèn liǎng-wèi xiǎng hē shén-me?) 请问两位想饮咩呀?(cing2-man6 loeng5-wai2 soeng2 jam2 me1 aa3?) What would you two like to drink? : 我想要⼀杯港式奶茶。(wǒ* xiǎng yào yì-bēi gǎng shì nǎi-chá) 我想要⼀杯港式奶茶。(ngo5 soeng2 jiu3 jat1-bui1 gong2-sik1 naai5-caa4) I would like a Hong Kong-style milk tea. : 我要⽔就⾏了。(wǒ yào shuǐ jiù xíng le) 我要⽔就得喇。(ngo5 jiu3 seoi2 zau6 dak1 laa3) Water is fine for me. : 你们想吃什么?(nǐ-men xiǎng chī shén-me?) 你哋想⾷咩呀?(nei5-dei6 soeng2 sik6 me1 aa3?) What would you like to eat? : 我想要⼀个鲜虾馄饨⾯。(wǒ xiǎng* yào yí-gè xiān xiā hún-tūn miàn) 我想要⼀個鲜虾馄饨⾯。(ngo5 soeng2 jiu3 jat1-go3 sin1 haa1 wan4-tan1 min6) I would like a shrimp wonton noodle soup. : 我要⼀份鸡粥和烧卖。(wǒ yào yí-fèn jī zhōu hé shāo-mài) 我要⼀份鸡粥同烧卖。(ngo5 jiu3 jat1 fan6 gai1 zuk1 tung4 siu1 maai2) I want a chicken congee and a shiu-mai. : 好的,两位等等。(hǎo de,liǎng-wèi děng* děng) 好,两位等等。(hou2, loeng5-wai2 dang2 dang2.) Okay, please wait. Original material under copyright, 2020 Jade Jia Ying Wu 3 : 味道怎么样?(wèi-dào zěn-me-yàng?) 味道點呀?(mei6-dou6 dim2 aa3?) How does it taste? : 我的馄饨⾯不错。你的鸡粥呢? (wǒ de hún-tūn miàn bú-cuò. nǐ de jī zhōu ne?) 我嘅餛飩麪唔錯。你嘅雞粥呢?(ngo5 ge3 wan4-tan1 min6 m4-co3. nei5 ge3 gai1 zuk1 ne1?) My wonton noodle soup is not bad. What about your chicken congee? : 鸡粥太咸了,烧卖味道不够。(jī zhōu tài xián le, shāo-mài wèi-dào bú gòu) 雞粥太鹹喇,燒賣唔夠味。(gai1 zuk1 taai3 haam4 laa3, siu1-maai2 m4 gau3 mei6) The chicken congee is too salty; the shiu-mai doesn’t have enough taste. : 哎呀,不⼩⼼把⽔杯倒了。(āi-ya ,bù xiǎo-xīn bǎ* shuǐ bēi dào le) 哎呀,唔⼩⼼倒瀉杯⽔。(ai1-aa3, m4 siu2-sam1 dou2 se2 bui1 seoi2) Aiya, I accidentally spilled my cup of water. : 我有餐⼱。(wǒ* yǒu cān-jīn) 我有餐⼱。(ngo5 jau5 caan1-gan1) I have napkins. Original material under copyright, 2020 Jade Jia Ying Wu 4 ⿇烦⼀下,我想要多点餐⼱ (má-fán yí-xià ,wǒ* xiǎng yào duō diǎn cān-jīn) 唔該,我想要多啲餐⼱。(m4-goi1, ngo5 soeng2 jiu3 do1 di1 caan1-gan1) Excuse me, I would like more napkins. : ⿇烦,买单。这⾥可以⽤信⽤卡吗?(má-fán,mǎi-dān 。zhè-lǐ kě*-yǐ yòng xìn-yòng kǎ ma?) 唔该,埋单。呢度可唔可以⽤信⽤卡? (m4-goi1, maai4-daan1. ni1-dou6 ho2- m4-ho2-ji5 jung6 seon3-jung6 kaat1?) Check, please. Can I use the credit card here? : 可以。嗱,你在这⾥签名。(kě*-yǐ 。na ,nǐ zài zhè-lǐ qiān míng) 可以。嗱,你喺呢度签名。(ho2-ji5. naa4, nei5 hai2 ni1-dou6 cim1 meng2) Yes, you can. There you go, you can sign here. : 谢谢。(xiè-xie) 唔該晒。(m4-goi1 saai3) Thank you so much. Original material under copyright, 2020 Jade Jia Ying Wu 5 Utensils ⼀只叉⼦ [yì-zhī chā-zi] ⼀只叉 [jat1-zek3 caa1] a fork ⼀根勺⼦ [yì-gēn sháo-zi] ⼀条匙羹 [jat1-tiu4 ci4-gang1] a spoon ⼀双筷⼦ [yì-shuāng kuài-zi] ⼀双筷⼦ [jat1-soeng1 faai3-zi2] a pair of chopsticks ⼀个碗 [yí-gè wǎn] ⼀個碗 [jat1-go3 wun2] a bowl ⼀个盘⼦ [yí-gè pán-zi] ⼀個碟 [jat1-go3 dip6] a plate ⼀块餐⼱ [yí-kuài cān-jīn] ⼀块餐⼱ [jat1-faai3 caan1-gan1] a piece of napkin How does it taste? 甜 [tián | tim4] sweet 酸 [suān | syun1] sour 苦 [kǔ | fu2] bitter 辣 [là | laat6] spicy 咸 [xián | haam4] salty 不错 [bú-cuò] 唔錯 [m4-co3] not bad 好吃 [hǎo-chī] 好⾷ [hou2-sik6] delicious 难吃 [nán-chī] 难⾷ [naan4-sik6] tastes badly 没味道 [méi wèi-dào] 冇味 [mou5 mei6] has no taste 味道不够 [wèi-dào bú gòu] 唔夠味 [ng4 gau3 mei6] has not enough flavor Comparisons 最 [zuì | zeoi3] + adj. the most… 太 [tài | taai3] + adj. too… A ⽐ [bǐ] B + adj. A + adj. + 過 [gwo3] + B A is … than B Verb 找 [zhǎo] 搵 [wan2] to find Original material under copyright, 2020 Jade Jia Ying Wu 6 来 [lái] 嚟 [lei4] to come 拿 [ná] 攞 [lo2] to bring 订位 [dìng wèi] 订位 [deng6-wai2] to make a reservation 等 [děng] 等 [dang2] to wait Adverb 已经 [yǐ-jīng] 已经 [ji5-ging1] already Useful phrases …就⾏了 […jiù xíng le ] …就得喇。[…zau6 dak1 laa3] …is fine for me. 味道怎么样? [wèi-dào zěn-me-yàng?] 味道點呀?[mei6-dou6 dim2 aa3?] How is the taste? 这⾥可以⽤信⽤卡吗?[zhè-lǐ kě*-yǐ yòng xìn-yòng kǎ ma?] 呢度可唔可以⽤信⽤卡? [ni1-dou6 ho2-m4-ho2-ji5 jung6 seon3-jung6 kaat1?] Can I use credit card here? 你在这⾥签名 [nǐ zài zhè-lǐ qiān míng] 你喺呢度簽名。 [nei5 hai2 ni1-dou6 cim1 meng2] You sign your name here. 服务态度 [fú-wù tài-dù] 服务态度 [fuk6-mou6 taai3-dou6] service (attitude) 不要葱 [bú yào cōng] 唔要葱 [m4 jiu3 cung1] no scallion Original material under copyright, 2020 Jade Jia Ying Wu 7 练习。 [liàn xí | lin6-zaap6] Practice. I. Re-read each dialogue above. List any of cognates (words that have the same characters and meanings between Cantonese and Mandarin) that you find. English Cantonese Mandarin Word (pronunciation) (pronunciation) (simplified character) may I ask cing2 man6 qǐng wèn 请问 how many gei2 wai2 jǐ wèi ⼏位 people Original material under copyright, 2020 Jade Jia Ying Wu 8 II. List any of differences between Cantonese and Mandarin that you notice from the dialogue. English Cantonese Mandarin Word (pronunciation) (pronunciation) (standard written Chinese) what me1 shén me 什么 thank you m4 goi1 xiè xie 谢谢 Original material under copyright, 2020 Jade Jia Ying Wu 9 III. What do you need for the situations on the left? Choose the most appropriate response from the right column to indicate the utensil or device you need to perform the action on the left column. 1. ___ 喝汤 [hē tāng] a. ⼀个盘⼦ [yí-gè pán-zi] 2. ___ 吃炸鸡 [chī zhà jī] b. ⼿ [shǒu] 3. ___ 吃锅贴 [chī guō-tiē] c. ⼀根勺⼦ [yì-gēn sháo-zi] 4. ___ 蒸⿂ [zhēng yú] d. ⼀块餐⼱ [yí-kuài cān-jīn] 5. ___ 把⽔杯倒了 [bǎ* shuǐ bēi dào le] e. ⼀双筷⼦ [yì-shuāng kuài-zi] IV. Listen to the following conversations and indicate the order [1-4] of the scenarios. _____ Jason is making a reservation at a restaurant _____ Jessica spilled drinks on the table _____ Armando is taking a lunch order _____ Kaitlyn is at a bakery getting pastries V. Writing a Yelp review to the most recent restaurant you just visited by using the vocabulary you learned from this unit to describe the taste of the food and the service of the meal. Original material under copyright, 2020 Jade Jia Ying Wu 10 VI. Write a few sentences to describe the scenes in the following images. 我在⼀个⾯包店… ⼩明在中国城 wǒ zài yí gè miàn bāo diàn… xiǎo-míng zài zhōng-guó chéng… VII. Translate the following sentences into Mandarin. 1.我今⽇想⾷⽜⾁麪。 [ngo5 gam1-jat6 soeng2 sik6 ngau4-juk6 min6] _________________________________________________ 2. This is too sweet. _________________________________________________ 3. 今⽇冇雞粥,但係有⿂粥。 [gam1-jat6 mou5 gai1 zuk1, daan6-hai6 jau5 jyu2 zuk1] _________________________________________________ 4. 點解你唔⾷葱? [dim2-gaai2 nei5 m4 sik6 cung1?] _________________________________________________ Original material under copyright, 2020 Jade Jia Ying Wu 11 Simplified characters writing 粉、⽜、包、位、⾁、⾯ Introduction to Jyutping – the standard Cantonese Romanization. There are 6 tones in Jyutping. Introduction to Pinyin – the standard Mandarin Romanization. 4 Tones in Pinyin Chinese Pronunciation Pronunciation Tone Pitch Translation Character with Tone is a fnal light and 吗 neutral ma interrogative unstressed particle 妈 1 mā fat mom ma 麻 2 má rising numb 马 3 mǎ rising falling horse 骂 4 mà falling scold Initials b p m f d t n l g k h j q x zh ch sh r z c s y w 16 Learn to Speak Mandarin I Original material under copyright, 2020 Jade Jia Ying Wu 12 Finals a o e i u ü ai ei ui ao ou iu ie üe er an en in un ün ang eng ing ong Whole Syllables zhi chi shi ri zi ci si yi wu yu ye yue yuan yin yun ying A beginner’s guide to mastering conversational Mandarin Chinese 17 VIII. Try to enunciate the following surnames. Chinese Character Jyutping Hong Kong Mandarin Pinyin Government Cantonese Romanization 陳 can4 Chan chén 李 lei5 Lee lǐ 張 zoeng1 Cheung zhāng 吳 ng4 Ng wú 朱 zyu1 Chu zhū 黃、王 wong4 Wong huáng Original material under copyright, 2020 Jade Jia Ying Wu 13 Note: Surnames from Hong Kong use a different romanization system than Jyutping, called Hong Kong Government Cantonese Romanization.
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