THE EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG STUDENT AFFAIRS OFFICE Point System for Hall Admission 2020/21 The review on Hall Point System for hall admission with inputs from stakeholders including current residents, student bodies, Wardens, Senior Tutors, Student Hall Tutors, Student Residents’ Associations and all student is held annually. A series of consultation sessions, focus group discussions and online consultation were conducted from October 2019 to January 2020 to collect views from various stakeholders on the Hall Point System. Based on stakeholders’ views collected, the hall point ratio and maximum points capped in various sections would remain unchanged for implementation in the Hall Admission for 2020/21. The Point System for Hall Admission for 2020/21 as approved by the Student Affairs Committee in March 2020 is as follows. Maximum Hall Point Section Allocation Criteria Hall Points Distribution A Daily Commuting Time based on Home Location 53 50% B Types of Living Quarters 7 (60) C Participation in Student Activities & Hall Activities 15 Current University Representation & Leadership Role in D 30 Student Organization 50% (60) E No Prior Hall Experience 10 F Students’ Achievements 5 Please read carefully before proceeding to the next step of application. *** GUIDING PRINCIPLES *** 1. The Point System applies to all eligible full-time students. 2. In Section C, only those activities organized by student organizations and/or departments/ centres/ offices of the University from 1 May 2019 to 30 April 2020 are considered. 3. In Section D, points will only be given to posts being taken up at the time of application so as to facilitate students’ active campus involvement. 4. In Section F, only those achievements awarded by recognized institutes from 1 Sep 2018 to 31 Aug 2019 are considered. 5. To enhance accuracy and integrity of student data in calculating the hall points of students for Sections C and F in Hall Admission 2020/21, validated student data available on the e-SIS in the following categories of Experiential Learning and Achievement Transcripts (ELAT) will be automatically transferred to the iHostel System (respectively for Section C and Section F of the Hall Point System) before the application period: i. Category A - Awards and Scholarships ii. Category B - Student Participation in Experiential Learning Activities Applicants will be allowed to input additional records into the iHostel System if there are still vacancies in each of the two sections concerned after their available ELAT data have been transferred. Applicants need to check their ELAT records via e-SIS from time to time, and approach the record-reporting units for amendments before and/or during the hall application period in the Hall Management Section, SAO (8 April 2020) Page 1 of 14 event of missing records or errors. 6. Student data of Section D will be validated and provided by respective parties. The data will be pre-uploaded to iHostel System before the application period. Students need to approach the record-reporting units for amendments before and/or during the hall application period in the event of missing records or errors. 7. Student who provides false supporting documents and/or incorrect records intentionally may result in deduction of hall points, disqualification of application and/or disciplinary action. The Student Affairs Office (SAO) will conduct counter-checking on the applications through interview or other means. 8. The Student Affairs Office (SAO) reserves the right for final decision and interpretation on the Point System. SECTION A DAILY COMMUTING TIME BASED ON HOME LOCATION Hall point in this Section refers to the commuting time as given by the Hong Kong eTransport of the Transport Department, checked and justified in February 2020. As resolved by Student Affairs Committee, Shenzhen of Mainland China will be set as the farthest location accepted to be used in the calculation of daily commuting time for local students using non-local addresses in their hall application. Considering customs and immigration clearance will be involved for daily travelling, maximum point will be awarded of this group of students in this Section. For applicants with local student status using non-local address beyond Shenzhen of Mainland China, the hall point in this Section will be forfeited as it was resolved by the Student Affairs Committee that Shenzhen of Mainland China should be the farthest acceptable commuting distance to and back from the University on a daily basis. If any changes of home address from Banner, all applicants are required to upload valid address proof via online iHostel System during the application period, otherwise, the hall point in this Section will be forfeited. For details of valid supporting documents, please refer to Annex II. Home locations below are listed in alphabetical order. All information was checked via the Hong Kong eTransport of the Transport Department as at February 2020. Home Location Code Point Home Location Code Point Hong Kong Island (in alphabetical order) Aberdeen Centre 香港仔中心 A19 41 Pok Fu Lam(Baguio Villa) 薄扶林(碧瑤灣) A21 46 Aberdeen(Shek Pai Wan Estate) 香港仔(石排灣邨) A19 41 Quarry Bay Station 鰂魚涌鐵路站 A17 37 Aberdeen(Tin Wan Estate) 香港仔(田灣邨) A20 44 Repulse Bay 淺水灣 A21 46 Aberdeen(Wah Fu Estate) 香港仔(華富邨) A20 44 Sai Wan Ho Station 西灣河鐵路站 A17 37 Admiralty Station 金鐘鐵路站 A16 35 Sai Ying Pun Station 西營盤鐵路站 A17 37 Ap Lei Chau(Lei Tung Station) 鴨脷洲(利東鐵路站) A18 39 Shau Kei Wan Station 筲箕灣鐵路站 A18 39 Ap Lei Chau(South Horizons Station) 鴨脷洲(海怡半島鐵 A19 41 Shau Kei Wan(Yiu Tung 筲箕灣(耀東邨) A18 39 路站) Estate) Braemar Hill 寶馬山 A20 44 Shek O 石澳 A24 53 Causeway Bay Station 銅鑼灣鐵路站 A17 37 Sheung Wan Station 上環鐵路站 A17 37 Central Station 中環鐵路站 A16 35 Siu Sai Wan 小西灣 A22 48 Central(Hong Kong Station) 中環(香港鐵路站) A16 35 Stanley 赤柱 A23 50 Chai Wan Station 柴灣鐵路站 A19 41 Stubbs Road 司徒拔道 A19 41 Fortress Hill Station 炮台山鐵路站 A18 39 Tai Hang Road 大坑道 A20 44 Happy Valley 跑馬地 A19 41 Tai Koo Station 太古鐵路站 A19 41 Heng Fa Chuen Station 杏花邨鐵路站 A19 41 The Peak 山頂 A20 44 HKU Station 香港大學鐵路站 A18 39 The Redhill Peninsula 紅山半島 A24 53 Kennedy Road 堅尼地道 A18 39 Tin Hau Station 天后鐵路站 A17 37 Kennedy Town Station 堅尼地城鐵路站 A18 39 Wan Chai Station 灣仔鐵路站 A16 35 Mount Davis 摩星嶺 A21 46 Wong Chuk Hang Station 黃竹坑鐵路站 A18 39 North Point Station 北角鐵路站 A18 39 Wong Chuk Hang(Ocean 黃竹坑(海洋公園鐵路 A17 37 Park Station) 站) Pok Fu Lam 薄扶林 A21 46 Yue Wan Estate 漁灣邨 A20 44 Home Location Code Point Home Location Code Point Kowloon (in alphabetical order) Hall Management Section, SAO (8 April 2020) Page 2 of 14 Austin Station 柯士甸鐵路站 A14 30 Lam Tin(Ping Tin Estate) 藍田(平田邨) A15 32 Cha Kwo Ling 茶果嶺 A18 39 Lam Tin(Tak Tin Estate) 藍田(德田邨) A17 37 Chak On Estate 澤安邨 A15 32 Lei Yue Mun 鯉魚門 A18 39 Cheung Sha Wan Station 長沙灣鐵路站 A14 30 Lok Fu Station 樂富鐵路站 A12 26 Choi Fai Estate 彩輝邨 A16 35 Mei Foo Station 美孚鐵路站 A15 32 Choi Hung Station 彩虹鐵路站 A13 28 Mong Kok East Station 旺角東鐵路站 A12 26 Choi Hung(Ping Shek Estate) 彩虹(坪石邨) A14 30 Mong Kok Station 旺角鐵路站 A14 30 Choi Wan Estate 彩雲邨 A15 32 Nam Cheong Station 南昌鐵路站 A15 32 Diamond Hill Station 鑽石山鐵路站 A13 28 Ngau Tau Kok Station 牛頭角鐵路站 A14 30 Fu Cheong Estate 富昌邨 A15 32 Prince Edward Station 太子鐵路站 A13 28 Fu Shan Estate 富山邨 A15 32 San Po Kong 新蒲崗 A13 28 Ho Man Tin Station 何文田鐵路站 A15 32 Sau Mau Ping 秀茂坪 A17 37 Ho Man Tin(Ho Man Tin Estate) 何文田(何文田邨) A14 30 Sau Mau Ping (On Tat Estate) 秀茂坪(安達邨) A16 35 Ho Man Tin(Oi Man Estate) 何文田(愛民邨) A15 32 Sau Mau Ping Estate 秀茂坪邨 A16 35 Ho Man Tin(Shek Ku Street) 何文田(石鼓街) A14 30 Sham Shui Po Station 深水埗鐵路站 A14 30 Hung Hom Station 紅磡鐵路站 A12 26 Shek Kip Mei Station 石硤尾鐵路站 A13 28 Jordan Station 佐敦鐵路站 A14 30 Shek Kip Mei(Pak Tin Estate) 石硤尾(白田邨) A14 30 Kai Tak Station 啟德鐵路站 A13 28 Shun Lee Estate 順利邨 A16 35 Kai Yip Estate 啟業邨 A13 28 Tai Kok Tsui 大角咀 A16 35 Kowloon Bay Station 九龍灣鐵路站 A13 28 Tai Kok Tsui(Olympic Station) 大角咀(奧運鐵路站) A16 35 Kowloon City 九龍城 A14 30 To Kwa Wan 土瓜灣 A16 35 Kowloon City (Kai Ching Estate) 九龍城(啟晴邨) A13 28 Tsim Sha Tsui Station 尖沙咀鐵路站 A15 32 Kowloon Station 九龍鐵路站 A17 37 Tsim Sha Tsui(East Tsim Sha 尖沙咀(尖東鐵路站) A14 30 Tsui Station) Kowloon Tong Station 九龍塘鐵路站 A12 26 Tsz Wan Shan 慈雲山 A15 32 Kwun Tong Station 觀塘鐵路站 A14 30 Tsz Wan Shan(Tsz Oi Court) 慈雲山(慈愛苑) A15 32 Kwun Tong(Lok Wah Estate) 觀塘(樂華邨) A17 37 Tung Wui Estate 東匯邨 A15 32 Kwun Tong(Tsui Ping) 觀塘(翠屏) A15 32 Whampoa Station 黃埔鐵路站 A15 32 Kwun Tong(Yuet Wah Street) 觀塘(月華街) A14 30 Wong Tai Sin (Tung Tau Estate) 黃大仙(東頭邨) A14 30 Lai Chi Kok Station 荔枝角鐵路站 A15 32 Wong Tai Sin Station 黃大仙鐵路站 A13 28 Lai Chi Kok(Hoi Lai Estate) 荔枝角(海麗邨) A16 35 Wong Tai Sin(Chuk Yuen Estate) 黃大仙(竹園邨) A13 28 Lam Tin Station 藍田鐵路站 A15 32 Yau Ma Tei Station 油麻地鐵路站 A14 30 Lam Tin(Hing Tin Estate) 藍田(興田邨) A17 37 Yau Tong (Yau Lai Estate) 油塘(油麗邨) A14 30 Lam Tin(Kai Tin Estate) 藍田(啟田邨) A15 32 Yau Tong (Yau Mei Court) 油塘(油美苑) A16 35 Lam Tin(Kwong Tin Estate) 藍田(廣田邨) A17 37 Yau Tong Station 油塘鐵路站 A16 35 Lam Tin(Laguna City) 藍田(麗港城) A16 35 Yau Tong(Ko Chun Court) 油塘(高俊苑) A17 37 Home Location Code Point Home Location Code Point New Territories and Outlying Islands (in alphabetical order) Cheung Chau 長洲 A24 53 Tin Shui Wai(Tin Chak 天水圍(天澤邨) A19 41 Estate) Clear Water Bay Bus Terminus 清水灣巴士總站 A22 48 Tin Shui Wai(Tin Chung 天水圍(天頌苑) A18 39 Court) Discovery Bay 愉景灣 A23 50 Tin Shui Wai(Tin Fu Court) 天水圍(天富苑) A19 41 Fanling Station 粉嶺鐵路站 A09 19 Tin Shui Wai(Tin Heng 天水圍(天恆邨) A19 41 Estate) Fanling(Luen Wo Hui) 粉嶺(聯和墟) A11 23 Tin Shui Wai(Tin Oi Court) 天水圍(天愛苑) A18 39 Fanling(Wah Ming Estate) 粉嶺(華明邨) A10 21 Tin Shui Wai(Tin Shing 天水圍(天盛苑) A19 41 Court) Fanling(Wo Hop Shek)
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