Relevé épidém. hebd. I 1964, 39, 229-240 N" 20 Wkly Epidem. Ree. / ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTÉ WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION GENÈVE GENEVA RELEVÉ ÉPIDÉMIOLOGIQUE HEBDOMADAIRE WEEKLY EPIDEMIOLOGICAL RECORD Notifications et informations se rapportant à l’application Notifications under and infotmation on the application of the du Règlement sanitaire international et notes relatires à la International Sanitary Regulations and notes on current incidence fréquence de certaines maladies of certain diseases Service de la Quarantaine Internationale International Quarantine Service Adresse télégraphique; EPIDNAUONS, GENÈVE Telegraphic address: EPIDNATIONS, GENÈVE 15 MAI 1964 SPo ANNÉE — 39"* YEAR 15 MAY 1964 MALADIES QUARANTENAIRES — QUARANTINABLE DISEASES Territoires infectés an 14 mai 1964 — Infected areas as on 14 May 1964 Notifîcaüozis reçues aux tenues du Règlement sanitaire international Notifications received under the International Sanitary Regulations relating concernant les diconscriptions infectées ou les territoires où la présence to infected local areas and to areas in which the presence of quarantinable de matodies quarantenaiies a été signalée (voir page 225). diseases was reported (see page 225). B = Circonscriptions ou territoires notifiés aux tenues de Tarticle 3 à la a Areas notified under Article 3 on the date indicated. date donnée. Autres territoires où la présence de maladies quarantenaires a été notifiée Other areas in which the presence of quarantinable diseases was notified aux termes des articles 4, 5 et 9 a): under Articles 4,5 and 9 (a): A = pendant la période indiquée sous le nom de chaque maladie; À = during the period indicated under the heading of each dhease; B — antérieurement à la période indiquée sous le nom de chaque maladie; B a prior to the period indicated under the heading of each disease; * =: territoires nouvellement infectés. * = newly infected areas. PESTE — p l a g u e ÉQUATEUR — ECUADOR Tuyen-Duc, Province Andhra Pradesh, State Manabiy Province Ductrong, District . B 18.IV Chittoor, District . , ■ 2».U 26.IV-14.V Portovlejo, Canton Cuddappah, District ■ 10.Vni.63 B 4.1 Portovîejo» Parr. .... ■ i.x n .62 « East Godavari, District CHOLÉRA — CHOLERA Guntur, District . , ■ 31.Xn.69 Alriqne — Abica Sucre, Canton Hyderabad, District. ■ 7.H.63 26.IV-14.V Kariumagar, District ■ 13.H Bahia de Caraquez, Parr. B 29.n Medak, District . ■ 28.m Charapoto, Patr. .... ■ l.x n .62 CONGO (LfopoldviUe) Asie — Asia Nellore, District , . « 13.H San Vicente, Parr, . ■ l.XU.62 Nizamabad, District ■ s.xn.63 Kivu, Province BIRMANIE — BURMA Visakhapatnam, District . ■ 5.V.63 Nord-Kivu, District PÉROU — PERU Akyab (PA) West Godavari, District , ■ 27.Xn.S9 Lubero, T c i r . ............... B 22.IV (excl. airport) .... ■ 10.Vm.63 Assam, State Huancabamba, Prov, Bassein (P) ................... A 9.V Moulmein ( P ) ............... ■ 20.IX.63 Sibsagar, District . 1 18.IV Orientate, Province Huancabamba, District . B 2i.m KIbali-llurl, District Rangoon (PA) (excl. air­ Bihar, State port) ........................... ■ 4.VI.63 Ojoga,Tcrr.................... A 4.V Bhagalpur, District . ■ 3.VHI.63 Arakan, Division Darbhanga, District , . ■ 8.IV Asie — Asia Akyab, District............... ■ 20.IX.63 Muzaffaipur, District . ■ 9.V.61 Patna, District............... ■ 20.V.63 KENYA Irrawaddy, Division Pumea, District .... ■ 23.XI.63 Central Region INDE — INDIA Bassein, District .... A 9.V Santal Parganas, District. ■ 3.Vni.63 Shahabad, District . ■ 7.K .63 Fort Hall, Oistiict B 7.in Andhra Pradesh, State Kerala, State Chittoor» District . • • . ■ 17.vra.63 Insein, D istrict............... B 25.1V Trivandrum, District . ■ S.X.63 Mat^as, State Tenasserim, Division SUIMIUEST AFRICAIN Salem, D istrict................ ■ 30.V.62 Amherst, District .... A 9.V Madras, State SOUTH-WEST AFRICA Chingleput, District . , . ■ 30.XI.63 Mysore, State Karen, State .... ■ 20.IX.63 Ovamboland, Diatrict . B 24.HI Coimbatore, District . ■ 14.IX.63 Kolar, D istrict................ ■ 11.VH.61 Kanyakumari, District . ■ 28.IX.63 CAMBODGE — CAMBODIA Madurai, District .... M 24.Vm.63 Phnom-Penh (PA). ■ 6.IV North Arcot, District . a 25.X.62 TANGANYIKA VIET-NAM, RÉP. DU Kratié, Province .... b 25.IV Ramanathapuram, VIET-NAM, REP. OF D istric t....................... ■ 26.X.63 KRbnardaro, Région Nhatrang(PA)............... A 9.V HONGKONG............... ■ 30.IV South Arcot, District . , ■ 31.1.63 F aie ,D istn c t................ ■ 12.H Saigon CE*A exdus) . A 9.V Tanjore, District .... • io.vm .63 TirucbiiapaUi, District. ■ 10.vm,63 INDE — INDIA • Gia-Dinh, Province . A 9.V Tirunclveii, District . ■ io.vm .63 Calcutta (PA) ^ ............... ■ 17.m.56 ABibiqa. — Amarica K arik alC P )................... • i4.IX,63 Maharashtra, State Camlam, District .... A 2.V Tiruchirapalli (A ). b 21.X11.63 Ahmednagar, District . ■ l.vn.63 BRÉSIL — BRAZIL ' Dien-Khanb, District . B 25.IV Amraoti, District .... ■ 25.IV Ninhhoa, District .... B 25.IV ^ A l’exclusion de la circonscription de Aurangabad, District . ■ i8 .m Ahtgoas, State « Vanninh, District .... A 9.V Taéroport de Dum-Dum. — Excluding Bhir, District................... > 19.X.63 Quebiangulo, Dep. , . B 31.HI Vinhxuong, District . • A 9.V local area of Dum Dum airport. Buldbana, District . ■ u .m — 230 East Khandesh, District • ■ 13.Vn.63 Rizal, Prov. (excl. Manila BRÉSIL — BRAZIL DAHOMEY Kolaba, District .... ■ 10.X.63 (A))............................... ■ 6.VD.63 Mato Grosso, State Nanded, District .... ■ i.n Rizal Prov.:Caloocan ■ 13.Vn.63 Centre Dép. Préf. Barra do Bugres, Dep. , A 4.V Zagnanado, Cbc. mid. Nasik, D istrict............... ■ i2.m Mindanao, Group B31.in Osmanabad, District. ■ 21.U1 Sud Dip. Prif. Parbhani, District . ■ 29.n Misamis Oriental, Prov.: G ingoog....................... ■ 14.m COLOMBIE — COLOMBIA Ouidah, Ciic. mid. A21.IV Poona, District................ ■ 26.X.63 Caldas, Dep, Satara North, District , . ■ 16.Xn.63 É n n o p m —ETHIOPIA ■ 2I.V.S7 Satara South, District , . ■ 13.XI.63 THAÏLANDE — THAILAND La Norcasia, M. , A 5.m Sholapur, District. ■ 27.Vn.63 Bangkok (exd. PA) . A 9.V Putumayo, Comlsarta GABON Thana, District............... ■ 22.IV Puerto Asis, M................. B 27.XH Chantburi, Province . B 18.IV Estuaire, Rigion .... A18.IV * Wardha, District . ■ 12.V Chiangrai, Province . A 9.V Santander, Dep. West Khandesh, District. ■ 3.m Khonkaen, Province . A 2.V Puerto Wilches, M. B 22.1 GAMBIE — GAMBIA Yeotmal, District . ■ 2 4 .ni Lampang, Province . , . A 2.V Gambia, Protectorate Mysore^ State Nakhon Pathom, Province B 18.IV ♦ Narathiwat, Province . A 9.V PÉROU — PERU MacCarthy Is., Division . ■ 22.H Bangalore, District . B 4.IV Nontburi, Province . , , A 9.V Huanuco, Dep, Belgaum, D istrict. B 11.IV GHANA Phichit, I^ovince .... B 18.IV Huamaiies, Province Bijapur, District . ■ 24.ni ' Phitsnulok, Province . , B 18.IV Eastern Region Dharwar, District . ■ 5.m Monzon, District .... A18.IU Phuket, Province .... A 9.V New Juabeng, District . ■ 15.IV Gulbarga, District . ■ 3.VII.61 Leoncio Prado, Province Ratchburi, Province . B 18.IV Northern Region * Kolar, D istrict............... ■ l.V SamutPrsJcan, Province . ■ 24.VU.63 Damaso Baraun, District B 6.H Mandya, District . , ■ 21.IV Samut Songkhram, I^o- Padre Luyando, District . A 7.W Gonja, D istrict................ a 27.IV North Kanara, District . ■ 26.m v in c e ........................... A 9.V Rupa^Rupa, District. , A 22.ni Tumkur, District . ■ 22.n Sukhothai, Province . A 2.V Junin, Dep. GUINÉE — GUINEA Orissa^ State Suratthani, Province . • B 18.IV • Boffa, R ig io n ............... A 2.V Tak, P ro v in c e................ B18.IV Tarma, Province Mamou, Rigion .... A 18.IV Balasore, District . ■ i.xn.6i San Ramon, District . « B 18.1 Cuttack, District . ■ 8.n.58 Uttaradit, Province , . A 9.V Tilimili, Rigion .... A 25.IV Ga^am, District . « . , ■ 30.vn.62 Puri, D istrict.................. ■ i4 .m VIET-NAM, RÉP. DU VENEZUELA HAUTE-VOLTA — UPPER VOLTA Sundergarh, District . ■ 29.n VIET-NAM, REP. OF Bolivar, State Ouabigouya, Cercle . B 7.W Caroni, District . A17.H Tripura^ Territory . , m 25.V.59 Danang (Tourane) (P) . A 2.V Nhatrang(PA) .... A 9.V KENYA Uttar Pradesh, State Saigon (PA) (aéroport ex- Nyama, Region . A 25JV Basti, District .... ■ 12.XI.63 clu )............................... A 9.V Lucknow, District . ■ 27.XI.63 An-Xuyen, Province . À 9.V VARIOLE — SMALLPOX Kisumu, District (excl. airport) .... A 25.IV Ba-Xuyen, Province . A 9.V I2.IV-14.V West Bengal, State Binh-Dinh, Province. A 2.V North Nyanza, District . A 25JV Buidwan, District. ■ 6.n.58 Chuong-Thien, Province . A 2.V Afrique — Africa Rift Valley, Region . A 9.V Hooghly, District . ■ 3.m.63 Dinh-Tuong, Province. A 9.V Howrah, District . ■ 9.m.62 Kciidio, District .... A 25.IV Gocong, Province . A 9.V AFRIQLIE DU SUD Malda, District. ■ 2.XI.63 * Hau-Nghia, Province . Â 9.V * Laikipia, District .... A 9.V Midnapur, District . ■ 10.Vm.63 Khanh-Hoa, Prov.: SOUTH AFRICA Trans Nzoia, District . A 2.V Murshidabad, District . ■ 24.m.63 Port Elizabeth OP) . B 7.IV Dien-Khanh, D. , , . A 9.V Western Region , . B lUV Nadia, District .... ■ 7.m.63 Khanh-Hoa, Prov.; Cape, Province 24-Parganas, District . ■ 25.H.63 Ninh-Hoa, District . Â 9.V Albany, District .... B 2JV LIBÉRIA — LIBERIA . ■ 15.10.» Khanh-Hoa, Prov.; Alexandria, District . B ZIV Vinhxuong, D ............... A 9.V Humansdorp, District . B 7.IV MALI * Kien-Hoa, Province . Â 9.V INDONÉSIE — INDONESIA Port Elizabeth, District . B 7.W Gao, Région Long-An, Province . A 9.V Uitenhage, District . B. 17.m Sulawesi, Province Ninh-Thuan, Province . A Tombouctou, Cercle . A 26.IV 9.V Transvaal, Province Pleiku, Province .... A 9.V Kayes, Région Selajar, Regency .... B 22.11 Letaba, District................ B 10.m Quang-Nam, Province . À 9.V Nioro, C ercle ............... A 26.IV (Juang-Ngai, Province . A 9.V Middleburg, District . A 30JV Quang-Tin. Province . A 2.V Nelspruit, District . B 3.1V Moptl, Region MALAISIE — MALAYSIA Tây-Ninh, Province . , A 2.V B ilg e ’s Rest, District . B 21.Xn.63 Djenni, Cercle............... A 26.IV Malaya Thua-Thiên, Prov.: Hué .

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