TUESDAY, MAYMYI,1, 1962 9:459:45 -- 9:50 am The PrePresidentsident met with the following of the Worcester Junior Chamber of CommeCommerce,rce, MasMassachusettssachusetts in the Rose Garden: Don Cookson JJamesarne s Oulighan Larry Samberg JeffreyJeffrey Richard JohnJohn Klunk KennethKenneth ScScottott GeorgeGeorge Donatello EdwardEdward JaffeJaffe RichardRichard MulhernMulhern DanielDaniel MiduszenskiMiduszenski StazrosStazros GaniaGaniass LouiLouiss EdmondEdmond TheyThey werewere accorrpaccompaniedanied by CongresCongressmansman HaroldHarold D.D. DonohueDonohue - TUESDAY,TUESbAY J MAY 1, 1962 8:45 atn LEGISLATIVELEGI~LATIVE LEADERS BREAKFAST The{['he Vice President Speaker John W. McCormackMcCortnack Senator Mike Mansfield SenatorSenato r HubertHube rt HumphreyHUInphrey Senator George SmatherStnathers s CongressmanCongresstnan Carl Albert CongressmanCongresstnan Hale BoggBoggs s Hon. Lawrence O'Brien Hon. Kenneth O'Donnell0 'Donnell Hon. Pierre Salinger Hon. Theodore Sorensen 9:35 amatn The President arrived in the office. (See insert opposite page) 10:32 - 10:55 amatn The President mettnet with a delegation fromfrotn tktre Friends'Friends I "Witness for World Order": Henry J. Cadbury, Haverford, Pa. Founder of the AmericanAtnerican Friends Service CommitteeCOtntnittee ( David Hartsough, Glen Mills, Pennsylvania Senior at Howard University Mrs. Dorothy Hutchinson, Jenkintown, Pa. Opening speaker, the Friends WitnessWitnes~ for World Order Mr. Samuel Levering, Arararat, Virginia Chairman of the Board on Peace and.and .... Social Concerns Edward F. Snyder, College Park, Md. Executive Secretary of the Friends Committe on National Legislation George Willoughby, Blackwood Terrace, N. J. Member of the crew of the Golden Rule (ship) and the San Francisco to Moscow Peace Walk (Hon. McGeorgeMkGeorge Bundy) (General Chester V. Clifton 10:57 - 11:02 am (Congre(Congresswomansswoman Edith Green, Oregon) OFF TRECO 11:15 - 11:58 am H. E. Herve Alphand x AmbasAmbassadorsador of France ( TUESDAY, MAY 1, 1962 Page 2 12:0012:OO - 12:16 pm The President signed S. 205 - The Educational TV Bill The following attended the signing ceremony: The Vice PrePresidentsident Senator Mike Mansfield Senator Hubert Humphrey Senator George Smathers SpeakeSpeakerr John W. McCormack Congressman Carl Albert Congressman Hale Bog gsg s Senator Warren Magnuson Senator John Pastore Senator Norris Cotton Senator Clifford Case Congressman Oren Harris Congressman John Moss Congressman Morgan Moulder Congressman William SpringerSpringe r Corg ressman J. Arthur Younger Congressman Paul Schenck Hon.Hon. Abraham RibicoffRibicoff ( Hon. Newton N. MinowMinow Mr.Mr. WilliamWilliam HarleyHarley Mr.Mr. LeonardLeonard MarksMarks Mr.Mr. JohnJohn BystromBystrom Mr.Mr. Nicholas Zapple 12 :20 - 1:02 pm TheThe PrePresidentsident met with thethe followingfollowing reprerepresentativesentative ss 0o thethe ArneArne ricanrican MedicalMedical AsAssociation: sociation: Dr.Dr. LeonardLeonard W.W. Larson,Larson, PresidentPresident l Dr.Dr. NormanNorman A.A. Welch,Welch, Speaker,Speaker, HouseHouse ofof DelegatesDelegates Dr.Dr. HughHugh H.H. Hussey,Hussey, Chairman,Chairman, 'Bc.E.Ml'B.r~rl;dofof TrusteesTrustees \\ Dr.Dr. PercyPercy E.E. Hopkins,Hopkins, ViceVice Chairman,Chairman,Bd.Bd. ofof TrusteeTrustee \ \ Dr.Dr. F.J.L.F. J. L. Blasingame,Blasingame, Exec.Exec. ViceVice PresidentPresident Dr.Dr. ErnestErnest B.B. Howard,Howard, Asst.Asst. ExecutiveExecutive ViceVice PrePresidensider Dr.Dr. EdwardEdward R.R. AnnisAnnis Hon.Hon. AbrahamAbraham RibicoffRibicoff Hon.Hon. BoisfeuilletBoisfeuillet Jones,Jones, HEWHEW ( TUESDAY,TUESDAY, MAYMAY 1, 1962 PagePage 33 1:041:04 -- 1:171: 17 pmpm TheThe PresidentPresident receivedreceived aa groupgroup ofof membersmembers ofof thethe PoliticalPolitical ClubClub ofof thethe EvangelicalEvangelical (Lutheran)(Lutheran) AcademyAcademy inin BavariaBavaria (Germany)(Germany):: Peter S. Benedict Rudolf RenneRenner r Kurt Buschinger Paul Rieger Helmut EhleEhlert rt Walter von LaRocLaRo< Wilhelm von Gwinner Helmut Rudinger George Ineson Walter Schafer Emit Kroher Peter Schnidhube Ernst-Maria Lang Carl-Ludwig Friedrich MageMager r Wolfram Stronk Schulz WilhelrnWilhelm Maschne Friedrich ThumseThumser r George Volkheimer Eugen NusNusselt selt Christian Parche Karl-Heinz Wocker Otto Pfaffel The following accompanied: Lawrence C. Merthan, Asst. to Senator McCarthy Miss Mary Kinsella, Senator McCarthy's staff 1:20 pm = 1:40 pm The following group from Durham, N. C. met with the PresidentPre sident in the Cabinet Room: Sam Castleman Pete Wampole Carl Littlejohn George Watts Carr ( Wesley Lewis Kenneth Royal Frank Gray Mack White Jack Rogers Frank Keenan Congressman Horace R. Kornegay Mayor E. J. Evans (Henry Wilson accompanadcornpar 1:55 pm The President went to the Mansion (LUNCH) 4:12 pm Returned to the office. 4:15 - 4:22 pm (Mrs. Margaret Burke) (Mr. Charles Burke) OFF RECCREC< (Mrs. Devine) (Mis(Misss 0O'Neill)'Neill) 4:30 - 5:27 pm OFF THE RECORD MEETING re Dominican Republic: (Hon.(Hon. George McGhee) (Mr.(Mr. Edwin Martin) (Raphael(Raphael Pico)Pico) (Ambassador(Ambassador JohnJohn Martin)Martin) (Hon.(Hon. TeodoroTeodoro Moscoso,Moscoso, AID) (Mr.(Mr. NewellNewel1 Williams)Williams) AID) (Mr.(Mr. WalterWalte r Lingle)Lingle) ( (Hon.(Hon. RalphRalph Dungan)Dungan) to TUESDAY,TUESDAY, MAYMAY 1,1, 19621962 PagePage 44 5:305:30 -- 5:585:58 pmpm (Hon.(Hon. ElvisElvi s Stahr)Stahr) OFFOFF THETHE RECORDRECORD (Secretary(Secretary ofof thethe Army)Army) 6:03 - 7:00 pm TheThe PresidentPresident metmet withwith thethe Labor-ManagementLabor-Management AdvisoAdviso CommitteeCommittee andand receivedreceived itsits report:report: ElliottElliott V.V. BellBell ChairmanChairman ofof thethe ExecutiveExecutive CommitteeCommittee McGrawMcGraw-Hill -Hill PublishingPublishing Co.Co., , Inc.Inc. Joseph L.L. BlockBlock Chairman of thethe BoardBoard of Directors InlandInland Steel Company Hy-manHyman Bookbinder Special Assistant toto thethe Secretary of Commer David Burke Staff Assistant, President's Advisory Commi on Labor Management Policy Arthur F. Burns President, National Bur eau of Economic Res-Res­ David L. Cole Attorney and Arbitrator, Cole, Berman & Ga ( John C. Donovan, Assistant to the Under Secretar of Labor David Dubinsky President, International Ladies I' Garment Workers' Union Henry Ford II11 Chairman, Board of Directors, Ford Motor (< John M. Franklin Chairman, Board of Directors United States Lines Company Hon. Arthur J. Goldberg, Secretary of Labor Edward R. Gudeman, Under SecretarySecretary of Labor GeorgeGeorge M. Harrison President, Brothet:hoodBrotherhood of Railway ClerksClerks LutherLuther H.H. Hodges,Hodges, Secretarysecretary ofof CommerceCommerce JosephJoseph D.D. KeenanKeenan Secretary,Secretary, InternationalInternational BrotherhoodBrotherhood ofof ElectricalElectrical WorkersWorkers ThomaThoma ss KennedyKennedy President,President, UnitedUnited MineMine WorkersWorkers ofof AmericaAmerica Dr.Dr. ClarkClark Kerr,Kerr, PrePresident,sident, UniversityUniversity ofof CalifCalif0101 ( (continued)(continued) TUESDAY, MAY 1, 1962 Page ! 6:03 - 7:00 pm LABOR-MANAGEMENT Advisory Committee list continued: David J. McDonald, President, United Steelworkers of America Ralph E. McGill Publisher, The Atlanta Constitution George Meany PrePresident,sident, AFL-6iIOAFL-GI0 Walter P. Reuther President, United Automobile Workers of Americ Richard S. Reynolds, Jr. President, Reynolds Metals Company George W. Taylor ProfesProfessorsor of Labor Relations Univ.ersityUniv.~C sity of Pennsylvania Thomas J. Watson, Jr. Chairman of the Board, International Business Machines Corporation W. Willard Wirtz . ( Under Secretary of Labor 7:00 - 7:50 pm (Mr. George Hunt) OFFOFFTHERECORDTHE RECORD (Edito(Editor,r, Life Magazine) .,.? '".',-.I:~ (Mr. Hank Suydam) 7:50 - 7:55 pm (Honorable Robert Wagner) OFFOFFTHETHE RECOR (Mayor of New York City) 7:55 pm The President and Mayor Wagner went to the Mansion. ( WEDNESDXYWEDNESDXY,, MAYMAY 2,2, 19621962 9:459:45 -- 10:0810:08 amam Hon.Hon. W.W. AverellAverell Harrim.anHarriman AssistantAssistant SecretarySecretary ofof StateState forfor FarFar EasternEastern AffairsAffairs 10:0010:OO -- 10:0810:08 amam {Admiral(Admiral AlanAlan Kirk,Kirk, Ret.}Ret. ) OFFOFFTHERECORDTHE RECORD 10:0910:09 -- 10:2510:25 amam GeneralGeneral ChesterChester V.V. CliftonClifton 1010:35: 3 5 -- 111:35 1: 35 amam Hon.Hon. AdlaiAdlai E.E. StevensonStevenson U.U. S.S. RepreRepresentativesentative toto thethe UnitedUnited NationsNations Hon.Hon. ArthurArthur SchlesingerSchlesinger 1111:35:3 5 -- 12:12:1818 pmpm {Hon.(Hon. GeorgeGeorge Ball}Ball) OFFOFFTHERECORDTHE RECORD {Hon.(Won. AverellAve re11 Harriman}Harriman) {Mr.(Mr. DeDe smondsmond Fitzgerald}Fitzgerald) {Hon.(Hon. MichaelMichael Forresta1}Forrestal) {Hon.(Hon. RosweRoswe11 11 Gilpatric}Gilpatric) {General(General EdwardEdward Lansdale}Lansdale) {Hon.(Hon. McGeorgeMcGeorge Bundy}Bundy) (Mr.(Mr. RayRay Cline)Cline) (Mr.(Mr. RogerRoger Hilsman)Hilsman) ( {General(General MaxwellMaxwell Taylor}Taylor) 12 :30 - 1:0 7 pm Hon.Hon. JamesJames M.M. GavinGavin U.U. S.S. AmbassadorAmbassador toto FranceFrance 1: 15 - 1:35 pm E.E . AllanAllan Lightner,Lightne r , Jr.J r. Minister,Minister, AssistantAssistant ChiefChief U.U. S.S. Mission,Mission, BerlinBerlin 1: 45 - 1:55 pm Mr.Mr. andand Mrs.Mrs. HymanHyrnan RaskinRaskin 1:58 pm TheThe PresidentPresident wentwent toto thethe Mansion.Mansion. (LUNCH)(LUNCH) 4:00 pm {Hon.(Hon. ArthurArthur SchleSchlesinger} singer) OFFOFFTHE THE RECORDRECORD {Hon.(Hon. LeeLee White}White)
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